Gay Pride Parade

Approval Rate: 64%

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    Tue Sep 02 2008

    Gay Pride parades must be almost as embarrassing for normal gay people as Mardi Gras is for non-gays.

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    Tue Sep 02 2008

    Homosexuals,we are all tired of your immature antics. To the men among you: go get some PUSSY and see the light,find the love that you are missing in your promiscuous lifestyle. To the women:go find a man to give some man meat,so you can feel feminine and wanted again,get pregnant by a cock not the doctors syringe!

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    Fri Jul 18 2008


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    Tue Dec 13 2005

    Why can't a group of people get together and have fun? Whether you admit it or not, they are discriminated against, and people are prejudiced towards them. I see nothing wrong with them getting together. Imagine if you were a minority, where an unecessarily large majority of the people were not like you and people thought of you as inferior, disgusting, and perverted, and used you as a representation of society's garbage. Wouldn't it make sense for you to be in a group of people like you and get support from each other? Thats what immigrants did in the old times. Imagine if everyone thought you were a sick freak and made fun of you. How would that affect your mentality? I was thinking about how gays aren't allowed to marry. Back in America's slavery days, weren't blacks allowed to get married? I mean, slaves were thought of as objects back then, inferior and inhuman, but even THEY got to get married, but to this day there are many people that feel that gays shouldn't be able to get ma... Read more

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    Sun Sep 18 2005

    I notice a lot of people talking about how they don't like parades or they don't like gay parades. or... But the question is how does this parade rank... and as far as celebrations go it's wonderfull. As far as parades go it's unique and exciting with a wonderful political message about freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom to be who you are. The San Francsico Gay Pride celebration is particularly ecumenical, encoumpassing a wide variety of ideas, ideologies, and erotic preferences. Say what you want about everything else... Don't like this or don't like that. personal agendas and all that, but if you want to know how this parade ranks among parades of this type the answer is... Great.

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    The day they have a straight pride day in San Francisco is the day I will even think of giving this more than one star.

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    Thu Oct 28 2004

    BIGBABY makes an excellent point. While I don't know anyone who's gay (I think) and I can't say what the typical gay person is like, I'm pretty sure that what goes on at Gay Pride Parades and Gay Pride Week in Disney World are not a representation of all gay people. Events like these almost always go way over the top with the behavior of their participants and lose their message.

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    Gay pride parades are sick and disgusting, and do not represent most homosexuals. I would never walk around half naked in the streets while practically having sex. The people in these parades are sick perverts. All of you are giving this a 5 star rating for supporting gay rights, please stop kidding yourselves. The pervs in these parades dont care about having rights at all. These parades only hurt the cause for gays. Thanks, f*gs, for making all of us look bad.

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    Mon Apr 12 2004

    There are a lot of people having fun at Gay Pride Parades, and the religious zealots can't handle it. They think that their fictional novel should dictate everything that they say and do. And because man holds domain over the earth, they can also pollute it as they choose. If there was a such thing as hell, it is you folks who will burn in it.

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    Sun Apr 04 2004

    We live in a democracy so gays are certainly entitled to have a parade if they desire to be so. What was said in GoneAway's previous post about fists and gerbils has little to do with this subject. I don't know if any of that stuff is true and I don't want to know. TMI!

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    Sun Apr 04 2004

    I think it is wonderful that we FINALLY live in a culture in which gays can have a pride parade without fear of retribution. That said, I want to address a couple of things in GoneAway's post. What you have posted is riddled with logically fallacious argument. By the same reasoning you use--that some gays do the thing with gerbils, therefore their culture is an abomination--one can argue that because of some of the atrocities committed in the name of Christ, for example the torture chambers of the Inquisition, that Christianity is an abomination which should not be forced upon society. This is an example of the straw man fallacy, as well as the fallacy of composition, for you 1) caricature your opponent in order to make him easier to attack; and 2) extrapolate from properties of the parts of a thing, e.g. the gerbil, to the character of the whole of a thing-- this does not follow. I would like to think that there are some Christians in the world who are capable of reasoning logica... Read more

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    Tue Jan 13 2004

    My God! Why?

