Frank Zappa
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by donsykes
Thu Nov 18 2010Transylvania Boogie, Rat Tomago, The Gumbo Variations, Watermelon in Eater Hay, Penquin In Bondage, Muffin Man, Sinister Footwear, RDNZL, Alien Orifice, Whats New in Baltimore, Zoot Allures, Magic Fingers, Imaginery Diseases, Black Napkins, Willie the Pimp, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Chungas Revenge, Montreal, Outside Now, Be-Bop Boogie Tango, Carolina Hardcore Ecstacy, Advance Romance, Montreal, Po-jamma People, Apostrophe, More Trouble Every Day, Uncle Remus, Yo Mama, Igores Boogie, Son of Mister Green Genes, Dog Breath(live version). Guitar. Shut Up And Play Your Guitar. Inca Roads. Duke of Orchestral Prune, Revised Music For Guitar And Low Budget Orchestra, If You decide To Leave Me. Crusin For Burgers, Nine Types Of Industrial Pollution.
by rikharthu
Thu Sep 03 2009Frank Zappa - egomaniac? He simply realized that the vast majority of humans are stupid. At least he concentrated on what -he- wanted to hear, not everyone least for the most part. Tasteless? That's highly subjective. At least he didn't throw a bunch of fake emotion into his work. BTW you can't get a feel for who he is from a single album, or even two or three. Most of his albums are explorations of different areas of sound. You need to get the whole picture. ANYWAY yeah great guitar skills, got what was in his head out through an amplifier, five stars.
by kirkdedf
Tue Aug 18 2009Its near impossible to judge 'stirctly' on guitar technical mastery. Composition, timing, presentation, the use of silence between notes, subjective opinions of style etc... As a fellow who plays several musical instruments (guitar among them), I'd rate his guitar playing (just his guitar playing) a 4-star out of 5. Now take into account the difficult, the uniqueness and the composition and wide range of expression....that has to be a 5. 200 yrs from now, a group of bassoonists in hamburg might pull out a song like "Echidna's Arf of You", and a chamber music quintet may take a shot at "Peaches En Regalia", a brass ensemble may be looking at sheet music for "Rollo" in 21/16 time and feel thoroughly challanged by it. Over intervening centuries, 'entertainers' are largely forgotten. History, in the long view, remembers composers. We remember Dvorak, not his cute well dressed flautist; we remember shakespeare not the names of his actors, we study Vivaldi-not how damn good looking and coo... Read more
by rainroosty
Sun Dec 14 2008Frank Zappa: #1 !!!!!
by ramblindoug
Tue Oct 14 2008Zappa was a genius! An astounding guitarist and a totally brilliant composer! Maybe the best sense of humor in rock history.
by doctor_of_madness
Fri Sep 12 2008He was a good guitarist , but a great musician. He was kind of a jerk, humorous, and very creative. His work was unique, silly and intelligent. The guitar work was a lesser part of the entire result.
by trunch253
Sat Aug 30 2008On one of Frank Zappa's 6 or 7 or so ALL GUITAR albums, he stated, and I QUOTE, "THIS MUSIC IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN OR REPUBLICANS." Truth be told, judging by some of the asinine comments here, I would say he hit it "RIGHT ON THE MONEY"! Wouldn't you?
by abcdefzarf
Fri Aug 29 2008FZ is the best. Just listen to him go
by marcelina
Fri Aug 29 2008gets 3 stars just for picking out such cool names for his kids
by moose74
Tue Jul 15 2008Zappa was a virtuoso. I was pondering whether to give him 4 or 5 stars until I saw the comment about his being tasteless. His guitar-playing is being graded here! Nothing tasteless about it! The fact that someone might be perturbed by the content of such ditties as "Don't Eat the Yellow Snow" or "Dirty Love" is irrelevant. Mr. (or Ms.) one star, cite and example of where his guitar-playing was tasteless. Otherwise, do the right thing, and upgrade your vote without the subject matter of some of his songs as part of the criterion!
