Fertility Friend

Approval Rate: 55%

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    Sun Jan 30 2011

    Let me guess. This is the home page for that termite queen Octomom bitch and the amoeba like Duggar family.

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    Tue Jan 18 2011

    Fertility Friend helped me get pregnant 3 times BUT and a HUGE BUT their rules suck. You get suspended if you post to much I mean WTF? I had a scary ultrasound and was posting questions and was suspended for too many posts in 1 day! I pay to post. They are mean and horrible. Huge RIP off. STAY AWAY FAR AWAY

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    Fri Jul 30 2010

    I have the basic free membership of FF and have stopped using it as it was pretty useless, basically all the good things appear to be on the VIP options. So with this in mind I was thinking of joining the FF VIP but having read these reviews it has confirmed my thoughts that it is another money grabbing scam which preys on people who are in a desperate situation. It disgusts me to here these stories but thank you all for sharing this information and saving me my money and time! The last thing you want is virtual cattiness do we not have enough to deal with! Unbelievable that women can do this to each other, I am staying well away. I therefore am giving it 1 star but actually think it deserves a big fat 0!

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    Where to start? When I first started TTC in 2006, I used their free month's VIP membership (full charting software without forum access) and thought it was great. It truly is great when you have VIP access. It's mediocre without it (although free, so I shouldn't complain--less features than the full software). I paid for an annual membership after that so I could continue and also use the forums. At first it was cool to be able to talk to the ladies about different things that are TTC-related. But the TTC forums got boring when the new girls would ask the same questions without reading through the old posts first. Then there were the ones posting all sorts of pics to see if anyone else could see the line on their HPT, and that gets REALLY annoying. So I stopped looking at all the TTC forums and just used the Off Topic board. I got myself into quite a bit of trouble there. People were mean and catty and I got an attitude right back. I got sent on "vacation" (i.e., temporary suspension... Read more

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    Sun Apr 19 2009

    The membership was GREAT. I've forged real relationships with some of the ladies on there. But the administration is TERRIBLE. You have to watch what you say in every post for fear of being banned. They read private messages, too. They not only appear to accept plagiarism, they promote it, as they don't allow us to post any URLs, so any information we share with ladies seems to come directly from us. Bad, bad, bad. Completely behind the times when it comes to forum management.

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    i got banned from fertility friend for suggesting a product not even related to fertility. it's ridiculous and i can't even find my friends from FF anymore. i've been using medhelp's ovulation tracker (which is free!) ever since.

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    I have to give it one star. Once I got my chart all set up and starting my day to day entries, I wanted some more information about other women's experience and I wasn't a VIP so I was forbidden. I found that their are other areas of the site that I couldn't go to because I wasn't a VIP. Well, when I saw how much a membership was, I said FORGET IT!!! It was completely ridiculous and I seriously don't recommend it. there are other sites out there with no membership required.

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    Tue Jun 03 2008

    In my opinion two stars for FF. Banning is not good idea. Accidentally I found new brand for charting with name 28days. Is better for me. http://go28days.com

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    I LOVE Fertility Friend. Awesome place for charting and support. Don`t let a few bad eggs who have posed problems on some of the boards keep you away. FERTILITY FRIEND ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    I like it. It's charting is very accurate. The community is interesting, to say the least! I enjoy reading the posts...very entertaining & addictive! It's a pay site, so it keeps out "just anyone".

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    ZERO STAR FOR FF. There are other sites for charting. Please don't think you are going to make any friends on FF. When you get ont he message boards many of the women are catty and cannot handle it. BY the way, their program sucks. I've only been on a few months and already had so many problems with my charts. STAY AWAY.

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    Fri Jan 18 2008

    They suck, nough said.

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    My rating is 0! I would not give them your time or money. All they do is take people's money them kick them off the website and not refund.

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    Mon Nov 12 2007

    This site used to be great but now that they have become greedy with money it has become just a scam. They used to have Lifetime membership but when they found out they weren't getting money off of those anymore they banned them all. They now charge you and will ban you for even telling someone your email address or mentioning a link to ANY other site on the net.

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    Tue Nov 06 2007

    These people are horrible and cash in on the naivete of women trying to conceive. They suck you in and have you sign a seemingly harmless "community charter" which they then use to ban you from the site and keep your money. DO NOT give them a dime. I got banned for sending a "private" (guess not) message to another user with my e-mail address. They also use your charting data to "forecast" charts. There are other better sites for charting and for message boards.

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    Wed Oct 31 2007

    The Above statement is a pack of lies. I have been a member of Fertility Friend for a few years. The Charting Software is just 'fair' at best, and DON'T join the message boards. You'll be run off my Stormy, the infamous Nazi-Mod. For really GOOD charting software and to talk to other supportive women, sign up at Ovusoft.

