George R.R. Martin

Approval Rate: 79%

79%Approval ratio

Reviews 48

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    Tue Mar 31 2009

    Easily the best. In a league of his own. I call it geo-political fantasy. I'd kill a hobo to have the 5th book come out. Jeez, we've been waiting years for this to come out, he said it was done over 4-5 yrs ago, and promised many times it was coming. Come on George, stop with all the book signings all over the world, and the really bad sci fi series and get to finishing this book! Your fans are really getting pissed off. Kinda feel like there's been a carrot dangling from a string in front of me for yrs.

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    Sun Dec 21 2008

    Since reading Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, I have searched high and low to find another author as good as this, and I just haven't. This series is by far the most amazing thing I have ever read. The storyline is immense. The characters deeply complex, and the line between good and evil depends on the point of view you're reading from (there are many). The writing is flawless, but it is gritty and gruesome and bold. It is also very human, and takes you on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. The bottom line is, this book has absolutely everything you could ever want.

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    I like Martin's style of alternating narrators and how he doesn't make the characters cut & dried bwn good & evil. Instead, he brings it closer to actual reality, where there's good and bad in all of us.

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    Rating based solely on hi work on Ice& Fire his other works is second rate. Ice & Fire is by far the best fantasy series I have ever read. I just wish he would stop messing around and work a little more on his "bread and butter"

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    Mon Apr 14 2008

    I really enjoyed the ASOIAF series. Martin's style of writing is excellent and unpredictable. He's definitely one of the greatest, if not the best author, in the fantasy genre.

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    An absolutely amazing read!

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    Wed Dec 26 2007

    I've recently finished the fourth book of the Song of Ice and Fire series and I'm in great anticipation for the next episode. It is definitely the best fantasy book I've read so far and has completely blown my mind away, to the extend where I can't stop thinking about it. The greatness of it I would say lay, firstly, in the incredible plot and numerous unpredictable twists that make the story take surprising turns at every corner and always leave you begging for more. Every chapter of the four books published so far (about 800 pages each) has held me spell bound and unwilling to go to sleep at night. It has made me laugh out loud, it has made me sad, it has made me furious, it has made me sick. It has left me curios and wondering, excited, puzzled and tormented, and it has often followed me into my dreams, at times resulting in nightmares. Secondly, the character development is just... simply amazing! Every character in the book has a different and very interesting personality and ... Read more

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    Thu Sep 27 2007

    what i love the most about martin's books are the real-life situations he is so good at creating, like when robb stark and his mother were at walder frey's castle and he had robb's throat cut, that was fantastic, even though it was sad to see robb go like that, it shows that martin is not afraid to show that bad things can happen if u go against your word. genius.

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    Thu Sep 27 2007

    Paints a more believable picture of how nobility behave in a medieval setting. Very deep story line, always keeps me guessing. Very violent and gory. Fun stuff. Just don't get too attached to anyone; they'll probably end up dead, lol.

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    Sun Jul 29 2007

    Martin is a great pen and you never know what he has in store for his charachters which makes him unpredictable which is a great quality to have as a writer in a genre which is often dominated by certain formulas. I find his series however bit too graphic when it comes to cruelty and it's hard to feel empathy with some of the main charachters (they aren't "likable" enough or at all and one tends not to care too much about charachters that you don't invest in emotionally).  I think maybe  readers who like complex epic fantasy stories and are not looking for the good vrs. evul type of storyline that is served with a satisfying ending ,will like Martin's style.

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    Tue Nov 28 2006

    Very good autor, when you ignore some sort of Pedophile.

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    Fri Nov 17 2006

    Martin is brilliant - the Hemmingway of Fantasy

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    Thu Oct 19 2006

    I love his books I am always waiting for the next book in the series or be released. Definatly an adult book but one of the best I have ever read!

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    Mon Aug 07 2006

    Martin is a talented guy, I give him credit for that, but he is, however, awful. The whole "A Sonfg of Ice and Fire" series is just blood and sex.

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    Tue Jul 04 2006

    The best Fantasy author ever. All other fantisists and books pale in comparison to this man's works. After reading "A Song of Ice and Fire", everything else just plain sucks, and seems childish and stupid. Don't read this series if you don't want to ruin all other books!