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    Thu Nov 27 2003

    Anyways, this event really all depends on which city you are in. San Fransisco is obviously not the only city with gay pride parades. (I am not arguing that San Fransisco is the gay mecca of the United States however.) But anyways, I personally don't really care for gay parades. It is just a personal choice, it isn't that I hate them. I appreciate the fact that alot of gay people go out of their way, spend lots of money and time to make these events big and loud. These events are far from easy to organize. Every now and then you will see a reviewer on this website complaining that there are no STRAIGHT parades, well no one is stopping you from spending the money, or raising the money. No one is stopping you from all the work you will have to do to get it going. It is not the fault of the gay community that you won't get off your lazy bootie and get it done. I doubt very highly that any gay person in this country would be angry because you want a parade, too ! In fact, most of ... Read more

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    Thu Nov 27 2003

    I remember the first ones, which were not only great, but actually gay, if you can believe it. Now it's just bunch of baby-buggy pushers who can't even stay in line. What I really resent is the BT which got forced on us. Why on earth are transexuals lumped in with us? We have nothing in common.

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    Tue Nov 25 2003

    All of you people are for gay rights, black rights, and thats understandable but you have gone to far. They have an all gay college in new York ( go figure) but if there was an all straight college you guys would be screaming dicrimination!!!!!!!!1. Lies just because your gay doesn;t give you any weird privalges. You're the same as everybody else but you have to shout out the littlest differences. Wait till I have my straight pride parade..or will that offend you. God Bless. Straight Pride!

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    Thu Nov 06 2003

    I see a lot of simple minded people on this topic. People go out of there way to make homosexauls look flaming and down right nasty. I know many gay people and they are just like you and me. Great loving Christians. For you people to punish love like its murder or rape is disgusting. Discrimination is a bigger sin then being gay so open your mind people.....=)

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    Wed Oct 01 2003

    Wonderful, joyous, peaceful parade. It's amazing there could be so many people and yet the whole experience is so positive and the people are so well-behaved. I've been going to the Parade for as long as it's existed and have watched it evolve. The festivities (booths) are so cool. You can walk around and have a mixed drink or a beer without the hassles of paste-on I.D.s that I've experienced at other fairs, especially SF's Carnaval. The Pride Parade is now also taped for people to buy and was shown on ch. 4. We always get lots of tourists and they all seem to have a great time.

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    Wed Oct 01 2003

    I'm taking a guess here but I wouldn't be surprised if all of the negative posters don't live in San Francisco. I'll also be that most of them don't live in a big, diverse city. Many of them have probably never even been to San Francisco let alone witnessed a gay pride parade. So what right do you have to state your opinion? I'm giving it 3 stars (OK) because I don't live in San Fran and I've never witnessed its gay pride parade.

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    Thu Sep 18 2003

    I hate parades of any kind. I really honestly do. They're too loud. And please don't accuse me of being homophobic. I am a bisexual. I don't even like the Bisexual Pride parades. Really, I'd rather much stay home and play a Video game round of Clock Tower 3 than hear so much loud noise at ANY parade.

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    Sat Jul 05 2003

    How can you be "proud" of inserting your penis into a rectum? Give me a break. I don't care about your private sexual practices, but have the decency and respectability and the courtesy to keep them private. People who parade their sexuality in parades are just jerks.

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    I have nothing against gays. Hell, half my friends are gay! But when you have to say "I am better than you because I'm gay", It's not pride. It's being a snob.

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    Sat Jun 14 2003

    What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your business (jot that down Rick Sanatorum). I support gay rights- I do not support marriages, because marriage is actually defined as a union between a man and a woman. However, I do support the Civil Unions now in place in Vermont, which states that a gay couple can live in a "common law" type marriage, get the same benfits as straight couples, etc. As far as the parade itself, I'm not sure the whole "We're Here and We're Queer" message is going to accomplish your goal. Sure, you can have your Pride Parade, but let's make it a little less arrogant. Of course, I want we straights to all accept the gay community, and I want the gays to accept the straight community. However, being gay is a sexual thing, it IS not actually a way of life. Straights go to straight bars, gays go to gay bars. They both do go to bars, however, but they do to bars that accomidate their sexual interests. However, straights have jobs, gays have jobs. Straights driv... Read more

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    Fri Jun 13 2003

    The day bigotted gay-bashing jerks allow us the same basic freedoms is the day we will stop marching in your cities. We're not asking for much, just the right to live in harmonious love with our spouses, raise our children and live without fear. Yup, sounds REALLY perverse to me you narrow-minded bigots.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    It's really "Gay Arrogance", not pride - and it's about them forcing their lifestyle (amontgst other things) down America's throats and up our ass!! And we have a choice to say "No - I don't swing that way" without being punished. If they want to express pride - let them do so by helping the less fortunate in the community - not by waving their privates at everyone!

