American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening for Fox Website
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by pcpeter774
Fri Jun 12 2009It's okay, I've seen better cartoons of this variety (simpsons, southpark, King of the hill). All though I gave south park and simpsons a 3 out of 5. south park was more like a 3.75 out of 5 and simpsons a 3.50 out of 5. This is a solid 3.
by zuchinibut
Sat Feb 21 2009Like the Simpsons, except it takes place in the future and isn't funny.
by jrriney
Wed Dec 24 2008who doesn't love futurama? it's sad that it's ending again.
by stupidfatuglyd_isgustingsmell_ingloser
Sat Sep 13 2008LYAO funny at times!! :D
by rspwns22
Tue Jul 01 2008if you say it sucks u suck it pwns ass
by dishwallafied
Sat Apr 12 2008This is one of my all-time favorites. I'm glad they finally finished the story, recently. This show always made me laugh and if I needed cheering up, Futurama always lifted my spirits. I really didn't like it much, until I watched it from the very first episode, then I understood the characters more.
by kittieklaws
Sat Feb 09 2008It Sucked.
by pixarfan2007
Thu Oct 04 2007A pretty good show from Matt Groening, but not really as good as The Simpsons. Some of the episodes are really funny or have a really good storyline. Some episodes, however are kind of boring.
by hugeass
Sat Jun 16 2007LYAO funny!!! :D
by gatorhater
Fri Apr 06 2007LYAO funny!
by ventoux1
Wed Nov 29 2006Gotta jump on the band wagon for this show. Very funny. A little too adult for pre-teens but absolutely hilarious. One of the few cartoons I'll stop down and focus on. Have never connected with the whole anime thing - if there is anything to connect to there (maybe I'm just too old) - but this cartoon engages my mind when I want a laugh!
by anijeal
Thu Aug 17 2006One of the best cartoons ever. I'm not terribly surprised some people give it a poor rating - because the intelligence, subtlety, broad humor, and warp-speed pace obviously is too much. You want full-out dumbed-down laughs, go watch something else. For brilliant lines and sight gags, reference to real science and science fiction, loveable characters, great laughs, and extraordinary voice talent - go for Futurama.
by ungodlyugly
Sat Jun 03 2006This show will have me laughing so hard it hurts at one part, only to have me laugh even harder a couple of seconds later! Very VERY funny!!! :D
by caligula
Tue May 30 2006Usually entertains. Somewhat underrated.
by midgetcop
Tue Apr 25 2006Honestly, the show took a while to grow on me but now it's one of my favourite shows! Thank you Cartoon Network, for giving my my daily Futurama fix! Why Fox lets the Simpsons drone on and cancel great comedy like this, I will never understand.
by devonamanda
Fri Mar 03 2006Kiff is my boyfriend.
by nigelsnirvana
Wed Nov 16 2005This is easily one of, if not the best animated comedies out there. The storylines in each episode are fresh and original, but the characters are what makes this show great. Bender is hilariously obscene, and the Professor is funny in his crazy-old-man sort of way. I also enjoyed the animation itself, and some of the 3D shots are extremely well done. Here's to you, Futurama!
by cjmyers41
Mon Oct 03 2005It is as good as any cartoon out there. Look for a spin off with Bender.
by rjy22751
Tue Aug 30 2005This show sucked and I can't beleive that the cartoon network puts this show on all the time!
by thechallenger
Wed Jun 15 2005This show is the most stupid one i've ever seen in my life and its intended for adults to watch.My sometimes adults prove themselves to be more easily amused than children.
by brian_j
Mon Jun 13 2005If you think this show stinks, I suggest you watch some of the first shows, they were great. I wish I would have taped the first 10 shows. As time went on it got stupid.
by doommate
Tue May 17 2005if they can bring back family guy they should bring back futurama it was great anyone who didnt understand the show are lame ass ppl who dont have a open mind 2 thumbs up for everyone else keep the fight try to bring it back ( fox should trade it with simple life)
by kattwoman
Fri May 13 2005i thought it stunk. i could never understand why my kids liked it.
