Gay Couples Can't Procreate

Approval Rate: 68%

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    Wed May 13 2009

    Personally, I see this as a plus. The world is dangerously overcrowded. Anybody else think that maybe God is just trying to thin out the herd? This is a far more pleasant approach than say, a major Earthquake, Tsunami or Hurricane.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    You say that like it's a bad thing... The countries in which gay marriage is actually legalized could do with a few fewer people around...

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    And some straight couples shouldn't.

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    Thu Apr 17 2008

    So? What is wrong with someone adopting? I know several straight couples who can't have their own kids and adopted, and that seems to workm just fine. I don't see this as that big an issue.

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    Thu Apr 17 2008

    Right. They can only recruit. And most of the time by force through violation of minors and threat of repercussions if the crime is reported.

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    And horses can't walk down stairs, so what.  Straight couples can't agree on decorating or what TV programs to watch together.  It's about as relevant.

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    Thu Mar 01 2007

    Sure they can...just not with you.

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    Wed Jan 17 2007

    And this is a bad thing?

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    Tue Jan 16 2007

    Because six billion people just isn't enough.

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    Tue Dec 19 2006

    The merits of this argument (i.e. gay couples can't procreate) depends on the answer to an important question, namely why does society encourage and financially subsidize marriage. Assuming that society shouldn't care about whom others love (emotionally and physically) save of minors, etc, the answer is most likely to encourage the birth of children and their healthy growth. If this is the crux of the public support and since gay couples cannot procreate without the help of others or future science, they should not have the same rights and entitlements as those couples who can procreate on their own or with the help of existing science. (This, of course, assumes that such rights and entitlements should be granted to anyone, an open question in my book.) As noted in most of the prior comments, many counter with barren heterosexuals. The problem with this is that the law establishes bright lines for convenience, and this is the case currently with marriage. For example the fertile octoge... Read more

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    Sun Oct 29 2006

    This is where Rawlsian liberals find an inability to understand the conservative point of view whatsoever. Because they view freedom as the unencumbered ability to act on human desire and view discourse through the same lense they will inevitably squawk incongruent comments about non-procreative heterosexual relationships in defense of gay marriage. Nothing encapsulates the weakness of their position more than their even weaker defenses of it. If rights are nothing more than protections of the human will neutered of any underlying moral virtue or supportive cultural institution then who is decide what those rights are? The people? If, at the drafting of the original will of the people gay marriage was not mentioned, and to this day no state legislature has enacted gay marriage legislation without being forced to by a judicial branch (or liberal junta), how is gay marriage the will of the people? How can one argue that there is a moral dimension to its defense when the argument ... Read more

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    Mon Jun 19 2006

    marriage is for reproduction,gay marriage is just not right.why because no procreation can take way no time no place can two man produce a babby,nor two woman.we are made to pair up man woman to produce a babby,to continue the human race.

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    Mon Jun 19 2006

    So, kissmeback, let me see - based on your definition of marriage then infertile straight people would also be banned from taking marriage vows. And, where does that leave the post-menopausal set? I won't argue the biology or the mechanics but, I really do think marriage is for more than "birthin' babies" - as wonderful as that aspect might be. Nope, I'm afraid that this argument doesn't hold an ounce of water.

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    Sat May 27 2006

    More pointless garbage. My wife and I decided not to have children before we married 22 years ago and it's not something we regret. Heterosexuals that have children and mistreat them are criminals. Homosexual couples who would offer love and a good, stable environment for children should be able to adopt them.

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    Sat May 27 2006

    It's true, but I don't see how it can lead to a compelling argument against homosexual marriage. If this be good enough reason, than shouldn't people w/medical conditions (which prevent them from reproducing) or those who choose not to reproduce, not be allowed to marry? I mean, if you're going to go that way, you might as well go all the way; Or do you like your double-standards as they stand?

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    Sun Mar 12 2006

    Too many straights are having children out of wedlock...what about that? Marriage or any union is about loving the other.

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    Thu Jan 12 2006

    Thats a bad thing? The world population is exploding and if it continues to grow the way it is now, mankind is in some deep trouble. Gay couples can adopt children who need a home, isn't that a good thing? Perhaps gay behavior is a natural form of population control that becomes active during such population explosions. Just a guess, a speculation.

