Gary Johnson

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Sat Dec 10 2011

    He's a great candidate. Has no chance of winning but to be fair, he's rarely given a chance to debate and it's even more rare to find him included in polling data. There's something not right about that. He's a successful two term Governor in a state that's 2 to 1 Democrat (so he says, I'll take his word for it) and yet no time in the debates? Then these mainstream media stations come up with some fictional criteria as to why he's not invited. For example, he has to be polling at 3% and must have raised $500,000 in campaign funds. The problem with that is: how do we know where he stands in terms of polling if his name isn't even listed as a choice? Back in May, he was polling in around 2-3% at that time right with Santorum, Pawlenty, and within striking distance of Herman Cain but after that first FOX News Debate that month, we weren't able to hear from again until several months later on I believe FOX News' 3rd debate of the year. And guess what, he did a great job! He had ... Read more

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    Sat May 28 2011

    Same whacky and left-wing foreign policy ideas as Ron Paul, though he has a more impressive record in elected office.

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    Tue May 17 2011

    With no money and no base, he will be a marginal candidate with good ideas in some respects, I gather.

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    Mon May 16 2011

    "Gary Johnson" sounds like an English slang phrase for getting a hard on, as in "D'ewe ghot a Garry Johnson?"

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    Tue Apr 26 2011

    I like he has a history of veto after veto. S he already has a track record of saying no to big government. So far he seems calm and a man of few words. I like that. He's going to be a quality candidate ( we hope )

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    Mon Feb 07 2011

    If Ron Paul doesn't run i'd vote for him.

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    Tue Feb 01 2011

    It seems that every town must have a Gary Johnson. Let's not hope it's this Gary Johnson. Let's get another Gary Johnson.....maybe just a random Gary Johnson. Johnson, Gary (this one).

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    Wed Jan 05 2011

    Who the hell is this guy, and at which Tea Party rallies has he spoken?

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    Let's see....he's not Obama so he's already good in my book. I think the country and fellow Dumb-o-crats (not me, I'm Republican) have realized they made a mistake. Then again, the career criminal Hillary was their other option. I'd rather be stale-mate for 4 years than have another Clinton in the White House. GO NON-Dumb-crats!

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    Fri Nov 19 2010

    The only candidate that can win against Obama. Because he is the only one that appeals to independents and progressives........the others only go after the same base. He is more media attractive than Paul....and quicker on his feet. Will be able to attract Tea Party he has a much higher intellect than Palin.

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    Sun Oct 24 2010

    I admit that my understanding and prior knowledge of this candidate is not as good as I would like. I saw one person give him one star because he is like the freedom loving Ron Paul. This is not fair and if he really believes what his website say, and the Libertarian values then he is worthy of running. People fear Libertarians but they believe that the Constitution gave freedom of choice and sovereignty to states for a reason. If you cannot understand this then I feel it necessary for you to read a little bit of nonfiction an history. I too will be watching this guy.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    He will make a great president. Freedom will bring people together.

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    Sat Sep 04 2010

    Noway; just another career politician with only self interest in mind. Have you read hi opinions on "Pot" it looks like he wants to make it legal, Oh so NO, Next...

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    Tue Apr 06 2010

    Common sense, common sense, common sense. Definitely a refreshing change!

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    I can see the pot heads and dope dealers really getting behind this guy. In 1999, he claimed that the war on drugs was an expensive failure. In addition, he was one of the first occupiers of higher office that advocated the legalization of marijuana and the decriminalization of other drugs. I see him as the antithesis of Nancy Regan.

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    Wed Mar 24 2010

    Quite frankly i really do not know what he stands for deep down in side of him. I would like to know about each candidate and what they are about: True freedom or this prison Obama is putting this country into. Any one with some sense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can see that absolute FREEDOM is the only thing we desire the most. That FREEDOM contains many aspects of our lives to say the least; such as: working hard and keeping more of what you earn so you can give it to whoever you so desire and not be bullied and have it taken like a thief. I do like helping people but not a forced down your throat kind of hurt hindering. This country is in huge trouble and may not be able to be pulled back now because or the ridiculous spending that is going on. These are very serious days ahead of us, probably for the next 20 years or more just to dig out of this chasm of debt we are in.

