Global Warming

Many believe that Global Warming is caused by man's activity. 5=Significant Political Issue

Approval Rate: 47%

47%Approval ratio

Reviews 101

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    Mon Oct 15 2012

    Update: (Global warming stopped 16 years ago) Climate Models failed again?? Deeply flawed? WTF? I love it when I'm right ;D 7/2/09: I have debated the GW Alarmist on numerous occasions. They have their links and graphs and so do I. So called man made global warming is not all it's cracked up to be. The one thing that isn't disputable is that temperatures have been in the range of normal climate variability. The Alarmist base all their fear mongering on flawed climate models, which have been proven to be far from perfect in predicting future climate.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    While I do love the enviornment, and believe that "climate change" exists per se, and also that humans are playing a part in it, I feel we are not as in danger as we are made to think, and that there are those who will benefit from the whole "global warming" ordeal.

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    Mon May 17 2010

    I prefer to use the term "climate change" rather than "global warming." Sadly, there is no greater issue that shows the ignorance of the bozos who rely on corporate news for their information (or worse, "experts" such as Rush Limbaugh), and have been suckered into the enormous amount of corporate propaganda (and expensive propaganda, at that) that everything is going to go on as it has been, no changes, so keep taking out loans for that new hummer or house; we have got to increase our debt/money supply at all costs... For those of us who know how to read, such as Jared Diamond's excellent "Collapse," we know that global temperature is a fickle thing, and that a rise in just a couple of degrees can cause famine and drought. Never mind that the past ten thousand years has been a mild anomaly in the earth's moody and often wild temperature swings. Add to the problem of Peak Oil, the depletion of our fresh water reserves (such as the Ogallala aquifer), the soon-to-be-toxic Gulf of Mexico... Read more

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    Tue May 11 2010

    I don't believe in Global Warming, except for the hot air coming out of Washington, DC politiicans These global warming people look utterly ridiculous when they hold their Global Warming summits in Davos,Switzerland in the middle of winter with the snow coming down. Here in my area of Texas the temperature hit 113 in 1998 and it has not been above 110 or 111 since then. It's never been as hot the past few years as it was in 1998.

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    Sat Apr 17 2010

    Overrated and financially motivated.

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    Sun Apr 04 2010

    Is this like "Global Warming is Awesome!" or is it "The topic of Global Warming is totally worth talking about!" ?? I'm answering it as the latter.

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    I hope my rating of this item doesn't mean that I don't buy into the idea of Global Warming - if so let me dispel that forthwith: Climate change is real and occurring all around us. It is a horrible thing - it is proof of what we have done to this place we call "home."

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    Tue Mar 09 2010

    One of the great (but collapsing) hoaxes ever perpetrated by the International Left. The Socialist Movement over-reached on this one- they wanted disaster so badly to get more control over the minions, that they fooled with the data too much. I'm glad to see more and more Americans start to scoff at this "clear and present danger."

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    Wed Feb 10 2010

    I do care about the Earth. I do care about environment. I do understand that human actrivities frequently were devasted for the natural resources. But I also believe that Global Warming is a huge political hoax. Temperatures have always fluctuated naturally on this planet. Looking back over the past 100 years, the earth warmed from 1900 to around 1940. There was global cooling after that until the late 1970s. It warmed again in the 1980s and 1990s, with that warmth peaking in 1998. There has been no warming since then even as CO2 has increased during the entire period. Eleven straight years of increasing CO2 and we're still cooler than 1998. As of the 2009 growing season, the U.S. has now gone a record 21 straight years without a widespread drought in the Corn Belt. Soybean yields this year are easily a record. Corn yields were just shy of a record because it was actually too cool in the Upper Midwest. Climate models from man-made warming alarmists have consistently predicted incre... Read more

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    Sat Sep 26 2009

    Update: Original is below. I could've clarified that I'm all for environmentalism, going more green, making way less destructive decisions that impact our environment. I think everyone can do a better job in helping the environment. What I'm not afraid of is that the world changes. Why don't we have pangea or dinosaurs if the earth and climate were not supposed to change....that's what I'm not afraid of. I'm not too scare about global warming. I think it's a money maker for those people getting rich off the idea of it, like Gore. I think climate change is just a natural progression. Could we cut back to make the earth a more healthy place? Absolutely, but in my opinion, it doesn't stop what is meant to happen in regard to climate change.

