
Approval Rate: 47%

47%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Sun May 16 2010

    I'm one of those "never gamble what you can't afford to lose" people. I play the lottery a dollar at a time, maybe throw a coin in a slot machine here and there, and throw a sports bet around among friends who I don't mind taking my money and giving me shit about doing so. Still, I can see how you can get in over your head. When we were at a casino for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball this butthole Lt was down a grand playing blackjack and kept trying to get his money back. Not sure how that went, but if 9 pm saw him down that far, I don't want to think about where he ended up. I myself went through about ten bucks down there and took my green eyed, curvy brunette date up to our room to engage in another long standing Marine tradition...

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    Sat May 15 2010

    For those who constantly chase, who cannot do this as entertainment, who bet money they cannot afford to lose, who care about nothing else than the action, this can be horrific. I gamble for entertainment, I know the games I play, I don't chase bad luck, I love the feeling of staking my brains, guts, hunches and luck against the odds, and I know when to walk away, but I have looked across a table and seen desperation and panic and lust and addiction too often.

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    Sat May 15 2010

    I'm okay with boats, boondoggles and billboards. I think gambling is victimless, unless you are the victim. Having been a "sick gambler" and a survivor of the urge for 20 years, now, I can tell you the reminders all around don't test me. I love most of it like any other bad choice a hedonist makes. I love being cool enough to overcome the urge more than acting upon it. As urges go, 10 of 22 "addictions" listed here are injurious to physical mind, body, or soul. Drugs, booze, smokes and overeating are demons that kill. Gambling fails to hit the board against the "5-star" addictions. Gambling's big lie is in the productivity it wastes. Then again, my story matters not a bit to an addict (recovering or otherwise) with his nuts in a vice to a different sickness.

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    Sat May 15 2010

    I was driving down I-95 yesterday here in Miami, when I happened to notice the contents of many of the billboards dotting the roadside. 7 of the 10 ads that I saw were for various gambling outfits: dog racing, Indian gambling, casino boats that go offshore for the day to gamble in international waters. Normally these operations advertise aggressively, but they seem to be one of the few sectors here that are doing well enough to place expensive ad buys. Apparently the government has done a deal with the devil by encouraging this sector's growth. The state of FL under Charlie Crist has done several deals with the Indian tribes to set up new gambling outfits on their territory. Suffice it to say, I don't need to review the evidence proving that gambling is a very destructive vice, but the government likes it because it is an easy way to produce jobs and tax revenues. Bottom line, the lure of easy money is hard to break. There has never been a lack of snake oil salesman promisi... Read more

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    Sun Oct 04 2009

    Degenerate bastards! Despicable... Pats giving 1. Welker starting. Goin' here with the Pats for 500. O/U 45. Goin' low for 250. Possible parley with Saints and Giants spread...

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    No one forces you to spend money like this. If you want to take the chance, that is your responsibility!

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    One vice I thankfully never acquired. I always remembered the remark attributed to mobster Meyer Lansky: "The only people who ever get rich gambling are the people running the games." I've only been to Atlantic City twice (once you get off the Boardwalk, it's one of the bleakest cities I've ever seen in my life). The first time was with my father in the late 80's; we took a bus down, and they gave us $20 back to gamble with. While my father knows how to play cards, I don't. Slot machines were the only thing I could see myself doing there. In about 20 minutes, my $20 had disappeared. As we stepped out onto the boardwalk, I remember thinking to myself, "Y'know, I might just as well have taken my $20 and thrown it out into the ocean." I went back a 2nd time a few years later to see if I had been too harsh in my initial impressions. I wasn't. I suppose if I had won something, I might be in trouble, but I've heard too many horror stories from people I know over the years to really want to g... Read more

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    I have never gambled,Im much too frugal even to play the state lottery.I have seen this destroy  peoples lives and break up marriages. Just like any other potential addiction,some people just can't do anything in moderation. But I don't think gambling every now and again is a problem unless it becomes an obsession.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Taking a risk now and then ain't bad. Just don't go dipping into the life savings.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    I myself don't gamble, and I will not condemn someone who does, but what shows an incredible lack of responsibility is when a person has a family and he/she gambles all their money away not caring at all what he/she has done. This is pathetic.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    Everything within moderation.

