Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 40
by blue47
Wed Jul 21 2010How can you take a news channel serious with the three stooges, hannidy, o'riley, beck. And Beck is an absolute idiot. ALL that ranting and raving....
by susandirs
Sun Mar 23 2008If you only watch fox news, you probably won't notice what they do to news stories. If you have multiple sources for your news, you'll wonder why they "mis-quoted" John Kerry as saying he was a metrosexual. Or why they said that the wildfires in Malibu were probably started by Al-queda. Or why their main "democrat" pundit is one who primarily campaigns for republicans such as Rudy Guliani. They have a point of view to spread, and they spin it in when they can.
by tajmahal
Sun Apr 23 2006Britt Hume in his previous life was a two-bit gossip columnist. He was the "gofer" for Jack Anderson's gossip column which focused on Washington. Hume never did much there, just a "yes man" for Anderson. He is still pretty dull. Kind of looks like a Bassett Hound I think. He get's his marching orders from the Republican National Committee and follows those orders well. As far as "Fair and Balanced" or being a credible journalist - well, tune in to late night comedy on any channel to get the answer to that one.
by louiethe20th
Tue Dec 27 2005Most watched news channel, there must be a reason for that.
by drummond
Tue Dec 27 2005"Most watched news channel, there must be a reason for that." Because cable news in general is a conservative medium. Conservatives are not only the largest consumers of Fox News, but also CNN, MSNBC, and even the broadcast networks. The only nationally aired news program with more liberals listening than conservatives is McNeil/Lehrer, which is ironic since it's been rated more conservative than other media in various studies. Liberals prefer newspapers for news. Not making any judgments about which is better, but that's what the polls indicate.
by mrpolitical
Fri Aug 26 2005Some people are really full of themselves...and loving every minute of it by the looks of it.
by irishgit
Sun Aug 21 2005As far as I'm concerned, and I speak from the experience of a spin-doctor here, TV news has always been about entertainment and spin, rather than reportage. As such Fox is nothing out of the ordinary. Just as full of bias and spin as every other network. The fact that it isn't my spin doesn't make it worse than anyone elses.
by jak3cfca
Sun Aug 21 2005Of course Fox News is either loved or hated. In a sea of leftist mass media Fox stands out like a sore thumb because they don't line up with the rest of the drones - CNN, BBC, NYT, LAT, WP, PBS, etc., etc. If you prefer a more conservative viewpoint and not the Bush is evil rhetoric ad nauseam, then Fox News will be a refreashing change. By the way, The fact that Fox News late night reruns get better ratings than most of the leftist prime time spin-meisters, goes a long way to explaining their seething anger toward Fox. Fox envy can be an ugly thing.
by canadasucks
Sun Aug 21 2005Aggressively stupid, obvious political leanings and tendencies, wants to entertain and vailidate more than actually inform- but they get the good-looking women with great chests to read the news while using very simple words!
by caveart
Tue Feb 08 2005Not even a pretense of journalistic objectivity.
by joe_schraufnagel
Thu Feb 03 2005It baffles me how perfectly reasonable people default and watch this sleaze simply because they're unable to drag their fat ass off of their sofa and change the freaking channel. The interview as 'Republican rim job' or 'shout down the Dem'. Disgraceful burlesque of journalism.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Nov 27 2004Fox is for conservatives, CNN is for whiny liberals. DUH!
by beelzebub
Sat Nov 27 2004Fair and balanced?! Feh!!! Oh, and not all progressives are whiny, just as not all conservatives are as dumb as a bowling ball, as W is.
by psalmy
Fri Nov 26 2004FOX NEWS I LOVE YOU! give me some champaign, candlelit dinner and fox news, thats what I call a perfect date! LOVE GOIN OUT TO BILL OREILLY! HITem where it hurts pal! keep up the good work!
by scarletfeather
Fri Nov 26 2004I'm not a fan of Fox News at all but I will admit it has some entertainment value. Psalmy, your ideas of what constitutes a fun date are downright bizarre.
by opinion585
Fri Nov 05 2004FAUX NEWS!!!!! Well, thanks in great to them, Dick Cheney is our president for another 4 years. The only people that would want to watch the most bias news channel ever created!!!!! Are the people who want to kiss Bush's ass so hard they could suck the peice of pretzel he cholked on right on out! And their conservative cast can't even keep their pants on, tsk tsk oreily, phone sex and sexual harrassment, what will your idiot master Bush think? oh thats right, he doesnt think!!!!!
