1990 American biographical crime film directed by Martin Scorsese, written by Nicholas Pileggi and Scorsese, and produced by Irwin Winkler Website
Approval Rate: 92%
Reviews 0
by bird808
Sat Nov 13 2010Joe Pesci and De Niro at their best. Martin Scorsese got the tone of this film right. Never been a movie of this particular genre that can even compare. Cannot believe it lost out on Best Picture to Costners "Dances with Wolves".
by magneticd
Fri Nov 12 2010One of the most irritating things I have ever seen. A mediocre mob movie narrated by a cheese-headed Ray Romano, or Ray Liota, whatever. Terrible movie.
by spike65
Fri Jul 18 2008A masterpiece. Much more true to life than the more popular Godfather series. Great cast, direction, acting, and dialogue. See it...Now! Not for the kiddies please.
by canadasucks
Thu Jul 19 2007Released in 1990, it has to make anyone's best films of the decade. . .flawless, fascinating, well-acted and shot. . .
by irishgit
Thu Jul 19 2007Very strong performances from Liotta and Pesci. Brilliant job by De Niro. A great movie. Nasty, but great.
by victor83
Thu Jul 19 2007Very good acting, but I don't get America's fascination with the romanticising of the mob.
by godlybrotha
Sun Jan 21 2007Among the greatest gangster movies of all time, I have to give Goodfellas a slight edge over The Godfather, which are two of my favorite movies. Very violent, but that was truly the life of a gangster. Joe Pesci's portayal of Tommy D makes you love him, and hate him. He cracked me up in the scene in the restaurant("What do you mean I'm funny?"), the scene where he and Henry are purposely setting fire to the restaurant("You look like you're decorating a Christmas tree, you don't know what you're doin'!), and the scene after he killed "Spider("He woulda grown up to be a rat anyway..his family are all rats!"), but the scene where he kills "Stax," and Morie in cold blood, and just his overall nastiness could make you glad he met the end that he did. The movie somewhat made the boss Paulie Vario to be some kind of affectionate teddy bear type, which wasn't the case with the real Paulie, but it was well-acted. I've lost count on how many times I've seen this movie, and I'm sure I'll see it m... Read more
by jeremy00081
Sun Oct 01 2006I thought I'd get bored by this excellant movie, but it ended up being one of the most interesting, entertaining things I've ever seen. Awesome acting, fascinating plot based on a true story, funny and intriguing narration by Liotta.
by supremecritic
Thu Sep 14 2006at first i douted the style of the movies but as i watched it i really began to understand the characters and the film really grew on me
by robbo59
Wed Jan 18 2006A mesmerizing look into the lives an organized crime family through the eyes of a neighborhood Irish/Italian kid (Played as an adult by Ray Liotta) recruited at a young age to perform small jobs and later rising through the ranks as a soldier and racketeer. Director Martin Scorsese's masterpiece epic features a brilliant ensemble cast, (including many of his group of "regulars" from earlier fims including; "Mean Streets", "The Raging Bull", and later, "Casino.") an excellant soundtrack, and many depictions of graphic violence. While the film is laced with dark and subtle humor, certain scenes are not for the squeemish. Robert Dinero co-stars as the brutal Irish-American thug Jimmy Conway, giving a powerful, and menacing performance. Paul Sorvino, as mob boss Paul Cicero is also standout as is Lorraine Brocco as the wife of Henry Hill (Liotta). The breakout star of the film is Joe Pesci (winner of the Best Supporting Actor for his role in the fim), who, as the sociopathic Tommy DeVito,... Read more
by drummond
Sat Dec 31 2005A bit violent for my tastes, but very well written and acted.
by jazzackfl
Tue Aug 02 2005Best Damn Scorcese Movie Ever hands down.
by dpostoskie
Thu Apr 07 2005What I'm clown, I'm her to amuse you. Greatest mob movie of all time.
by supercross
Tue Apr 05 2005Easily one of the best movies ever made. Martin Scorsese has a directing style unlike any other and this movie presents both a serious and laid-back look at the Mafia. Ray Liotta delivers quite possibly his best performance as Henry Hill (Remember, this movie is based on a true story). GoodFellas is different from other ganster films such as The Godfather and Scarface, but in a very good way. If you see this movie at the end the only way you will able to sum up what you just saw is: Holy S***!
