Garnier Fructis
Approval Rate: 81%
Reviews 0
by 14mist14
Sat Dec 12 2009Well, I just got this shampoo tonight the normal, fortifying one. I have read many bad reviews, those make me scared............I really don't want my hair falling out, that would be a bucket of daisies now wouldn't it? Also I have really oily hair and I don't want it to make it oilier! My hair isn't even dry yet from it! Before tonight I have always used Paul Mitchell. I have tugged on my hair though a couple of times and it has made it stronger for me so I really hope it depends on what type of circumstances your hair is, basically I hope results are different for different people. I have rated this 50/50 because I really don't know what my outcome is yet, but when I do I will come back to post so that I might help some more people. Thanks for reading and hope I helped, Paige (Mist)
by socialranking
Sun Sep 06 2009I guess this company spent 95% of money on promotion and ads. 5% on package and 0% on R&D.
by biscuithead
Mon Aug 03 2009Well, the first time I tried this I squeezed the bottle and it exploded. Never got to try it. Finally we got a travel size for a trip but it made my hair quite greasy, and that is especially worse for me considering my hair is greasy anyway.
by kjsean
Wed Jun 17 2009Garnier Fructis is a good, low-price shampoo. The smell is quite wonderful, and it didn't do any bad things to my hair. It made my itchy hair (due to using Suave products) not itchy again, and did some moisturization (but still dry). This is great for people with normal hair, but if you have dry and/or damaged hair like me, you need a more powerful moisturizing shampoo. :)
by elementsk8er17
Tue Jun 16 2009With most of you people who are like. ong. it makes my hair fall out. its a natural thing, when you switch shampoos its prone to happen. im a teenage boy who once had my hair down to my shoulders and i got it all cut off cuz i damaged it from straightening bangs are about at my eyebrows and ive been looking for a shampoo to fortify my hair to regrow it naturally, i tried that axe stuff, that sux, it made my hair fall out, and its because i washed it twice everyday, and i used tresseme' no breakage shampoo and conditionor, it made my hair stiff, but now, i wash my hair every other morning and with my Garnier Fructis 2-1 daily care shampoo and after the first use, i saw a difference, it was more soft and stronger. no breakage, deffinatly a good shampoo for 3 bucks
by imogen
Wed Jun 03 2009I really like the fruity smell of Garnier Fructis and gave it a try based on their commercials advertising fruit extracts. Not only does it smell good, but it makes your hair very shiny. They have different formulas for different hair types. If I'm strapped for cash and can't buy my usual products, I'll default to Garnier Fructis.
by uhaveanicemoos_ey
Sun May 03 2009do not buy this money wasting product, all it will do is make you shed like a dog. ive noticed that i lost so much hair and started to freak out. my mom told me to use it because it smelt good, and i regret using it because i lost so much hair. when i hold my hair in a ponytail i can feel the difference. everytime i stroke my hair gently like strands of hair would fall out every time. same goes for my sister, shes the one to let me realize it was the shampoo i was using. i prefer head and shoulders, its good for your scalp and it smells good.
by mopheadgirl
Mon Mar 16 2009I've never written a review for a hair product, but after using Garnier Fructis, I had to write something. Most of the reviews that I read before purchasing Ganier Fructis weren't good. Also, I read reviews that stated that this product was not good for black hair. I'm a black woman with typical black hair that about 7 inches long. The products did what they said that they would do. I tried the Garnier Fructis Fortifying Shampoo with Color Shield and the Fortifying Conditioner. The Fortifying Shampoo with Color Shield was perfect for my black-dyed hair. After shampooing my hair, the black hair color did not come out of my hair. All of my other shampoos that I've used caused the black hair color to rinse out with the shampoo. The Fortifying Shampoo with Color Shield kept my color in place. Also, the shampoo left my hair smelling great! My husband smelled my hair and said, "O-o-o-la-la-la!" The Fortifying Conditioner with Body and Volume plumped my thin hair up. When my husba... Read more
by tooba405
Fri Feb 06 2009some of the people around me said that garnier was ok. trust me, i was robbed! of my money and my hair. i don't usually go to rating sites, but this time, i think it is for the good of the world!!!