by groggnicole
Fri May 06 2005I thought this was a funny show not the simpsons but funny
by shadowlink
Mon Apr 25 2005they should bring this show back, it was awesome.
by macg2005
Tue Feb 01 2005Dang! It Fox does it again
by jirai1d4
Sat Jan 29 2005This show rates up there with The Simpsons and Family Guy. Although not as funny (but funny still) it is extremely entertaining. Watch it, you won't be disappointed.
by strat3000
Thu Dec 09 2004As a huge Simpsons fan, I am no less thrilled with Futurama. As a huge sci fi fan, Futurama has a special place in my heart because of the writers' obvious love and respect of SF that comes through in every show. There are so many large and small homages to various Sci Fi subjects and icons that I catch something new every time I watch the show. If you love this show and you love SF, I recommend getting the DVDs and watching the shows with the commentary soundtrack turned on. You will LOVE it!
by brayden
Sat Dec 04 2004i know a lot of people who like this show its o.k. but in some shows its cool!!! u gotta watch this some time who knows u might love it
by t_felicity
Sun Oct 24 2004gee, is it gone. That's too bad. NOT
by skyishone
Mon Oct 04 2004Someone at FOX needs to be fired for cancelling this gem. If you get a chance to watch it late at night on Cartoon Network's adult swim you should. It's the Simpson's equal maybe even a notch better (maybe because they have the same creaters).
by bibliophile
Thu Sep 02 2004This show was hilarious and had a lot of subtle, clever humor to go along with the not-so-subtle. But it was probably too off-the-wall to gain a huge following. I enjoyed it, though.
by mariusqeldroma
Mon Jul 26 2004To the producers that pulled the plug: bite my shiny metal ass!
by krazynutz
Tue Jun 08 2004This show was cut way before it's prime. Every season only kept getting better. The show was so well-balanced between silliness, wit, and morals. I love Fry's and Bender's individual struggles between doing whatever they wanted and doing what's right, the Professor's goldfish-memory-geniusness, and Zoidberg's total lack of knowledge of being what he is - a doctor. Too many good things that will be missed, but one that I'll miss the most are the little 30 second blips before the opening credits. Some of the best humor was in those. Alas...another FOX tragic loss...ROBOT HOOUUSE!!!
by danoman
Mon May 31 2004Absolutely the greatest, mainly because it's funny. Bender's crimes, Fry's learning disability, the Professor's 3-second memory span, it absolutely runs together smoothly. Anyone who thinks it sucks is mindless
by suncat_nyc
Fri May 07 2004Thank goodness for the Cartoon Network and Adult Swim; they're running the show at 11P, so those who never got to appreciate the show can catch up on the fun.
by guava_monkey
Wed May 05 2004Duh? who are these posters here dissing this show because it's 'stupid'? It's meant to be silly..that's what having a sense of humour is largely about. As an animated show I thought it was pretty well done. Some nice lines in dry, sharp and cynical humour underneath the daffy plots.
by overg327
Tue Mar 23 2004I can't imagine fully appreciating this show unless you have a fairly high level of nerd in your background. Having such a background (Dungeons & Dragons jokes are funny! Math problems make great site gags!), I loved this show. It also had great animation (with seamlessly integrated 3d effects), and a surprising amount of heart (Jurassic Bark was kick you in the gut level touching). The dvd commentaries rank among the best I've ever heard.
by destfairy
Thu Feb 26 2004Man I loved this show and I will never understand Fox. They cancel good stuff and put crap in its place.
by melainaz
Sat Jan 03 2004just stupid
by putsypooh
Sat Nov 08 2003uninteresting characters doing stupid and silly things.
by box_office
Thu Nov 06 20031st season was great. 2nd was decent. Then down from there. The setting was great, but the some of the stories got too weird.
by jagman28782
Fri Oct 24 2003This was the best American cartoon ever! Nothing could beat the humor and inside jokes of Futurama.