Florida Church Plans "Burn the Koran" Day

Approval Rate: 23%

23%Approval ratio

Reviews 24

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    Fri Oct 22 2010

    Completely meaningless. Islam has least to do with terror. Back where I was born, there are at the current moment some muslims worshipping freely, and are holding some korans everywhere they go. Should it have been successful for the pastor to burn them, it would have had an unerasable mark on his country for years. There are some talibans in Afghanistan, and you are avoiding a direct confrontation with them. By joining the coalition forces and kill many talibs as much as you like will have a big impact in the country history, and no legal actions taken against you. A wrong signal it sends to the world of Islam, should the koran-books burn day took place. A book is a neutre. Not a human being in some real senses. That made the USA looked so simple in the world view. If I really hate my enemy, I better meet him on the battlefield, and finish it once, and for all. That's, the most nicest, and the most convenient place for the two opposing sides to breathe out some fury burning within th... Read more

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    Fri Oct 22 2010

    Well, it holds some significance, but not in a good way. It is goofy actions like this which mars those in the Christian faith. I disagree with the Koran or the Muslim religion, but this isn't to say that they can't have the choice of what to believe and what sacred writings to read. The First Amendment of the Constitution states this, and who am I to interfere?

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    Wed Oct 20 2010

    Another event blown out of proportion by the media whores. Some mope of a preacher with about twenty people in his congregation gets more than his fifteen minutes of fame.

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    Tue Oct 05 2010

    "Not cool",the biggest non-event since Geraldo and Al Capone's vault,major news media got to rehash one of the favorite stories about white,southern,small town pastor bigots(coming up next-snake handlers and people talking in tongues representing mainstream Chritianity)-and the ongoing mantra,"their are nuts in every religion." http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0910/steyn092710.p hp3

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    Sun Oct 03 2010

    If its not a burning book, its a comic. Radicals need little motivation to act radical. And the media will be right there to try and raise mostly dopey stories to relevant status.

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    Sun Oct 03 2010

    It doesn't just put our soldiers in harm's way; it makes the lives of innocent, tax-paying Muslims here in the U.S. just a little crappier than they already were. And if I was planning to travel to the Middle East, it paints a bright red target on my back. Dumb acts like this unnecessarily dial up the animosity of already extremist people. I have the constitutional right to do a lot of things that I won't do -- because I use my brain.

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    Absolutely disgusted with what was proposed! It just shows you the ignorance of the church leader and his church! The Koran or the Muslim faith did not cause 9/11. Mad weak minded cowards performed that evil day! Having a Mosque near the site maybe a little bit insensitive but the Muslim faith did not and was not the cause of that day! If we cast our minds back, you will find that most of the Muslem community was outraged at 9/11. They wanted no part of the terrorist organization that orcastrated it! As a Christian I may not believe that the Muslim faith is the right faith but I believe that all have a right to choose their own path; Regardless of how I feel towards it! Where a Mosque is built is going to stir emotions regardless but I strongly feel that we should not show ourselves to be so rude and disrespectful toward another faith! Live the life of Christ, not life of the flesh!

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    Thu Sep 23 2010

    For years we have been told by our "elected representatives" that the Muslims hate us because of our freedom, and that they conduct terrorist attacks on civilians as to scare us into giving up our liberties. However, what has happened recently with the Koran burning announcement has shed light on the degenerative and revealing motivations of our own government. Muslim threats of violence caused the Obama administration to capitulate with the enemies of American freedom. Obama, Clinton, and BetrayUs, as well as, the FBI, have all pressured a US citizen (Terry Jones) to abandoned his civil rights of free expression to please violent extremist. The gutless punks in govt turn their backs on our freedoms only to embolden religious thugs overseas. The current administration has stopped supporting the American citizens' free expression rights because they have given into the threats of Muslim violence. This is the change I thought Obama stood for. Giving up American values and... Read more

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    Sun Sep 19 2010

    I go to fark.com on a regular basis, and everytime I see Gainesville, FL in the news I smack my head. I've been getting a lot of headaches lately. I think the two are connected. The idiot can do what he wants, I don't care. Terry Jones is a nutjob, and if he wanted to do something as stupid as burning Qurans, so be it. The idea of "book burning", as disturbing as it is, holds very little impact than it did back in the day BEFORE printing presses. If he actually DID want to burn them (which I actually doubt; he's just a publicity whore), then all he'd be doing would be purchasing a bunch of them, and pushing the book higher on the bestsellers list. I'm glad he's finally out of the news, though. Now I can read about how a local deputy shot a deer 17 times in the gut in order to "humanely euthanize" it. ::sigh:: . . . "Go Gators" . . . .