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    Just like fishing trips money out of the kids mouths. Just joking about the fishing trip.

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    I always lose when I gamble

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    Wed Apr 30 2008

    Only destructive to compulsive gamblers!

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    Tue Apr 29 2008

    You know, the worst thing about people who get addicted to gambling- they are actually smart people.

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    Tue Apr 22 2008

    The occasional poker game can be fun, but I could care less about things like slot machines or horse races.

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    Mon Apr 21 2008

    Bad vice, indeed, although I am a good poker player. I guess I don't consider poker gambling.

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    Wonder where the money went?

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    Tue Jul 03 2007

    This is a disease, and there are in fact several kinds of doctors for this kind of thing

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    as long as you can afford it

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    Mon Mar 05 2007

    Has to merit at least a 4- can devastate finances and ruin families. . .a serious issue, to be sure. . .

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    Unless you have lots of extra money to lose, this one's deadly. Anyone with a background in statistics and business (to understand how casinos operate) can see how gambling gets you nowhere but in the red. (Does the stock market count? if so, I must beware of hypocrisy in criticizing gamblers ...)

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    Can be a dangerous addiction. However, I could never understand the fundamentalists I grew up around decrying this as being in the same category as blasphemy, etc. These same people play the stock market (good point Enkidu) and play Bingo. Bingo is gambling, isn't it?

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    Sun Jan 28 2007

    IMO gambling is a stupid, risk taking habit. I would never bet on anything I didn't personally have control over and even then I still wouldn't.

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    Thu Aug 03 2006

    Nothing wrong with it if your winning.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    If addicted this can ruin your life, but the casual gambler isn't a problem.

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    gambling can have a horrible outcome if someone cannot control themselves.if they gamble away their entire paychecks. gamble more than they can afford. let it take over their life. it must be awful if it is a family member who looses everything and their family goes without because of it. I imagine how easy it could be to get caught up in this taking chances I am sure that is what the casinos count tragic for a family. they are the victims. a few bucks on a lottery ticket here and there. but whole paychecks? no could never do that.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    I'd say this is one of the bigger ones, right up there with a drug or alcohol addiction. The gambler, even a "succesful" gambler, when addicted will eventually risk too much and lose more than his shirt. Even if he climbs back up, he won't stop until he loses, because it's the thrill of losing everything he is addicted to - not the thrill of victory.

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    Thu Dec 01 2005

    This guy seems to know his stuff on gambling! check him out he seems honest enougthv

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    I have enjoyed a little bit of gambling myself and in moderation it is great fun. Although I have watched others become addicted almost imediatley and it ended up ruining their lives. I am voting 3 for ok, because I think it depends on your personality if it is good or not.

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    Fri Oct 14 2005

    Although it is not fatal, it is very emotionally straining. But it is caused by a lack of self control. I rate this a 4 because of the affect it has on people around them. It not only gets them into debt, but it causes fights, family break ups and even domestic violence. Plus it is a waste of that person's time and life. They will really regret what they have lost. They have lost far more then money, they have lost their dignity, their time, the fact that they could of done something fulfilling and positive and maybe even their family and home.

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    Tue May 17 2005

    i have a friend who loves the slot machines.she won over $5000 a week ago but she returned to the casino twice more since then and put it all back in. but as long as she has fun and shes not destitute its her bad habit

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    Wed May 11 2005

    Don't think gambling's that bad? Just ask Art Schlichter. Gambling destroyed his life

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    Gambling is like alchol its ok in moderation. If you are slightly obsesive cumpulsive stay away from any casino. Always set your self a limit keep your playing money in one pocket and your winnings in an other, if you have any in another. It can be fun but not if you put your self in debt or worse bankruptcy which can be easily done if you get carryed away. It is all about self control. Remember the old saying, Vegas was not built by winners.

