George Lucas
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by virilevagabond
Mon Oct 09 2006I have to concur with some of the prior reviewers, namely that George Lucas appears to have largely rested on his laurels and not really branched out to create films in a variety of genres. Besides "American Graffiti" (1973) and the "Star Wars" films, there isn't much more on his resume as a director, notwithstanding his writing and production credits. Ever since Lucas found substantial success, his efforts seem to all have an eye on marketing potential outside the theatres (e.g. Ewoks). The bottom line is that George Lucas may be a top-notch in toy concepts and production; however, he still has to prove himself in the director's chair. George Walton Lucas, Jr. was born May 14, 1944 in Modesto, California.
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Mar 30 2006A solid forward thinking movie maker but a pedestrian director. Some excellent actors, Alec Guiness, Samuel L. Jackson, Richard Dreyfus, have turned in embarrassingly wooden performances with him at the helm.
by doobiesnhof
Mon Mar 27 2006The Star Wars movies are my favorites. Lucus is one of my favorite directors. IMO, he is a pure genius and there will be some future surprises for all of you that dislike him. He will do some more good movies.
by drummond
Thu Dec 15 2005Should stick to producing and leave the writing and directing to professionals.
by wolfie
Wed Aug 17 2005There is no doubt that he had a genius of insight and creativity for Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Arc- but other then that its pretty thin. In his post Star Wars Career perhaps he can redeem himself.
by mooselover
Wed Mar 23 2005Many people seem to dislike Lucas now because of his Star Wars Special Editions and for Episodes 1-3(even though 3 hasn't come out yet). However I must say I have really been inspired by him. Star Wars Episodes 4-6 are pure masterpieces and probably the best movies ever made. Without those you probably wouldn't see the special effects you see in movies today. And I find the special editions just as good(or maybe better) than the original! While Episode 1 wasn't that good, I liked Episode 2. And don't foget the Indiana Jones series. Great epic adventures with loads of comedy wonderfully blended. Way to go LUCAS!!!
by classictvfan47
Thu Jul 22 2004The Star Wars films--also written in part by Lucas--are purely brilliant. Sure, Star Wars could never come close to toppling the legacy of the United Federation of Planets, but Lucas's sci-fi series is quite good in it's own right. The Indiana Jones films are excellent action films that mix comedy in flawlessly.
by freebird_0128
Wed Jul 21 2004He deserves all the acclaim and credit there is for creating Star Wars. A brilliant trilogy for its time, it took the world by storm using visual effects and a story everyone could relate to. A man of obvious intelligence, he marketed a film that was a complete original, before and since, and made it into a huge franchise. However as director, its clear that Star Wars was his passion since he's only ventured from that arena on a few occasions. Honestly the only bad thing I can say about Lucas is his writing, the scripts have become horrendous on his latest films. Flat and unoriginal, the Star Wars prequel is dragging the original, superb work of Star Wars through the mud.
by moosekarloff
Wed Jun 25 2003Next to Steven Spielberg, the most overrated film director of all time. Those Star Wars films were totally mindless, childish junk. The acting was second rate, the scripts clunky, the special effects not so special, the art direction ridiculous. An attempt at developing a modern mythology that ended up being cartoonish escapist drivel. The Indiana Jones flicks, a total rip-off of the 1930s serials, didn't pay homage as much as "co-opted," or "appropriated" or "stole" or "plagariszed" forms and mishmoshed them into a juvenile pastische. At least the art direction was better in these films, but the performances and scripts were pretty second rate. His films are terribly formulaic and depend too much on the "franchise" approach to filmmaking: nothing very daring or innovative here, just recognizable, lowbrow, easily digested. However, since his films lack any true emotional or psychological impact, they're not very satisfying and don't view well a second or third time. I guess he's... Read more
by redoedo
Mon Jun 02 2003No matter how much I want to, I just cannot bring myself to give George Lucas five stars. He's great at what he does, but I mean, come on, has he really attempted to branch out at all since "Indiana Jones" or "Star Wars". Whereas Spielberg has done a variety of films, George Lucas has never really attempted to try anything else. The jury is still out on who really created Indiana Jones, but Spielberg directed the films so I'm giving him most of the credit. 4 stars for gracing us with the Star Wars Trilogy, but that's really all he's given us in the past 25 years.
