Ford Escape
Approval Rate: 74%
Reviews 0
by mousser592
Sun Jan 17 2010I have a 2001 Escape and have been very happy with it. It currently has 237,100 miles on it and it is a v-6 engine. The only problems that I have had to deal with was a leak in my master cylinder at around 217,000 miles and recently, my brake line detiorating. Other than those two issues, I have had some recalls early on, but they were nothing major. Overall I have been very, very happy with my 2001 and I am buying a 2010 Escape on Monday. I hope that I am as lucky with the new one as I was with the old one. By the way, I am keeping my 2001 as a second car!
by minkey
Sat Sep 13 2008Very standard SUV. They run well, at least the new ones do, and they look better and are bigger than the version a couple years back. The '07's and newer are more the size of the old Ford Explorer.
by plwinteregg
Wed Jul 23 20082003 Escape, basically it has been a fine vehicle, but with several issues, one of which is major. The paint has begun to peal, and based on what I'm seeing on the 'net, this is a common occurrence for this model year, yet Ford acts as though they've never heard of it and "given the age and mileage there is nothing we can do". Also, a major squeak in the tailgate area is a real annoyance, and although we've complained to the dealer, they claim there is nothing they can do. However, we have located a service bulletin on this that they act as though doesn't exist. I guess the car is ok, but the Ford just won't stand behind their product.
by astromike
Sun Jun 29 2008I just got a 2008 Escape, so I hope they fixed those flaws with the paint that some of ya'll mentioned lol.Thats said, I like what I see...Not the greatest in its class but a solid, decent fuel economy, roomy, resonably priced little SUV. With oil's uncertainty these days I had to trade in my gas guzzling F-150. Yet I never want to go back to a car (its just not me lol). I felt like this was a great option. Cheaper monthy payment too.
by liz550c7
Sun Jul 22 2007I also have a 2005 Escape XLT that was purchased new from a local Ford dealership. I have always bought vehicles new from Ford and the two main current issues I am having are the paint peeling, ( which, is clearly a ClearKote problem, not a paint problem) which, is bascally defective, and being from a customer service background, should be replaced, with no questions asked, since they had my vehicle in their body shop about a year ago, and repaired paint peeling from the trunk area. The current peeling is from the roof, which, I only happened to notice, when I was coming down my steps and saw the top of my car. I have spoken to my local Ford dealership and they are willing to repair, by advice from a Ford representative, that visits the dealership, a couple of times a month, but I have to pay $ 50.00 towards the $ 400.00 repair cost. They had asked me to pay $ 100.00, but I refused, because I feel that it is a defective paint job. I am also having issues with my brake pedal squeaking a... Read more
by alaninohio2
Sun May 20 2007Great small sized suv, except my transmission went out on mine unexpectedly at a little over 2.5 years old with little over 70,000 miles, so if you own one look out!!!
by cmmf5fb7
Mon Jan 15 2007I bought my 2005 Ford Escape XLT back in October of 2004. I noticed the next spring that the paint had begun chipping off of the side of the vehicle, at the bottom of the car towards the rear wheels. The side of the car flares out slightly so as I'm driving, every little thing hits it. I'm left with white spots on the side of my red vechicle. Ford won't fix the problem and it's not covered under warranty. I love my Escape, but am extremly disappointed by this issue. Does anyone else have this same concern?
by nomer78
Mon Aug 28 2006I am having the same problem and I park under a carport most of the time. I didn't notice until after my warrenty went out and it will cost $1100 to repair the paint. The paint job should be covered under warrenty.
by peepsa7a
Thu Apr 20 2006LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!
by jcmr1d84
Wed Apr 05 2006I have a 2004 Ford Escape and love it except my paint is chipping off. There have been three spots already and all Ford will do is fix just the spots. There is obviously a problem with the paint but they refuse to replace all the paint. I have got a lawyer to do the dirty work for me because a new paint job will cost me $5000!!!
by glenroth
Fri Sep 09 2005I've owned a used 2002 Ford Escape XLS with Automatic and V6 Engine for six months. Although the transmission is a little 'quirky', and the interior fit and finish is pretty basic, with a lot of plastic; overall I like the vehicle. It is quieter than I expected, and the engine runs smooth. No braking problems, as others have suggested. The biggest plus for this small SUV is the towing capacity. I have a 2500 pound boat that the car handles easily. No other small SUV in its class even comes close to the Ford Escape for towing capacity. I would buy another - and that's the best recommendation I can give.
by jimmee
Wed Aug 24 2005My wife has a 2004 XLT Escape and we simply love it. Fold down the back seat and open the windows and my dogs are in their glory. Good power with good fuel economy. Now if my wife will only let me drive it once in awhile.
