Approval Rate: 32%
Reviews 22
by djahuti
Sun Sep 27 2009Uh,I'm not going around in a surgical mask or wearing latex gloves,and I think all those "anti-bacterial" wipes and detergents are a scam-but I DO wash my hands several times a day,especially before eating or preparing food.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Aug 14 2009Meh, I've been given shots for everything at one point or another. My body is a freaky germ killing science experiment thanks to all those stupid needles the guberment put in me.
by astromike
Mon Mar 16 2009quit being a wimp
by caroline112
Sun Dec 28 2008not anal but like a clean enviornment....mess is ok but funk will gross me out
by kyle918
Sun Aug 10 2008I wash my hands a lot, i like things saniary..unless im camping or something then who cares
by steve663
Wed Aug 06 2008spiders
by kusheil_lover
Tue Aug 05 2008just wash your hands after you go to the bathroom damn it!
by trebon1038
Sat Aug 02 2008no unless you are a total slob and things are growing.....
by aly661
Sat Aug 02 2008im a cleaning freak
by cheryl
Sat Aug 02 2008If someone is sick I take precaution not to be!
by twansalem
Fri Aug 01 2008Germs are everywhere. You should do reasonable things to avoid them like washing your hands, etc., but you can't waste all of your time trying not to get sick.
by canadasucks
Mon Jul 21 2008. . .and other micro-organisms that are working hard to end your life are really scary. Humans (as a collective consciousness) have so little regard or actual understanding of them and yet they are (mathematically) the most probable means of our destruction. We do not lord over the animals or beasts- germs and viruses lord over us. . .
by acurleegirlee
Sun Jun 08 2008I try not to think about this one too much because obviously germs are everywhere and they are inescapable. But when I stop and think about them, it definitely does freak me out a little bit. I try to use antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers when I know I'm in public areas. There are a lot of unsanitary people out there who don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom, etc., so you just don't know what you could be touching - ew
by lastmessenger3
Wed May 23 2007Germs are all over us, in us, on us, inside of us. You can never get read of them - take all the showers and baths, soak yourself in iodide or alcohol, they will still be there. I don't enjoy them, but I know that they still be there...
by blueorchid
Mon May 21 2007The least of my worries.
by gentle_jude
Fri Nov 04 2005Not something I am afraid of, if anything, I am more grossed off then anything.
by 93century
Mon Oct 31 2005My problem with fear of germs did not develop until i got older. I always wash my hands frequently. I see people that are older than me that don't wash their hands after bathrooming and it makes me sick. These people could be putting their hands in your Doritos bag. Ewww! I used to make my nephew wash his hands after bathrooming. He probably will thank me someday.
by helmut
Mon Oct 31 2005There's nothing wrong with having a healthy respect for bacteria. I cook a lot with raw chicken, and you better believe that I 409 anything that even looked at the raw meat. Most household germs are not dangerous however. Those that wash their hands in anti-bacterial soap 20 times a day are just narrowing their exposure and making themselves more prone to catch colds via the air.
by sundiszno
Mon Oct 31 2005There are germs and bacteria all around (and all over) us. It pays to be prudent with respect to basic sanitation measures (i.e., wash your hands, refrigerate your food properly, cook it properly, etc.). What I am a bit concerned about are microbes and bacilli that we don't have any natural defenses against (i.e., the latest being the possibility of the avian flu virus - is that a germ?).
by cindyo
Wed Oct 19 2005I assume this would be refering to the germs that can get people sick. But as long as my hands are washed frequently, it's something I don't worry about.
by kairho
Tue Oct 18 2005A lot of germs are beneficial. With US society's focus on cleanliness, I wonder if lack of germs is becoming more problematic than in the past, at least in terms of health and increasing ineffectiveness of the human immunity system.
by jar_jar_binks
Thu Feb 24 2005Yes, I hate getting sick from germs.