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    Sun Oct 14 2007

    great idea..but shocking service. The people that run it take your money and then just delete your account for no reason and without any explanation. They've been reported to the BBB on numerous occasions..STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    There "expert" is the loser guy that owns it. I am sorry but if I want help with my womanly concerns the last person I want help from is good old Freddy. His wife is no better. I have been ranting for years, before they went to a members only forum/chat. I was kicked out for something and was later reinstated at which time I was told that if I don't become a paying memeber they would terminate my account. I chose not to give the crooks my money and moved on. TTC is a hard enough challenge for some without having to deal with money hungry people only out to make a buck while hiding behind the "friendly" facade. I chose to pay for Ovusoft and I am not treated like a child or getting advice from some loser guy. I can't wait for someone else to develop a site just like FF and shut those losers down!

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    Mon Jul 16 2007

    Fertility Friend is a JOKE! I was a member there for years and then all of a sudden I mentioned another site in one of my buddy groups and BAM...I was banned. Funny, it happened within 2 weeks of renewing my membership! Do not go there...there are so many forums on the web that can help you and are absolutely free!

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    Sat Jul 14 2007

    FF is the WORST!!! You PAY to get yelled at and banned and treated like a 5 year old and you DONT get ANY money back when you are banned! FF charting software SUCKS too! Dont be fooled by people who say it's great! Those people are PAID to say that! DONT sign up! Want to develop real friendships and obtain support?? Go to Mommygossip.com OR Ovusoft..... NOT FERTILITY FRIEND! It should be Fertility FOE!! They SUCK!

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    Thu Jul 12 2007

    FF SUCKS ASS!!! I agree...change it to FF Prison Camp! Once you get preggo...LOOK OUT! You're going to get banned! And you should be able to give a rating of 0, because that's what it's worth!

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    Tue Jul 10 2007

    The charting is good but it is impossible to gain any support or friendships due to the admin team cancelling memberships of anyone trying to make a friendship within the groups. No such thing as fertility FRIEND

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    Wed Jun 27 2007

    I LOVED FF when I was charting, however the second I stepped onto the message boards that changed, they treat their posters like children, regulate content too strictly and abstractly, for example, you could talk about weight watchers, a weight loss program you have to pay for, but you could not talk about sparkpeople a similar and safe weight loss website that is absolutely free. If you mentioned sparkpeople you had to sign the community charter, just for trying to help someone who was asking about weight loss programs find a free and safe way to essentially log and track their calories. You also cannot share your e-mail and chat with the women you become friends with outside of their website. Lets face it, we are adults, I know the dangers of sharing my e-mail address and if I want to do it, I should be allowed to, I was not spamming or trying to sell anything etc. For these and many other reasons I decided to not renew my subscription. It is a shame, I love the site and what they of... Read more

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    Wed Jun 27 2007

    gawd. I have to rate this ... they deserve a NEGATIVE "0".... As everyone else has said.. amazing it goes back to 2005.....they are cowards. They take your money- and then treat you literally like SHIT!!!! I agree the charting software was awesome... But once you PAY them... that all ends- If you talk about any other kind of web site, you have to sign the charter or sometimes put on restriction for posting a web site.. weither that be about losing weight, breastfeeding help, or even peeonastick to compare pregnancy tests, or whatever you have to sign the charter like your some CHILD. well, ill tell you what, im not some child, they are VERY CHILDISH to how they run their web site- and are theives for taking people's money, and treating them this way... Oh, and before you go into labor, and want to send people information to when you are in labor, meaning your # or email, you get another slap WHAT IS THE DAMN POINT OF JOINING THIS PLACE? we make awesome friends, but we can't keep in tou... Read more

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    Wed Jun 27 2007

    Great site if you're charting and need a place to store your info. The people who oversee the message boards are very quick to judge and do not let women express themselves without the fear of "breaking the charter" or getting banned. Very dissappointing.

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    I would give them 5 stars... for being tyrants! The rules there only apply to those that they want to enforce them with. They offer no other services when you are not TTC, only headaches and harassment. The only reason that I renewed is to keep in contact with people there. But letme tellyiou...as soon as all the mommies that are in my group have jumped ship, so will I without a backward glance!

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    If I could give a rating of ZERO I would! There is nothing friendly about fertility friend. I have had a VIP membership for several years and for several years I have watched this site fall apart over and over again. Why do I stay? Because I have made friends there. I can't give out my email address or phone number to these friends because FF won't allow me to. They are controlling mules. Please don't give them your money!!

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    Fri Apr 13 2007

    The charting software is great, but you can use the basic version for free. It's quite expensive to pay for the VIP version (which isn't that much more) and you also have access to their forums. They are ridiculously strict on the forums - you cannot post links on the forum - even to helpful websites like kellymom (for breastfeeding!) Sharing email addresses is not allowed, even posting about home businesses to buy cute baby things can get you suspended or banned! The PM (Private Message) system is a joke - they read everything and can & will suspend you for the slightest "offense" such as even hinting at sharing an email address! Take my advice - and the advice of many others - use the free charting software, but do not give them your money! If they choose to ban you at their "discretion" (and many people do not even receive an explanation) you will not be seeing a refund.