by caseynisis
Sun May 29 2005I have a 2003 Escape LIMITED 4x4 with the Tow Package and Reverse sensors. The only problem I'm having is with the brakes and a niose they attribute to the front brakes. I told them to fix it or I'm going with the Lemon Law. It's still not fixed so we called Ford Headquarters and got the Packet and began the Lemon Lawrocess with the Review Board. But other than the CRAP BRAKEs that almost all Escapes are famous for it is one Tough little Truck and it looks GOOD ! I couldn't settle for one with all that plastic wrapped around it ! Since the brakes began failing the Transmission is thumping like I'm going over the WAKE UP bumps on interstate ramps and the transmission clanks and slips violently now. Ford REFUSES to fix ANYTHING saying the Escape is running like it should. we took it it to a PRIVATE garage and the brake resevoir was filled with USED MOTOR OIL! That's when the Transmission problems started, the garage says they believe the trans has been tampered with, ONLY FORD has touch... Read more
by osprey971
Wed Oct 27 2004I like my Escape but hate the cheap original tires. The General Ameritrac tires are bald after only 14,000 miles. Anyone else have this problem? Good-luck getting any satifaction from General/National tire or Ford.
by bevdc9bf
Fri Oct 01 2004has anyone had a problem with the transmission slipping out of park into reverse?
by octipuss
Fri Oct 01 2004I also have a 2001 Escape, Had to replace tires at 24000 and front brakes at 40000. Now front end has loud loose nose (tire arm rod) and wheels seems to not spin correctly, I was told wheel bearings. I dont even have 45000 on it yet. Can not forget that I had the brake fluid container replaced 4 times because stupid plastic container leaks. They kept replaceing with same faulting part. Ford needs to get their act together on this.
by vinrose
Thu Sep 30 20042002 v-6 sunroof sticks, passenger window squeals, musty vents, worn front brakes, engine misses, ready to sell with only 24k miles
by fordforlife
Thu Sep 09 2004I have 2001 Ecsape, brake system is junk. I have worked on and owned Fords for thirty years. Never have I had to replace rotors at 40,000 miles. As for the cheap plastic parts, I agree to a point but, they had to reduce cost somewhere to keep the Escape in a class below the Explorer. Ford needs to go back on the brake system and make good to owners with 50,000 or less replacing rotors.
by lissa291
Wed Sep 08 2004I own a 2003 Ford Escape (bought it new). Since 5,000 miles I have been having problems with a NASTY smell coming from the vents. It was brought to Ford service 6 times before they replaced the whole system (was replaced in time for winter). Over the winter didn't use air/vents. Come this summer the nasty smell is back. Brought in to Ford and NOW they say that the smell is from my dog and isn't covered under warrenty. I'm sorry but that smell is NOT from my dog. It smells like something crawled in my vents and died. Anyone want to buy a used ford?!?!?? (only 12,000 miles on it)
by smithjohn
Thu Jul 08 2004Paint chipping off. I have been driving my 2003 Ford Escape one year. The paint is cracking and peeling off the roof. The Ford dealer is no help. Ford is no help. They are real nice when they want you to buy a car, and nowhere to be found when something goes wrong. They said it was environmental fallout, or bird droppings. My last car I had 12 years and parked it under the same tree with the same birds, eating the same berries, and NO paint chipped off my old van. I think Ford is cutting corners on Paint and the Cheap plastic interior and carpet in the back. I am thinking about buying a foreign car, which I have not had in 34 years!
by fordead
Tue Jun 15 2004Cheap interior I have had my 03 Ford Escape XLT for a year now. I discovered a two-inch crack in the armrest/consol cover. I took it to my local dealership and I was informed that it was not covered under the bumper to bumper warranty and I would have to shell out $150.00 to replace it. I also contacted Ford directly and got nowhere. I feel that this part is cheap inferior plastic and Ford has cut corners. It is a shame because the Escape is otherwise a nice vehicle. This is my third Ford vehicle and if I do not get this issue resolved, this will be my last Ford vehicle.
by citykitty
Wed May 26 2004I have only had my 2004 ford escape for 4 months but I love it. It drives like a dream and has plenty of space. I could not find anything that compared in price or looks. I also own a 2004 Acura TSX. Two different rides but I would have a tough time choosing one or the other to keep if I was forced to get rid of one of them. Value wise the Escape wins hands down.
by tom_l871
Fri Apr 09 2004Two problems with my 2001 Escape. At 28k miles the rotors needed replacement along with front disc pads. Stock rotors are too thin to be turned. At 32k tie rods ends were worn, squeaky and loose and must be replaced. A cheap and poorly designed front end.