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Fri Oct 22 2004There is a reason that the ratings on Fox are climbing, there is an audience hungry for their viewpoint, just as there was an audience hungry for what CNN offered in the early 80's. The presidential election has only fostered their continued success in the ratings game, in spite of more frequent and harsher attacks by left-wing zealots. Every poster who lambastes the alleged bias of Fox exposes his own hypocrisy. Conservative lean of a single TV network = bad. Liberal slant of all other news outlets = perfectly OK and I don't know what you're talking about. Slant? What slant? Dan Rather? Oh, that was just accidental, why do you look so deeply into the meaning of such things. He's really quite independent of ideology. But that FoxNews! Wow, what slant!
by bigbaby
Sun Jul 11 2004I like Fox News the best because they have the fastest breaking news. Whenever something major happens world wide, Fox always carries it first. I like the graphics on the site and the site itself is easy to navigate through.
by daxx95b1
Mon Jun 14 2004Love the debate format. Very lively and entertaining. A respite from the right wing media domination -- CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC.
by machadez
Fri Apr 23 2004FAUX NEWS! This is such a Bullsh!t channel! Give me a break, there is no real news! It is an extension of the re-appoint Bush/Cheney 04 campaign! There used to be a time when Journalists simply report the news, now we have biased editorials instead. I don't want to here Rupert Murdochs spin on the news, I want to here THE NEWS, as it is!
by andrew5975
Thu Apr 22 2004I just started really getting into news/politics the last couple years. FOXnews is by far the best cable news station. I do switch to CNN when FOXnews is at a commercial, and if they can keep my interest I may stay and watch a bit...but usually 2-3 minutes later I'm right back to FOXnews. Informative, fair, balanced, and entertaining...what more could you want.
by jeffytime
Wed Apr 14 2004From a psychological perspective, doesen't it seem that if a person was used to watching the alphabet news networks, and all of the left-wing bias that has entailed for years, that any network that presents a less biased perspective would seem to be biased toward conservatives? I do.
by boats11
Mon Apr 12 2004It drives me crazy all the political pandering going on here! Fox news is the only balanced news reporting. Just because you dont like BUSH doesnt mean that you have to sell your soul. CNN has such a liberal slant. And yes FOX news has conservative viewers but atleast they admit it. And they give alternative opinions, UNLIKE CNN, MSNBC. I am so happy (being a moderate/indepedent) and can look at things equally and keep an open mind.Fox keep up the good work, just dont change and always tell who you are and what you believe. Cheers!!!!
by imax2268
Fri Mar 05 2004Please...Faux News has got to be the worst source of news I have ever seen. I'm so glad that I quit watching it years ago. I'll be honest that there are times when I will tune in to see how they are covering a certain story but have to quickly change it back to CNN because Faux quickly turns it into a BushCo love fest. They have a plagerist like Bill O'Lielly, the little brat Sean Hannity who has it easy by having Colmes as a sidekick...give Hannity a real challenge and put a real liberal on that show. Give me a break...Faux News is nothing more than a spin machine for BushCo...
by ilovemyjob
Wed Feb 25 2004FOX NEWS!!! (aka news lite). Where else can you see the same video clip 10 times in one show? Fair and balanced? Laughable. They mock CNN yet I don't remember ever seeing Wolf Blitzer on CNN hawking a book. Sean Hannity is abnoxious beyond belief. Britt Hume and Greta are good but the rest are unremarkable at best. Shepherd Smith and Trace Gallagher were both second string weekend reporters in one of the smallest TV markets (Orlando) in the country - now they are stars on Fox. And Geraldo? Why didn't Fox fire him when Geraldo scratched our battle plans in the sand and Fox televised it? If a liberal had done that, they would have called it High Treason. As John Stossel would say - Give me a break.
