Fiji Reviews | RateItAll


Island country in Melanesia, part of Oceania in the South Pacific Ocean Website

Approval Rate: 88%

88%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Mon Dec 13 2010

    The water is the best I ever tasted. I had a problem with the billing company a little while back, and it took a little while to get everything sorted out, but in the end they went above and beyond anything I ever expected to make me happy. I think if possible Fiji water tastes better than it used to. They are very customer service oriented, and their product has to be one of the best on the market. I highly recommend it to anyone. There is truly something about it that is more refreshing than any other water that I have tasted. Even the ultra expensive (because Fiji isn't really that expensive) designer waters that should be better if cost is a measure, can't keep up.

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    Mon Jul 05 2010

    fiji has a great taste. my favorite water!

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    Tue Jun 01 2010

    My daughter came back from a school trip that included Fiji, raving about how wonderful the water was. I finally broke down and tried it -- she was right! It really does taste better than any other bottled water I've ever tried, with a crisp mouth feeling. If I only had a direct line to that well .....

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    Sun Mar 28 2010

    Artesian waters are always the best, IMO. I had some Figi today while at Starbucks. I just feel bad that it's their precious resource, and it is delivered here to the USA, which takes quite a bit of petroleum to get it here. That's really not very caring to the environment.

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    Wed Sep 23 2009

    I love Fiji water. It's much purer tasting than Aquafina or Dasani. It doesn't have that plastic bottle taste like other waters. I even like the label. The only downside to Fiji is it is more expensive than the other brands, but it's well worth the price.

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    BY FAR my favorite Water. I look for it in stores and go out to purchase it specifically. I wish they had home delivery. i would be their first client!

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    Phony imagery coupled with a unremarable taste and bullshit price tage = highway robbery. Don't buy into the image.

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    Tue Jul 21 2009

    It's definately too hyped up. I tasted it for the first day in comparison with SmartWater (which is definately cheaper and tastes 10 times better) I'm going to have to say SmartWater still tastes wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than fiji. Fiji tastes like nasty tap water that they put in a square bottle so people could say "ooooooh it's a square! I'll pay the extra money for a different shape"

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    Tue Jun 16 2009

    So, the bottle is pretty and it comes from a place with an exotic name, but its still water. I really don't taste any difference between Fiji and any other bottled water out there on the market. Yes, it comes from an artisan spring, but do we need to take Water from a tropical island and bottle it for mass consumption? Probably not, but hey that sure is a pretty bottle.

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    Tue Jun 02 2009

    a. Fiji Water is okay. The packaging is pretty cool, but the water is not that much better than tap water. Fiji is really not worth the fuss people make over it, and it is not worth the price people want for it as well.

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    Wed May 20 2009

    Fiji is the purest, softest tasting water I have ever tasted.. As a person who basically mainlines bottled water (4.5 - 6.0 ltrs) a day Fiji is all I drink.

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    Mon Apr 06 2009

    I feel so silly saying this, because I am so that girl who drinks kroger bottled water...ya know, the kind you can get 32 bottles of for 4 bucks? I started drinking "smartwater" when I was sick though. Because it delivered the electrolites my body needed without the icky, fake flavors of gatorade. (Which makes nausea even worse to me). I am the kind of paranoid person who comes up with my own routines and remedies and convinces myself they work. One night after a too rich dinner, I convinced my fiance that I needed a smart water on the way to his moms to calm my stomach. He came back with Fiji. Bless his heart, these are the words he spoke, "they didn't have smart water, but this was the most expensive one so I figured it woulod work..." Ha ha...well...the bottle is pretty. And one sip of this water and this skeptic was sold. It is weird, but this water has a smoother, more velvety texture than normal bottled water. It is completely amazing. It has almost a sweet taste because it is so... Read more

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    Smooth, robust, toasty and mellow. It soothes my throat on a stressful day. It's just like the water fountain at work though.

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    Sat Dec 06 2008


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    Sat Nov 22 2008

    water is water. It doesn't matter what type of water it is as long as it's clear and transparent, it good.

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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    Too expensive for me, but nice designer bottle.

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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    I believe this is Vijay Singh's favorite water :)

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    Tue Sep 16 2008

    Overpriced trendy water.  Stupid square bottle doesn't fit in cup holder.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    I laughed when I saw a rating for water.  Isn't water...water? Of course if you want the cool lables you should spend $5 on a bottle of water.  If you don't care for the label the $.50-$1 bottle of water is gonna fill your hydration needs.

