American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which aired on NBC from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, lasting ten seasons Website
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by amar5335
Wed Nov 03 2010great great great ... everrrrrrrrr
by bneedle
Wed Jul 13 2011This isn't a sitcom; it's a cutesy soap-opera
by badgerfan1
Sat Jun 19 2010My favorite show. I wish it was still on, well new episodes. Never get sick of watching reruns.
by missj85
Tue Mar 16 2010Still enjoy watching this show...the whole cast is hilarious, a bit exaggerated at times, but what show isn't??
by jake_armitage
Wed Jan 20 2010Friends was a mildly entertaining show that was lucky to make it out of it's first season, but by the end the cast was making millions. I would of liked to see the show diversify it's cast and the locations and situations of it's episodes. Too many scenes were in the coffee shop or at their apartments (95% of all episodes took place in those locations).
by sharon_206
Wed Oct 28 2009LAME ! LAME ! LAME !
by pcpeter774
Fri Jun 12 2009Dumb humor. only watch it if nothing else is on.
by pugwash01
Thu Feb 05 2009Good harmless fun
by everynow
Tue Aug 12 2008A chick show? LOL, if you're referring to the mushy relationships then you are right I think mostly girls like those love stories, but believe it or not it's pretty much gender-neutral, furthermore, the friends bug spreaded over to adults and to the elderly.My favourite show, I love it
by friendsis1ame
Thu Jul 24 2008Never watched it; never interested me; glad it's finally over.....
by babydoll1223
Fri Jul 18 2008Always loved it. Plenty of laughs, with a little real stuff mixed in.
by astromike
Fri Jul 18 2008Pretty much a chick show. It did enjoy years of success. However after several seasons on the air seemed like they ran out of ideas lol. And the opening song drove me nuts lol.
by beccalynn
Wed Jun 18 2008seen every episode at least twice
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008" I'll be there for you !!!" I was sad to see this end.. it was an awesome series
by myspace_313886635
Tue Jun 10 2008I never watched it when it was on but now I have all seasons on DVD
by myspace_124251780
Fri May 30 2008Love this show!! I can watch reruns over and over!
by loveu4ever
Tue May 27 2008although i respect everybody's opinion,but i cannot believe some of you rate this great series based on the lack of diversity!!..where have you been in the last 20 years where almost %90 of the primetime sitcoms have the same problem(i.e:seinfeld,frasier,cheers)...i agree friends scripts were never spectacular..but was always a shiny,funny and very light-hearted comedy..i love the show and im a big addict :D
by ajcamp
Thu May 15 2008I love this show I watch it when I can
by trebon1038
Fri Mar 21 2008Hate it....always have.
by decease
Sat Feb 16 2008It's a good show. Made me laugh some times. I've seen tv-shows a lot worse.
by kossomkom
Thu Oct 25 2007fuck all friends haters its one of the most succesful shows of all time so screw u and who the hell cares about ur s2pid naive 5 year-old opinion
by pwgolfpro
Sun Sep 02 2007Those were the days. Watching Friends and hanging out with your friends.
by gloomyeeyore
Sat May 05 2007This is one of my favorite t.v. shows. I have all 10 seasons on DVD.
by loerke
Tue Jan 09 2007Every time I flip past this show, I have to cool down and remind myself that there are worse injustices in the world than the success of these six smug idiots. But it's hard to do. How self-satisfied does a group of six glorified Banana Republic models who have somehow wandered onto a sound stage have to be to believe that their services are worth $1 million apiece per show? This show was nothing but homogeneous, complacent bullshit from the first episode onward, and it started with the empty personalities of the so-called "actors" themselves.
by sportstoy
Sat Nov 25 2006Friends is a great show but it is not current. Reruns are reruns.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Wed Nov 08 2006Not as good as similar shows such as Frasier, Seinfeld and Cheers but still way better than most other US ensemble sitcoms. It could get a bit fingers-down-the-throat sentimental at times with its we-love-eachother-so-much schtick so minus 1 star. On the subject of which are there really groups of friends who live in eachother's pockets so much?
