Grammy Awards

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    So I watched the Grammy Awards last night..OK, I switched over to PBS HD channel to catch a great story about this old guy that is searching for the worlds largest crocodilesbut, I must say that the Grammy Awards were a disappointment for me. The winners, the musical performances, the whole thing. First off, the Dixie Chicks, do people really like them? I mean I dont care about the whole George Bush thing, their music is sub-average at best and now that they are no longer the wild-girl-country-band and have turned to tackle a more serious topic in GWB and the war, do people take them seriously? Maybe it is just me but their initial sound was better than what it has morphed into from all of this political mess. One artist that I thought rocked was Mary J. Blige. MJB proved that she deserved to win last night. She belted out some really powerful notes and made her mark on the Grammy Awards that wont be forgotten anytime soon. Props MJB. Meanwhile, Justin Timberlakes weak ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 13 2007

    Shammy's were absolutely disturbing. Another respectable award has been completely tarnished. If you watched or read the results then you know why. How tough is it to recognize outstanding achievment? EmbarrASSing. Isnt it comforting that those involved in the Album of the year really think they deserved it?

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Worst Grammy show ever. I thought the Dixie Chicks denounced country and said they wanted nothing to do with the genre---i didnt see them turn down all of their country grammy awards---are they now called the Dixie Hypocrites? Shut up and dont sing. Lousy presenter jokes and performances----thank God for Carrie Underwood's Desperado---the only thing worth watching in the whole evening.

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    It's unbelievable that an album thats not a top 100 seller could become the best album of the year at the Grammy's!! I looked it up and could not find the Dixie Chicks album on any chart. I'm I missing sometime here? I think an emotional political statement by the Grammy vote's overruled their common sense. Also the top three selling album artists of 2006 must have felt like they got the shaft. The bottom line I will not watch the Grammy's anymore!!

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    The Grammy Awards has turn into a political organizatation. The Dixie Chicks did deserve to one Grammy but 5 was a crime. Grammy Awards do longer are for the best it is for the group that has the same views on politics that the voters have. Do you think a Bush supporter would even get a vote. Oh what a shame!!!!

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Worst Grammy show I've ever seen! Thankfully I tivoed it and was able to fast forward through 99% of the show! I am still blown away by how horrible it was. Regardless, Carrie Underwood did a wonderful job!

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Awards shows are uniformly tedious. Everything on this list deserves one star.

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Is that fraud and sham of an awards show still on TV? Hasn't the legitimacy of this program been shown the door long ago?

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    I heard Natalie warbling on the radio this morning that the reason the Chicks won was the people had spoken. Hilarious. The people are actually voting with their pocketbooks and not buying their latest album. Lefto mopes who run the Grammy Award academy gave the Dixie Chicks the award. Spit in the eye of the public, says they!

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    neil portnow should be fired for allowing the grammy to be used as a political statement- dixie chicks album is not better than any of the other nominations! Obviously fans had no say in this decision!

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    The Grammy's use to be about the music. What with Natalie Maines? In the words of Don Henley-GET OVER IT. I don't care what her politics are or who she doesn't like. Don't like Texas--move somewhere else. She isn't even a great singer, so where's the mute button. Don't forget your reason for being--- THE MUSIC.However- Great job by the Police

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    The Eagles unbelievably unbelievable, not to believe this is a tribute to the Eagles made me feel glad that i am old enough how badly it sucked

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    Thu Feb 09 2006

    Once again, I'm mad at myself for watching the whole Grammy Awards show. Thinking it was going to get better. What a fool I am!! And that Kelly what ever her name is won over Paul McCartney? C,mom, Do they think we're that stupid! We know it's fixed. What happened to the days when musicians were based on talent and not popularity.

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    Thu Feb 09 2006

    Its been a long time since any award show held my interest for the whole excruciatingly long shows. However I was extremely surprised and pleased by last night's show. The performances just kept getting better and better with terrific collaborations. It was filled with great moments and rarely faltered into the boring times of pretentious speech-giving. High moments for me was the poignant acapella tribute by Stevie Wonder and Alicia Keys, the duet of Bono and Mary J. Blige (a duo completely surprising to me) and the collab. of Jay-Z, Linkin Park and Sir Paul McCartney. There were a few technical difficulties but they were overshadowed by the entertaining and strong performances by nearly all the musicians. A big thumbs up to CBS for pulling a fun awards show together.