by kitzorz
Fri Dec 26 2008WOW! I am surprised how many people's hair fall out because of Garnier! I thought it was just me and I was having a weird patch or it was just a coincidence but no! I went back to try it again (because it smells really good) and the same thing happened. However, this doesn't seem to happen to other people I have talked to about it. So personally for me, it does not work well and made me sad that so much of my hair was falling out in the shower and when brushing my hair. It also made my hair feel greasy and my head itchy :(
by marthyl
Fri Nov 14 2008Garnier fructis shampoo lines are junk, they horribly weigh my hair down and makes it look awful, I wont buy there products no more, too much citrus in there its nasty!!!
by chalky
Wed Nov 12 2008I've bought the travel size bottles on the road but ultimately, the wind resistance factor will beat ya every time.
by angie135
Tue Oct 28 2008This shampoo smells good but makes my curly hair dry. My boyfriend uses it though.
by apesintheak
Fri Aug 15 2008I think the combination of what Garnier Fructis products you use plus your hair type depends on the outcome of what will happen. Personally I use the Color Shield shampoo and conditioner products, because I dye my hair a lot. I have really thick, medium length hair that gets damaged a lot from all the dying I do. They're the only products that have kept my hair looking healthy and fresh like I haven't even dyed it. It makes my hair shiny, smooth, soft, and easy to work with. Plus it leaves it smelling beautiful! My boyfriend uses the Sleek & Shine conditioner. He has short, thin hair and it always makes his hair soft, shiny, and smelling great. (Although I did find it a little odd that he'd want to use it.) I think if you choose the right product of Garnier Fructis to use on your type of hair, the outcome would be great. I mean, they make 11 different types of hair care products. If you have the patience and the money, why not try a few out and see how it goes?
by collettemarie
Tue Aug 12 2008i can't stand garnier. it makes my hair super oily. i shampoo my hair and less than 12 hours later my hair is right back to being super oily again. i just bought some tresemme products and i'm hoping that that will take my hair back to it's normal shine. :(
by alexabee
Wed Aug 06 2008Awful. I bought some last year and kept noticing that my hair became flat, and it felt as though it had a film over it, like it left some weird residue that also dried my hair. Well, I blamed myself and figured that I hadn't rinsed either the shampoo or conditioner out enough. However, after about a week of giving it a chance, I kept getting the same gross, filmy-dry results. Finally, a gave in and bought a different brand of shampoo- and my hair was healthy and clean again. Once again, I figured it must have just been MY hair, that it didn't mesh with my medium long, wavy, medium thickness naturally light blonde hair (which is known to less strong than darker colors). Not wanting to waste or throw it out, I offered the bottles of barely used Garnier Fructis shampoo and conditioner to my roommate (who has very different hair than mine- straight, very long, very thick, and very dark), who crinkled her nose and put her hands out, saying "No thanks, that stuff makes my hair all weird and ... Read more
by heathermarie
Sat Jun 14 2008I love that stuff! I use it everyday!
by ecoop293
Sun May 18 2008Honestly, I don't know what you people do to your hair. You must be washing it every day or something, because Garnier doesn't dry me or any of my friends out and i personally LOVE it.
by vigna11c
Wed Apr 16 2008i dont know much ,but i would like to know how the garnier fructis GEL works? any body has experience, please if u share it , i really appreciate it thanks
by qaboa83f
Fri Mar 21 2008I have been using this shampoo for years! For some reason my hair was always falling out in the shower, i just ignored it all these years thinking its because of my hair type. I was short on cash and had no choice but to buy a less expensive brand (suave professionals sleek) and after using it for some time now, my hair is soo much softer and DOESNT FALL OUT IN THE SHOWER ANYMORE! im sticking to suaves :)
by smilessmiles
Mon Feb 11 2008Garnier Fructis CURL/Wavy Hair - I started using the shampoo and conditioner of this product about a year ago. It has worked really well for me. I am a black female with 'water-wave' hair that I texterize a couple of times a year. The product really moisturizes my hair. It helps keeps my curls define. I have tried the leave-in condtitioner but I didn't like it because I dont wash my hair everyday. And the product tended to make my hair appear dry after a day or so. I also tried the deeper conditioner of this product. I like it too. I scrunch in Aussie Flexible Hold gel while my hair is wet and let it air dry. It dies beautifully. FOR ALL OF YOU LADIES OF COLOR WHO HAVE 'WATER-WAVE' HAIR YOU DONT HAVE TO KEEP PERMING YOUR HAIR. THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES.
