George Bush's approval rating hits 60%

Approval Rate: 70%

70%Approval ratio

Reviews 12

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    Sat Jul 30 2005

    . . .only among those without a college education or worse.

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    Sat Jun 11 2005

    It's at 48% and dropping, probably won't go up from their at all, war approval is only 40% and dropping, his plans for social security only have a 29% approval rating and dropping. 60% would be a joke. Sorry. With approval ratings like that he will not in the near OR distant future go down in history as one of the greats.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    So, 47% of the people in this nation are idiots? That's funny. Even funnier is the notion that Bush's approval rating will go up. Give me a break.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Not gonna happen. Bush can do whatever he wants now that he has a second term. He already sacrificed the GOP long-term for a Democratic resurrection. ... Don't worry fellas; his popularity will decline once he's gone by Inauguration Day 2009. By then, he'll already lose the GOP-controlled Congress (2006) and the GOP presidency (2008).

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    Ole Dubya ruffles way too many feathers to ever be that popular again... 50 years from now he'll be rated very highly but in the short term the positive impact his legacy will have on the country won't be seen so clearly. ****right wing zealots? LOL thats funny.. seems to me Republicans have been beating down liberalism for the last 12 years (arguably 20) save for the Clinton anomoly- and he only salvaged a second term in office by running as a moderate and rubber stamping the conservative agenda... Skizero, 60 million right wing zealots? Yup.**************UPDATE: New CNN/Usa Today Poll has Bush's approval rating now at 57% and steadily climbing. Nope no terrorist attacks needed. Republicans enjoy a 10% higher approval rating than Democrats who are morally adrift and bankrupt of ideas- exceedingly the party of only the plantation elites of Hollywood and academia. It's funny that on a list with Jennifer Lopez marrying Shaquille ONeil that this prediction would be second from th... Read more

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    Depends if you are talking about 60% approval rate on home turf or overseas. Can't see this ever reaching 60% overseas. Though maybe Georgie has learnt a few lessons and will start to act like a real President. To Louie: You might not, but we still have to live with him and his actions and we very much care!

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    It doesn't matter, his approval rating hit 53% on Nov. 7.This just confirms that there are more idiots(47% of the U.S. voters)in the US than I originally thought.Update:To daccory's comment.I don't care if our approval rating is 0 overseas!!!

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    Fri Dec 31 2004

    Not likely, unless something big happens, and that something big is what irishgit already listed below. I'm seriously hoping that won't be the case.

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    Fri Dec 31 2004

    What's right is not always popular and what's popular is not always right. I rather have a strong and steady President then a weak one who only cares about being popular. Well said Eschew...

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    The only way I see this happening is if there is another major terrorist attack on American soil.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    Unlikely in '05. When the mid-term elections are held in '06, the US has a chance to show the highest GDP performance in history (with help from present-day inflationary pressures) the lowest unemployment rate in 25 years and significantly reduced deficit projections based on the strength of the economic recovery. The democrats will lose more seats in both houses of Congress and the recently established democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq will be mentioned sparingly in the news. If there is another terrorist attack/catastrophe (as suggested by Irishgt)Bush will be even more popular. In January, 2009, we can all return to our caves, we 60 million conservative zealots. There'll be more by then.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    he'd have to go around giving bjs to millions of people, or have laura go out and do it. i doubt he'll ever see an approval rating of over 50% again. enjoy him while you have him, zealots. you'll be back in your right wing caves in 2008.