by trunch
Thu Jul 03 2008So many of the comments here represent a STUNNING level of ignorance, an appalling degree of HOSTILITY and just plain stupidity. Zappa himself once said that the most common element in the universe is not hydrogen. The most common element is STUPIDITY! Sadly, having read some of the comments here, I would have to agree with him. "Average musician" my ASS!
by fancynancy
Thu Jul 03 2008No one else even comes close...any sissy ass pimple face punk that says otherwise is just a flat out ignorant moronRIP Frank
by dwann653
Tue May 20 2008Strange but beautiful
by rayman122
Mon May 12 2008what an amazing guitarist. steve vai even said hes the best guitarist ever next to hendrix
by sennanum
Mon Dec 31 2007An average musician.
by djm3447b
Sun Dec 09 2007Very tasteless
by genghisthehun
Sat Sep 15 2007I guess he hits about in the middle of the pack.
by serpentsmasher
Fri Sep 07 2007Overrated. Not funny, and very crass.
by irishgit
Fri Sep 07 2007Wrong category. As noted by oscar, its hard to pin down where he belongs, but it certainly isn't in heavy metal. Intriguing musician though. Not always to my taste, but there is no denying his talent.
by rayrose
Wed Sep 05 2007frank was a top notch musician and quite a wonderful person.fave:dancin' fool
by rover1963
Wed Jul 04 2007Most innovative guitarist ever. The 20th century's most accomplished Musical genius
by wistler
Thu Apr 05 2007There sure is some stinging irony to the enlistment of Zappa to this category, nevermind to any list on the "RATEITALL" site in general ( MOSTLY 'dumb' and emotionally driven opinions here from the 20yr and younger crowd ). In any case, Zappa is terribly underrated these days and was a consummate a r t i s t (what's that these days?). I have no problem calling him a genius.
by hunyrider
Sat Mar 24 20071 star is generous for this ego maniac.
by bassbob
Fri Mar 23 2007I can see by some of the comments on this page that some people have never gotten past basic music theory. Frank did, and was truly one of the top innovative musicians and guitarists of all time, since he not only thought outside the 9 dots, he lived out there. He was just tired of the nine dots and had to create others. Some cannot understand innovation. Edgar Varese Lives.
by nitro67
Tue Mar 13 2007this is nuts! zap, 2 stars? amazing inovating guitar work on every song. just a great musician in general.
by curtisstambay
Sun Mar 11 2007Truly woeful. Maybe the most distasteful guitarist ever.
by petemomp
Wed Feb 28 2007Often considered just an amazing composer, Zappa was an incredible guitarist. No one can improvise like he can. He played with such fire, fury and passion but in such a controlled and thoughtful manner. Infinitely better than EVH.
by majorreynolds
Sat Feb 10 2007Just plain bad. Real garage material.
by watergrass
Tue Jan 16 2007A legend , very original, Has a very mean ass drummer, Terry Bozzio.
by skygod
Sat Oct 07 2006American genius or just too many cocksucker balls?
by bassman44113
Sat Sep 02 2006The world is a poorer place with out Frank. I was lucky enough to see him play 5 times in my life. Each show completely amazed me. He was a musical genius. I miss him, his musicianship and the way he looked at the world.
by krinda
Thu Aug 31 2006Some of THE funkiest, greatest musicians, at one time or another, played with Zappa during his "The Mothers of Invention" years. Chester Thompson ("Genesis")... The Fowler Brothers (Tom, Bruce, Walt)... Ruth Underwood... Ian Underwood... Sal Marquez... Jean-Luc Ponty....Plas Johnson... Roy Estrada...... Carol Kaye...... Jimmy Fielder.....Don Ellis... Don Preston..... Don "Sugarcane" Harris... Paul Humphrey.... Max Bennett... George Duke..... Wilton Felder.... Ernie Watts.... Aynsley Dunbar....Jeff Simmons... God, I'm just flooded with good, good, GOOD memories of all of Frank's combinations. He was such an artist!
