Fraternity brothers drinking beer.

Approval Rate: 70%

70%Approval ratio

Reviews 6

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    Sat Sep 22 2007

    . . . y'don't say?

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    Sat Sep 22 2007

    Practically a staple of college life, which worries me honestly...though, I don't think one has to belong to a frat. to enjoy the idea of turning college into one big party. There are plenty of people who would fall into the latter of the 2.

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    Sat Sep 22 2007

    Thats a given.

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    Sat Sep 22 2007

    What fraternity brothers? At some time or other - all self-respecting college students of either gender seem to engage in this as part of their rite of passage.

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    Wed May 25 2005

    . . .or it's not a real college or university.

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    Wed May 25 2005

    As a former pizza delivery driver, these guys tip the best. The drunker they are, the more they tip.