Species of bulbous flowering plant in the genus Allium Website
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 39
by osagepony
Fri Sep 11 20093/79 Salt may essential, but garlic is the spice of life. Garlic is easily grown in any soil that drains. Plant on the shortest day of the year [12/21] harvest on the longest [6/21]. Starts are found at real farm stores or right on the windowsill in that funny box from the grocer. Each bulb will flake of into 15 corns…rule of the harvest. One garlic plant properly tended might ward off enough vampires to curb eight year vampireism. {Ask if you must). Several varieties oddly cross and morph into one reddish strain as the “patch” matures. The stuff is preserved peeled, blanched, ground and canned to be used as the salad garlic Walmart sells at $6 a pint. Much stronger than store bought—you will smell of life! Use it as bug spay (no, not on your skin). The health benefits are obvious as the supplement row at your pharmacy. Start small, weed your patch, and watch it fight off weeds in the next years. With garlic around, you’ll find ways to cook it in to recipes, and be better for the ... Read more
by misspackrat4je_sus
Sat Jul 18 2009The benefit of garlic is that it adds a sharp, zesty flavor to many foods; I really love it in spaghetti. The downside of garlic is that it adds something to the breath, too -- and it's not good.
by canadasucks
Sat Jul 18 2009Almost indispensable in a kitchen. Slice it thin and you can put in in sauces for a less pungent flavor. . . Mash it and the flavor is more enhanced and gives more kick. . . As with anything, the more you use it the more you'll get a feel for it. Garlic is a must-have for any Italian cooking, steak/meat marinades, and home-made Chili. (every man has a chili recipe)
by lawngone
Fri Jun 05 2009... best with everything else you might cook or prepare.
by sk4u2009
Mon Apr 27 2009I always use garlic when i cook
by astromike
Mon Apr 20 2009Very potent in taste and aroma but adds a tasty kick to alot of recipes. Especially Italian.
by ferretsratskit_tycats
Sun Feb 22 2009MMMMMM. One of my favourite tastes. I always thought how great it would be to be a vampire, then I thought about giving up garlic and almost cried. LOL =)
by nikki2a4
Tue Sep 02 2008depends on what it is in
by ida677
Sat Aug 09 2008Yumm-O!
by 50ft_queenie
Tue Aug 05 2008good for you heart
by jackie6
Sun Aug 03 2008good as long as its used as a spice mixed w/things
by twansalem
Thu Jul 31 2008While not exactly a vegetable I'd want to eat by itself, it adds great flavor to a lot of things.
by batty40
Wed Jul 30 2008I used to LOVE garlic. It is an Excellent seasoning... but if I am not carefull it will double me over in pain. I wish I knew why because Garlic has excellent immune qualities :(
by kuro_ki872
Sun Jul 27 2008Good in moderation.
by shannon711
Thu Jul 24 2008How's my breath, II???
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 22 2008yeah healthy benefits except for those around you who have to smell your breath hahahah
by paula5816
Mon Jul 21 2008YUMMMY!!!
by lena7358
Mon Jul 21 2008Great when used properly...i.e not garlic powder
by irishgit
Wed Oct 03 2007Excellent addition to any number of dishes, and if you have a little courage is great on its own, roasted. Supposed to be healthy, but it does some pretty strange things to your breath and even the smell of your sweat if you over indulge.
by genghisthehun
Mon Apr 23 2007I always keep a little around in case of a "you know what" infestation, and also since Buffy has gone off the air.
by liljessjess
Sun Apr 22 2007I put garlic in just about everything I cook. Baked garlic is a fantastic snack. Cut off the top of the garlic, cover with olive oil and spices and bake for about 45 minutes. Spread on bread or pita chips. Yum!
by kingguiness
Tue Jan 31 2006Only as an addition but never by itself.
by frogger20190
Tue Jul 12 2005Garlic rules. Healthy, tasty, adds flavor to anything (ever had garlic cookies?) And keeps the vampires away.
by kattwoman
Sun Jun 12 2005food just wouldn't taste just right without garlic. it brings flavor to bland food
by texasyankee
Tue Apr 19 2005Yum, I love this in everything. Have you tried garlic-stuffed green olives? They are excellent.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Mar 14 2005It goes in almost anything I eat.
by randyman
Fri Feb 11 2005Garlic is an absolute must as a spice or flavoring in almost any savory dish. Used in almost every cuisine. Try it roasted and smeared on a steak or bread.
by alexg681
Wed Jan 12 2005I love garlic bread!!!!!!!
by kamylienne
Sun Sep 05 2004Well, this isn't something you eat on its own (unless you're going out of your way to TRY to offend someone's senses), but it's a great addition to many foods. Garlic bread with pasta is a must. Probably best to avoid if you're out on a date, though.
by anonymous
Sun Apr 04 2004Garlic--alone? Yuck!
by spazc7bc
Wed Aug 20 2003i put garlic in everything. Food is bland without it. Its also good for you, but not so good for the breath!
by spongemonger
Wed Apr 23 2003It is perhaps the most remarkable thing ever to come from the ground.
by philc01b
Thu Apr 03 2003It's supposed to be very good for you, but it makes me sick.
by gicaua91
Sun Mar 02 2003Most antioxidant of all foods, the spice of life. however I don't like the taste and have an allergy to it. Over 6-grams cause side effects in many.
by bb3fan
by castlebee
Wed Jan 16 2002The addition of fresh garlic to your diet may be one of the nicest things you can do for yourself. Not only does it make food taste great, it has long been lauded for its medicinal properties. Since ancient times, people have gobbled up garlic for a variety of reasons. Today we know that it is beneficial in connection with reduction of cholesterol, warding off colds, high blood pressure, helping with diabetes, heart problems, cancer and is the only antibiotic that can kill infecting bacteria while protecting the body against what was causing the infection ( You could go on for hours about the benefits of this great little health-boosting gift from nature – they even have entire festivals dedicated to it. If you want to know more there is plenty of information available including the web site I mentioned above called “The Garlic Information Centre”.
by abichara
Wed Nov 28 2001Garlic can be a very tasty addition to most meals. True, there will never be garlic ice cream or garlic milk shakes, but still it is one of the best vegetables out there. Roasted Garlic is the best; the garlic hearts turn as soft as butter if you put it in the oven. You can use it on bread as a substitute for butter, it is simply delicious. You can also put garlic into any tomato sauce when you're making pasta; it adds zest to it and it is guaranteed to make it taste more Italian. The great part about garlic is that it has healing characteristics; it acts as a natural antibiotic. You should eat a couple of hearts of garlic without cooking if you have a cold or flu; if will make you feel better. To take away the bad breath it inevitably will cause, eat a few mint leaves to cut the bad taste it leaves in your mouth.
by raincat
Thu Nov 01 2001Garlic is healthful and flavorful albeit strong-smelling. For most recipies it is best to first chop garlic into very small pieces, then press it through a garlic press because it is usually unpleasant to eat chunks of garlic. Pressed garlic mixes well in dishes adding the flavor evenly. Fettucine alfredo is delicious with fresh garlic-- and dont forget a dash of pepper. And of course spaghetti sauce needs garlic.
by snoopy
Wed Oct 03 2001Like the onion, it adds zest to many dishes.