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    Mon Jul 21 2008

    Even better than my tap water and i have an Omnifilter Reverse Osmosis system. Too bad Fiji's days are numbered... That magical well is going to run dry one day.

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    Mon Mar 31 2008

    Really, really good water but you pay for the cool bottle.

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    Mon Mar 31 2008

    Apparently this water is really bad for the environment given the amount of petroleum that must be burned to move it from the remote location where it comes from... but it is delicious, delicious water.

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    Mon Feb 18 2008

    Who cares about price. This water is excellent. Pure, naturally alkaline and naturally occuring minerals. As far as it turning brown when a test solution was added - so what? It is clear in its natural state. This is by far the best water I've ever drunk, and I have tried many.

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    Mon Jan 21 2008

    Probobly the best on the market, but my lands look at the pricetag!

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    Thu Nov 15 2007

    Not as good as Evian, and more expensive :/

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    Sat Sep 29 2007

    I also like the Fiji Island idea so I give it another 5.

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    Fri Aug 03 2007

    I wonder how many people here have done blind taste tests to see if they really like this water better than some others. Sometimes when you pay a lot for the water, you have a bias going in that it must be better.

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    Tue Jul 31 2007

    The best from a natural water source not a public source and filtered.

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    Fri Jul 27 2007

    Best water I've ever tasted. Smooth, clean and quenching when cold.

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    Thu Jul 12 2007

    This is great tasting water--and a laundry list of healthful minerals only makes it better--but it is not conveniently packaged! Cup-holder compatability is very important to me, which is why I still use rounded water bottles.

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    Wed Jul 11 2007

    Absolutely the best water ever! Voss is a close 2

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    Tue May 15 2007

    THe best water hands down Perfectly smooth

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    Thu May 03 2007

    If you get to visit Fiji and stay in the hotel there you can actually go swimming in the pool filled with Fiji water.

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    Fri Apr 27 2007

    Fiji is a very good artesian water. Slightly on the "sweet" side, with a slightly alkaline ph of 7.5.  Fiji has a fairly high level of TDS (toal disolved solids), but most artesian waters do. Very low in nitrates (something that can't be said about Evian) and sodium while being slightly high in calcium and magnesium. Perhaps more notably, it has a high silica content (which probably contributed to the "brown" color in the test mentioned by a prior reviewer) which contributes to it's taste. I love the stuff. Remember folks, after tourism, Fiji's number one source of revenue is water exports. Also among Fiji's products are Viti and Aquafiji, neither one of which I've tried.

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    Wed Apr 18 2007

    It really doesn't taste as smooth and fresh as the packaging makes it look. Definitely not as good as even Ethos or Aquafina or SmartWater.

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    Mon Apr 09 2007

    Too expensive but wow I didn't even know water could taste this good they have to add something because it really has a "smooth" taste to it.  No chemical, plastic, or stagnant tast at all.  Really good aqua.  If I were a millionare (or maybe billionare for this stuff) I would even bath in it.

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    Tue Mar 20 2007

    Good bottle, excellent water but a little too expensive to drink all the time.

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    Sat Mar 10 2007

    By far the best tasteing water on the mainstream market today. A bit pricey but worth it.

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    Thu Mar 01 2007

    I could not be more happy with water. Fiji is the only water i will drink. It surpasses Evian with its crisp clear taste. Not too "mineraly" tasting like other artesian waters such as Voss. AMAZING!

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    Sun Feb 25 2007

    It is so pure and flavorful. Perfect mineral content, you can tell that there is a slight alkaline bitterness to it which is nice. It even kind of whets your appetite. It is clean and crisp. Very very refreshing and is very good for you. It is very natural. Even though it is expensive, I sometimes treat myself to this on a long bike ride. If I had to choose one bottled water to keep it would be this.

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Absolutley the best. Good mineral content. Clean, pure and great tasking, love it at room temp.

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    Sun Feb 04 2007

    It seems to taste ok,but I saw someone do a water test on it and after they added the test fluid the Fiji turned brown!

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    Thu Jan 18 2007

    i like this water...rating bottled waters is pretty funny. i heard this water has something in it that's good for your hair.... don't quote me on that though.

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    Wed Oct 04 2006

    This is the best water ever!!!

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    Sat Aug 12 2006

    Not much to say...I mean its just water, right? It tastes good and I like the bottle.

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    Thu Jul 06 2006

    By far the best tasting water I've ever had. The package is also very cool.

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    Sat Jun 10 2006

    Even though it's only water, it doesn't have that weird bottle water taste like Dasani or Aquafina. I like it!