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    Mon Dec 05 2005

    My wife can't hold a pregnancy to term. Guess she should have been barred from marrying as well?

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    That is not a very strong argument because there are some men or women who can't procreate (men who have a low sperm count or women who are barren). That certainly doesn't lessen the serious love and strong unity of their marriage.

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    UPDATE:To butyubchubstub: What a lovely archaic of you. People who can't conceive a child don't deserve the benefits of society and marriage? What planet are you from? **TB 303, marriage is a committment between two people who want to share their lives. You don't get married just to have children. The world is overpopulated, anyway. This should be a great solution. **It doesn't matter if it's natural or unnatural. Is a pacemaker natural? Are eyeglasses natural? How about fertility clinics who help barren couples have that natural? Natural should not be an issue.** PBeavr, ya lost me at the apes...kidding. Does that mean that old people shouldn't get married? Marriage is not about procreation; it's about love. It's about pledging your life and love to a person without whom you cannot life. To jakemr33, not having children does not suddenly 'enlighten' someone that they shouldn't get married. Everybody thinks that gay people are just out to have sex. Well, g... Read more

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    On the contrary, this is a very valid argument. If you ask ANY heterosexual couple, they not only married to show love and commitment, but to bring into this life children to raise. Whether you accept the fact or not, it IS biologically impossible for gays to concieve a child without the bringing in of a 3rd party. Many said that there are sterile couples that are still married; the government strongly dislikes this. It is impossible for the government to go through every single couple and prove if they are sterile or not; its just the fact that there are so little of them its a waste of time. Children are greatly beneficial to society, seeing as gays cannot creat a child, they do not deserve the benefits of society and marrige itself. Besides this, you have to think about something beyond just procreation. Men and women's differences go far beyond just anatomy. For a child to be raised properly in a society of both sexes, they need a male and female parent.

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    Thu Nov 03 2005

    This is just a "red herring" argument. The simple fact is that not one...let me say that again, NOT ONE...jurisdiction in this country requires that a married couple demontrate either the ability or the intention to procreate as a prerequisite to obtaining a marriage license. So, unless you are prepared to begin testing for fertility, and denying the right to marry to ALL couples who are not capable of producing children, then you might as well abandon this line altogether. percivale

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    Tue Nov 01 2005

    That's a good thing. More heterosexuals should choose not to procreate. And so what, anyway? Who said reproduction is the end all and be all of getting married? Hundreds of thousands of straight couples in this country don't have children. Does anyone reading this feel Bob and Elizabeth Dole should not have been married because they didn't crank out a rugrat? Jeeeez, get serious.

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    Neither can I.

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    Thu Oct 27 2005

    Their are straight couples who can't procreate so I don't see this as a good argument but I guess if the population of the earth was rapidly reducing it might be a concern.

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    Sat Oct 22 2005

    A stupid premise. Think about it: a sterile couple can't procreate either. So should they be denied marriage also? Marriage is not solely about procreation. It is a lifelong commitment to another person. And I say that if two gay people love each other and want to commit to each other for a lifetime, who are we to stop them?

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    Mon Oct 17 2005

    This is a problem that shall solve itself. As our society changes from a First World to a Third World society because of immigration, the impact of this statement shall become clear. The Third World is much less tolerant of homosexual activity than is the First World.

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    Sat Oct 08 2005

    Terrible argument for the premise. In our modern world, procreation is not the objective of many, including many straight couples. Plus there are too many other arguments, such as adoption, which come into play.

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    Sat Oct 08 2005

    I'm not against gays at all. I have friends that are gay that even thought this was a simple and only reason that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Marriage is by root theory a lisense to procreate. Even if there is some medical problem causing a couple not to be able to have children the fact remains that by the theories of nature they still have the proper tools to do so and nature dictates male female relationships for child bearing. Species would survive without this obvious mating schematic.