by wh12047
Fri Mar 05 2004Have been driving the Escape for 2 years now. Ride and overall comfort are above average. It is quieter inside than my wifes Chrysler. Can haul plenty and the V-6 seems unphased. There is plenty of jump there when you need to punch the gas. My only complaint is the gas mileage. Much of my driving is around town and I average only 13-14 mpg. Should be better.
by denise3791
Tue Feb 17 2004Best vehicle I've ever owned.
by bigbaby
Mon Jun 30 2003Way under rated on this site. Try getting a V6 in a Rav4 or CRV. Try actually towing something with the imports. The import small SUVs are over rated. So they have good reliability- everything else is average or below average.
by rick18
Thu May 22 2003I love my 2002 Ford Escape...I also own a Toyota RAV 4 and to be honest, the Escape blows the Toyota away. The Escape has more room, handles better, offers a powerful V6 engine and feels much more solid on the road...would recommend an Escape to anyone! Great Experience!
by momfour2
Wed Apr 16 2003We purchased a Used 2002 V6 XLT Escape 3 months ago and we really really like. We have had no problems. We didn't want a big gas hog SUV with an outrageous price to go with it. It handled very good this winter and my husband was so suprised that on our West Virginia slick icy/snow covered windy roads it never once slid anytime. The automatic kick in of 4 wheel drive or manually turning it on is a nice option. Its really is roomy inside, front and back! Plenty of leg room for adults in back I can park this thing anywhere and get out of tight spots too. Handling is superior. It does "get it" on the road when passing and rides smoothly. So easy for kids to get in and out of. No high step up. Easy to get things in and out of cargo space in the back. The molding on the lower part is a paint saver. No chip marks to show. Easy to wash too Overall a great family SUV for us that saves us gas money as well.
by samelljoanne
Thu Feb 06 2003At 48,000 miles my 2001 Escape is on its second altenator. Seems kind of odd to me. I noticed paint chipping away in the front, but I do live in Alaska where road conditions are less than perfect. I attributed it to that, maybe not now that I have read other commments. With trade ins at their all time lowest, am I stuck with this thing that Consumers Guide rated as a Best Buy?
by rocketman
Sat Jan 04 2003Own a 2001 XLT V6 4wd in black. Wonderful vehicle. Presently have 19,000 trouble free miles. Use the vehicle to tow water craft, get to the skii slopes and to my favorite fishing spots. This is by far a home run for Ford/Mazda. This vehicle stands up and above the CRV/RAV4/Liberty you name it the Escape is number 1! The only thing I would improve would be the interior, which I hear was already done for 2003...
by dvsminis
Wed Oct 16 2002I have owned my Escape for over a year now and would not trade it for the World. As for the Recalls the other reviewers were talking about My Escape has had NONE. I Love the Power the V6 engine has, It will pass anything untill the computer stops it at 107mph. Its also has GREAT handling in the snow, which we have up hear for 4-5 months out of the year. My only complaint is the road noise the tires pick up on some roads, My Explorer was quieter.
by mcfap00
Fri May 17 2002Bought a 2001 XLT used w/14,500 miles on it. The V6 provides great power and the escape has overall good handling. Very happy with my purchase.
by thornvv
Thu Mar 21 2002Is there time to drive it between recalls? Lousy gas mileage for such a small ute.
by e2bug0ad
Wed Dec 26 2001I shopped around for a LONG time and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I got a GREAT DEAL by choosing a loaded 4x4 V6 XLT. We drive it in both the desert and the mountains (w/ snow and ice) almost daily and it handles it like a champ. I can't believe how easy it is to pass someone on a mountain road... going up hill! The V6 is almost overkill in the power dept. The leather/moonroof and premium sound is the way to go. It's quiet and very comfortable at high speeds. If you're shopping around, PLEASE stop by Ford and test drive a V6 XLT (don't let 'em get you in a 4 cyl.). You'll be very pleased. The price is comparable to the RAV4, but handles the road like a Beemer SEDAN.
by beesly
Tue Sep 04 2001Definately best in this class!! It blows away the RAV-4, Santa Fe, CR-V, Liberty, Tracker, & Grand Vitara!! The only vehicle that compares is the Tribute!