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    Fri Sep 25 2009

    I could care less if it got hotter. I live in Canada

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    I have been living in Maine for four years now...I can't wait to move to a place that is having more of this "global warming" and what in the world is up with everything getting colder?

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    Global Warming is merely an excuse for political gain. It's used as a religion religion for the generations of pseudo-tolerant hippies took too many psychedelics which polluted their offspring.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    This is very,very bad. Only an idiot believes the folks who deny this.Kind of like Holocaust takes THAT much ignorance.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    This year I'm praying for Global Warming. You see, we're having some problems in the garden. Some guy stopped by to take a look-see and said that he knew someone, who knew someone who was a corn farmer and that we probably planted the corn too late. The stalks are thin and short and the ears that have grown look like they came from Chernobyl. We planted carrots twice and only have one shoot to show for it. Same with the tomatoes...seems that we planted them too late...both seeds and starters. This year wasn't a total failure, though. The peas, beans, potatoes, beets, strawberries, onions, garlic and squash have been plentiful. We have several nice pumpkins on the way, too. My biggest concern is with our watermelon. Yes, a in one (a) watermelon. Currently, it's the size of a baseball. Stark seems to think that it's growing, but I just don't see it. It's been the same size for around a month. We've had some good heat and it's been getting plenty of Sun. For this, I'm ho... Read more

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    Fri Aug 14 2009

    As much or perhaps more than the boogey man and the Python killer rabbit! (But, by all means, keep tossing those acolades at Gore - I think it keeps him fat, happy and relatively quiet.)

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    Thu Jul 16 2009

    I've been hoping my family,friends and all non-muhfuh's in the world come up with a scam like excellent one stop shopping site for this is on 'Gore-bull warming' decade-the thirties)(also,until recently there was an ongoing clock clicking off time Michael Moore spent punking out on debating him-he finally put together a dvd with the world's second biggest conguy).

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    Thu Jul 16 2009

    Forget the stats and graphs, I haven’t seen anyone here, or anywhere else writing about how unusually hot it’s been. I went to and looked up the forecast for San Francisco. You guys out there are having an average summer season. A little too cool for me personally. Here in Michigan, It’s been on the cool side so far. Louie’s freezing his ass off in Ohio, Vic’s in the Carolina’s, nothing unusual reported by him. What about D.C, Sucks? How has the weather been there? I was in Vegas in June, temps were in the mid 80’s. Our local weather guys like to show record temps for each day. On June 14th, the record temperature in Detroit was 102 degrees, set in 1936. Even then, and until now, global temperatures have remained in the area of normal climate variation. The only thing man made is the fear stoked by Lord Gore and his followers on the Left. Update: So we’re not scientist, what does that mean? There is no relationship between climate and temperature? CanadaSucks comes on thi... Read more

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    Wed Jul 15 2009

    There's not much point in fearing it 'cause the powers-that-be aren't going to do anything about it and so the results of global climate change are inevitable. UPDATE: Apparently, Al Gore has managed to hypnotize vast numbers of climatologists in order to further his nefarious plan to take away our guns, bibles and automobiles.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    The only rational position on this is to listen to the scientists. Right now, just about every recognized scientific organization and national science academy supports the IPCC position that human activity is accountable for most of the climate change of the past 50 years. This position could change with more study / data, but it hasn't yet. If your position on Global Warming is anything other than "let's listen to the scientists," you are just playing politics.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    Science has an irritating way of proving actual and deliberate ignorance wrong. . . Kids, let's pretend that alllllll those baddy-baddy scientists are wrong and you have (drum roll) economically and politically expedient social atmosphere! Presto! Your head hits the pillow and you sleep well at night! Sorry- I'll take the majority of the scientific opinion on this one. The strange arrogance of our species never ceases to amaze me. . .we think we can ignore unpleasant facts and continue on with our existence as if nothing's wrong.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    I fear Al Gore falling on me and smothering me more! 65 degrees on 4th of July here hardly warrants global warming. I know, I know it is climate change now huh? In the 70's it was the new Ice Age! Just more ways of government control. Nice try Al!!!

