Frazier vs. Ali (1971)

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Thu May 22 2008

    Best heavyweight fight I have ever seen. Joe had the fire in his belly that night and I think Ali with the long lay-off and his lack of respect for Joe Frazier cost him that fight. I agree Joe was never the same after that fight. What a war!

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    Wed Jan 16 2008

    The ALI vs.FRAZIER I  was the GREATEST FIGHT EVER!!! Ali after 3yr layoff, comes back to fight  the best in the divison, hold his own early almost dropping Joe in the 9th., even though being dropped in the 15th Rd.(in which he got right up) they fought with everything they had from Rd.1 toRd.15. Frazier Dec. on round by round basis. ALI IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST.

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    Mon Apr 16 2007

    First time ali got a true whipping! And lost the title to Smoking JOe!

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    Sat Jan 07 2006

    Before watching this fight one must understand that this was more than a fight between two undefeated heavyweights, it was a clash of ideologies. When Ali and Frazier entered the ring in 1971 they were not simply fighting for the heavyweight championship. Ali v. Frazier was also USA v. Vietnam and Black v. White. It was the most hyped and meaningful bout in history, and it lived up to the potential that it had promised.

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    Fri Nov 18 2005

    Not only the best fight but the biggest boxing spectacle ever. It's a shame it took such a toll on Frazier; he was so exciting to watch, but was never the same fighter again.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    you have to admit, this was a boxing masterpiece. At heavyweight level to last 15 rounds at that intensity must be respected.

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    Fri Oct 14 2005

    This was the greatest match I have ever seen in my ebtire life!

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    The greatest sporting event in our history.

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    Wed Sep 08 2004

    Best fight ever, for several reasons: 1) It was a heavyweight bout, during a time when there were so many great heavyweights; 2) It was against undefeateds; 3) The circumstances involving Ali's stripped title; 4) The Media hype; 5) The personal hatred of each fighter (which Frazier still espouses); 6) It was an exciting, well-fought bout from opening bell to the end of the fight. 7) Me being from Philly, Frazier trained and lived there; he was definitely our hometown favorite. I heard stories that Frazier was in such impeccable shape and so prepared for that fight, that no one (not even Foreman) could have beat him that day. Frazier took everything but the kitchen sink from Ali, and triumphed. However, he was never the same afterwards, and clung to the title beating up a couple of stooges until George Foreman did him in. When you really think about it, Frazier never won an important fight after Superfight 1.

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    Sun Aug 15 2004

    This was the one and only time in my life that I ever bet against Ali. I was a junior in high school and bet five dollars, I never did get paid. This was a classic matchup between two very special fighters. Every thing about these two men were opposite. Personalities, styles, size, especially the way they were percieved by the black community. Frazier and Ali gave their all, but it was Fraziers night. The real winners of this bout were the fight fans. It was a great battle between two undefeated heavyweights.

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    Thu Jul 08 2004

    Great, great fight! Truely the fight of the century. However, what bothers me about this fight is that most sports fans only know about the famous 15th round knockdown and are under the impression that only Ali got the crap beat out of him. The fact is, Frazier definitely won the fight but he took an aweful beating himself. Frazier was the guy who spent two weeks in the hospital after this fight. Frazier was the one violently ill in the ring after the fight. Frazier was the one too spent to grant any interviews immediately after the fight. These guys beat the crap out of each other.

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Thirty-three years have not dimmed my memories of Superfight 1, or the events and hype that lead up to and surrounded this fight. Ali's style, personality, ability, the Viet-Nam thing. Contrasted with Frazier's bobbing and weaving, big left hook and giant heart made for the greatest heavyweight title fight I have ever seen. I remember waking up on Tuesday, March 9th, 1971 and rushing to the kitchen and hearing my father say Frazier's the champ. Joe Frazier became my hero that day, and in my mind, on the night of March 8th, 1971 might have beaten any heavywweight in history. To this day I wished Frazier had retired after the fight, cementing his place as one of the greatest in history.

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    the greatest fight in boxing's history!

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    Sun May 16 2004

    My favorite bout! Joe Frazier's left hook found its mark a bit too often. In addition, Joe's wicked punches to Ali's body slowed Ali down considerably making him an easier target. Joe kept the pressure on Ali through out the fight by constantly moving forward and keeping Ali on the ropes. Ali clearly could take a punch though. I don't think any other person could have survived Joe's brutal punches in round 11, nor got up after taking that vicious left hook in the 15th round. Ali may have won the next 2 fights against Frazier, but this was THE most important bout and Joe showed he was the boss!

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    Mon Apr 12 2004

    The best ever. Don't believe me. watch it and you will be converted.

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    Fri Apr 09 2004

    Proved styles make fights, Frazier was for real, Ali was only human. Why is there a statue of Rocky Balboa (as much as I love the character) instead of Smoking Joe in Philly? The biggest night in sports -- ever! The biggest rivalry in sports of which Joe got the short end. Ali messed up a lot of peoples heads -- be careful you reap what you sow. If Ali would have taken Joe seriously and not clowned he could have won this fight as rusty as he was, there's a thin line b/w confidence and arrogance this time Ali had to pay the pipper.

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    bkhislop is a little wierd (maybe blind). this was one of the greatest fights of all time!! it was joes finest hour (best he ever was) and it was a different version of ali, (rusty and never the same as before) but joe can thank the establishment for ali's layoff cause without it joe wouldnt have stood a chance!! great fight !!

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    in a clash of styles, ideologies, media hype, two fighters showed their will to win. This is one for the ages.

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    Tue Mar 16 2004

    the best fight in history and this fight show that joe frazier had heart

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    Thu Feb 19 2004

    It was the best fight we ever saw

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    Fri Jan 09 2004

    Amazing action for a fight at any weight much less heavyweight. Perfect clashing of styles, stylist v. swarmer, meeing in the greatest heavyweight fight of all time until Holmes v. Norton. Absolute peak of Frazier's career, he was nearly unbeatable that night.

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    Fri Dec 26 2003

    I don't know where this other poster gets off calling Ali a flawed heavyweight..that's ridiculous..Ali was the worst fundamental fighter who ever lived..He did everything wrong in the ring but his skill level was so high that he could get away with throwing right hand leads, ducking instead of slipping punches, holding his hands low, never ever throwing a body punch. He ruined more kids like me who wanted to be fighters during that time beacause we all went to the gym and tried to do waht he did! Anyway..this fight was and is still the most heavily anticipated sporting event of my lifetime..nothing has come close since then, Ali just back 6 months from exile, had 2 fights before this one, looked great at times,,his skill level was apparent (have no idea what bkhislop is talking about)..but he gave away rounds by laying against the ropes and letting Frazier punch him..Ali went into this fight truly believing that this fight would be NO CONTEST as he said often..he got in there and reali... Read more

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    Mon Oct 27 2003

    This fight is living proof that Joe Frazier was a cement-headed animal too stupid to know when to back up. Ironically, this fight also showed that Ali's defense (specifically his ability to block or parry punches) was amateurish at best. Nonetheless, this a great fight between two great - but flawed - heavyweights.