by copperdude921
Mon Aug 27 2001I test drove an Escape in my quest for a new SUV. I see a lot of positive messages about the vehicle but too be honest I wasn't impressed at all. Ford's reliability, fit and finish are pretty bad especially with first year models. The Explorer is horrible in this respect. Re-sale value on the Escape will be very poor because of all the recalls, I think they are up to five. I looked at town hall to see what other Escape owners are saying. There is a discussion already just for owners that are having problems with the vehicle. Too many problems in my mind but take a look there for yourself. There seems to be a major problem with the engines dieing for no reason while the vehicle is being operated. Info on that is in the area of post # 913 and forward but there have also been a few prior to that.. There are a lot of complaints about the fit and finish. I also checked the government site for recalls ( of Ford products. Way, way too many. Problems inclu... Read more
by louiep83
Tue Jul 24 2001I almost considered buying this one until the recall start to come in. The Escape/Tribute look excellent on paper, but it's my money and I don't want a vehicle that's been recall so many times. It tell me that the company is not doing their job right. Why can't domestic car manufacturer get their car right the first time. There's a reason that the GM/Ford/DC is losing market shares
by minders1976
Thu Jul 19 2001I love my Torrie Red to pieces. The best Valentines Day Gift a girl could ask for. The engine is tough and growly and I LOVE the styling. In my opinion the Rav 4 is a sissy mobile. If I could give me Torrie ten stars I would!!! Way to go Escape Inventors!!!!!!
by kylie33
Thu Jul 19 2001I purchased a Deep Wedgewood blue Escape XLS in March and I absolutly LOVE it.I really like the size othe vehicle, plenty of room in the interior, and I like the look on the exterior. I was not really intereated int the escape until I test drove it and fell in love with it. It handles very well and has a lot of pep. If you want one definatly got with the v6, it is worth it. So far I am a very happy Escape owner!
by devlinz34
Wed Jul 18 2001I test drove a few of the other mini-utes, but the Escape had the most interior room, best handling, and best options for the price. Plus, no spare tire hanging off the back that greatly reduces repair costs if some guy runs into the back of you. I love the V6, 3500lb towing, leather, 6 disk CD changer, and moon roof. Yes, it had a rough start with "bugs" but the recent ones are not exhibiting any of those earlier problems. This is the perfect suv for someone not wanting a large Explorer or a tinny RAV. Great gas milage too (4x4 XLT 20-24mpg).
by pfaulx
Wed Jul 18 2001This is the perfect Sport Ute for me. Great size, power, and handling, all for a decent price. The V-6 is the way to go, but it would be nice to get it with a manual transmission. With gas prices as they are, I couldn't afford to run a monster SUV.
by cicindela
Wed Jul 18 2001Great driving vehicle, totally satisfied , have had no problems since purchase 4/01 and meets expectations. It has a lot of power and speed with the V6 (fast). Handling is far superior to the Explorer it replaced and still has plenty of interior room, far more then the Rav4 and C-RV I test drove. Comfortable for both front and rear passengers, with plenty of foot room. Mileage has been 19-20 city, 23-24 on highway trips. I didn't want some kind of "mini" suv and this isn't. You don't feel like your in some kind of little box like the other smaller suvs. I got the leather power seats and better stereo package and recommend both. Center console on the XLT is great, again lots of room.
by mjfarris
Wed Jul 18 2001Fun, Exciting and well made SUV!!! You can't beat the quality and features.
by daisykin
Wed Jul 18 2001The Escape is a great little SUV for zipping around town, dashing to the beach, or scooting up to the mountains. I've had compliments from folks age 8-80 on how stylish and comfortable my vehicle is. I'm getting about 21-22 mph with about 60/40 city/highway driving on my V-6, 2WD, XLT. I think Ford has a few minor details to iron out (interior lighting is a little lacking, drink holders are too shallow), but for a first year's the greatest!
by tom_fehring
Wed Jul 18 2001I"m delighted with my ESCAPE -- what a hoot to drive! The package is tight, solid, and handling is terrific for a SUV. My mileage is decent; even with the spunky 6 cylinder; which, by the way screams when asked. Nice size for my family. I have had mine for about 3 months now and haven't had any problems. I'm impressed at this Ford product. If they keep building them like this, they're going to do well...
by krefinaj
Wed Jul 18 2001The Escape is every thing I hoped it would be. Goes anywhere I could want in bad weather, snow, rail, hail because of the auto 4x4. Very comfortable to drive and lets me haul feed and/or friends. It has the power to pass other vehicles even on narrow 2 lane highways, handles with ease and gives a quiet smooth ride. I'm very glad I have one and i'ts Yellow.
by escapading
Wed Jul 18 2001Test drive showed the Escape to be a powerful SUV with great handling, tight construction, excellent braking time, very peppy! Lots of interior space for people and cargo for a small SUV. Have one on order and looking forward to owning it!
by san2c17
Wed Jul 18 2001I bought my Escape 4x4 XLT in February. Although it's had a few minor problems, I think it's a well-made vehicle. It's got a good ride, handles well and pulls my jet ski like it's not even there. I think Ford has a real winner here.
by casnappy
Wed Jul 18 2001Great handling, pretty good gas milage, 22-24 mpg in first 4000 miles. Interior is roomy and comfortable.
by gregor
Wed Jul 18 2001Great fun to drive SUV. Very fast, 20-MPG. Bought in May and have not had any problems so far.