by enkidu
Sat Jan 10 2004The Goebbels News Network. A relentless propaganda machine of the right wing. If they were honest, they would swap Fair and Balanced for Keep the People Afraid, All the Time.
by anonymous
Fri Jan 09 2004Fox News is the most biased news service in the U. S. They are one of the latest factors in an increasingly conservative media, only offering things from the ultra-conservative viewpoint. Also, liberals are not unpatriotic. One of the most important ideals of America is to respect other people's opinions on issues.
by grtflmark
Mon Jul 07 2003This is the ONLY network that could ever claim to be "Fair and Balanced". Liberals whine about the dominance of conservative hosts on talk radio, and the emergence of the FOX News Network. They should ask "Why did this happen?". It happened because people were sick of getting one viewpoint of the news from video, print and radio media - and the conservative talk shows provided "the other side of the story". It's not just conservatives that were frusrated with the liberal bias in the media - and the "spiking" of the other side of the story by liberal journalists - it was honest, well educated liberals who WANTED to hear the other side!! They got sick of liberal talking heads like Dan Rather reading the daily news release and propaganda from the democratic party as facts - and were stareved for the other side!! News used to mean "all the news that liberals want you to know". People from all political persuasions ran to shows like Rush Limbaugh when they came on - just to get the WHOLE st... Read more
by joe23665
Thu Jun 26 2003From top to bottom, a shabby bunch of paid GOP operatives. Their Republicanism permeates everything from the death of Gregory Peck "He was a big Isreal supporter" to picking laughable sidekicks as foils "Colmes". Pretty funny to watch the masquerade, but don't insult us and call this news.
by cerulean_caelu_m
Sun Apr 13 2003I never watched news at all until I discovered Fox News. All the other news channels seemed so stuffy, antiquated, pretentious... I had no interest whatsoever in watching it. Politics bored me, and I didn't keep up on the nation's happenings. Fox is different. I really like the straightforward, friendly, candid reporting, and have come to really admire some of the channel's regulars. It's the only place I can hear political analysis without ending up getting depressed. It feels positive and progressive.
by pangstrom
Sat Mar 22 2003Lowest common denominator, knee-jerking sensationalist pathos. And successful to the point that the other news channels are moving in this direction. Thanks Fox! (2 stars b/c the presentation is slick, for better or for worse.)
by bpratt
Sat Dec 07 2002I visit this news site daily. Its not Republican or Democrat. It reports the way news should be reported, fair and unbaised. Thanks foxnews...
by alanpratt
Sat Dec 07 2002Only place I can get unbias news.
by keltic
Sun Jan 06 2002Someone commented that Foxnews is unbalanced and unfair and CNN is fair??? Give me a break! CNN is so biased it is unbelivable! They are so sympathy provoking propagandists for Afghanistan it is sickening.
by johnpaulknows
Sat Feb 24 2001We have only had Fox for a short period of time. What a breath of fresh air after watching CNN and CBS. You get the straight news not filtered out like CNN. CNN would never go against Clinton #1 or Clinton #2. I have blocked CNN off my TV. Thanks Fox news.
by proopdog
Tue Jan 30 2001CNN is fair and balanced? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. The only thing worse than CNN is MSNBC. On CNN, they pretend to be objective and present the news with a liberal slant. On Fox News, Hannity admits he's a conservative and gives his point of view. Mort Kondracke admits he's a liberal and presents his views. Less BS, more news.
by ladybug24
Sat Nov 25 2000Someone once said GOP TV, that is so true. A bunch of people (mostly republicans) who just give opinions instead of the facts. CNN is the best way to get your news FAIR AND BALANCED.
by shay4862om
Sat Mar 11 2000A good news channel and a fairly witty one. However, they address as "fair and balanced" - that is true, if you happen to be a right-wing Republican. I like to watch mainly to disagree.
by arc_at_864om
Sat Nov 06 1999Makes deep linking difficult.
by ruby9916
Mon Nov 01 1999I am loyal to Fox News -- the Web site and the channel for being fair-minded and not joining the elite media establishment in yawning at Clinton's complete corruption of our government. So long as FoxNews remains associated with Brit Hume, Tony Snow, Sean Hannity... you'll never catch me using CNN!