Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by kjsean
Thu Jul 09 2009The flavor is nice, but trust me, this does NOT quench your thirst. In fact, it makes you thirsty even more.
by biscuithead
Fri May 15 2009It is pretty much a tie to me, between the flavors of Gatorade and Powerade, although I drink Powerade more often.
by freight
Tue Apr 28 2009DO NOT DRINK THIS...... read the ingredients and find out urself wat they actually do for u. this company has tricked the sports world into thinkin this is wat atheletes need for increased proformance and recovery, it does nothin. maybe ten minutes of increased energy.... thats it! again it depends on wat ur doin but i would not give anybody this drink... ever. massively spikes ur insulin and u crave more of this drink the more u drink it because ur body gets lazy and doesnt want to make insulin.... diabetes!!! DONT DRINK GATORADE!!! take multi vitamins and minerals, drink water with a balanced healthy diet and train hard.
by timidmuskrat
Mon Mar 16 2009Awful. Not in taste, but the illusion that its good for you! They add SALT as an "electrolyte". The LAST things americans need is more electrolytes! We have SO much salt in our diets people die of heart attacks. If anything, they should just add Potassium. They claim one of their energy producing ingredients as "fluid". Fluids? Drink water. Don't have gatorade. Carbohydrates? Yea, it has LOTS of them. In the form of fattening SIMPLE carbohydrates, like sugar. In the form of HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, which has been PROVEN to cause diabetes and OBESITY. Stop drinking this CRAP and drink vitamin water or gatorade, even propel is better than this crap.
by reupman13
Sun Jan 11 2009Like the drink but the 20oz bottles are so hard to open you almost have to use a pair of plyers!!
by mrtuner
Tue Mar 04 2008Gatorade has always been one of my favorites! It has great taste and gets the job done! I drink it sometimes when i am boxing.
by locke487
Wed Feb 06 2008But really bad for you. So much high fructose corn syrup. Just as bad as soda.
by drkseph
Wed Feb 06 2008Tastes good but you're not supposed to drink it unless you're sweating it out otherwise all the sugar and calories just makes you fat.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Jun 26 2007I don't care for the taste of Gatorade, but it's supposed to be one of the ones that's better for you, so I've heard.
by dontridethewhi_tehorse
Tue Jun 26 2007It is delicious once you get used to it. I drink it constantly now, including for breakfast. I think it is a good drink for gators, even though I don't like gators. I like ponies. Delicious ponies, mmmmmmmmmmm. But not as delicious as Gatorade. No wait, I mean vodka, heh heh. Just kidding. Um, it's all right. Except I drank a little too much and I'm wired up. Of Gatorade, not vodka, that is. Never mind.
by blue0ctane
Sat Jun 09 2007I have a confession - I am a Gatorade addict. Being a baseball player, I drink lots of Gatorade to start with, and I have it with lunch and dinner if I'm eating at home. Gatorade is a sports drink that has gotten everything correct.
by cp2341234
Tue May 15 2007gatorade is the shiznaz! e'erbody needs to drink this drank. Powerades got nuthin on g-rade. Gatorade has been proven to work effectively on the body! drink G-RADE!
by linemanrt60
Mon Apr 09 2007It could be the slightly salty aftertaste or maybe its the fact that after playing football for so many years and drinking gallons of this stuff but I would almost never drink it unless it was given to me after a practice or during a game. The new gatorade a.m is alright though.
by lostchic
Sat Apr 07 2007I can't believe that so many people FAIL to look at the product lable. Gatorade =sugar+potassiuum+salt+water...... No vitamins No aminos acids - No calcium - Eat a banna and drink some Kool-aid. DUH - you need a lot more than that to refuel your body so why settle for 50 calories & 28 carbs when you can get a healthy body replenisher Rebound Fx?
by normanmcdidly0_1
Tue Oct 03 2006This drink is yucky!
by tewrc918
Tue May 30 2006tastes like chicken
by yokota
Mon Apr 10 2006they started giving Gatorade at work last year so i started drinking it all the time at home and in 9 months i had a large kidney stone. and the only thing i had changed in my diet was starting to drink alot of Gatorade. My neighbor said his brother told him that the army stopped giving Gatorade to its military units becasue the rate of people having kidneystones went up 700 percent.
by eminem11
Sat Sep 24 2005Gatorade is the best. In reguards to this inqury: '' RebelYell1861 I heard that this stuff can cause kidney stones if you drink it too much when you're not sweating. I don't know how true that may be, but I think I'll stick to Powerade just to be on the safe side.'' That's fale, I emailed gatorade and they said it's safe to drink even if your not sweating. Gatorade is the best sports drink. Grape is good
by dragonman
Tue Sep 20 2005The best sports drink,offical sports drink of the NBA. I think it's much lighter and refreshing than Powerade.
by porky1925
by coop_dagger
Thu Aug 18 2005Hey to me Gatorade and Powerade is the same thing. My favorite flavor is Lemon-Lime...! Eat cookies Coop
by gadget13
Thu Aug 11 2005Gatorade is good sports drink that helps on a hot day. It comes in many different and delicous flavors. My personal favorite is the fruit punch (red) flavor. Gatorade does tend to leave an slightly unpleasant after-taste, but other than that it's a great sports drink that will rehydrate you!
by hotpizza
Thu Jul 21 2005They should have never discontinued the Starfruit flavor, that was the best ever. I guess the Xtremo flavors are the best they have now, but I take offense when they say they designed Xtremo for latino athletes. Why don't they just say they designed them for human athletes who appreciate good tasting fruit flavored sport drinks and drop all the ethnic appeal BS.