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    Thu Dec 22 2005

    Grotesque fantasy, it's just about violence and raping.

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    Tue Nov 29 2005

    Fire and Ice is a great achievement. It is action packed, holds you in a lot of suspense, and Martin is never afraid of killing off his characters. I guess the unpredictability is what keeps me coming back.

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    Thu Sep 15 2005

    Raw, innovative, unique, and addictive. I love the Fire and Ice series, though I haven't read his other works. Too bad he endorsed John Kerry on his website, however. Not exactly a class move....

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    Martin is a mind blowing author. His books leave you wanting more and he is a must for all fantasy fans. Rock on Martin your doing a great job and keeping us all enthralled with your work.

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    Thu Jul 28 2005

    George Martin's books are simply fantastic. It's gritty. realistic but has its humourous moments. His plottong and Characters are excellent.

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    Mon Jul 04 2005

    Martin did a mindblowing job with this series. I have never read anything like it. The characters and the plot are impossibly complex and you never know what's going to happen next. Also, Martin kills off a lot of main characters, and most of them are the good guys. His world is extremely realistic and original. There are no wizards and orcs and elves. Magic is also nearly absent, but you won't really miss it, simply because Martin is such a fantastic storyteller. His books are the best ones i have ever read, and i've read a lot. So, if you are looking for a new addiction, The SOng of Ice and Fire is it.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    A Song of Ice and Fire is amazing. The best Fantasy I've ever read. The books are as large as bricks but I could barely stop reading them. This is mature fantasy. There's no fine line between good and evil, there's only reality. Sure, there are brutal killings and seks all mixed up in there, but that's reality, and if you can't handle that and at the same time appreciate the beauty of the world Martin has created, you're not mature enough to read this series yet. The story is told through the eyes of characters ranging from children to (almost) elderly knights and takes place in a world where you'll find everything from deadly winter forests to arabesque cities in the middle of the desert. Never ceases to be original and captivating. Or amusing (the 'Rainbow Knights', for example *sniggers*).

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    Sat Mar 19 2005

    The books of A Song of Ice and Fire are long and lively. Too gritty and raunchy in some places though still good reading.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    George R.R. Martins Song of Ice and Fire has a quick paced setting as well as scope unlike any other fantasy series yet. He doesnt just have main characters, he has heroes who die and are plentiful to match the scope of his world. He also does not cornily motivate his charcters by saying the evil wizard was just driven by evil he gives all of his characters the development that they should have. And Martin is a genius as far as developing the sub-main characters so that they seem real but dont become simply side kicks or main characters.

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    Wed May 12 2004

    I love this book!LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVEIT. When I read it, it is almost like I am there with them. His descriptions are fantastic, his storyline amazing, and his characters are some of the best I have read about!! I have read each one at least twice and am anxiously awaiting his next. But he surprises you at every turn. No character is safe!! One of my all time favorite collections!! Sue

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    Technically excellent, but the stories are boring after a few thousand pages. Repetitious, undeveloped characters. The first book was the best, it had some innovative ideas. The rest were not. Robin Hobb is much better.

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    Thu May 15 2003

    A heart rending emotional vortex that will captivate you, disturb you and hook you. tied with Jordan and behind only Goodkind in my mind. A very dark, but real writer. A song, fire and ice series is awesome the only negative in it is it's a bit sadistic. Realisticly it is very accurate in its intrigues and assassinations in its equivalent "to earth" time period.

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    Wed Mar 05 2003

    Mr Martin, u r amazing. The few prepubescent punks who have left degrading comments are not worthy of any browsers attention. Your books have what so many others lack these days, passion, minutiae (on the things that matter) and a style reminiscent of a journalist in your search for truth in a world ruled by politicians and adventurous characters. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys anything remotely connected to fantasy. You have taken what was started by Tolkien and furthered by Jordan, and made it into an art. Your world is amazing, keep up the good work!