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    There are politics being played on both sides of this issue, with fanatics and deniers on both sides taking positions based on partisanship. There are also politics being played within the scientific community, which makes it hard for lay observers to determine what is fact and what is agenda driven. My own position is that while the threat of global warming might be overstated, reducing our carbon footprint certainly can't do any harm.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    I just had the mildest June here in Phoenix that I can ever remember, so fear isn't crawling up and down my spine at the moment. But on to the agendas! Yes, the partisans are crazy, but I don't trust the scientists either. Why? Because as long as Chicken Little is funding their research, they're going to tell you that the sky is falling. Granted, I think man has something to do with climate change, but I also think that our role has been vastly overblown, as has the scope of the problem. As to potential fixes, don't let the UN or our incredibly efficient government get involved unless you really want the "problem" to get worse. UPDATE: Ooh, I must be some kinda talk radio listening, backwards, non-reading, ignorant ass for not believing the scientists, I guess. That's what I get from reading the criticisms of the other skeptics, at least.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    Should we fear it? Nah. We will do things far more destructive to ourselves before we drown under the floods of the polar ice melt. We could annihilate ourselves with our increasingly powerful weapons, starve ourselves from our increasingly consumptive mass of humanity, poison ourselves from our continued chemical experimentation. The time frame for these threats isn’t measured in decades or centuries. It will be much quicker and more startling. My personal greatest concern is that we will continue to implement labour saving devices such as electric can openers, over use automated door openers that are installed for the handicapped, and expand our love of on-line shopping that eliminates the need to leave our homes and use our legs and especially our arms. This reduced requirement for our arms; and the hands that are located at the end of those arms; and thus the opposable thumbs that are placed on those hands is frankly terrifying. Once those atrophy and cease to be a part of... Read more

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    I don't fear global warming, but I'm not in denial that human activity is having a significant impact on our environment as well. While I'm not going to stop driving my car and start buying clothing only made from hemp, I think it is more than reasonable for people, companies, and government to take steps to conserve the resources we have.

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    Playing politics with this issue = suggesting that there is scientific consensus here. Question that no one will answer...what SHOULD be the mean temp. of planet earth?

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    This one is tricky. I was taught in Meteorology classes way back in the 90's in high school (--so this clearly makes me an expert, right? --end sarcasm) that we are at the end of an ice age and that the earth should be warming up anyway. I was also taught that the way the world is set up, if the North Pole melts, who cares? It won't have much effect on us. It's like when you have a glass of ice water and the ice melts, the level in the glass doesn't change at all. (Go ahead, melt some ice in a glass, I'll wait) However, if the South Pole melts, then Australia is fucked. I also remember a few years ago scientists were saying that that winter, 2005 if I remember correctly, that the South Pole had shrunk that year, but the ice itself was thicker. Not really sure what that means. I think that the debate in this stems from the fact that while no doubt the earth is warming, it is our human involvement in it that has many concerned. What is our impact? If we speed up the process too much the... Read more

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    One carbon credit. One of the few times I'll agree with Menckin's comment: "For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong." Planetary ecosystems are as complex as you can get. Add in any number extraterrestrial events and there's no accurate way of telling why the earth is warming. Anything from sunspot activity to cosmic rays to methane pocket erruptions from the sea floor to cow farts to volcanic eruptions certainly could have an effect. Prove conclusively that humans are the main cause and I'll wash Gore's underwear, by hand on a flat stone. Must save the planet. And screw the UN scientific bullshit. These clueless fucks couldn't find sand in a desert. BTW, IIRC, we've been in an interglacial period for the last 18,000 years or so. Some predict the period will end roughly 2,000 years from now. Let the panick begin...

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    Tue Jul 14 2009

    Don't hold your breath waiting for the science to back this fairy tale up, Genghis, or we'll have to rush you to the hospital. When news clips of Al Gore bloviating on the end of the planet while standing outside on a record cold day in New York in January 2008 don't sway the faithful, you know there are a lot of gullible dunces around sucking free air. And in a cute PR move, the MSM and the windbags touting this scam (if CO2 was the problem they claim it is, we'd be extinct by now for all their gas-bagging) start calling it 'climate change'. Nice. And that's what the climate does and has been doing ever since the powers that be started this blue marble spinning. Climate changes constantly; that's how you get distinct seasons and weather patterns hour by hour, day by day, week, month, year, decade, century, millenium, etc., etc. Getting the picture now? I might have been more partial to the idea if not for two things: the 'imminent Ice Age' that was pushed in the early... Read more

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    Fri Jul 10 2009

    I have always waited for the science on this thing. The world is warming. Will it get as warm of the days of the dinosaurs? It could. That may well be natural and unstoppable. Carbon dioxide emissions are a tiny part of the overall picture according to much scientific thought.

