Frank Beamer (Virginia Tech)
Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by virginiasemino_le
Mon Nov 19 2007Show me a national championship!!!! Beamer is a VICK lover and a choke artist. Virginia Tech is a great school, with a good football program, thats all!!! Southwest Virginians are unrealistic about this football team, but thats to be expected based on the quality of the fans that support them.. sincereley, Virginia Seminole.. [email protected]
by zuchinibut
Tue Jan 03 2006Beamer has taken a program with very little football tradition and turned it into a top 10 program. The state of Virginia is crazy about the Hokies, and Beamer manages to get most of the top recruits in the talented state of VA. He has been to big bowl games almost every year in the past decade and doesn't show any signs of the program slowing down.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Sep 28 2005Man am I gonna go on the warpath when West Virginia gets hammered.
by eersphan
Wed Sep 28 2005Frank Beamer sucks, he's got a butt cheek hanging from his neck -- hope he's ready for another raping come October 1, GO EERS!!!!!
by wvumotown16253_4
Sun Sep 25 2005frank beamer sucks and the state of virginia. you will lose to wvu. frank beamer is a pansy ass who is scared to come to morgantwon. GOOOO EERS
by ty_webb
Thu Aug 18 2005Has done more with less than any other coach. Solid guy.
by blacksburghoki_e
Thu Aug 18 2005Frank Beamer is a great coach no doubt, but he is also a truly great man. He has made outstanding contributions to this community and to his alma mater. He is a wonderful father who also treats his players as his own family. For those of you ignorant enough to deride the burn on Coach Beamer's face, it was the result of a childhood accident. This experience undoubtedly helped to build the great character he exhibits in his daily life and as the leader of the truly great football program he is responsible for building.
by drewsurf
Wed Aug 17 2005this guy is a team builder. has developed good teams and a nationally recognized program. at least one of the major universities in that state is elite.
by floridahokie
Fri Jul 29 2005PBeavr said, I would rate him as a 1 except for the fact his teams have been pretty good 6 of the last 9 years. But I also won't give him a 3 or 4 because he has been coach there for 17 years and not just the past 9. If you only look at the last 9 years you are ignoring almost HALF his tenure and only prove your own ignorance. PBeavr is right! By looking at only the past 9 years we WOULD be ignoring almost half of Beamer's tenure. Let's be a little sceptical . . . we'll forgive him the first four years because they are not representative of his recruiting abilities, and we'll give him two more for program building. So let's look at the past 12 years, leaving out only the first six (or one-third). Perhaps this will keep us from ignorantly and blindly supporting coach Beamer. First 6 years win % = .283 First 6 years record = 14-37-2 Last 12 yrs win % = .750 Last 12 years record = 111-37 Overall (18 yrs) win % = .627 Overall record = 125-74-2 In the... Read more
by ftblfan
Thu Jul 14 2005Great coach
by flhokie4330
Fri Jul 08 2005I am amazed to read some of the past negative comments on Frank Beamer...By no means can this man be judged by his first years at Virginia Tech and say that his recent success is just a spoof. I submit that Frank Beamer is the architect of a great football program that he had to build from the ground up. When he started, no one had heard of Virginia Tech and now we are a household name. On ESPN they can say Blacksburg and not have to associate it with Virginia or Virginia Tech like they had to during Michael Vick's first year. We won the ACC during our first year in the conference when everyone picked us to finish at the bottom. Sure we have had some off the field problems with some players, but you don't have to look far in the ACC to find good coaches, like Bobby Bowden and Larry Coker, that have had to deal with similar situations. Our success on the football field has been trending upward for some time and we have Frank Beamer to thank for that.
by tmack042
Fri Apr 22 2005He is a really good coach who teaches strong fundamentals, and builds great special teams units. I'm also impressed by his ability to bring out his players full potential. However there are off the field problems. His players don't go to class, graduate rates are low, and his players have trouble with the law. If he solves these problems, I'll give him a 5 rating.
by dukes4me459
Sat Feb 26 2005Wow! i can't believe some of the ignorance here! how can you say that Frank Beamer is overrated and not a great coach. Those saying that he's not good because of his first 5-8 years coaching need to realize something... before FB showed up Virginia Tech royally sucked! they were lucky to finish a season with two wins. I really dont think that a new coach coming in after that is gonna go undefeated in his first year. No one wanted to play for Tech 10 years ago. Recruiting was terrible and one coach isnt going to automatically change that. For him to have built this school into the major threat it is today is a HUGE achievement for Frank. Another thing... just because some of his players (Marcus Vick cough cough) have made mistakes in the past year does not affect his coaching ability by any means. To add... the Team United bracelets he inniciated this year were wonderful. He really made is bunch of kids into a team when they were beginning to fall apart. Thats what makes him a gre... Read more
by dunaway05
Tue Feb 22 2005Good coach, always has a ridiculously tough schedule.
by gis715ec
Wed Feb 09 2005A great coach that made sure he put his school into the Big East and became a Top Ten Team using old fashion hard work on Special Teams. However, now that he is in the ACC he will be average!
by k1llerc4m
Sat Dec 04 2004Has gone to a bowl game EVERY YEAR since 1993, this year its going to be a BCS game.. His team wins the ACC in its first season. must be doing something right. and by the way, Lane Stadium has become one of the toughest places to play in college football, and most of the advancements in the stadium and the program are because of FRANK BEAMER! GO HOKIES!!
by bb54d0c7
Tue Nov 23 2004He is a bum!!!
by love_da_hokies
Tue Nov 23 2004Awesome father, coach and representative for Virginia Tech !! Has taken a depleted team destroyed by Bill Dooley and turned it into a national power !!
