Approval Rate: 61%

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    Fri Jul 01 2011

    Do you know that changed their terms and conditions, now they do not refund fees to buyer for cancelled project. But who wins from this? Why do they try to squeeze more money out of nothing? If I post a project in which nobody is interested or nobody can complete it or bidders are not able, then why I should lose money for nothing, should return fees, but they deals with fool tricks, miserable! From bad to worse , increasingly worse changes. I just want to lose definitive their clients and not deceive people by his work trying to feed himself and the other pigs like, which pull money from nothing. Do not trust to!

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    Fri Apr 01 2011

    They suspended my account without giving any reason and froze my funds over $300. Really strange behaviour? Perhaps they are on their way out of business and trying to embezzle client funds by suspending accounts without reason, or then it is just normal MO for this scam site...??

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    Fri Sep 10 2010

    I would highly recommend that you never participate on this site. They are a rip off. The providers will bid low so to win you project, do half project and then stop after getting your deposit. Freelancer will do nothing to get your money back from fraudulent provider so the only option you are left with is to dispute with paypal or your bank. If you do this they will just freeze your account and ignore you for weeks or even months while giving you the run around and holding up your money. They may even take your money if it is refunded by the provider and tell you that you owe them more money. I am so unhappy with my Freelancer experience that I will never go back to them again. I had this issue in the past and did not use them for a year and saw that the site was updated and thought that maybe they got their act together but it appears that they have gotten worse. Buyer Beware.

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    Sat Jul 03 2010

    Poorly managed, when someone doesn't pay you just get screwed. Freelancer takes months to respond questions. They actually froze my account and my husbands, as far as I can tell because we had the same address, and it took us months to get them back open. The first time I tried to withdraw money from Freelancer it was 29 days before it was credited to my account so I got one of the prepaid visas. These cards load faster but you have to pay something like 10.00 for the car and 5.00 to load it with the money you earn, each time. The system is a rip off all around for writers. IT and Graphic Designers seem to do a bit better on this site, but writers are wasting their time.

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    Wed Mar 17 2010

    Fairly poor. Same can be said for most of these freelance type auction sites. It is a festival of people trying to screw each other. One nice thing about them is, unlike US based services, they don't ask for a lot of personal data, so if/when their site is compromised, or one of their freelancers decides to get greedy they can't sell your SSN to people, your identity is pretty safe with (provided you don't give them bank info or something) I just had a client apparently walk away without paying, I've heard the same thing happens to buyers. One thing I know about is that buyers get "suckered" by the low prices, the code often has (obvious) security flaws. I know this because I've cleaned up a few of the messes left behind. (can't say as I feel TOO bad about it.. if you have a $1500 project and someone bids $60.00, well, you get what you pay for) Security flaws *can* be particularly problematic, in some cases a business owner looses everything and has to start from... Read more

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    Very "job-lite".

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    Fri Aug 03 2007

    just meant for IT professionals looking to do Freelance work. very good site!

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    Preferable to as it is safer and has a better quality of freelancer, although agree with the latter comments in that it is limited to some extent in scope.

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    Sun Jul 09 2000

    good resource to see whats out there but pretty limited in that it's really just meant for IT professionals looking to do Freelance work.