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    Fri Jul 10 2009

    I think that Global Warming is occurring, but the hyperbole and rhetoric on this issue is severely overblown. The world isn't going to come to an end as a result of this. Climate is a highly variable thing that can switch very quickly. After really considering this issue, I've come to the conclusion that, while we should pursue environmentally friendly activities (promote clean water and proper waste disposal procedures, for example), a comprehensive "solution" to the climate change issue isn't necessary or really possible.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I could use a little of this. At my age, I get cold a lot. Plus during World War II, I was stationed in either Greenland or Iceland. I forget now, but it was cold! I never got over it.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I've heard so many conflicting reports on this front -- many convincing on both sides -- I can't justify putting global warming ahead of the many other more pressing issues currently on Washington's plate. There are plenty of other issues to keep the Feds busy on a short-term basis (read: immediately). i.e., let's take care of the corporate fraud that's fleecing the hard-working public, and let's bring our ill-advised imperialist efforts to a close before we start burdening the public still further with federal taxes on those same carbon goods and services that the government previously worked so hard (and spent so much money) to make readily available for public consumption in the first place.

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    Maybe the climate will stop getting warmer soon just by itself. But don't let people tell you that it's actually been getting cooler for the last 11 years, because that's just ridiculous.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    10 Reasons Why Global Warming Would Be a Good Thing 1. Global Warming results in longer growing seasons, ending world hunger 2.Global Warming keeps the Sea lanes open in winter , making world commerce easier. 3. Global Warming helps melt glaciers to free up millions of gallons of water for drought regions. 4. Global Warming reduces the need for warm up time for cars in winter, thus saving gasoline. 5. Global Warming makes it easier to drill for oil in Alaska, reducing our dependence on OPEC 6. Global Warming helps make new tourist destinations such as Northern Finland, Siberia and Greenland, so travel agents can make more money. 7. Global Warming lowers the amount of ice and snow on roads in winter, thus reducing auto accidents, thereby saving money on auto insurance. 8. Global Warming keeps food hot longer, reducing the need for reheating in microwaves, saving electricity in the process. 9. Global Warming reduces the need for the Sun to send so many rays to Earth, thu... Read more

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    Fri Jan 30 2009

    yes the last question is innapropreate

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    Sat Jan 17 2009

    Aren't more scientists questioning the idea of predominately human-driven global warming?

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Nothing to be scared about, we are all gonna die,LOL.

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    The only global warming is coming from Al Gore's mouth along with the nitwits who follow him.  He even received a Nobel prize for his work.  Too bad, it was in a catagory than never existed until then. If you listen to scientists not working for the government, you will hear the truth.  Scientists working for the government will never admit global warming is a myth because they would be out work. So, they will suck the taxpayers dry with their doomsday messages in order to protect their jobs.  Uncle Sam is the only outfit that will hire them.

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    its not scary, but dont want it to happen cause i love the cold

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    I hate it, but BRING IT BITCHES!!

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    Sat Oct 25 2008

    Begining in the 1970s the "socalled" experts told us all we were heading into another ice age and the same screaming nitwits were forecasting doom and distruction for us all. Lesson NOT learned!

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    It's not called Global Warming anymore.  Now it's called Climate Change because it's getting colder.  I bet it's freezing by Winter :)

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    I will take good care of the environment but because it is the right thing to do, not because Al Gore told me to.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Not man made, I believe the sun controls alot of it. NO WAY should there be a TAX for global warming!!!!!!

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    i hate globle warming cause all the polor bears are dieing.

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    We're at the end of an Ice Age this is what happens - it's not 100% our fault... USA isn't the only one at fault - How many people are in China??? India???

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    Not afraid of something that isn't real.

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    Mon Aug 25 2008

    The irresponsibility of the Bush administration is making us look like backwards buffoons to the rest of the world, and damning the environment.