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    Thu Feb 09 2006

    The unfortunate thing about the Grammy Awards is that there are like a total of 138 Grammys given out and only 12 were given on the actual show. There are many wonderful muscians in all genres that are never even recognized. I realize you can't give out 130 plus awards in three hours but how about maybe getting a little more diverse, like throwing in a little classical and other types for the hell of it. I like rock, country, classical and many other kinds but it appears that the Grammy doesn't seem to care. It's all about ratings I guess. Last night was a prime example of who their target audience is.

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    How can the Grammys and these so called great performers disgrace John Lennon by trying to sing the song Across The Universe. Did those performers really practice this number? Or did they totally wing it? They all sang like they have no clue, Bono was horrible, sounded like a frog, Alicia Keys has no right even attempting to sing this number and Steven Tyler, I think it's time to hang it up after that clucking. I understand that the Grammys tried...this is a GREAT song, but they blew it. All these performers were horrible...this number should not of been in the Grammys!

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    As for the low lights I would say that the Southern rock performance was terrible. Gretchen Wilson - um, who told her she could sing?? And most of the people were WAY OFF key and out of tune. Awful. Kanye West - his ego is about as big as the over blown performances. Alicia Keys - Usher. So overrated. Green Day was overlooked - they are great. I wanted to see more from Franz Ferdinand, Los Lonely Boys - they're great! The Across the Universe was - well, shockingly bad.

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    Sun Aug 08 2004

    Has about as much meaning as a MTV Music Award. I feel sorry for anyone who gets any award from this ceremony and actually takes it seriously. Grammys are intended to honor excellence in the recording arts and sciences? Give me a break ..

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    Mon Jul 19 2004

    This isn't an award show, it is a popularity contest.

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    Mon Feb 16 2004

    Without a doubt, these are the lamest awards given out each year. If you took all the Hoovers and Reginas that have ever existed and turned them all on at the same time, there would still be less sucking going on than at the Grammys.

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    Sat Jan 31 2004

    One of my favorite award shows to watch for the variety of music played. I don't always agree with the nominees or winners but I don't fret over that. The Grammy Award show seems to focus more on the music acts played that night than on the awards given out and sometimes some memorable performances are given. These awards should be watched for the music not for the awards.

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    Mon Mar 10 2003

    There is no way to consistantly judge music. There is no standard. The only fun is that fans do during the show. Yo Soy!

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    The Grammy's are stupid. Only popular artists win...not the one's with talent. All the Grammy's do is point out who's really popular.

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    This year it was SOOOOO BORINGGGGG!!!! "YAWN"

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    This was the first year I really watched the Grammys because I was rooting for Bruce Springsteen. It was ok but too long....and to think that Bruce didn't win for "The Rising" is unbelievable.

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    The 2003 Grammy's were more inclusive than normal, but I have a question. What is up! with teh audience booing Bruce Springstein? Have Americans become such small minded people that they cannot tolerate ANY difference of opinion? Shame on you people! What made America great in the first pleace was diversity - diversity of people, languages, opinions. Smarten up, people!

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    Fri Feb 07 2003

    the grammy suck no pop group win

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    Tue Dec 10 2002

    Exactly how many categories can you have! Now the winner of the best sweddish folk dance with accustic instruments played with your feet. Cut out the awards and just show the musical numbers. There may be hope now that annoying, condensending president of the academy was force to resign after his sexual harassment law suits.

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    Wed Mar 27 2002

    It seems as though they have the typical American bias. Populatrity rules out over true musical integrity. Then they try to seem legitimate by including many other diverse categories.

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    Wed Mar 20 2002

    What is the point? The artists who deserve to win never do.

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    Mon Nov 05 2001

    I'm very disappointed. The grammy awards are quite dull and boring, and have few good performances.

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    Thu Mar 08 2001

    I loved Maddonnas' opening act she was great. All of the other acts were good. Just did not agree with most of the winners.

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    Tue Mar 06 2001

    This year's Grammy's was so(yawn) boring, exceot for Emenim. I would have gave it higher if Macy Gray didn't win that award and Papa Roach won their's. MY BABIES SHOULD'VE WON THEIR AWARD, PAPA ROACH SHOULD'VE WON(sniff)!!!

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    Fri Mar 02 2001

    The only reason it got 4 star is cuz Christina Aguilera was AMAZING at the 2001 Grammy Awards. And i mean AMAZING!

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    Tue Jan 18 2000

    Whenever I hear something about the Grammys, the only thing I can think of is "The Simpsons" espisode where Homer's barbershop quartet (The B-Sharps) wins a Grammy, and, when he's back in his hotel room he gives it to the room service guy as a tip. The room service guy says, "Whoa - an awards trophy! Oh, it's a Grammy," and discards it off the balcony. Then someone on the floor below throws it back up and yells, "Keep your trash out of here!"