Reviews 0
by victorialee
Fri Jan 25 2013I'm not a fan of watching movies over and over again - however, Forrest Gump is one movie that remains one of my favorites of all time. Each time you watch it you feel a huge sense of familiarity with Forrest. Forrest becomes like one of your family members - he's real, he's loyal and faithful. Forrest is the kind of friend we all wish we had in our lives. The love he had for his girlfriend is the kind of love that every woman in the world desires. Watching him when he found out he had a son was one of the most endearing moments. Life for Forrest was so simple - we should all learn from his example - how to love, how to appreciate the small things and how to be loyal to the very end.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Sat Aug 27 2011A one-joke affair that got old really really quick. There are some movies I enjoy watching again, such as Singing in the Rain. Forrest Gump ain't one of 'em. Much more enjoyable, and you'll get the gist of the entire movie in just two minutes, is Weird Al's version: Oh, and check out Ruth Buzzi and Pat Boone's cameos...
by ripplebypebble
Thu Jun 16 2011CCR--Fortunate Son Play's....Why? Cause this movie is badass as is this song. Though this kind of thing would never happen....thats why it's fiction. I'm don't know who wouldn't like this movie as it is packed with the most randomly linked events but it works somehow. I love this movie, Gots the shit on blueray. Don't even have a blue ray player (beside the point, twas a gift). If you don't love this movie you're way to full of yourself. Enjoy good ol goofy as Forest as he stumbles his way throughout this throughout this wonderful movie. 5 stars all the way.
by pcpeter774
Thu Jun 16 2011Humorous in some parts. Aside from that it really is best to skip this one.
by jtpatton
Sat May 15 2010Saw it in the theater and came out yawning. More over-hyped self-congratulatory Boomer pablum. If you want a much better movie about a "mentally-challenged" Southerner, I suggest Sling Blade.
by klmj1234
Wed Dec 02 2009All-star cast, funny, sad, reminiscent (for us yuppies), covers all the bases and appropriate for most age groups. Should be number one on this list.
by lokon636
Wed Nov 11 2009malu ca
by landslider
Tue Nov 10 2009I'm not overly fond of movies that glamorize being dumb.
by medgarevers
Tue Nov 10 2009Icky introduction to war time ....
by samiiiii
Fri Jul 24 2009i love tom hanks & i enjoy all his works. the story was really moving. Tom appeared as brilliant as ever.
by twansalem
Fri Apr 10 2009Forrest Gump is one of those rare movies for me that seems to get better each time I watch it. Tom Hanks really does do a great job of staying in character, which must have been difficult when playing a character like Gump. Seeing history go by from the stories of a guy like Forrest Gump is really quite the concept for a movie.
by astepfurther
Sat Feb 14 2009Definetely one of my top three movies. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that what most people got out of it was an archetype that they could forever make fun of, but for me this isn't the case. You've never had a friend like this, actually I think most people go their whole lives without ever really having a friend at all. Forrest Gump is a true friend. I've been blessed enough in my life to know someone like this. People surely think that he's some dimwit worth nothing more than making fun of, but I've read something like 100 books on spirituality/religion/psychology/philosophy, and I can think of no other "archetype" that fits the mold of nirvana or real enlightenment than Forrest. If it were "in" to be as humble as him this sick world would instantly be healed and have zero problems, but instead he is forever mocked and crucified. Anyways, a classic film and my third favorite of alltime. 7 stars out of 5.
by ahlabirdy
Sat Jan 03 2009I think the movie was really cute but Tom Hanks just pulled it off. Any actor could've talked slow and loud and called himself a retarded man. Leo Dicaprio in what's eating Gilbert grape did an amazing job.
by irishgit
Sat Dec 20 2008Simple, simplistic, utterly contrived, and frequently just plain dull. There is absolutely nothing to this movie. About as profound as a bad comic book.
by azsquawntx
Thu Dec 18 2008Bought as a gift. Received in good shape. Shipping was a little slow but, it was worth the wait.
by anonymouse83
Fri Dec 05 2008This movie, about a man who 'talks kinda funny', is weird yet completely awesome. While carrying the audience through various events of late 20th century American history, the movie's main theme says that being smart is less important than love, honor, bravery, kindness, honesty and perseverance.
by scarletfeather
Sat Jul 26 2008This movie insults one's intelligence. We're supposed to believe that this character is involved in all these historical incidents? It's American History for people who dozed through that subject during high school.
by spike65
Fri Jul 25 2008Maybe you have to be an American to understand this film. It is a painless way to teach history to the folks who weren't around during the Civil Rights, Vietnam War, the Peace Movement, etc. As one who lived that era I found it to be a relatively accurate portrayal of that time in our history. Good story.
by lmorovan
Thu Apr 17 2008A masterpiece of the American idiosyncrasy.
by going2oahu
Sat Dec 15 2007Tom Hanks deserved his second Oscar for this performance - a super movie!
by timberwolfnatu_ral000
Sun Jun 10 2007This movie proves why Tom Hanks is one of the most talked about actors of our time. This movie is pure brilliant.