by liquidlen
Sat May 10 2003Dreadful. Awful. Bad. Responsible for the worst trends in modern cinema.
by myownangelicse_lf
Mon Apr 21 2003STAR WARS RULZ!!!!!
by erik_hendriksen
Thu Dec 05 2002Sellout, Sellout, Sellout. Lucas was good in the 70's but know after he got a taste of success and its soon to be over he still trys to creat an era the he hopes never ends. If a million dollar deal comes up that he is sure to get money from he just jumps at the idea. Look lucas your time is over, just stop.
by manwithaplan
Wed Nov 20 2002George Lucas IS the greatest sci-fi director of all time.... and American Graffiti isnt bad either.
by lukskywlkr
Thu Oct 17 2002My favorite movie creator, he didn't really direct all the Star Wars films, only the first one of the original series. However, those films have given me so much pleasure and fun over the years that he deserves my highest praise. He also created the Indiana Jones character, which is lost on a lot of people. SPIELBERG DID NOT CREATE INDIANA JONES---GEORGE LUCAS DID!!!
by onegis88
Thu Sep 19 2002Very imaginative, a master storymaker if not storyteller
by chaotician23
Sun Mar 24 2002George Lucas, having only a few movies, has aichieved fame unlike many other people. With only the Star Wars saga and the Indiana Jones trilogy, two of the most popular in history, he is a good director.
by kyesbd0c
Thu Aug 30 2001star wars was his pride and joy. and over the years he's proven himself well as an executive producer, overseeing such wonderful joyrides in entertainment such as the indiana jones series and the labyrinth. but what happened in the new star wars series? it's like, he ushered in the era of epic special-effects movies. and he's revered as one of it's pioneers. but 20 years later, when the genre has turned into a cookie-cutter marketing ploy, he seems to have lost the brilliant innovation he usually brings to action movies.
by castlebee
Tue Aug 14 2001You have to give the guy credit - you can't manage the kind of success he's had and not be considered veeeery good at what you do. However, I tend to go along with "annakiniam" - except I might not describe my perception of him as "control freak" so much as "pompous ass". At least, that's the kind of arrogant image he manages to churn up any time I've seen him interviewed. He gets the job done though and as part of the movie going public rather than movie making professional, thankfully, that's all I'll really need to worry about.
by annakiniam
Tue Aug 14 2001George Lucas is a genius... He is also a control freak. He's very protective of his little "empire" that he has built over the years; however, he seems to forget that it's the fans that have given him this life of luxury. If it wasn't for the fans spending their hard earned money on "Star Wars" memorabilia, he would have nothing. You need to remember the little people Mr. Lucas.
by critic2005
Fri Jun 01 2001It takes amazing talent to create a world. George Lucas has that gift, and it amazes me. He is most renowned for "Star Wars", which is the best movie in the world in my opinion, he also created the world of Indiana Jones, and he is associated with the new Seventh Tower book series. In short, Mr. Lucas is definately one of the most talented filmmakers that ever existed.
by captain_bal
Sun Apr 15 2001Whoever comes up with stuff like "Star Wars" is a genius!!!!!
by wiggum
Fri Apr 13 2001I have to give George Lucas five stars for “Star Wars” alone. When I was seven years old, that movie was my life. I think Lucas’ genius really came through in two aspects of the movie: the special effects, of course, which were so far ahead of anything we’d seen before, and the story, which hit people deeply because it tapped into powerful mythological archetypes. If you’re interested in the mythological aspects of “Star Wars,” check out a book by Joseph Campbell (with Bill Moyers) called “The Power of Myth.” Campbell explains how Lucas intentionally created the “Star Wars” story around universal archetypes like the hero’s journey. If you want to dive in even further, check out Campbell’s “Hero with a Thousand Faces,” said to be a direct inspiration for “Star Wars.” Sure, the new “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” movie isn’t nearly as ground-breaking or entertaining as the original, but I’m hoping the new trilogy will improve as it goes along.
by callmetootie
Tue Apr 10 2001George Lucas receives so much credit for creating the famous, Star Wars trilogy, and he deserves every bit of it. He's one great director