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    Mon Feb 08 2010

    This guy is the true fiscal conservative/limited government guy out there. The reason I say this is because he knows that in order to have a limited government and lower taxes, we as a nation have to rethink that interventionist foreign policy that has been the norm since WW1. Gary understands that to honored liberty the government should not interfere with my personal decisions, as long as this decisions won't interfere with the rights of another human being. He also understands that one can not wave the flag of freedom while trumping the freedom of immigrants just because of the mere fact that they come from a different place, seeking the American dream and a better life. I think that his stands on the major issues would attract Democrats and Republicans alike. He would be a hit with independents, besides he was a 2 term governor, so he being a presidential candidate is not a total fantasy. The only group that might not sit well with him are the social conservatives, but he has to ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 06 2010

    Gary Johnson is an extraordinary individual and an exceptional political leader. In eight years as Gov. of NM he was able to accomplish many of his conservative goals in a liberal Democratic state. His accomplishments as Governor are well documented and worth ones reveiw. Gary has a veiw towards politics that is refreshing and unfortunately unique, he puts the people first and makes decisions based on what he feels is the right thing to do and not to satisfy special interest, media polls or even a particular political party. He looks at his position in government as service to the people and not a career, and that is a powerful influence on ones decision making process. I have waited a long time for a candidate with these qualities. He may be the first step in getting back a government for the people. I plan to give my full support to Gary Johnson and will not vote for any incumbent that is intrenched in the existing bureaucratic mess we find ourselves in today.

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    Sat Dec 26 2009

    Heard he is ron paul like.

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    Possible candidate? Sure why not. Most of the people on this list could be possible candidates. I happen to like Gary Johnson. I think I just doomed his candidacy.

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    Mon Nov 23 2009

    Never heard of him. Went to his website. Very good candidate. I am prolife, he is not. However, he wants to return the issue to the states. That is a good direction to go. I could live with that. Stance on drugs could be a problem. It is a sacred cow to a large cross section of America. Every other issue he has on his platform I am 100% in agreement. He has experience as a governor. Historically, governors make the best presidents. He has the record to prove his principles. The final question is, Does he have the charisma that America demands. I wish the last qualification was not necessary but alas it is:-( I will be watching this guy.

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    I wasn't aware that former NM Governor Gary Johnson was running for President in 2012. He would no doubt be a decent choice. I also see that his fan club is out and about here on RIA. More power to them--all the reports I've heard out of him is that he was a good governor. He lowered taxes, left the state with an almost perfect bond rating, and balanced the state budget in the process. I'd go out on a limb and say that 90% of the candidates on this list can't say the same. Johnson also ran the state with business-like precision; a quality which is sorely needed in Washington. I also appreciate the fact that he has experience in government at the executive level. Legislators in the final analysis usually make poor Presidents. I think he'll take some of the Ron Paul voters, should he officially run. Also Johnson needs to get more aggressive in terms of publicity and making media appearances. He's not going to get a lot of votes if people don't know that he's running. If he... Read more

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    Sun Nov 15 2009

    Johnson seems to be better than anyone else in the arena at the moment. I like that he's a fiscal conservative without the Achilles heel of being a social conservative. However, I do NOT like that he privatized prisons in New Mexico. Although it saved the state money, it also turned incarceration into a for-profit venture. NOBODY should profit on people going to prisons, otherwise the motivation is to imprison more and more people. We need to be accountable and pay directly for the justice we want.

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    Fri Nov 13 2009

    The good ideas of Ron Paul, but without the nuttiness. Also, demonstrated experience in keeping gov't growth in check, keeping taxes low, and being a fiscal conservative without the social conservative baggage.

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    Mon Nov 09 2009

    He is the man for the job! He is the only one with the courage to stand up for liberty and with a record of doing exactly that.

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    Sat Nov 07 2009

    He has and will attract the center & many 'Reagan Democrats.'

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    A younger "Ron Paul." I like him.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    Gary Johnson is my top pick to be our next United States President!

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    Wed Nov 04 2009

    Freedom ftw!!!

