American space Western drama television series, created by writer and director Joss Whedon, under his Mutant Enemy Productions label Website
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 0
by lindsey40186
Mon Aug 22 2011Terribly overrated. I caught a Firefly marathon on TV the Sci-Fi channel a few years back. I had no idea it was even on television when it was but had heard a few people state their appeal for the show, cursing the network execs for sending it to an early grave. As someone that has been through the pain of early cancellations, I decided to give it a shot… plus there was nothing else on TV at the time. Suffice to say I just could not get into it. I think I gave it enough of a chance, watching a good 9 or 10 episodes before deciding that it wasn’t worth it. Bear in mind that this was before I started being knocked over the skull with all of the pro-Firefly blogs, websites, conversations, and what-have-you telling me that people that didn’t enjoy the show probably just don't "get" Firefly like most other fans do (I find this mildly insulting to my intelligence but think nothing of it, as it is usually being stated by someone that would probably cut a hole in their DVD box set and have sex... Read more
by woodye85741
Tue Jan 18 2011This show is so lame that my ultra-drama queen roomate bought the whole DVD set ! Go figure !
by magneticd
Wed Dec 15 2010Great show, but STOP THE MADNESS, guys. Every single 'VS.' poll online (not that they matter) is completely dominated by Summer Glau. Not 'river Tam' or 'the girl terminator', but Summer Glau! The actress! Seriously guys, if you put this 'Summer Glau' up against Wolverine he'd chop her legs off! She's an ACTRESS! The same goes for Batman, the Predator, Smaug, Dick Cheney and "Zombies". They ALL beat your precious 'Summer Glau'. I'd still poke her 'Georgia O'Keefe original', but that's true of roughly 23.67% of the female population of any planet. Fuckin' geeks.
by captainoverhea_d
Wed Dec 15 2010Firefly is one of the best conceived of shows ever. It is a delightful blending of space, oriental, western, and action-adventure themes. The dialog, story, music and visuals are all stunning and far beyond most of what slithers its way onto TV. I challenge you to watch the two-hour pilot, “Serenity,” as well as at least “The Train Job” and “Shindig,” and try your hardest not to fall in love with this show!
by andrew_mcconnell
Fri Oct 01 2010The Captain had a great direct approach to everything with a dry humor to boot. Mixed with the gun toting side kick this show was great entertainment. I picked up the season on DVD and the movie. This is one they need to bring back!
by greyghostwolf
Thu Sep 30 2010I had never actually seen the series on Fox when it had originally aired. I heard of the movie Serenity and went to see it, after doing so, I then hunted down and purchased the Firefly series. I could not be more happier for doing so. Truly a work of art. Damn you Fox for your irrational behaviors. I wish that it weren't too late to rerun the series and pickup where it had left off. Maybe a network out there will get wind of the great shows dispatched by Fox, i'm sure Firefly is not the only show to have fallen victim to such misdoings. I applaud you Joss Whedon for your brilliant work on Serenity and the Firefly series. Short lived as they were.....
by jude_ciesielski
Thu Sep 30 2010One of th ebest SciFi TV series since Star Trek. Should have kept it going... Dumb TV exec's!
by dchinton
Thu Sep 30 2010I never saw it on FOX, I don't know why. I have recently watched all of it on Netflix streaming including Sernity and loved ever minute of it. i agree with all the positive reviews. Thanks to Netflix-Bad FOX.
by romeojn
Thu Sep 30 2010Firefly had a great cast of dynamic characters, a superb plot (both in each episode and arching throughout the season) and was, without a doubt, the most believable sci-fi I've ever seen. Joss Whedon successfully put together the United STates' western past, the Civil War, and space-bound exploration and development: and it works! This is the only tv show that I ever bought on DVD and I pull it out every few months to have a Firefly marathon at home. The best part is that after all these years I'm still picking up on new nuances and details that I never noticed before. Firefly is realistic, believable, exciting, and quotable! Although often serious and/or somber, it is filled with one-liners that you just can't help but chuckle at and that Firefly fans the world over recognize instantly if they are used in conversation. Whedon's Firefly world is vivid, alive, and growing. Watch a couple episodes and I'll bet you'll be humming the theme song for days after! Do yourself a favor ... Read more
by thurst63
by quadnaught
Fri Sep 17 2010There's too much incompetence masked by ego in all workplaces. The kind of rushed to dumb judgement at Fox happens everywhere. Stop waiting until we all fall victim to bad decisions and start writing and/or emailing for quality, accountability and time. Shows should be given more than one season. Potential fans should be given a fixed day and time slot for a full two years before any decision is made. If an programing exec is not a dedicated fan of a genre then he/she shouldn't sit in judgement. Firefly didn't move me at first due to bad marketing. My, Fox marketing induced, expectations didn't match the true reality of Firefly. It took a good 4 episodes to deprogram my false expectations and realize that Firefly was, and will forever be, one of those rare creative beauties. Firefly will live on in our hearts and imaginations regardless of the bean counting stupidity that rules so much of our lives.