by hokie_cpa
Tue Nov 23 2004Coach Beamer turned a middling program on probation into a perrenial staple of the national rankings and bowls. In their first ACC season, most didn't believe Beamer's team would finish better than sixth in the standings, and they are two games from winning the whole thing. Beamer should be the 2004 ACC Coach of the year. I'd say national, but one can't help be be impressed with Urban Meyer's works this year, even if Utah hasn't played anybody.
by hjhokie
Tue Nov 23 2004I know of no other coaches who would buy fans camping out for tickets pizza as a show of thanks for their support for his team. Those of you who say he has done nothing without MV clearly don't understand. VT has gone from an afterthought at best in football when he arrived (at the start of probation caused by previous coach) to a conference champion in the BE and hopefully soon in the ACC. Ask Miami what sort of team FB puts on the field year in and year out.
by cowchopper
Tue Nov 23 2004I don't believe a coach is a good coach solely based on the number of wins he has. Beamer HAS the wins along with an incredible character and work ethic. I was getting my hair cut recently right along side the coach and from what he said and from what others have said about him, he's one of the hardest workers I've ever heard of. He's respectful, he's strong (note the game he coached last week mere hours after his mother passed away), and he's determined. What other coach in this country can you say that about?
by vtalum99
Mon Nov 01 2004He is one of the most respected coaches in the country among his peers. How many of your coaches would be as loyal to his alma mater when offered more $$ to leave? There is a ton of young talent on his current team watch out in 2005!
by kirk_hatch
Sat Oct 30 2004Winning in the ACC too.
by carol_olack
Tue Oct 26 2004ACC will be easier for him.
by ag_mines
Sat Sep 18 2004Best days behind him.
by glad_imnotmackbrown
Wed Jul 28 2004Too good of a coach to be this low in the rankings, if he had the talent B. Snyder has had the past few years...he would have won many national championships by now.
by plaino
Fri Jul 09 2004Beamer has a system that makes his teams very hard to beat in the first half of the season. But with an occasional exception, like the win over Miami last season, they have played in mediocrity most Novembers, with the Michael Vick team the exception to that. Another program with a chance to take a bigtime step with the creation of the new ACC. Beamer got some mileage out of what Vick's team did for his recruiting fortunes, but now, with a great running back moved on, this year will be critical. And VaTech and UVa will compete to be top dog in the state. Either Beamer or Groh will be gone within five years, maybe a lot sooner. My guess is that Beamer will lose this battle.
by rowbeartoe
Sat Jun 26 2004built his rep on two things: 1) Vick and 2) playing cream puffs poor grad rates check out the criminal arrest records of his players
by play4pay
Mon Jun 21 2004Has lost touch...too many off field blunders
by da_bird
Wed Mar 31 2004PSU plays like a bunch of women. Frankie would crush them.
by gators_are_tiger_bai
Tue Nov 04 2003He chickens out. Is to scared to play LSU in Death Valley. Very weak scheldule. Very overated. He is an asshole
by hokeey07
Thu Jul 24 2003man this dude is awesome...
by oyster_shuck_buck
Wed Jul 23 2003Look dips, Frank inherited a terrible program from that oof Bill Dooley. Tech IS in the middle of nowwhere, which is why you can leave your doors unlocked at night there. But that makes it more difficult to recruit. He's taken the proverbial sow's ear and played in the big game. Recruiting in Florida is as easy as picking up a he-ho in West Hollywood. Coaches all over the country study what he's done at Tech, esp. w/ special teams. And the knock about if it weren't for Mike Vick, like I said, if you coach at FSU or Miami it's not much of a challenge. Instead of being knocked for getting Vick, people should say hey, what a coup, to land that kind of talent. Ralph Frieden, well let's see in a couple of years if he;s still doing well. Remember, Ralph came in while U Md was busting with talent. Frank came in with Tech busted, so give the man his due. Hell, you could put Forrest Gump in Tallahassee and he'd win. I just hope that Tech doesn't end up in the same division as both F... Read more
by phil98
Sat Jun 14 2003This guy can coach... his teams always over achieve. If he coached at Tennesse he might have won three or four championships. Wnen he leaves Va Tech will return to the backwaters it belongs. One wonders why he is still there.
by turtleboy
Fri Jun 13 2003Good coach but hasn't done anything spectacular without Michael Vick.
by absolut08
Tue Jun 10 2003Frank Beamer hasn't won the big one YET, but is the best coach in the NCAA at this time. Blacksburg, Virginia, while beautiful, is in the middle of nowhere. It is hard to recruit, and get the really good kids to go there. Beamer to his team from out of nowhere to a prominent top 10 team. The fact that it didn't happen during his 1st year as coach at Tech, doesn't mean that he's a "terrible" coach. Get serious! The hokies were so bad for so long, and look at them now! Over the last 8 years, the beat MIAMI 5 times. Who else has done that? PBeavr is an idiot to think Beamer is anything less a great coach! Why do think the Vicks went there in the 1st place???
by ninobene
Fri Feb 28 2003Beamer was burned as a child in a farming accident. His teams define him as a person; sound, passionate yet disciplined, never-say-die. VT may win it all in 03-04.
by sooner
Mon Aug 20 2001I'd be good too with Vick. What's the deal with the aborted fetus on his face?
by what_me_worry
Sat Jun 02 2001Beamer! - way to take a sleepy, hillside college and turn it into a mini-dynasty. Yeah, baby.
by cane1087om
Wed Nov 10 1999Frank Beamer is probably the most underrated head coach in the country. His teams are always well prepared to do the fundamentals.