
Approval Rate: 83%

83%Approval ratio

Reviews 25

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    Fri Feb 19 2010

    Some not so interesting fashion and silly celebrity gossip and images. Seems like it's more for teenage girls not a women's magasine.

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    Mon Nov 10 2008

    Spreads the message that looks are what matter in life. Sorry, but that's just not my thing.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    probably tried this magazine once. few articles and way too many adds. unrealistic pictures of models encouraging readers to run out and buy those ugly expensive outfits that only look good on a size 2.and I agree just one more magazine that emphasizes that pretty is everything. yuk bore of magazine. I like something to actually read when I buy a magazine. you will not get it with this Glamour

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    Sun Jun 12 2005

    glamour is one of the better magazines i like it better than cosmo. i like the section what not to wear.

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    Thu Jul 01 2004

    Still a lot of focus on sex and related issues, but not as trashy as Cosmo. Filled with beautiful women (not that there is anything wrong with that)and better articles. Yeah, I'm a guy, but I look through other folks.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    Glamour is a good magazine. they have alot of interesting articles from careers, fashion, makeup, romance, and yes, sex but, it doesnt pay as much attention to it as other mags like cosmo does.

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    Thu Jan 15 2004

    hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm, can't say that i like it all that much. it seems like it's written for those girls in high school that are destined to be sexless house wives... i know it has articles about sex i'm not that stupid, but they seem so forced, every thing about it seems forced. It doesn't have that thing that cosmo does. Glamour almost seems uptight.

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    Sat Feb 15 2003

    While I'm not a big fan of women's magazines in general, I have to give Glamour credit for its articles (rape, abortion, breast cancer, to name a few recent topics). It's also one of the few magazines that portray women of color. I was thrilled to see pictures of Asian and Hispanic women in the latest issue. Glamour's not perfect, but it's definitely on the right track and so much better than anything else out there.

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    Sat May 05 2001

    Glamour is one of those magazines that is just FUN to read. I like it quite a bit because it seems more real (while still quite latexy) compared to most of those magazines!

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Glamour is your stereotypical women's magazine. No, women don't actualy look like that, and there are no sex tips that you probably couldn't figure out anyhow.

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    Thu Jan 11 2001

    Glamour is really good for making collages because there are a lot of fashion pictures. There is always some sort of fun sex article. This isn't the only reason to buy it, but it is reason enough.

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    Fri Jan 05 2001

    I subscribe to this magazine and I pretty much feel the same way about Glamour that I do about Cosmo. But Glamour is worse because it focuses more about the stereotypic views of women. And the ads are worse as well in demeaning women.

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    Thu Jan 04 2001

    This magazine only gets a higher rating than others because it does try to include some relevent articles on women's issues. Of course, it still promotes unhealthy and contradictory images/messages to women. It does this through the ads it runs, the models it uses, the quizzes to make women feel insecure, and style to make women feel in constant need to look better than they are.

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    Wed Dec 13 2000

    What is going on with Glamour? It used to be so good. It is getting thinner and thinner by the issue. The contents are getting weaker and weaker as well. I keep getting it and keep skimming through in like 5 min. There are too many other better magazines to choose from than to settle on this one. Try Marie Claire or Cosmo.

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    Tue Nov 07 2000

    Not great to read but good to look at. Has great clothes and ideas for fashion. Bad read usually.

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    Tue Nov 07 2000

    It's a cool magazine. I love the fashions that they put in there. The topics about how to spice up your sex life always get me the most. It's a great way to help out ladies with low self esteem. I have so many I can't count anymore.

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    This magazine has great articles, but it seems that there are too many advertisements in it. Almost every other page is an ad. I buy this magazine to read the articles, not look at the ads!

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    It gives full details of the glamour world. Gives a full update.

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    It's okay, but it's mostly geared to early middle-age women. I just like reading about the celebrities and their style.

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    Thu Nov 02 2000

    Can have great articles about politics and politics about women. Used to be better until Bonnie Fuller(ex-editor of Cosmo) took over.

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    Fri Aug 25 2000

    I think this is a great magazine.

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    Sat Mar 04 2000

    Our society's values are crumbling, and Cosmo reflects this. Sex isn't meant to be taken lightly. I used to read Cosmo, but now find it repulsive. People should be encouraged to share sex and intimacy with THEIR SPOUSE after they're married.

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    Mon Jan 17 2000

    Glamour is also a great mag & has a lot of info.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    I really like the diff. variety of articlesm tips & fashions in Glamour & the layout is always great.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    i think Glamour is one of the most informative magazines I've read. It is interesting + manages to come up with new topics each month.