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Our national Welfare Warfare State is bankrupting us, rendering us vulnerable to a collapsed dollar, enemies abroad and fewer jobs. Gary's proven himself as a government executive, winning twice in a DEMOCRAT state. He's focused on reducing bureaucratic interference in entrepreneur's creation of jobs, while introducing more educational choice for parents and better government service by exposing the bureaucracy to competition for what they provide. Gary understands that opportunities stem not just from economics and jobs, but also from creativity and individual pursuits of happiness - he would end the Drug War and restore maximum Civil Liberties. Fiscally conservative and socially open - that's the winning recipe that can unite conservatives, liberals, libertarians and independents.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Gary Johnson had the best record of any governor, in decades, for shrinking the size of government during his tenure as Governor of New Mexico. We really need someone like him to reign in the size of the bloated federal government.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    The perfect Republitarian for 2012. Excellent choice to be the Goldwater/Reagan voice once heard in the 1960s and 1970s. Perfect timing after dealing with Obama to bring this country back to _REAL_ conservatism.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    i'm from n.m. and gary johnson is the reason i got involved in politics 14 years ago...i went from apathy to activist overnight...he's the best!

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Quite possibly one of the only Republicans I would support.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    A Johnson/Paul or Paul/Johnson ticket would be my dream.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    The grassroots are organizing around this guy!

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    He is Ron Paul but young!

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    I think Gary Johnson would be a great president. He is an independent thinker and was an excellent and fiscally responsible governor in New Mexico.

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    A strong fiscal conservative who supports civil liberties, drug reform, and was against the war in Iraq from the start. What's not to like?

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    Liberty Candidate 2012!

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    Wed Oct 28 2009

    The guy is Anti-war, anti-Federal reserve, pro-Legalization and actually Managed to cut taxes -a feat I thought was only reserved for legend. However, both Dems and Repubs like to be stupid and show only their Weakest candidates at election time. Throw in the fact that a lot can happen in three years and I am loathe to make predictions either way. That said, if things stay as they are I can see voting for this guy in 2012.

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    Mon Oct 26 2009

    According to Gary Johnson vetoed 1000 spending items while governor of New Mexico. I can only imagine the amount of waste he could get rid of in Washington.

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    A younger more politically practical Ron Paul style former Gov. The MSM and even the party leaders will try to act as if he is not a real candidate but if he gets grassroots support that has exploded over the last few years, he will be a huge player in 2012 make no doubt about it. A great story, leader and his stances on issues are a good mix from each parties base. I hope he runs and hope makes big splash.

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    Believes in drug legalization which would allow us to put the "drug war" resources into something more fruitful.

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    I rate this man 5 stars. The liberals in Santa Fe didn`t like him, but the rest of the state loved him Quahadi Hill

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    Johnson is the only person in the running that will be strong enough to beat out Obama in 2012. Mainstreamers like Huckabee and Romney are too soft on gun issues and spending so the conservatives don't come out in droves for them. There's not one bad thing a conservative can say about Johnson and his record. I can't wait to start campaigning for him in NH. Rock on!

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    Its early days yet, but this guy might prove to have some legs down the stretch (assuming he decides to run) He has a decent resume, seems pretty articulate and there doesn't seem to be an Appalachian Trail for him to hike on in New Mexico *chortle* He's worth keeping an eye on, particularly given the thoroughly mediocre field of candidates the GOP is coughing up so far. Three stars for now, but it might well go up. Although I'd be wary of assuming a bandwagon of support based on a Drudge Report story....

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    Sat Oct 24 2009

    I'm gonna step right the hell out of line with the flood of unique and unconnected ratings of 5 and rate this guy a 2, seeing as it reads "marginal candidate" for the rating of 2 and I've never heard of this guy. See what happens when I get bored and look at all reviews?

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    Thu Oct 22 2009

    Two-term New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is one of the few people in politics today who actually stays true to their principles. Johnson believes in limited government, lower taxes, individual liberty, and a foreign policy of self-defense. Known for vetoing 750 bills (more than all the vetoes of the other 49 Governors in the U.S. at that time, combined), Gary earned the nickname "Veto" Johnson. An aggressive tax cutter, spending cutter, and libertarian conservative, Johnson poses a serious threat to Obama in 2012.