by kmaryland1
Thu Sep 16 2010I really liked this show. I'm great fan of Sci-fi. The characters were great.
by astrovilla
Thu Sep 16 2010Memorable characters with great chemistry ...unique, highly detailed premise & storylines ...beautiful look ...Fox really botched this one. But that's what networks do.
by morgan5155
Sat May 01 2010If a TV show were a drug, then Firefly was heroine! I got completely addicted. (And the withdrawals were a b*tch!) When a show seems that strong (excellent cast, great chemistry, intelligent plot line) it comes as a complete shock when it gets pulled off the air. Do any of the network clowns making these decisions actually CHECK with anybody before they pull the plug? I would like to think that when you have a small-but-strong following of fans, that those fans would be LOYAL to the advertised products. And maybe not. Producers out there ought to buy the rights and keep shows like these going either on a different network, or direct to DVD. (Hey Netflix, you could create exclusive content from great shows that the network dorks reject.) Just sayin.
by xxopinionatedx_x
Tue Sep 08 2009There are no words to describe the amount of appreciation I have for Firefly. Great writer, great acting team, awesome story line. Its a shame it ended so abruptly. Joss... I feel ya, man. Truly, a great injustice for your work, and the work of your cast and crew.
by jedi58
Sun Jun 14 2009A show killed before it's time, this show had few episodes but almost every one of them were brilliant in both story and execution. It was how Science Fiction was meant to be.
by meechi74
Mon May 19 2008A crying shame we only got one season of this brilliant show.
by leashley
Wed May 07 2008Written by Joss Whedon, aclaimed writer of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Toy Story, Alien: Resurrection and Titan A.E.., as well as contributing to movies like "X-Men," "Twister," "Speed," and "Waterworld," "Firefly" is yet another amazing, yet less well known, series. Because of it's futuristic "space cowboy" appearance, many may pass this up based on the assumption that it may be similar to "Battle Star Glactica" or "Star Trek," series that don't have the broad appeal and character development that can really appeal to the everyday TV watcher. Firefly is a series that has not only character development, but plot and background, depth, humor, and a sense of connection to it's audience that few series have ever accomplished. Set in the future on a spaceship called "Serenity," Firefly is the about the adventures of the ship's crew as they struggle to make ends meet by moving cargo (legal and illegal) across the universe while maintaning their own set of morals that viewers can strongl... Read more
by xagent
Fri Jan 18 2008It was a great show. A shame it was canceled. Well at least they got a movie.
by spoklivelong
Fri Jan 18 2008Beautifully filmed, accurate depiction of space, real world problems.
by pinkmegaphone
Fri Nov 09 2007Joss is the best director! This show was incredibly well written. It is a shame and an outrage the networks refused to continue with it. Why? So they could air shows like "BONES". What is wrong with our networks? All I have to say to that is "GORRAM them!"
by joshmc
Wed Oct 31 2007Wish we could have seen it longer, watch the DVD series and Serenity and you will know what a mistake FOX made.
by craigamason
Tue Aug 21 2007Best show Ive ever watched. It has it all. Action, comedy and emotion.
by chuckstjohn
Sat Jul 28 2007knuckle heads all that cancelled this awesome piece of work
by raefen
Tue Jul 24 2007Again we see a show that could easily have filled a prime time spot failing to win an audience due to shoddy planning and advertising on the networks part, thanks a lot Fox. Firefly was innovative, original and funny but what did we get? More reruns of shows that weve seen a thousand times before, like The Simpsons. On any other network Firefly could have really gone somewhere. Its a real shame...
by melensdad
Sun Jul 15 2007FIREFLY is probably the best written TV show to ever grace the airwaves, unfortunately it was on the wrong network at the wrong time. Scheduling issues and World Series games caused the FIREFLY series to be moved around by FOX and viewers never got a fair chance to get into the show. It was canceled before it ever got a fan base. Still, the show was a great show full of action, comedy, drama and plots and scripts that were some of the best ever written. Despite the death of the TV show, FIREFLY did manage to spin off a full length movie called SERENITY that was able to wrap up many of the questions that were unanswered when FIREFLY was canceled.