by hoque89
Wed Nov 14 2007according to my opinion...i do NOT recommend this product...i have used garnier for some time now...and at first while usin it i'v notice alot of my hair falling...i thought it was just due to the conditioner...but even when im using the shampoo hair falls off like theres no hair is long and was thick...after using this product its been goin thin...i know the strands will be replaced...but i cant afford to loose anymore hair...and the sleek and shine one...thtz worse...yeah it shines ur hair...for the moment...but makes ur hair oily days on...and i did mention abt the hair falling issue...i cant stand this product anymore...but then again...i'v read from the reviews tht it suits certain ppl...i guess it dependz on ur hair type...but i still believe this product is no good...i dont care if it makes ur hair smell good or it makes it shiny...its not worth loosing ur hair for some shine and fragrance...newaiz i feel bad for my hair...hoepfully it'll get bac to how... Read more
by loneal
Wed Oct 10 2007made my hair fall out too. seriously.
by theri513
Sat Aug 18 2007Caveat Emptor!!! THIS PRODUCT MADE MY HAIR FALL OUT!!! For the record, I have always had very strong, healthy hair (that I take good care of-no perming, coloring, it's all natural.) UNTIL I started using this product that is. Initially I thought that it was a fluke when I'd lose hair while using the conditioners, then I discovered it happened EVERY time I used it. (This had never happened to me before and I have had long hair all my life.)I would not recommend this product to anyone. It may not be making your hair fall out, you may actually like some things about it, but what does this say about the product overall and it's efficacy that it does make some people shed like dogs in shedding season when they use it?? Something is definately WRONG with this product. I can't believe it's even still on the market. I wish I'd never even given it a try. My poor hair......
by amandajonhs
Sat Jun 16 2007my hair keeps falling off with the garnier fructis shampoo products....So BEWARE
by justrubl
Sat May 12 2007I used the 2-in-1 for about a year and the switched to the long and strong for about the last 6 months. I have been trying for the last 2 years to grow my hair out. Because I am a home health nurse I need to have my hair easy to deal with and I went in last week to get a perm and they said they would have to cut 6 inches off because of how damaged and dry it was and I have since switched to Biolage and have noticed a tremendous difference in my hair.
by lovelylotus
Thu Apr 19 2007Love it! I love the scents and it leaves my hair feeling so soft! I use the whole line of sleek and smooth products and couldn't be happier! I've tried all the other store brands, and these definitely top my list!
by girlieo34
Tue Mar 27 2007When I used Garnier Fructis products, the formula made my hair super oily like I hadn't washed it in days. My older sister uses it though and it doesn't make her hair oily like it did to me. I guess it just depends on who is using it.
by magpie1215
Sun Nov 19 2006i found the shampoos drying and the conditioners didn't do much for my hair. their leave in conditioning balm is nice, but wasn't worth buying again compared to other brands.
by justapeachi
Fri May 05 2006I used sleek-and-shine for about a month, at first believing it was a miricle. Unfortunately, it dries your hair out with time. I do keep it in my shower for those nights I MUST have frizz-free hair, but long-term it's very drying.
by jackieabby
Wed Apr 12 2006I love Garnier Long and Strong as well as Sleek and Shine shampoo and conditioner. I also love the Smoothing Milk. I blow dry my hair straight every other day, and the combination of these products makes my hair soft and shiny. They smell like apples, which is a nice treat too! Can't beat the price either!
by tiffany1986
Thu Jan 19 2006Sometimes I get tired of the smell of my shampoos but with garnier fructis it smells good every time. The conditioner works really well, and so does the soothing milk. I am currenly expereminting with their curl enhancing products. So far its not going well.
by marthy
Sun Aug 07 2005Honestly speaking ive tried all the garniers, the 2 in 1's, the dry hair, the fine hair, and honestly I HATED THEM.....UNTIL.....Long and Strong came to my rescue!! Im totally NOW PLEASED with this new long and strong shampoo line, this one Doesnt weigh my long long hair down, and it doesnt feel oily in heavy conditioners!! I tried the new 2 in 1 in the dry/damaged hair, and honestly speaking, I HATE IT!! That too, seems to add more conditioning to the crown of my hair!! But how wonderful the long and strong doesnt do that to my hair.....strange...but its GREAT!! I am definitley going to continue to use this long hair shampoo,. also, it doesnt make my hair fall out in little strands!! It works a miracle!!!!! Im amazed that this long and strong did make my hair strong!! I DEFINITLEY WOULD GREATLY RECOMMEND THIS LONG AND STRONG SHAMPOO LINE!!! IT'S Better than the other formulations , but Great for long hair!!!!