by largerthankemp
Sat Feb 12 2005I like it better than the Gocfather, but for one reason I think I always miss the subtle genius of the Godfather movies...
by gadipgal
Fri Jan 07 2005I am not a mafia movie fan, but I first caught this movie on HBO back in the early '90's and I was hooked. With apologies to Scarface and the Godfathers, if you are going to see a mob this is the one and only to see. Period.
by sully68
Mon Dec 13 2004What can I say. Simply the best gangster film of all time. I have never heard more people quoting lines from any other movie.. Even to this day!
by salvatore22
Sat Oct 30 2004I'm a big fan of Scorsese, and(f.y.i) Raging Bull is one of me favorite movies.After Godfather pt1 & pt2,Goodfellas is the best mob movie. What makes it great is that the movie breaksthrough the mob genre it's a great overall movie.
by fierce_pajamas
Thu Sep 30 2004Awesome movie. Better than the Godfather, even.
by randyman
Sat Aug 21 2004This movie is in my personal top ten. the chemistry between Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci is not unlike Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney, a perfect pairing. But Pesci steals the scene as a ruthless gangster,as he did in Casino
by jaywilton
Wed Jul 28 2004For anyone who gets stranded on a deserted island and who always wanted to be a gangster,this is the video ;flawless.
by lashes
Mon Jun 28 2004Fantastic Movie.
by jaa2xecc
Tue Jun 22 2004This is one of Scorsese's best. Probably his most entertaining film.
by kinkykinks
Tue Apr 13 2004best mob movie i have seen!
by dickweener
Thu Jan 22 2004Great Mob movie, I would put this one up with the Godfather, different but quality wise it's real close. DeNiro, Pesci , Ray Liotta were great, and so are the supporting actors. This is one of the best movies period.
by tvtator
Thu Dec 18 2003One of the most outstanding films about the mob. Great performances by Robert DeNiro, Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci.
by winnipeg15
Tue Aug 19 2003Fantastic movie...seeing the mobsters transform thru the 70's and 80's...the bloodshed..the mafia banter...i never get sick of seeing this movie... Deniro's gangster laugh kills me!!!...he is the mob.
by jbiscuit1
Fri Aug 01 2003One of the best mob movies ever made. Ray Liotta is excellent in this depiction of the rise and fall of a half Italian unmade mobster. Beautifully supported by Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, this film is worth watching. Funny thing though, I found that I did not actually enjoy the movie until the second time I saw it. Let it grow on you a little.
by ponerse
Mon Jun 02 2003A top five movie of all time!
by open_anus
Sat May 03 2003full of memorable scenes and characters. peschi especially.
by karenlucy
Sun Mar 23 2003A fantastic movie from start to finish! Was the first time I ever saw the acting of both Ray Liotta and Lorraine Bracco and they both were superb! Great story and really great acting. It's one of those movies I have taped and can watch over and over and enjoy it each time!!
by sperryc
Fri Mar 14 2003Probably my favorite movie of all time. Scorsese captures the personalities of that era/lifestyle flawlessly. Every word in the dialogue and every song on the soundtrack are so carefully hand-picked...This is one of those few movies that simply won't get old. I plain-and-simple can not watch the scene where Pesci critiques his mom's artwork without cracking up laughing. ("I love it. One dog goes one way, another dog goes the other. And the guy in the back, he's sayin' 'What you want from me?'")
by moviefanatic
Fri Jan 24 2003The best gangster movie of all time--better than The Godfather. It's not so much a story, but rather an extremely entertaining collection of classic scenes. One of those rare films that you love more every time you see it. Superb use of oldies music. GoodFellas really engages you from the start, and takes you on one heckuva ride. Maybe not his best (Raging Bull is), but definitely Scorsese's most entertaining movie.