by the_batman
Tue Jul 19 2005I am a student studying pharmacy at college, and I can say that the ions in Gatorade do indeed help rehydrate your body. It IS better than water, and gets the job done when you are playing sports. The green gatorade is the best tasting.
by s_dogd6d
Tue Apr 19 2005GAtrode is a better tast than the others
by texasyankee
Thu Mar 31 2005Only one worth mentioning
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sat Nov 13 2004no sports drink even comes close
by louiethe20th
Thu Aug 05 2004Gatorade is very thirst quenching and has a pretty good taste.
by blairwitch187
Sat May 15 2004I love this stuff! There are so many flavors, and it rehydrates me on a hot day.
by supersports
Wed Feb 18 2004Too much salt. We get enough sodium in our daily diets. Check out a drink called Sqwincher.
by jjburns84
Wed Jul 23 2003Completely aweful! Tastes like watered-down kool-aid. If you want this stuff, save yourself some money and mix a package of kool-aid with 3 gallons of water. Also, Gatorade is controlled by one of the soft drink giants. Gatorade is produced by quaker which was bought out by Pepsi.
by what_up_dog
Sun Jun 29 2003they are really good but i don't like the blue ones
by drfeelgood03
Thu May 29 2003It is the best sports drink, hands down.
by bigbaby
Tue May 06 2003I like Gatorade. Gatorade has so many flavores that I don't or haven't tried all of them. It offers more flavors than Powerade, but Powerade tastes much better.
by solenoid_dh
Mon May 05 2003It tastes like salt!
by lowrider
Tue Apr 29 2003it's the most popular for a reason it's the best out there
by rebelyell1861
Wed Mar 26 2003I heard that this stuff can cause kidney stones if you drink it too much when you're not sweating. I don't know how true that may be, but I think I'll stick to Powerade just to be on the safe side.
by crimson_and_cl_over
Tue Mar 04 2003gatorade is horrible. its totally disgusting
by dmbenba3
Sun Dec 22 2002its good to drink when you have a head ache (don't ask why just trust me and try it next time)
by monkezuncle
Wed Nov 20 2002Great taste but as an Athletic Trainer and a Paramedic the only thing worse you can drink after working out or in the heat is coffee. The problem is that gatorage packs in so many solutes (sugar, vitamins, electrolites (tranlate, things that are not liquid)) that it actually robs water from your body through diffusion/osmois (water trasffer). The best way to use gatorade is to dillute it, we use 1/3 gatorade to 2/3 water. That will rehyrdate you and give a good bablance of electrolytes/suger. Also, if you have not just had a strenous workout, Gatorade is packed so full of sugar that it will casue you to GAIN weight.
by thadea
Tue Nov 12 2002Be it as it may, Gatorade may replenish nutrients and fluids but it doesn't matter which flavor you choose, it still tastes like dung.
by lukskywlkr
Thu Nov 07 2002This is probably the best sport out there. That being said, I have to be REALLY THIRSTY to drink this stuff.
by castlebee
Tue Apr 02 2002Why not just drink seawater? It probably has less salt content. BLECH tooey, tooey! You can't beat just plain old (filtered) water for beating dehydration. UPDATE: LOL! I really hope the person who is voting down all my comments is enjoying his/her/itself! I was willing to believe it might have been a coincidence but voting NOT HELPFUL to a comment as innocuous as this - and BTW also very true water IS much better for your body than this crud as anyone with half a brain knows – proved me wrong. I must say, you are not only an ignoramus but also completely without clue one. Let me fill you in on something you funny little clicker demon - negative votes do not move one up or down on any scale of measurement on RIA...only positive votes actually count. But guess what - even if it did work the other way around you will never silence my voice with your childish click on until you get a good case of carpal tunnel and enjoy your hand brace! Believe me, I’m enjoying it as much as... Read more
by princessangry
Thu Dec 06 2001Gu Gu Gu gatorade!!! I love this drink! It quenches your thirst, makes you feel hyper, and tastes so good, at least most of the flavors do. It has more variaties than powerade. But powerade os good too. I really can't decide between the 2. I like them both the same. I love the gatorade frost ones, they are cool.
by snoopy
Mon Oct 08 2001Great drink for battling dehydration.
by afterglow70
Sun Jun 10 2001To me, it tastes like flavored salt water. EWWW!!
by pooroldedgarde_rby
Thu Nov 09 2000Still the best. Amazingly enough none of the other sports drinks, all produced by huge soft drink companies, can compete with Gatorade. I often drink this just as a beverage of choice not just as an activity supplement. It's not too sweet so you don't feel like your drinking syrup, and it has a nice light flavor. Just one thing though..what ever happened to Gatorade Gum?? I bought a total knock off of it calle Quench Gum or some such thing and it was an awful substitute.
by alicat
Thu Nov 09 2000Gatorade is the cure of all ails. It is the best thing to drink when you have a hang over. Or if you are dehydrated. Or if you are sick. It totally helps calm an upset stomach. It is not too sweet but just sweet enough. There are some flavors that aren't really that good. I don't like the Fierce that much but I am a big fan of Ice. You can always stick to the basics like orange too which is a good stand by.
by magellan
Wed Sep 20 2000Gatorade is the undisputed kind of sports drinks. There is actually nothing better than pounding a 32oz orange gatorade after exerting yourself, when you are hung over, or when you are just a little thirsty. It goes down quickly, unlike juice, and gives you a little more replenishment than water does. What I can't understand is how in the past 10 years there hasn't been one worthy competitor to Gatorade - All Sport and Powerade are awful - I would rather drink a Pepsi.
by spiralingmarce
Thu Jul 27 2000Can we say "sugar water"? I'm sure we can, but we will say so...'cause that's all Gatorade is.