by lomu71f1
Sat Aug 19 2006Even noisier and more self indulgent than Jimmy Page. Very bad.
by autoarbitaster
Wed May 17 2006black napkins, apostrophe'
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sat Mar 11 2006Not really sure why Frank's on this list, though he did do some stuff that could perhaps fit into this genre, he was really all over the place stylistically, as well as in terms of quality. It's a big stretch to put him into this category
by felixnagy
Wed Feb 22 2006Dreadful egomaniac. His passing is no great loss to the guitar world.
by kimteacher
Mon Jan 09 2006No style or grace. Self indulgent noise.Sorry folks, he does not rate.
by ridinfool
Tue Nov 22 2005Start by Realizing categorizing Frank, is like saying light is bright, it is , but in so many shades, depths and shadows, that the definition is lacking any useful information. If you can listen to one Zappa album, and not be moved (either mesmerized, energized, or offended) by the sheer genious, originality, quality, and skill of this story telling true artist, then you have no appreciation of real art in bloom. He never was a sell out, and his sounds are lyrical, dramatic, awe inspiring, but never mundane or the formulated drivel most other "artists" are forced to produce to call themselves successful.
by robbo59
Sat Nov 12 2005I've been to well over 500 concerts, seen thousands of bands, and heard thousands of guitarists and Zappa could mop up the floor with most of them. Zappa is and was a huge influence on countless serious musicians and is much more popular in Europe than he ever was in the United States. But then, we elected George Bush. Go figger. Zappa belongs in the ranks with Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page. Neil Young? Mark Knoffler? Ritchie Zambora? I don't think so!!!
by magpiescott
Sun Nov 06 2005Noisy no talent self indulgent dreck
by turk7af0
Sun Nov 06 2005Top three of all times. Obviously Seosan man doesn't play guitar.
by djahuti
Tue Oct 25 2005Not my favorite music by far,but some of his solos really command my respect.Gotta give the guy his due!
by wer801
Sun Oct 23 2005Usually left off the "top guitarist" lists, Frank did more things to more guitars for more time than anyone else. You will generally find Vai or Satriani on the lists. Just ask them to name their #1. Whether "Variations on Carlos Santana" or "Sofa" or "My guitar wants to kill your mama," Zappa took it to another level.
by john_kolberg
Wed Apr 13 2005My first listen to Uncle Meat and The Grand Wazoo made me a believer!
by souljunkie
Fri Apr 08 2005While I admit that he was an exceptional music mind, his desire to just be so off beat and alternative at the time chased me off. (I was a kid in the 70's) I still have a problem with those artist who value just being different rather than offering something that might be widely appealing. Not neccesarily pop...I dont mean that, but something with substance that will stand the test of time. If your following was considered a cult following like his, I probably did not like it. To me acult following is just the words used to describe a group of misfits who latch on to something just because it is different and contraversial...or...just wanting to bring attention to yourself.
by hermangwynn2
Sat Jan 22 2005one of the greatest musical ears and talents of our time. was a good guitarist but not the best. as a composer he ranks top five.
by saronix
Sat Nov 27 2004Frank was an AMAZING composer, with technical ability beyond what i can comprehend.. he may not have been the MOST technical guitarist though, but his knowledge of EVERY instrument and how they fit together and his arrangements for the guitar make him so.
by weaselsrippedm_yflesh
Fri Oct 29 2004Don't forget to vote! Zappa was a composer, musician and entertainer of the first rank. I think he'd be pissed to be in this category. If he only knew... He's somewhere with his synclavier and his guitar, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of black coffee, thinking about his wife Gail and their smart, well adjusted children - who've done well no matter how psychotic America seems to get.
by truthordare
Sat Sep 04 2004How can you really expect young people of today to understand Frank? Pearls before swine.
by solo_king
Tue Aug 03 2004my guitar wants to kill your mama!