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    Sun Sep 19 2010

    Not of a fan of desecrating anyone's religious artifacts or material, and this dipshit is just another in an long line of people for whom respect is a anachronistic concept. I'd say ignore the moron, but his arrogance feeds the hatred for this type of insanity and rightly so. The press is all over this, mainly for the Muslim connection, and further fueled by the current GZ mosque controversy, though their hypocrisy is astounding. A few years back, some "artist" decided to place a crucifix in a jar of urine, called it "Piss Christ" and got more attention, mostly positive, than Brittany Spears leaving a limo, sans panties. As I recall, many of the major newspapers, most notably the NYT, said it was much ado about nothing and that those that protested the display were "misguided". It was simply "artistic expression". Right, fuck you too. Don't be selective in your defense of religious ideals, lest you come off as a spineless, bigoted twerp with an axe to grind. Footnote: The followi... Read more

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    Fri Sep 10 2010

    Does this guy deserve the attention that he has received, given that he's clearly a lunatic and that he has fewer than 3 dozen members to his congregation? Of course not. Can journalists help themselves from jumping all over a story like this? Sadly no. An interesting point was made by a journalist from Pakistan who works in Canada. He said that every time a crackpot Muslim extremist stands up and utter threats or makes remarks about the west being evil, it gets reported in the Canada and the US as if it were a wide spread sentiment. There is never any attempt to qualify whether the speaker’s views are widely held or not. He was arguing that this story was just us getting a taste of the same.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    I will say this, I do not believe in the Koran, but it is sacred to some, like the Bible is sacred to me, and I think for this pastor to do this deed is wrong. I think one of the main reasons is it's going to put our U.S. military troops in grave danger. Not to mention the U.S., as a whole. If people would only stop and think about what they're doing before they do it, a lot of trouble could be avoided. Update: I am now hearing on the news that he no longer plans to burn the Koran, and all it took was a phone call from the Secretary of the Defense.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    When people come on here and start bashing Christianity due to the stupidity rate who can blame them? As incidents like this fuels the fire and quite frankly people like Terry Jones in Florida leave me speechless. Not to mention I can't defend something so moronic. What is the point in doing this? Yes there are many who were pissed off with what happened on 9/11, but burning the Koran is not a step forward and it sure isn't a sure fire start for peace. It proves nothing, but the mere volume of what a selfish individual is willing to do to compromise the security of his own country and the troops out there fighting. As far as I'm concerned a priest is someone who should be leading his congregation by example. The scary thing is this man has fifty people who hang onto his every word. So to abuse the power you were given shows that you shouldn't be preaching the bible and you sure as hell shouldn't be a priest.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    it could have caused problems if this event took place. I am not for burning books period. this event could have provoked some terrorist attacks, small or big. we do not need this. besides if some group announced they were burning the Bible you know there would be a big protest about that.burning books does not solve problems.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    Well, this douche has the freedom to do what he wants to do, but hopefully, he'll singe his nuts off in the process.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    The pastor is exercising his 1st Amendment right... but in my opinion he is pushing it out into a gray area. What he has done or will do shows great disrespect for something that a group of people care about very dearly. Now, I am not standing up for Muslims, they can do that on their own. But when our General P who is coordinating a plan to defeat a common enemy of the security of the free world, says to leave it alone this pastor should listen. I speculate that this may have repercussions against us that he will not want and did not consider. I cherish my Bible and would be offended too if some group of extremist Islamic's had a "Bible burn". But you know what? If someone burns Bibles I am not an extremist nut-case and won't go kill people that offend my beliefs. Some Muslims may go into a blood boiling rage and do things against our people that they wouldn't have otherwise done. This man is not demonstrating good sense in his use of the 1st amendment. I think this needs... Read more

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    Wed Sep 08 2010

    . . .conservatives who want to burn/ban/censor books? Shocking. . . Too bad they won't send up all the other nonsensical religious texts in their possession in flames. Merits a one because it's a slow news cycle before football and mid-term elections. Pure redneck hokum of the highest order. Still - if it's legal to burn the American flag as a first-amendment issue then I certainly make no exceptions for bronze-age monotheistic religious nonsense of any type. Burn away. . .act like a retard. And I sympathize with the military message of 'it might harm our troops' but I'm sorry - freedom of expression is worth fighting for. Some battles should be fought. . .and the first amendment is right up there. If turd-world, bronze-age imams can't handle Western Civilization then so be it. And please stop with the "this is nazi germany" nonsense. . .a goofy Florida church roasting marshmellows over cooking Qurans is not government-sponsored censorship or genocide. Sure. . .who could ... Read more

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Conservatives occasionally make some good points, but as of late, the right wing has really gone ravenous. All summer long, we have been treated to social flash-point stories like this one, usually coming out of media units associated with these groups. I'm talking about the Shirley Shirrod controversy, the NYC Mosque issue, and the constant talk about illegal immigration. And of course, a minute doesn't pass without someone implying that Barack Obama is a closet Muslim. Race and religion, the two big social wedge issues, are being wielded with a stunning openness. This in part doesn't surprise me, as it is an election year and the Republicans need to motivate their base troops however way possible. But that is coming at a cost: Islamophobia is becoming quite open now. When people blame Muslims for the attacks of 9/11 as this pastor is doing, they are implicating that all 2 billion adherents of this religion are guilty of those crimes. Certainly 19 brainwashed and radicaliz... Read more

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    A vile act to be carried out by narrow minded morons with little understanding of the larger implications of their actions (like increased attacks getting more troops killed), as well as being completely devoid of any sort of Christ-like example, seeing as He would probably sit down to eat with a Muslim, a tax collector, and a hooker for a nice meal before He would break bread with that manner of idiot.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Something tells me that these shitheads wouldn't bat an eyelash if you stuck an e between the r and the a in Koran.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Ignorant pwt jackasses, Hellbent on riling up their Islamist counterparts and getting our troops killed in some god-forsaken wasteland.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Or as it's known by some observers, "Utter Buffoon Day."

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    What morons.Probably the same bunch who get their panties in a wad over flag burning.What do they think they're proving? No good can possibly come from such ignorant tantrums.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    My favorite part of this whole story is that the church is called "The Dove World Outreach Center."