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    Wed Sep 28 2005

    So many far fetched and ridiculous arguments here that do not hold water. But If anyone compares this type of behavior to other forms of deviance, its called ridiculous or ignorant. "they can raise Children", "what about masterbators?", "Straight couples who cant have kids" usual, theres a lot of reaching going on here. "Do we build laws around nature"? Sure as hell do. Laws governing social behavior which are all about nature are made and argued every day. Statutory rape, Laws that outline what age is adult, Laws protecting the environment and wildlife...shall I go on? Arent all these laws originating from our interpretation of nature and how we deal with it? They are all there as a result of someone deciding what is morally right or wrong when dealing with natural circumstances. So that crap is right out the window. Futhermore the more we ignore nature or Im sorry to say "Gods plan" (yeah you all made me go there when I usually dont)the more we are going straight down th... Read more

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    Sun Sep 18 2005

    This could happen between a man and a woman .. but it CERTAINLY happens between a man and another man .. well, i consider this an opinion and its quite critical if u ask me

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    Wed Sep 14 2005

    Neither can compulsive masturbators, but that isn't illegal (not yet anyway; give it time). I guess if those who practice bestiality could procreate, it would be legal.

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    Wed Sep 14 2005

    So what? They can bear and raise children, and that by itself should support an argument that they should be permitted to marry. To all of you out pro-lifers out there - think of how many more couples there would be available to adopt children that might otherwise be aborted. And if you, for a second, thought that it might be better for the child to be aborted then to be raised by a gay couple, you are probably going to hell.

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    Tue May 03 2005

    A senseless argument. Many straight couples are unable to procreate, but are still allowed to marry as well as adopt children.

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    There are straight people that cannot procreate. Want to ban them as well? Then again, the Taliban would agree with you. . .

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    Tue Apr 19 2005

    One variation of this argument I've heard goes something like this: we recognize marriage between a man and a woman so that society can help accomodate new families. I think there's actually a good point lurking in here. Tax deductions for children is a good example of assistance for families that have already gotten started, but what about newlyweds who are trying to save up before buying a home and having their first kid? Back when marriage was soon followed by kids, and when most people got married only once, this would be a good legal status for granting certain benefits. However, this correlation is much weaker than it once was. My conclusion: if you don't want gays to receive benefits intended for families, just becaus they're married, find different vehicles to use than the umbrella of marriage. Like some sort of tax-exempt savings accounts that can be used for home purchases or childrens' educations or something. This deals not only with diverting resources intended for ... Read more

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    Mon Apr 18 2005

    A man who is sterile can get married, and a woman that can't get pregnant can still get married. As far as what's natural, what about heterosexual couples that engage in anal sex, or oral sex for that matter? What about heterosexual couples that are into bondage? Is all that natural?

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    Mon Apr 18 2005

    Ive been reading the comments over and over on this forum and I have only one question: What does procreation have to do with marriage??

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    Mon Apr 18 2005

    Good.The planet is way overpopulated anyhow.....What about sterile straight folks-should they have to take a fertility test before being allowed to tie the knot? By the way-there's nothing miraculous or holy about reproduction- vermin,insects and serial killers reproduce just as well as anything else.

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    Sun Apr 17 2005

    I will have to disagree with PBeavr on this one; the point that many straight couples cannot conceive is VERY relevant in this argument. Arguing this point suggests that a condition of marriage must include the generation of offspring. An infertile individual cannot produce offspring by natural means; I would have to say that the scientific methods developed to help those who cannot conceive, though not bad by any means, is certainly very unnatural. If marriage required the natural ability to procreate, infertile couples would have to be banned from getting married. Thankfully for many, the ability to procreate has nothing to do with marriage, thus the condition of procreation is a poor argument against any two individuals who choose to get married, no matter who those two individuals may happen to be. UPDATE: Again, PBeav, I will have to disagree with you. If the argument in your eyes is based on what is intended by nature, that is a different argument: The general argument is ... Read more

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    Sat Apr 16 2005 couples can't procreate. But they can, and many of them do make great parents for children who otherwise would not have parents or guardians. The foster care system in many jurisdictions is turning to gay couples, because heterosexual couples do not often want to adopt older children.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    TO ESCHEW: eeeewwww!

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    You would think this would be one issue that would help homosexuals realize their behavioral choice is wrong.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    What are we now, cavemen? Just because they can't procreate doesn't make a valid argument either. There are straight couples who cannot procreate. Marriage is not about making babies, it is about the love that two people have for each other.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    Try as they might.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    Irrelevant, obviously. Procreation is not a requirement for straight couples to get married, why should this additional hurdle be imposed on gay people?