by genghisthehun
Wed Mar 07 2007I don't give it a 1 because it was clever with the computer work mixing the actor into old footage, but how can one joke be funny for two hours and twenty minutes? It's a long journey folks to get to the end, and if you don't buy Hank's persona at the beginning, it's a long TEDIOUS journey. Forrest DUMP is more like it!
by ma_duron
Wed Mar 07 2007Asked this elsewhere: Did Forrest speak for or against the war at the Rectangle in D.C.?
by randyman
Wed Mar 07 2007I saw it once, when it first came out. I enjoyed it somewhat but I thought it was a little over hyped. I never did bother to see it again.
by coltseries70
Tue Mar 06 2007I never get tired of this movie. This movie touches me to the core. Very deep and sad. Wonderfully made. Tom Hanks is awesome. Fantastic Cinematography also. One of my all time favorites.
by jmichael
Wed Jan 10 2007Tom Hanks' superb performance as the loveable Forrest Gump earned him his well-deserved second Oscar for Best Actor. (He had previously won the Oscar for Best Actor for the 1993 film "Philadelphia", and has been nominated three other times.) Robert Zemeckis also earned the Oscar for Best Director, and the film itself won the Oscar for Best Picture as well as three other Oscars for Best Visual Effects, Best Editing and Best Writing. Gary Sinise earned an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, in addition to six other Oscar nominations that included Best Cinematography, Best Music and Best Sound. Part of what "Forrest Gump" so endearing was Zemeckis' use of superimposing actors into actual, historical film footage. This footage included the late Pres. John F. Kennedy, the late John Lennon, the late Pres. Richard M. Nixon, and the late former Alabama Gov. George Wallace to name a few. (Robert Zemeckis used this same archival footage technique again in the 1997 film "Contact".) Other ... Read more
by phrix48d
Sun Dec 10 2006I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND how people just don't understand this movie. Don't schools teach poetry anymore? Forest Gump in not just a character in the movie that takes place in America. He IS the United States of America, and everything that happens to him, from start to finish, IS the history of the United States--in metaphor! From start to finish, the film is a more-or-less straight-down-the-line history lesson, taking viewers through all of America's bumbling, if at times horrid, but always well-meant and often heroic beauty. In war and peace, through thick and thin, from before Independence through the Revolutionary War and all our other wars, it takes in the Industrial Revolution, Manifest Destiny and mostly every other national milestone and definitive concept, on into the present day (of 1994). Jenny is (ever-illusive) "Peace"--won, in the end, if for an only too brief period--only to be lost again, and Gary Sinese's character is, in a word, a painfully disabled (and whit... Read more
by inmyopinion
Sun Apr 30 2006I don't get how people can not like this movie? Predictable? Hardly. A great All American movie that shows 20th century America through the eyes of a slow, yet devoted and heroic man who just wants to make people happy, drink doctor pepper and be with the first person other than his momma to care about him. One of the best movies ever made. It was long but I didn't mind that at all. This movie alone makes Tom Hanks one of the top 5 actors in Hollywood.
by blueorchid
Sat Jan 28 2006It just an odd movie and yet I liked it at the same time.
by musicprof
Sat Aug 27 2005I'll give the idea of the movie a 3, Hanks' portrayal of Gump a 5 but the movie as a whole, if I had named it, would be Forest Speed-Bump.
by sfalconer
Sat Aug 27 2005The story is so clever and yet so simple. You can't help but like Forrest who is brilliantly played by Tom Hanks. Part of me would like to see a sequal but the other parts says leave the story as it is. A timeless classic that will be enjoyed for a very long time.
by tritty
Sun Jun 26 2005i saw it at the age of 11....i cried, i loved it. what 11 year old cries when watching a that is truely moved by the story line.
by joshua_01
Fri Jun 24 2005this movie was the best drama of the 90s decade to me.
by canadasucks
Tue Jun 07 2005I think I'm one of 11 people in the world that didn't like this movie. Jenny was a slut.
by caligula
Tue Jun 07 2005Well directed. Ok (but vastly overrated) acting. Stupid theme. The wonderful changes of the past 30 years (women's rights/rights of minorities) are ridiculed and the American simpleton is celebrated. Did this tripe win an oscar?
by kattwoman
Sun May 15 2005forrest gump teaches you that anything is possible. it teaches you to experience life as it was said life is like a box of chocolates...his momma said some pretty wise things.
by realitychick
Sat Apr 09 2005One of my all time favorites from Tom Hanks. He is such a talented actor.