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    What can I say that hasn't already been said. When I first joined FF, it was great (aside from the crazy hormonal women who frequent there). But once your baby is born, they treat you like garbage. They forbid you from having contact with the friends you've made. They read your private messages. They are horrible. They treat you like slime when you are not trying to take money or members away from them. If you are a sane, rational, non-combative, polite woman, then you are treated like a caged animal. If you're a bat**** crazy *****, then you will feel right at home there.

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    Sun Mar 25 2007

    FF SUCKS. They get NO stars from me. They should change their name to Fertility Prison. They take your money but as a paid member, you have NO rights. They police you like you're stupid children. There are "Community credits" which mean absolutely nothing...You constantly get "warnings" in the form for their stupid charter that you have to agree to or don't pass go. You can get banned for doing nothing more than mentioning sites that are in NO way, shape or form competition to them, or sharing your OWN personal info, such as emails (which is my right to do whenever I so choose) or whatever. And you never know when they'll hit you. After you have your baby, they want you off their site so will kick you off for stupid, random things. Also as a paying member, you get NO privacy....they read your PM's or PERSONAL MESSAGES.....get that? Personal? Yeah right. A bunch of us defected to mommygossip.com....where it's free and there are NO RULES!! They rock! Granted, they don't... Read more

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    Fertility Friend really helped me get thru 3 years of messed up cycles, one misscarriage, and finally (with med. assistance) a miracle baby!!! :) I totally recommend trying it!!

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    Wed Mar 14 2007

    The charting software is great and I made some great friends there. That's all that I can really say that's great, like the others have said they have so many rules and you get in trouble over the smallest things. You can't even share a helpful website with someone unless it is Fertility Friend and you can't share your email address with anyone else. I was constantly getting "warned" by them but never knew what I was doing wrong. I felt like a child, always afraid of getting banned and getting in trouble. If you want to be treated with respect and like an adult by the admins, this is not the place for you.

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    Wed Feb 28 2007

    They suck!!

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    I give them NO stars as well. I was banned for giving my email address to a friend. They change their rules of charter and play to suite themselves, and don't notify the members. They cancelled my access to the communit on 2/3 without warning and NOW are telling me they will not issue a refund since it is in "sale terms". I filed a complaint with the BB and my credit card company as fraudulent.

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    Fri Feb 16 2007

    No stars, they are complete liars about the services they provide, as well as quite fraudulent.

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    Fri Feb 16 2007

    I give them NO stars. I was banned for giving my email address to a friend. They change their rules of charter and play to suite themselves, and don't notify the members. They banned I don't know how many girls in the time span of less than a month. They are mostly banning girls that know there's something going on with them, or girls that have signed up for the lifetime membership that they no longer have available. Please beware. I do believe that they sale our personal information to other internet companies as well. We have over $290.00 unauthorized charges on our credit card that has ONLY been used for fertility friend website.

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    They treat their members badly!!

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    The site has a very nice charting layout, and you make good friends, but that is about it. They read your pm's and some people are very sensitive. If they are having a bad day and read your post wrong they can (and will) report you. This involves getting a nasty letter from them. And another letter telling you not to discuss the matter with anyone. You can barely keep in touch with members for they won't let you exchange email address with members that you like. This rule is fairly recent. More like Communist Russia than a place to share sometimes.

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    No Stars. They are censoring selected members from posting their feelings on the message boards. They have a charter which only seems to be enforced for selected people. They read your 'Private' messages. If they see something in your Private Messages that they don't like, they will delete with no explanation. For example, sending a friend your email address is cause for them to flag you & subsequently, ban you from the site, without any explanation. Please do not pay this site any money, because they will not uphold their end of the contract. I just found out that there have been previous grievances against Fertility Friend, similar to this one.

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    Mon Jul 24 2006

    The only good thing about this website is the free bbt charting ability. If you want support via bullitin boards..I would look elsewhere. As the previous poster mentioned, the administrators are horrible and use any means necissary to revoke your priviledges for any and every reason. They are very money oriented and the slightest mention of any other website or exchanging of emails with others is strictly forbidden. If you receive a warning message and you mention it on a board, consider yourself evicted fromt the site. Simpy awful.

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    Sun Apr 02 2006

    I used Fertility Friend when trying to concieve my second child. That part was wonderful. I liked how you can save your information in a chart and can print it out and or save the information. I continued my membership to the pregnancy site of FF. That was great for awhile until they changed the rules with zero warning and started the VIP only posting on their communities. Many of my friends left because they refused to pay and people were banned trying to keep all of their friends together! Here I am now 8 weeks post partum and with friends that I have had throughout my pregnancy and we are not going to be able to keep in touch with each other because memberships are running out and we are not allowed to even share email addresses to try to keep in touch! Forget about "private" messaging! They read and delete your private messages at their discretion! I used it to share more personal things with friends. No such thing as privacy on FF!!! To conclude, FF is a site run by nazis that... Read more

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    Sun Dec 25 2005

    This is a poorly managed site. Many memberships have been revoked without cause due to inscrupulous forum administrators. It's a waste of money. You're much better off going to tcoyf.com