Good listener
Approval Rate: 79%
Reviews 28
by cyclee
Wed Sep 02 2009Yes very important. He'd have to be able to hear me talking on top of his voice.
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Sep 02 2009My wife is a very good listener. That's how she knows that I snore.
by nirose
Tue May 26 2009you must share being a good listener and don't talk much. Or he/she will leave you.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Mar 24 2009The key is to listen to one another.
by airland824
Wed Sep 17 2008If your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't listen to you, it'll get old real quick. He or she doesn't have to do everything you say, but it's nice if he/she can at least consider your points of view and try to understand you.
by aleashac
Wed Sep 17 2008I don't care one way or the other.
by cnvaldez
Wed Sep 10 2008I don't need a good listener because I am usually the listener, but we have to be able to communicate.
by ibmadathim
Sat Jul 19 2008He/she has to be a good listener. If he/she is always interrupting you either their bi-polar or they don't give a crap about what your saying. Either way don't let it slide.
by harlock
Wed Jun 25 2008All people needs to be listened some times. This is not an exigence, but I don't want to stay with someone who never listen to me when I really need it.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Jun 08 2008With the way I talk she better be a good listener...
by lmorovan
Sun Jun 08 2008Being a good listener is advantageous in many ways. It shows your partner your concern and interest regarding what he/she has to say and gives you an opportunity to learn things about him/her that impatience could prevent it. Many times, a good listener becomes the best adviser by simply listening.
by uncnc08
Sun Jun 08 2008As much as I like to gab yeah this is very important!
by historyfan
Tue Apr 29 2008It's all about communication, folks!
by ben999
Fri Feb 23 2007I think girlfriends appreciate this quality in their boyfriends more than boyfriends appreciate this quality in their girlfriends. Just give us guys something good to look at.
by ilovescy102605
Mon May 01 2006If I'm talking and you're not listening to me, I'll punch you in the mouth because that is really annoying and offensive. :(
by blueorchid
Tue Jan 24 2006Definitely being a good listener is important. Mmmhmm, Hatter. Sometimes I do that to you.
by mad_hatter
Tue Jan 24 2006This is important. I have caught my girlfriend saying something different than before to see if I'm listening. So far, I think I'm doing alright.
by gentle_jude
Mon Jan 23 2006Well everyone wants to be listened to, and a vital part of communication is good listening skills. And communication is important in a relationship, well good, positive communication anyway. That's partly why there are so many unnecessary fights, because a partner doesn't feel they are being listened too. A rater below made an excellent point. You should be very grateful that someone would even consider you trustworthy enough to open up to like that.
by djahuti
Wed Mar 02 2005Couples who don't listen to each other are doomed.
by zioness_esq
Wed May 26 2004A must for basic good relationship. If someone is a one way talker...Narcisstic folks need not apply to be around me. Not saying that in any couple - who talks the most (that doesn't matter if they are happy) Just must be listening to relate. Can you hear me now?.......Leave your ears on...good buddy...Communcation involves all of the senses - ears included.
by cherrysoda99
Thu Feb 26 2004Ben always listens to me, and I try to listen back, although he mostly talks about food and football. But I don't mind, because he's really good to talk to when you need advice, or just a friendly ear.
by joshtee
Thu Jan 08 2004When I'm pouring my heart out, yes, I would like them to be listening. When I'm ranting on a very specific pop culture topic that not many know or care about I sort of expect their attention to drift. You can't expect people to listen to EVERYTHING you have to say because, let's face it, not everything humans say is interesting or worthwhile to listen to.
by jontheman
Sat Dec 13 2003Theres nothing I need more while my retinas are burning from hours of posting silly comments on RIA than someone who can listen to me complain for just as many hours about how hard done by I am. Very important
by andrewscott
Tue Oct 28 2003The best romantic prospects genuinely value what their new partner has to express. It shows caring. And in the long run, mutual understanding can be very sustaining. Even when you agree to disagree, being accurately heard helps resolve things. That said, it's unrealistic to expect anyone to be a perfect listener. However, if your mate routinely refuses to put any effort into hearing you, ignores your phone calls, or habitually misjudges your concerns, you'll eventually have to decide if all the frustration is worth it. Finding a good listener is awesome, especially since this usually accompanies other favorable personality traits.
by redoedo
Thu May 01 2003Couples need to be able to listen and understand each other's problems in order to deal with them. If your partner is pouring his or her heart out to you, then you owe them the courtesy of listening- you should be flattered that they trust you enough to tell you their problems.
by snoopy
Tue Dec 11 2001It really hurts me when I'm pouring my heart out to somebody and they're obviously not listening.
by katkc1ba
Fri Nov 02 2001Well I hope that if someone is in a relationship with me, they are interested in and care about what I have to say!
by janey_lane
Sat Aug 25 2001It varies from time to time. I'm not someone who like to talk about my feelings. But if and when I do I'd like to have a partner who is a good listener. I mean, what if I had a problem and discussed it with my boyfriend and he would interrupt me and start another topic. That's just not gonna cut it.