by lukskywlkr
Wed Jan 22 2003Frankly, I've never really considered this to be in the same league as the Godfather movies, but it is still a great movie. When I think of this one, I always remember the scene where Joe Pesci borrows his mother's big knife, and then he goes and offs that guy with it, stabbing him as he's laying there half dead in the trunk of the car. It's pretty gruesome, but a very memorable scene.
by kelly7655
Thu Nov 28 2002This is my favorite movie of all time. I've read the book too (called "Wise Guys"), the book and movie are equally superb. Robert Deniro portrays Jimmy the Gent beautifully (of course, would you expect any less from Deniro?). He has a certain charisma that will never be possessed by any other's undescribable. Ray Liotta did an excellent job of portraying Henry Hill..I love his cool and calm demeanor through out the movie (except when he goes into panic mode toward the end). Another great, Joe Pesci. Goodfellas is his best performance. Any guy that can portray a member of the mobb and then go on to play a crook in a kids movie (Home Alone) deserves credit. My favorite part of the movie? The scene with Billy Batts. Moral: Don't bang on the trunk. Most tantalizing movie ever! Definatley a classic!
by marc780
Tue Nov 19 2002ProbabLY the best Mob movie ever made, much better than The Godfather, to my mind. Ray Liotta is terrific, and Deniro and Pesci at their finest. Great story, great action and it's all TRUE
by kbob146d
Tue Nov 05 2002One of the best movies ever!
by jason1972
Wed Oct 30 2002This movie is absolutely my favorite gangster movie. It's a great storyteller that doesn't lose you at all. It's a 2 1/2 hour movie that doesn't even feel like one because it keeps you in so much suspense. I love it. Every actor played a vital role in this movie.
by loadf19d
Wed May 22 2002The most entertaining of all of Martin Scorsese's film and a candidate for the best film of the nineties. It's just so fun to watch Paukie, Jimmy, Henry and especially Tommy do their thing! In every single shot, you can clearly see Scorsese recalling his childhood days, sitting in front of a movie screen and watching gangster movies. "Goodfellas" is a masterpiece.
by antondatree
Wed Apr 24 2002I believe that GoodFellas is an absolutely astounding and brilliant film with great acting, dialogue, directing (Scorsese shines again), and one of the best views on the mob. Maybe not as haunting as The Godfather, but it's still one of my favorite movies. Summary: ONE OF THE GREAT FILMS OF THE 90s - BRILLIANT!
by sexystreif
Sat Apr 20 2002scorstassy hits the spot again(even though I spelled his name wrong). this movie is cool, the gangsters are lovable and hateable. very twisted, I love it
by oldpompous
Mon Dec 03 2001Astonishing movie, from the virtuostic direction and film editing to the brilliant ensemble cast. My only (minor) complaints are about the soundtrack. First off, it is a little too relentless. The pop songs are NONSTOP. Secondly, for most of the movie, the music parallels the setting, but towards the end, the music and the era that is being depicted are a mismatch. Still, a brilliant movie from Scorcese, as good as Taxi Driver, maybe better.
by cde1970
Tue Oct 23 2001One of the very best ganster films ever made. Totally watchable, superb direction from Scorsese, first class acting all round especially from De Niro and Joe Pesci. Brilliant music and superb editing.
by joeawaz
Tue May 29 2001Scorsese is a genius! Pechi and Liota steal the show!
by detective_starsky
Wed May 09 2001A excellent film by any genre's standards. The only effective voice over that doesn't either (1) numb the mind or (2)unconfuse a convoluted plotline. Rather, it is essential to the narrative. And this is in ADDITION to the performances, editing, and camerawork. I would be surprised if anything could be dreamt up to beat it, especially considering it is non-fiction. The highest commendations to all involved.
by daf62757
Tue Mar 13 2001I took an organized crime class in college and the class was great. Our professor gave this one lecture where he explained how the mafia worked. When I saw this movie, it followed his lecture almost for the letter! So I would say this movie is great for another more important reason that the wonderful acting and the great writing. It offers a real insight into how the Mafia worked.
by brain71b
Mon Jan 15 2001I love mafia movies. This one is no exception. The writing and directing are great. The only problem I had was believing Ray Liotta as a mobster.