by grayrider
Fri Jul 13 2007Witty dialog, great cast chemisty, good camera work and direction all combined with a great sci fi concept to create one of the best shows to ever grace television. Too bad short sighted execs at Fox can't appreciate good television. Highly recommend picking up the dvd set.
by narfzoit
Thu Jul 12 2007The best sci-fi show of all time
by heathera
Thu Jul 12 2007Fox execs are insane; it's the only explanation.
by vudija
Sun Jun 17 2007I was addicted, I loved this show. I wish it would have remained on air longer though, kind of sucks...
by basilisk
Thu Mar 08 2007I like this film's jokes.
by jaylayson
Thu Feb 22 2007One of the best sci-fi shows ever. Cowboys in space.
by hollowman
Fri Feb 02 2007This is the best show ever. Fox is gay...with men.
by dawnsdinos
Mon Sep 11 2006I never really understood the attraction to this show. I didn't care for the concept. It did have some good actors.
by remseth
Thu Aug 03 2006I had no reason to watch Firefly. Many of the connections the show seemd to have didn't appeal to me (Buffy, Angel, SciFi, Western..ect) I had never even heard of the show, known that movie Serenity I had heard something about had anyting to do with it. When someone loaned my bro the Firefly DVD set, I decided to watch. The rest is history. I can now say there is a show that actually has me hooked, which is very hard to do. It didn't get me straight away, blow me off my feet ect. but it grew on me. Any negative preconcieved opinons I may have had, either were true, and just didn't matter, or were completely wrong. I now officially dislike FOX. They never did anything to me, but because of them, I have run out of episodes to watch. The more I watch Firefly, the more I appretiate them for what they were, and the more angry I get that the show was cancelled. Why does it anger me? The amount of no-brainer trash they have on tv, that they allow to run well beyond thier use-by-date, season a... Read more
by cinnomed
Thu May 11 2006All I can say is; Arrested Development, Family Guy, Futurama, and now Firefly. Fox never deserved the right to own these great shows, let alone cancel them.
by bdupree
Mon Jan 30 2006Makes me wonder what I saw in Star Trek TNG. This show is amazing. I can't believe how good it was when I finally watched it.
by weirdharold211_2
Wed Oct 12 2005Not the easiest show to get into, what with nine major characters to keep track of and using a couple of concepts (sci-fi & western) that haven't had the best track record on network TV in the last couple of decades. Factor in FOX's lack of patience in letting the story unfold (much less IN THE PROPER ORDER!!!), and it never had a chance. However, it still was one of the best-written shows in television history and definitely had some of the most memorable characters.
by classictvfan47
Sat Jun 25 2005Uninspired, uncreative sci-fi that falls completly flat in the face of the immortal Star Trek legacy.
by jbourne16
Mon Jun 06 2005It was a great show! It broke a few small barriers,made a black woman 1st officer and married to a white guy who was submissive to her without being a wimp.
by cathy4thcb
Wed May 18 2005Never given a proper chance. Hope it comes back to TV after the movie.
by x_factor_z
Sun Mar 27 2005The show didn't last because it was terribly boring and horrible.
by crisgano46
by jbowmore
Sun Mar 13 2005This show was great, I loved the post civil war in space concept, and as with most of Whedons work the writing and characterization was top notch. I look forward, with much anticipation, to the movie Serenity, and hope that many more discover the series through the movie(s).
by cordeliachse
Fri Oct 22 2004Was an AWESOME show and Fox is stupid for pulling the plug!
by msm_hobbes
Fri Oct 15 2004My wife, of all people, got me hooked on this show, and we [+ our 2 boys] absolutely enjoyed this show. Was a playful, yet intelligent romp [almost as good as my other favorite, FarScape].
by mariusqeldroma
Mon Jul 26 2004Great show premise....too bad the execs killed it. Could have been the next Trek, but we'll never know....
by jamesmcdone
Thu Jul 08 2004It was a bad consept to begin with. The babes was cute though.
by passlaku
Sat Jun 12 2004We can't believe that FOX was so completely short-sighted as to cancel this show without giving it a real chance. Thankfully, we have the DVDs to keep us going until the movie.
by rbsjrx
Wed May 26 2004Despite the network's best efforts to guarantee its failure, I really loved this show! I now have the entire series (including unaired episodes) on DVD. Next to Babylon 5, which was in a class by itself, this ranks as one of the best SF series ever.