Frito Lay Sunflower Seeds

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Sun Apr 25 2010

    there even kosher Betty has some

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    Wed Sep 23 2009

    These things suck....I threw them up and cannot handle the taste anymore since then.

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    Tue Mar 24 2009


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    Sat Jan 17 2009

    I can't find them online anywhere, but if you go the the below link and type in your area code,, it will list the closets stores that sell them (the next best thing). I'm glad there are more people out there like me, who love Frito Lay BBQ seeds.

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    Tue Dec 16 2008

    My husband and I love Frito Lay Sunflower Seeds. We buy the $.99 packs from the 7-11 up the street ten packs at a time. I love coming home after work, grabbing a book and bag of seeds, and winding down.

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    Frito-Lay WERE my favorite until I discovered Giant ( Free shipping for most orders.

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    Fri Jun 27 2008

    my dog eats your sunflower seeds like humans he spits out the shell and eats the kernel

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    Thu Feb 14 2008

    frito-lay bbq seeds are by far the best

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    Mon Oct 15 2007

    Frito Lay sunflower seeds have just the right amount of salt and a fresh roasted peanut-like flavor making them my favorite snack. David Sunflower seeds have too much salt and Spitz does not have enough. It is best to eat them when they are fresh because sunflower seeds can go stale in a couple days. I wish they were packaged in re-sealable bags like Spitz does. In a blind tasting test FritoLay would win, hands down.

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    Thu Oct 11 2007

    I have had these twice and sorry to say they just are not that good. I have recently discovered Spitz and Giants. Bith of them are way better than Frito Lay. Seeds are bigger and bolder taste on those two brands. Frito lay are small and have little to no flavor. Even David Sunflower seeds beat these.

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    Sat Jul 28 2007

    i am both glad and sad to find this board. glad, because i dont feel like such a psycho for driving from store to store throughout 3 cities to find my brand and then buying every one they have... and sad because i now know i have alot of competition out there and thats why i can never find my flavor. i'm a ranch man myself, but i can attest to the superior quality of frito-lay. i have only bought other brands after atleast an hour of searching... but most of the time its frito-lay or nothing. if anyone knows where i can buy in bulk of just order through the mail... please let me know. [email protected]

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    yo anyone where i can get the fritolay flamin hot. i live in canada ..maybe order from somewhere?

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    Thu May 03 2007

    I only get these when I can find any thing better- not my 1st choice

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    Super "toasty" flovor with these babys! Not too salty either...

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    Tue Mar 27 2007

    Can anyone tell me of a website that sells Frito Lay's BBQ seeds. I LOVE them. I average 6 bags a day and no gas station, grocery store or anything within 50 miles of my house stocks them. Sure they have 3 boxes of regular and ranch all the time, but NEVER BBQ. I have asked all the stores to tell the frito Lay delivery person to please get them and one store(P&C; Grocery store) told me they asked their guy and he said Lay's was discontinuing them. Funny because when a buddy of mine sends them to me there is a freshness date later and later in the year than the previous batch. HELP :-) E-mail me at [email protected] if you know where I can order some online please. Thank you!

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    Tue Mar 20 2007

    I used to love David's until I tried Frito Lay. Now Frito Lay is the only brand I eat. Frito Lay sunflower seeds is the only product I use for whihc I feel there is no acceptable substitute. I have been known to go to several stores until I find some. It is amazing how a little seed tastes so great.

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    Sat Mar 03 2007

    I love their sunflower seeds--just wish i could find somewhere to buy them online--especially the ranch ones--no one carries them around here.

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    Wed Jan 31 2007

    i eat 1-5 bags a day, i cant live w/out my bbq seeds.. ibnkcmo

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    Sun Jan 21 2007

    These seeds taste better, more of a nuttier flavor than others, particularly David. There are hardly any bad ones and there is much less "debris" mixed in.

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    Fri Dec 29 2006

    Hands down the best out there. I just polished off a bag of September 7 seeds (the freshest I could find).

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    better than "davids".

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    Sat Jul 23 2005

    I've been eatting seeds for over 10 years. I've eatting, David and Sons (now Davids,I guess pops died) Jumbo California, Planters, Frito Lay and some no name brands. I have to say that I will go from store to store looking for Frito's and if I don't find them at 5 different stores, I'll buy a little bag of Davids. I've learn to stock up on my bags of seeds and to buy more when I get down to 8 bags. When you buy your seeds always check 1. Freshness date (make note of the date on a slightly stale bag and don't buy another bag with the same date unless of course the bag you bought was #2 2. Check the bag for leaks, if you squeeze the bag and air escapes the bag will not be its freshest. 3. I only buy 50cent bags, the dollar bag tend to be more prone to damage as described in #2, also they tend not to stay fresh as long. Dollar bags are bulky and will not fit in the pocket as easy and sometimes there are leftovers (they'll get stale.) 4. Buy Frito's from a place that has a high turnover... Read more

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    Fri Apr 08 2005

    Ehh i would get david, They taste FRESHER

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    Fri Apr 08 2005

    They taste great!Buttery,salted, roasted taste, love em'.Once you start you cant stop!

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    the taste is a whole lot better than davids. i use to eat them until i had frito lay, now that is all i eat. thank you

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    I hate Frito-Lay sunflower seeds. David seeds are exceptional and far above the others I've tried. Frito-Lay's lack flavor.

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    Thu Oct 07 2004

    these are my crutch seed when I'm out of Spitz, and in that role they perform well. I haven't been able to try thier BBQ yet though, and I'm really interested give those a try... just cant find a place around me that has 'em.

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    They rock, overtook Fischer in my book. David overtoork Fischer too.

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    Sun Aug 29 2004

    can't eat too many.salt makes you sick

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    Since I am a sunflower seed addict, I have tried all kinds of sunflower seeds--Frito-Lays are the best! The seeds are the biggest and nuttiest tasting I have found! Plus, they aren't as salty as David's, which is a plus when you eat a lot! Your lips and tongue are spared the soreness that excessive salt can produce.

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    Fri Jun 25 2004

    I love the barbq flavor! But I can't get them around where I live in North Texas! Can someone help! I'm having withdraw symtoms!

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    Thu Jun 24 2004

    Cdeeznuts, Several Intellegent, Talented, and Beautiful people were proudly Born Canadian. eh! Be Nice!

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    Wed Jun 02 2004

    Frito lays are the best sunflower seeds. My store was out and I had to buy Davids, about every tenth one had a worm hole in it.

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    Mon May 24 2004

    I have been spitting sunflower seeds for well over 15 years and I can say that I know a thing or two about seeds. These seeds are large and palatable and there is a low occurrence of bad tasting burnt seeds (pros call them scalds). I like a seed that has a little more girth than length and these really fit the bill. The only downfall of these seeds are the fact that they just arent salty enough for me. Frito-Lay fills this market niche with the introduction of nacho cheese flavored seeds. All in all, these seeds taste great, have good girth and length, nice freshness. I just can give out the coveted Ron Jeslowski 5/5. I am still looking for that perfect seed. I give it a solid 4/5. -RJ

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    Tue May 04 2004


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    Wed Apr 21 2004

    I'm an expert, and these are the best. David's suck.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    I love these sunflower seends! They are the best ever!

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    Fri Oct 31 2003

    If you think Davids are better then these your either stupid or canadian which are one in the same anyway

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    Fri Oct 31 2003

    These seeds Rock! Anything else is just a poor excuse for a seed.

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    Wed Sep 10 2003

    They're the best!!

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    Wed Jul 23 2003

    I would say these are the best seeds out of the potato chip companies...the frito seeds aren't as salty as I like however. David is still superior to these seeds. :)