Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by misha82
Wed May 05 2010I always liked this comedy. My favourite characters are Carlton and Will.
by automatt
Wed Nov 04 2009The following is an account of how my simple life was torn asunder and completely changed by events out of my control. If you could spare the time, I would appreciate it if you could allow me a minute to tell my tale. West Philadelphia was the town in which I spent the beginning years of my life. I would spend my time playing gentlemanly rounds of basketball in a recreational area adjacent to an educational institution in close proximity to my home. This all came crashing to a halt when a group of young men of ill repute began to frequent the area and make life somewhat more troublesome for the pre-existing residents. One such ruffian must have taken umbrage with something I had said or done, for we wound up being engaged in a scuffle. Upon being informed of this event, my mother was understandably distraught. She informed me that I would be moving to live with some distant relatives in the shire of Bel Air. So I signalled for conveyance and as it approached, I noticed that the veh... Read more
by sharon_206
Wed Oct 28 2009this one is okay
by irishgit
Tue May 12 2009If you saw one episode, you'd seen them all. Written with the deft touch of a longshoreman handling packing crates. But the worst thing about this shite was that it foisted that godawful hack Will Smith on us.
by dukesucks
Tue May 12 2009Awesome show, but it gets so much reruns on Nick at Nite and TBS, so it gets kinda boring after a while.
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009It was average. A good show for its time.
by jrriney
Mon Mar 16 2009so, almost everyone I knows can sing this theme song. So the series wasn't that realistic, but it was interesting to watch.
by randomlogic
Thu Feb 26 2009I don't know what some of the other reviewers were smoking, but this was and still is one of the funniest shows ever. I never saw it Prime Time, but I've spent many a late night watching this on Nick@Nite. Will Smith was a comedic genius and this was hilarious. I'd put this up as being pretty close to being the best show of the 90s which was not really a great time for TV.
by stogie
Tue Feb 10 2009Without a doubt, this has got to be one of the stupidest and crappiest TV shows that viewers were subjected to. It wasn't even the least bit funny; this show just consisted of a bunch of people jumping around like f&@king idiots and screaming at each other. And the opening theme song was so gay too. If you've never seen this show, you're lucky. Don't even bother watching it.
by pugwash01
Thu Feb 05 2009Very old school for me! Loved it when I was young growing up !
by caroline112
Mon Dec 29 2008watchable in doses
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008I used to know the entire song by heart but I forget a few words and it's a long song too !!!
by myspace_124251780
Fri May 30 2008Love this show.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Fri May 09 2008Not a bad show to watch once in a while. Most of the time it was decent, and the cast was talented and funny. Carleton is one of the best of TV's fictional nerds. And the housekeeper, Geoffrey, with his witty quips reminded me of a black Mr. French.
by genghisthehun
Mon Mar 24 2008Smart-ass Philly kid gets sent to stuffy Bel-Air. It was on a long time and lots of fun.
by lilbabiid89
Fri Feb 01 2008still watch it!!
by riverraid1
Sun Sep 30 2007Watched it from beginning to the very end. I liked it so much HELL im buying the seasons on dvd.
by twansalem
Tue Sep 25 2007One of the best sitcoms from the 90s. Always funny, I never get tired of watching old reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
by dafonze0820
Mon Jan 29 2007This is a show that got alot better as the years went on, although i was sad when they replaced Vivian.
by canadasucks
Sun Jan 28 2007Terribly dated, but a harmless and sometimes funny show. . .Will Smith had zero acting experience walking into production- have to admire raw talent when you see it. . .
by kissofangel2
Sat Jan 27 2007One of my favorite shows growing up.
by virilevagabond
Tue Dec 05 2006If I were just rating the undeniable talents of Will Smith, "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" would get an easy five stars; nevertheless, as a whole the series was only decent to good on its own. I never really watched this show as a first option since there was no strong pull other than Smith, but I did catch it now and again. Clearly, Smith was the key to the series' success; however, Carlton (Alfonso) provided an effective straight man and the common fish out of water overall theme wasn't too tired. Nevertheless, some of the running gags (e.g. fat jokes) did get overused, a problem noticeable even over sporadic viewings.
by badbearduke
Tue May 16 2006BLAH!!!!!!! I give it one star because it was only one peg above Cosby. YET AGAIN, another show that DOES NOT represent the black community, OR the white, OR any at all!
by bakongrillche_esyz
Sat Apr 15 2006Totally Totally Totally The best show that I have ever seen!!! I have the first 3 seasons on disc!!!
by hellokitty09
Sun Apr 02 2006I agree with Irishgit that if you saw one episode, you'd seen them all. Most of the jokes revolve around Carlton's shortness, Philip's weight, and how many chicks that Will could get.
by son_of_mojman
Tue Jan 17 2006all the actors and actresses were funny, which made all the episodes funny too
by tylor_23
Thu Jan 05 2006the show is so ang funny i also like carlton dance to tom jones it not unuasll
by lucasboy
Mon Jan 02 2006One of my favorites. A very funny show. Carlton's my favorite character.