by nolapro
Sun Sep 10 2006These Friends would be MY enemies. I'm sorry but every character on this show is SOOOOOO anoying its unreal. That damn Joey makes me want to bitch slap him, chandler makes me want to slap him like a bitch and the chicks on the show are just plain bitches, and are not good looking in my opinion. Its amazing how they even get dates and/ or procreate.
by punkf72e
Sat Aug 26 2006It is the best tv show.
by mjhaag
Sun Jul 02 2006Show was generally well written and good for a laugh or two. But I never gave a damn about any of the characters so I never considered this "Must-See-TV"
by bassface
Tue Jun 27 2006i think this show is really really funny. It's amazing the 5 main characters work together so well. Freinds is the type of show u have to watch 4-5 times before you start to understand it's humor. A lot of there jokes are about the other characters personality's and previous happenings within the show. When i first watched it i didn't like it, but once i understood it, it became one of my favorite shows. I'd bet the majority of the people giving this show bad reviews never watched it more then 3-4 times.
by ungodlyugly
Wed Jun 21 2006WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY overrated.
by ohioledouxfan
Sun Jun 11 2006This my favorite of all shows on tv. I am in the process of renting episodes, since I am a new fan to the show, all the episodes are new to me.
by jazzackfl
Fri May 19 2006I hate this Damn Show.The media gives The Cosby Show all that slack about not being realistic enough but , Freinds was supposedly in New York. OKAY so Where are any Black People or Spanish people, or Asian people or even Iraqi people.
by zenafa
Fri May 12 2006Friends is my favourite show ever!!! Its so funny! The acting is good and the jokes are hilarious. I'm absolutely obsessed. To all the people who dont like it, you have no sense of humour, you are probably the kind of people who like to watch stuff about hospitals where everythings sad. I watch freinds every day, and it always cheers me up. I especially like chandler, hes so cute and funny!
by dumbblondecowg_irl
Sun Mar 19 2006I have to disagree with everyone who hated this show. I don't care you hate it, because I love it. It is still my favorite show. I have all of them on DVD.Yep, all 10 seasons.So there you have it....I'm a big dork and everyone knows it now. haha.
by my_rates
Sat Mar 11 2006I've never really liked it.
by jaynavy
Tue Feb 07 2006Bye Bye, thank God!
by youknownothing
Wed Jan 04 2006One word. PATHETIC.
by disneychannel_fan12
Sun Jan 01 2006I think Friends is awesome! They're all really funny!
by x_mondlerluv_x
Sat Dec 24 2005best show in the world - and all those people who are dissing it, well you obviously have a bad sense of humour
by joshua_01
Fri Dec 23 2005i only seen like two epsiodes that made me laugh my ass off but other then that this show sucks and the show doesnt even live up to the name its called friends but actully there boyfreind and girlfreind and brother and sister it would be better if they were all just freinds and only friends.
by iluvdachshunds
Wed Dec 07 2005I love friends, its so funny!
by halleedwards
Tue Nov 01 2005Friends is AMAZING. Funny, realistic, and touching at times. The best modern sitcom (besides the pure genius that is Seinfeld).
by siamtor
Fri Oct 28 2005One of the most overrated shows I can remember in recent times. Bad acting and even worse writing, they presumed their audience was as dumb as they were. And try watching "Joey", the spinoff ... truly terrible.
by chandlerbing
Mon Oct 10 2005Best show off all-time
by fine_at_ssmelissa
Tue Aug 02 2005I am very glad that this show ended the way it should have. Rachel & Ross.
by twansalem
Thu Nov 09 2023I never understood what people saw in this show. Friends is one of the worst sitcoms I've ever seen. The characters are not likeable and are completely unrelatable. While I can't figure it out, apparently they did something right, as it seems like most women who where between about 15 and 25 when it originally aired still go nuts over it.