by aligirl
Fri Feb 18 2005I love Garnier. I have really long (waist length) hair, that is naturally wavy/curly (the bottom 6 inches are ringlets, the rest is very tight waves). My ahir was always dry and damaged and would frizz at the slightest sign of moisture (one drop of rain and my hair was a disaster). I started using these products about 6 months ago, and my hair has made a complete turn around. It's now strong, soft and silky and easy to handle (and it smells great!). I started out just using the shampoos and conditioners, but after a month or so, I started using some of the styling products as well. I don't do too much styling iwth my hair, but I can't go a day without using the Curl Shaping spray gel and Curl Construct mousse, 'cause they define and keep the shape of my waves/ringlets. And on the days when I feel like (and have enough time to blow-dry and use the flat iron) having straight hair, I use the Smoothing Milk and the XXL Volume root blaster to smooth and lift my hair. I just bought the Long... Read more
by daccory
Mon Oct 04 2004Noticed this list and had to agree that this stuff dries your hair to haystack quality.
by mahogany
Sun Sep 12 2004This made my hair really strong and soft. The only thing i didn't like was that the conditioner didn't take out tangles.
by thekirk
Thu Aug 19 2004I read the opinions and all I can say is, I've no idea what the others do to their hair day in and day out, but I can say I've used fructis for the last 4-5 months and I can't rave enough about it. I have definately gone from what I saw as unhealthy hair to health I am satisfied with. I don't heavily style my hair day-to-day, but I do highlight, and deal with some damage for that. I use the normal type, the shampoo is great, the conditioner is very creamy and detangles very, very well compared to other types I have used (and I've tried just about everything they've thrown at us). My past has basically been switching brands about every bottle or 2. I'm staying with fructis for as long as it's produced. I even bought Biolage recently because of a hot sale, on the second shampooing with the stuff my wet hair felt like horse hair. I'm not sure now why I ponied up the extra dough for something that is salon quality. I am quite happy with fructis. The oily type I used once and didn'... Read more
by ansgard
Fri Jul 09 2004These are the worst products for hair i've ever bought and tried. I used them for weeks and my hair was so dry after it, so now i am never gonna buy this S**T again. Garnier is a bad make in my opinion, they only care about money. Normal hmmmm? Try something else if you want something good for your hair treatment, like a soft and milky shampoo....maybe something like Dove, and then always use conditioner and silk oil. Well this is a suggestion for women of course. Especially with long hair, you need silk oil after drying it. You hair will be soft and shiny...try it
by collegegirl7
Thu Jun 24 2004I switched to Garnier Fructis after using Pantene for 5 years. It has a nice fruity smell. My hair does not feel quite as soft as compared to when I used Pantene, but it's still silky and bouncy. I'm still on the lookout for shampoos that keep my hair healthy. Overall, though, Garnier Fructis is a pretty good product and should be tried.
by anne_marie
Tue May 18 2004It smells great, but made my hair SO limp.
by kolby1973
Sun Feb 15 2004When this shampoo first came out..I was really excited...their advertising campaign made it sound like the shampoo was really good and not too trendy...and they made it sound like the greatest thing ever. Of course I should have known better...but every now and then I have a stupidity leak and fall for advertising...when I used the didn't hardly lather at all...and we use really soft water, the fragrance was barely there, and it made my hair feel like straw...a really horrible shampoo that is way too overpriced...belongs on the same shelf next to Suave...STAY AWAY FROM THIS have been warned...
by haysc077
Mon Jan 12 2004me gusta mucho
by leenie
Sat Jul 12 2003The shampoo is supposed to strengthen hair and make it shiny. All it did for me was to make my hair a greasy, limp mess. Think of the worst hair day you have ever had; that's pretty much the result of this shampoo. (Note: I used this shampoo on several occassions, under varying weather/humidity, it's not just the weather). If your hair has even the slightest tendency to become oily and weighed down (like mine does, although I usually use a normal shampoo), I do not recommend Fructis to you. As for its claims of strengthening hair, I honestly don't know. I gave it a good tug after I was done; seemed about the same...It didn't make it shiny, either. The added greasiness took away any shine it had in the first place. On the plus side, it smells really really good!
by queen_kates79
Sun Apr 20 2003Best drugstore shampoo and condition I have ever used...and I have tried 100s! The new Greasy Roots, Dry Ends has completely repaired my hair, and I couldn't be happier or more grateful.