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    Fun & a great time! Every year, the crowds get larger with record numbers of people attending. And more money each year is raised to go to worthy charities. Good music, lots of eye candy, dancing, interesting people that walk & do crazy things during the parade. - Pride parade is a blast! I love the parades.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    Well, since my (gay) tax dollars go to pay for the schools, the social programs and prison for all these straight people's kids, hell, yeah, I deserve equal rights. If not, I definitely deserve a tax break because I don't want to be supporting special rights based on sexual behavior (tax breaks for being able to breed). As for straight pride, turn on the tv, walk down the street, go online and the heterosexual lifestyle is shoved down your throat. If we take one day a year for a f*cking parade and it gets you all squirrely (ever ask yourself why that is?), get out of town and deal with it. So many chumps on this board ... hey, Bubba, turn off talk radio once in awhile and think for yourself.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    You can't take away a person's pride in who they are... You can try to tell them they shouldn't be proud of it, but that just gives us one more thing to be proud of, the fact that we're not you, not telling people how to think and what to believe... not thinking that we know what is right for everyone in the world - but knowing that what we do is right for ourselves, and everyone should have the freedom to discover and persue a life that will make them happy and proud as well!

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    Why are gay and lesbian persons so expressive? Maybe because only recently, we were allowed to do so. As recently as 50 years ago, we were persecuted by society, even as far as to be beaten by the police, just for "looking gay". There are still crimes commited against us, simply because of who we love. We have fought long and hard to be able to live peacefully and we have every right to be proud. It seems apparent that we need to celebrate Pride just as much now as ever. Don't you think you would need a weekend to celebrate after spending a year listening to people talk about you the way y'all are talking about us? And by the way, maybe if y'all educated yourselves and your children, Our children wouldn't have to put up with this harrassment when they are our age.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    I've never read so many homophobic remarks. Where are you people from? If you weren't so close-minded you realize that you most likely know someone who is Gay. We're everywhere - and we're not going anywhere else soon. Do we really need to point out the hypocrisy of mainstream society? Hello... Hooters. Straight men can objectify women all they want - but two adult men can't hold hands in public? Get over your squeamishness already. You can't catch it.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    In the last few years I've gotten pretty tired of all the hype surrounding the Parade and Pride month in general. I guess I've been living in some kind of blissful Bay Area bubble of sanity and tolerance, which I took entirely for granted. Thanks for the wake-up call! Until I read some of the previous posts I had no idea there were still so many ignorant people still left in the U.S.. I work, pay taxes, vote, and volunteer. I have never been arrested nor gotten so much as a speeding ticket in my whole life, and yet there are those of you (granted, they are the least ariculate and poorest spellers among you) who would liken me to a child molester or someone who has sex with animals and/or blood relatives (probably much commoner in your part of the country, Jethro!). I guess I'll just have to drag my bored butt to that parade this year, if only to p*ss off all the ignorant jackasses in the sticks to whom the sight of some hairy man in a tutu can still induce some kind of cognitive... Read more

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    wow, lots of homophobia on here. so, as a lesbian, I should not be happy about who I am? Hate myself? Hide myself. ooh, maybe I should just kill myself? The posts on here actually make some people believe that. Not me, and I'm not going to let your ignorant statements go by without addressing them. Get over it guys. Its not going to happen. I WILL celebrate myself, and you will have to deal with it! YEAH Gay PRIDE!!!

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    Those people really know how to throw a party! Much better than the boring St Patricks Day parade that the Catholics throw every year. And a lot less violent too.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    This is my favorite day of the year in SF!

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    We don't need abominations parading in our streets, influencing our children.

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    Fri May 16 2003

    I think homosexuality is a mental illness. Who would want to be proud of being mentally ill? I think gays have the right to exist and do whatever they wish, just as long as it's in private. But this is just scary.

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    Thu May 15 2003

    Some people need to get a job. Get real, it's obviously unnatural. This is one more example of how this country is based on special intrest groups instead of majority rules. Also, Thinking that being gay is not an acceptable lifestyle, doesn't mean your homophbic. You don't have to agree with someone to be tolerant. I'm just tired of people being more concerned about a parade than education. As someone said earliers views shouldn't be forced upon someone, but when "gay pride groups", go on the march that is exactly what they do. We should be more concerned about people treating each other cordialy, not nice just cause their gay. Lets get past these sub-classes

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    Thu May 15 2003

    How can anybody be "proud" to deny the facts of reality? Man + man or woman + woman are incompatable sexually. Don't you remember your anatomy classes in grade school? Being proud of your homosexuality is like being proud of willfully doing other absurd behavior, such as shoving food in your ear, sticking your finger in an electrical socket, or driving your car into a lake. Each one of these examples deny the facts of reality and serve no purpose whatsoever.