by joshua_01
Fri Dec 30 2005this show is hilarious.
by disgust4pcness
Sun Sep 25 2005Garbage. I got stuck watching this show more than a couple times because the reruns come on frequently after Cub games on WGN. What a worthless, overrated show. So many viewers were duped into thinking this show was something...when it wasn't. People would tell me, Oh, you just don't get that style of humor. WRONG. It sucks. I get the style, it just isn't humorous. Maybe it is funny to seven year old kids, but the those kids aren't buying the advertised products.
by kattwoman
Thu Jun 16 2005will smith is a good actor but this was only the beginning for him. he is actually a better dramatic actor but this show is fun to watch. i prefer the carlton character more. he is what makes this show funny.
by cherrysoda99
Wed Jun 08 2005Fresh Prince was a funny show. Will Smith made it funny, and Carlton was hilarious is his own weird little way. I think my favourite character was the butler though.
by wisec0db
Thu May 19 2005Very funny sitcom following the antics of the Fresh Prince, aka Will Smith.
by bodybychocolat_e
Thu Apr 21 2005fresh prince was clever and witty and freakishly entertaining!
by southparker9
Tue Apr 19 2005Ok at times. Good likable characters. Had to jump the shark by ading the kid on at the end to accomadate the original mother. Daphne Maxwell Reid was a good replacement for the other mother.
by deathrattle
Tue Mar 08 2005Surprisingly, this is a show that is still very entertaining and funny years after the show's last original season in the late 90's. When watching the Fresh Prince, one can see Will Smith's budding talent and ability to keep audiences laughing. Smith lso had a great supporting cast that included seasonal tv actors such as James Avery. Amongst te antics of the Banks family, there were very meaningful and though provking epsodes thrown into each of the six seasons. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air may prove to have a lot of syndication staying power.
by alibosu
Fri Mar 04 2005Hugely underrated when it was actually on the air with new episodes, Fresh Prince's long and successful run in syndication is a definite sign of a show that delivers solid laughs again and again. One other quick point... Fresh Prince, like many family sitcoms, had a regular diet of serious issue shows (the ones in which you would often see the actors talking into the character at the end of the episode). While one can definitely argue that this trend of preachy television is unnecessary, Fresh Prince was the only sitcom that could do one of the shows and not make you cringe in horror at the poor acting or writing.
by andillus
Mon Jan 10 2005All around great show. I watch it on nick-at-nite whenever I can!
by greyson
Fri Dec 10 2004will alfonso dude just about ayear ago i was watchin tbs and i got done watchin the carry show he stinks and next up waf fresh prince of bel air and it came on pass parts of it and alfonso was doin the carlton hell it cracked me up the then the first fat joke i heard i was laughing so hard i started crying and believe me i could of filled a water jug with those teers.and watchin alfonso in you music video and watchin black suits comin NOD YA HEAD I WANT TO MEET YOU INSPERATIONS SOOOOOO BAD .PEACE
by ames81
Sun Oct 24 2004Oh man this show was awesome! Will making fun of Uncle Phil all the time hilarious..and Jeffrey always wanting to quit and making fun of Phil too. Also Will making fun of Carlton..short jokes..
by nolrama
Mon Sep 20 2004One of the best black shows I have every seen! All the characters were funny as heck and I still die laughing watching the re-runs! Will Smith is AWESOME!
by shivon_perez
Tue Sep 14 2004i love the show of the fresh prince all of the charecters are really great they make my day better then anything when the show starts i wont move no matter what until commercials then i run do what i got to do and as soon as i haer that it is coming back on i look like im playing football every one got get out of my way cause it is my favorite show i just really would like for you to play the marathon instead of 9:00p.m.to6:00a.m.that it can be during the afternoon it would be better cause no one is gonna be up all night even if they want to if you put it in the afternoon i would really appreciate it because i wouldnt have to miss a show please if you can change the time i would really appreciate it because you are the best show thankyou scincerally yours shivon .my rating is that your show is better than good it is the best in the world the big one and only number 1
by freshprincekin_g
Mon Aug 09 2004this is one of the greatest comedy's produced ever. My wife and kids is the only show above this one for my ratings list. Will smith rocks!
by nightbird
Thu Aug 05 2004It never gets old Will Smith is still got it and now is an Alien Hunter.
by crazybeautiful
Tue Aug 03 2004The fact that every one of my friends and I can sing the entire theme song from beginning to end is slightly scary. Classic show of the 90's! :)
by matt78
Wed Jul 21 2004I really like Will Smith, but I just could not get into that show. I really tried but it just didn't work for me. Will was the only interesting one, all the other characters were lame and had not depth. I understand why people like this show, I just don't think it was good writing.
by buffy_fan
Sun Jun 20 2004Will is gorge!!xxxx Don't u just luv 'im? Second best show ever 2 Buffy!!!!!!!!! RACH.
by ansgard
Tue Jun 08 2004what a lot of trash