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    Thu Feb 13 2003

    Certainly one of my favourite authors. Injects plenty of action and describes a large fascinating world, yet keeps the world moving, developing and most importantly improving with each book! Yet is able to maintain a realism and authenticity that most authors lack. Reminds me of Steven Erikson but delves more into the characters of individuals with the unique storytelling style(and I mean more than just the use of viewpoints which has been done before).

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    Stories that grip you and excite you to read the next page, chapter, book, etc... fantastic story teller not afraid to mix things up.

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    Mon Jan 06 2003

    Unique, original fiction. The 'fantasy' part of it is really just backdrop.

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    Sun Dec 15 2002

    A Song of Fire and Ice series contains the most superbly written books currently in "Fantasy" circulation. Martin is a creative genius who carefully yet engagingly weaves tale upon connecting tale of power, survival, valor, shame, loyalty, betrayal, love & hate. All charaters share a high degree of realism regardless of their contribution to the story. Martin's attention to detail, plot cultivation and most importantly "timing" bring a work of fiction into the category of modern art.

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    Sun Dec 30 2001

    The matter that I put only 4 stars is that I am a death fanatic of Robert Jordan and he's my favourite author!

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    Sat Nov 17 2001

    Best author in Fantasy today

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    Fri Nov 16 2001

    The best modern fantasy author without a doubt. No other has come close to the sort of story or characterization he has.

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    Fri Nov 16 2001

    Just awesome. Not scared to kill off main characters, and has a fantasy world that's actually believable.

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    Mon Jul 02 2001

    Compared with the relatively simple plots and characters of most fantasy authors and the tediom of others, I find that George Martin has found the perfect balance. His characters can't be described as "good" or "evil"...each character has his own motivations in this book that are logical and real - AND there isn't some dark and evil god planning world domination (what a concept!). George Martin writes of real people (as real as knights and kings can be), adds in a bit of magic to spice things up (it isn't bogged down by spells and explosions every other page), and even has some sex in there! (unlike other fantasy authors who shriek at the word "boob")

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    Fri Feb 16 2001

    He's simply the best. Read his latest novel "A Storm of Swords" and you will know why!!

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    Imagine... J.R.R.Tolkien... ON CRACK!

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    Martin is a great author who can bring out many different kinds of emotions from his novels. While reading A Song of Ice and Fire, there were times when I wanted to cheer and times when I was sad. He writes characters who are real, and relationships are real as well. Martin is not afraid to do anything to move the story foreward, which is different from Jordan, whose story has been brought to a standstill.

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    Best fantasy series since Tolkien. Well-plotted, adult rather then juvenile in tone. Outstanding in every way.

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    Fri Dec 08 2000

    For the people over the age of 12. For the people sick of the childish antics, black & white (good vs. evil and no grey) simplicity, paper thin characters, overdone archtypical characters, people, societies, and events found in such Epics of Jordan, Brooks, and others, this is a welcomed change. Finally a series not set to ensnare some geeky, zitfaced, pocket-protecting, bifocal wearing, friendless, lifeless, useless snotnosed little D&D playing brat with simple stories, characters, and plots geared towards the minute capabilities of his childish lil mind. Always liked Fantasy, but years of volumes that made Harry Potter seem like a mature bit of storytelling have gotten me quite displeased with the genre as a whole. Martin has saved Fantasy, pure and simple. In time, he will be better appreciated.

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    Mon Aug 07 2000

    Robin Hobb is better.

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    Tue Jul 04 2000

    Better than Jordan

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    Tue Jun 27 2000

    This RateIt needs a more comprehensive rating system! A very good teller of tales, highly involved plots and great characters, almost on the league of Jones, Goodkind and Jordon.

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    Thu Jun 22 2000

    Though not a new author in general, Martin is new to the Epic Fantasy genre and he entered with a huge bang with "A Game Of Thrones". After reading "A Clash Of Kings", I am convinced that Martin will be considered the reigning King of Fantasy for many years to come. He is that good.

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    Tue Jun 13 2000

    Not the best, not the worst. I certainly prefer Jordan, or Card. The story was realistic, the characters almost perfectly human, but there was much too much sex for my taste.

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    Sat Jun 03 2000

    Great author. Great battle scenes, great plot, in depth and interesting characters.