by molfan
Sat Apr 09 2005What a neat movie. Tom Hanks did a terrific job as Forrest Gump a man who does not have a lot of smarts but a huge heart. I loved how events of his life tied in with meeting about four presidents. Forrest has always loved Jenny since childhood they grew up best friends. Their lives take different paths.Forrest succeeds in everything he does, he is the best runner on the football team, He was a hero during the vietnam war, He ran a shrimping busy in honor of his friend Bubba and ending up being a millionaire.etc. He met presidents and was awarded by them for different reasons many times. The movie has a lot of great special effects. putting Tom Hanks in films with real presidents, Making it appear That Dan had no legs. I like the fact that a a person like Forrest who is not very smart but a very kind caring person.falls upon success in everything he does yet money and fame mean little to him just finding Jenny[who had fallen on bad times} and being with her is what is important,I loved ... Read more
by skizero
Thu Mar 17 2005at times on my top ten worst movies of all-time list. it keeps moving further down the more films Ben Affleck makes, but that is another matter. Gump is a piece of unimaginative tripe, right propaganda dump on the nation right in the middle of Clinton's presidency. quintessentially American in it's message. and what is Gump's message: it's okay to be an idiot in America, it is in fact endearing; people who rebel against America, hippies, minorities with political intent, are nothing but violent and abusive animals. if you are a loose, troubled woman like Jenny, you will ultimately pay for your sins by getting a horrible disease and dying you. if your Forest, an absolutely clueless moron, you need only wait and said loose woman will one day give it up to you. this man was also present for every important event in the later 1/2 of the 20th century. why not have Gump shuffling in the background as the vietcong pulled the trigger in that classic video. or better, let's have Gump jump in fr... Read more
by 1johndoefan
Thu Mar 17 2005Not just Tom Hanks' best movie of all time... THE best movie of all time. It has every single thing you could possibly hope for in a movie. Tom Hanks is one of the best actors of all time.
by maomania
Sun Feb 27 2005By far Tom Hanks best movie. He was amazing. This is what made him a legend. He was sucessfull before the movie, but this performance convinced everyone. I don't know how often I watched that movie, it is timeless. It is an adventure. Definately in my all time top 10.
by lanceroxas
Mon Dec 27 2004It's always amazing to me how liberals always miss the point of this movie- even Tom Hanks disliked the character Forrest Gump. This movie is simply about your most basic Christian belief- about caring for your fellow man and doing was is good- about pursuing happiness in its rightful place. It parallels the lives of two characters Forrest and Jenny. Forrest- dumb as a bag of rocks- processes the realities of life in it's most basic forms no matter how challenging it became he always did what thought was good- what his momma told him. His journey from a crippled child to enlisting in the military and serving in Vietnam, having his best friend die in his arms is riddled with painful events that he turns into positive experiences by doing what is good. Jenny, his love, is also dealt a horrible plot in life being sexually molested as a child. Jenny is brilliant however and ends up going to Berkley living the fads of the era and embarks on a different path. She becomes consumed by f... Read more
by roy_freddy
Sat Dec 25 2004Forest Grump is oatmeal for the masses. It's a nice cute little story for the kids and for people to have fun with. It's very easy to digest. I like films with more substance in them.
by stlsportsguy
Sat Nov 20 2004An improbable tale, but portrayed in a plausible fashion. Hanks is outstanding, but I think Gary Sinise's performance is overlooked. For me, the most powerful moment of the movie is when Lt. Dan goes for his swim in the ocean, making his peace with God.
by louiethe20th
Thu Jul 29 2004Original, gripping, moving, fun!Tom Hanks was incredible.
by ladyshark4534
Wed Jun 30 2004Dana Carvey calls this movie Retard On A Bench.
by albert_r_trout
Fri May 14 2004Forrest Gump is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst film I have ever had the sad misfortune of viewing. This celebration of gross stupidity is crass, completely lacking in any genuine wit and moves at a sloth-like pace from ridiculously contrived plotline to another. Tom Hanks, a leviathan of modern film-making, is as sickly and lacking in charisma as ever. I would sooner watch my Grandmother being savaged by rabid Tigers than view this piece of rubbish again.
by jagdeepview
Sat May 01 2004It is not just a movie, it is a philosophy, forgotten easily in this crazy world of ours. It is a drama about a simple man, who is ready to sail with the wind, with full gusto, just like the feather in the opening/closing musical suite. His life, the way he 'simply' goes through the turbulent times around, as well as his 'Run', and the feather,..they are ALL SYMBOLIC. Nobody expects real life to be like that, but it is a beautifully crafted DRAMA (critics are U listening) that forces U to ponder upon another way of looking at things! Great acting, wit, direction and music (perhaps the best cross sectional selection of greatest American classics).
by orwellan
Tue Apr 20 2004In the words of the 'Cancer Man' from X-Files....'Life is like a box of chocolates, a cheap perfunctory gift that no one ever asked for. Irreturnable because all you ever get back is another box' While I wouldn't say this was by any means the worst film I've ever seen, I wouldn't call it profound or challenging in any way either. Big in heart small in brain, just like Forrest.
by cherrysoda99
Wed Mar 31 2004RUN FORREST RUN!! Mama always said that life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get. This movie is absolutly hilarious! Tom Hanks did such a good job, but I found a lot of adult content in it, and that turned me off a bit. But, I suppose thats the going rate for a good movie.