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    Thu Aug 26 2004

    This one can clear you out pretty quick. Gambling addiction indicates a severe lack of self control and responsibility.

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    Mon Aug 16 2004

    no way!! wanna bet!!!???

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    Sat Jul 24 2004

    Gambling can be fun, but if you go to often and or have a tendency to bet too much it may lead to becoming seriously broke and other problems.

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    Wed Jun 09 2004

    this is not a bad habit unless you can do it responsibly. i will go to central city in denver with $100 on occasion and if i lose it all, i will not ask my friends for any more money.. but if i win a significant amount (way more than what i started with) then it is time for me to cash out and leave. it is a fun activity but don't get to where you have to pawn your car to support your habit and have to go to gambler's anonymous afterwards.

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    Sun Apr 18 2004

    For those who gamble to make improbable money, the social and financial losses are more often than not horrific, whether it be casinos, dog tracks or horse racing. Luckily, if you stay away from gambling, like most other addictions (cigarrettes and alcohol), chances are you'll never take a liking to compulsive gambling.

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    Sun Dec 07 2003

    Depends how lucky you are

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    Fri Dec 05 2003

    Agrees with irishgit....I think it starts out as being habitual...but then turns into a serious addiction that can ruin your financial future, and can even lead to the seperation of family and friends...a horrible addiction...

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    Thu Dec 04 2003

    Compulsive and excessive gambling can be a bad habit. It can lead to financial ruin, family problems, lost jobs. From what I've learned people with a gambling problem will sell and do almost anything to gamble.

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    Sun Aug 10 2003

    The concepts behind slot machines, card games, etc. are solid, but the way they are executed are not. Instead of forcing people to throw away their hard-earned money on this and not good things (like DVDs, video games, fast food, etc.) is wrong. Perhaps a n-charge fee and then a reward like a prize. Then again, the entire concept should be fixed.

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    Wed Jul 16 2003

    Gambling is one of the most fun,dangerous passtimes we have.I gamble from time to time,I like to go to the greyhound track and also play a few hands of blackjack.The important thing to remember is not to mix drinking and gambling,and to stick to a limit.

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    Tue Jul 08 2003

    This has bankrupted many a family. Gamble enough times, and you're practically guaranteed to lose money.

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    Tue Jul 08 2003

    Gambling isn't a habit. Gambling is a sickness. The "something for nothing" motivation is one of the most pukesome of the generally nauseating American ethos, and anyone who considers this a valid form of recreation and entertainment should march off to the headshrinker's office rather than the casino. It's really absurd that local and state governments are so dependent on this vice to raise revenues. I guess our so-called "leaders" think it's better to encourage people to flush their money down the toilet, to encourage irresponsibility, to encourage soul-destroying antics, than to raise taxes. Really retarded notion with which both sides of the political fence apparently have no problem.

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    Gambling is an addiction, ranking up there for me with drinking and drug use. So many families have been torn apart through this awful habit. People have lost homes and families because of this awful addiction... That makes me give it one star.

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    Fri Jun 13 2003

    For some people this is as bad as alcoholism or drug abuse. I gamble and enjoy it a great deal, but I know when to quit. I have heard stories of people spending themselves into poverty because of their gambling problems, sad.

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    Thu Jun 05 2003

    Wow...what a great thing. This is only good if you're are not "addicted" and wish to get rich quick. News Flash: GAMBLING IS FOR FUN, NOT TO GET RICH AS*HOLE. Understand that and have fun, bring a $20 bill and just have a great time.

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    Thu Mar 13 2003

    Can be fun and smart is you know what you are doing. Unfortunately, there are people out there who can't control themselves and spend themselves right into debt.