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    Wed May 14 2003

    Gays should blend in with the community WITHOUT theatrics. Understand that many homosexuals are very creative in the various art disciplines but parades! Can't we just all get along?

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    Tue May 13 2003

    I do not believe in god so my feelings are not based on any religious nonsense. But homosexuality does not work in nature. And I have more faith in how nature runs, than in a fairy tale system. It is a very delicate balance and has proved to work for millions of years. Now some will claim to be "born gay".. DNA has been mapped and still no "gay gene" Well, my question is what about being born with a club foot? Or as Siamese twins? Doctors will go to great lengths to fix what was broken at birth. Why is that "being gay" is the only dysfunction that we do not try to fix. Society embraces it and it sickens me. Take your parades and raise some funding for research into homosexuality to help treat your problems. Being in the Mental Health field I can tell you by experience. 70-90 percent of all homosexuals were molested or abused as a child. You want an explanation for the behavior... There it is.. a defense mechanism in a sense... You were not born gay, you are broken... Go fix you... Read more

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    Mon May 12 2003

    Get over it. if you don't like it, shut your door and go back to watching your football game.

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    Mon May 12 2003

    This is great. It is a group of people coming out and saying that they will no longer be afraid of their sexuality, or rather, what society thinks of their sexuality. One guy tried to make a connection to bestiality, incest, and other sexual "perversions". Give me a break! That is the most narrow minded view I have ever heard! Incest is sex with relatives that leads to genetic difficiencies-arguably a crime against nature. Pedophilia is the rape of children. Bestiality is sex with animals! How can you possibly make that connection? Homosexuality is the relstionship, on par with the relationship of straight people, between two people of the same sex. No crimes against nature, rape, or anything bad at all. I think people need to stop trying to impose their views on everyone else.

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    Mon May 12 2003

    I say it is okay because I want to stay "in" with alterna-chicks. . .

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    Mon May 12 2003

    I don't see a straight pride parade. However, I feel that people have a right to express their pride. I'm sorry to say this, but, their is no pride in sexual orientation.

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    Sun May 11 2003

    If people want to parade around, that's up to them, I guess, to each his own after all. Whatever two consensual adults want to do in the privacy of their own home is none of my business. Just so long as no one tries to rag on my straight lifestyle, I'm fine. I've made up my mind about my own sexuality, and a parade with a differing point of view isn't going to change that, and I don't feel threatened by it.

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    Wed Apr 23 2003

    You have to know the history as to why there are gay parades. When gay life is accurately presented everywhere just as is heterosexuality, then equality will have been achieved and there will be no need for special 'gay parades'. Heteros who say 'why should there be special parades for gays?...we don't have hetero parades...oh, but you do, every day of every week of every year!

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    Sat Mar 15 2003

    ALl those guyz who will give me negative remark are sure shot gays .

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    Sun Mar 02 2003

    Why is there no "straight pride" parade? The same reason that there is no white history month, charities for the rich, and male suffrage. People who are not descriminated against don't get their own parade (though you can still oganize one if you want). Gays will chant "We're here! We're queer! Get used to it!" until we respond "We are used to it. We'll let you guys get married."

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    Sun Mar 02 2003

    I believe this sort of human activities is a result from the need to be treated equally. I'm Mexican and gay, living in Mexico City, the world capital of street demonstrations. And even though there comes a time when you hate them all, in this fragmented country where it's kinda difficult to fully exercise your rights, I had to understand that demonstrations are probably one the few ways to cry out loud and ask for some justice. What many people didn't understand, just as I did when I was 'accepting' (sic) myself, is that to be homosexual is not an option, just like being black or midget, and many people find this difficult to assimilate, even gay people. Many times I find myself ashamed when looking to all those drags making a show of themselves, with all that make-up, outfit and feathers. I think "hey, not all gay people are like them, I myself am not like them, and I despise the idea of letting the rest of world thinking that we all gay people are like them". But then, I have to rea... Read more

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    Pitiful display of depravity.