Fear Factor
Approval Rate: 49%
Reviews 0
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Thu May 07 2009No amount of money could have ever gotten me on a show like this. When I puke, it's not going to be from ingesting lizard guts, or anything else that would freak a normal person out just by looking at it.
by dazedandconfus_ed2
Fri Jun 22 2007Joe Rogan likes to scream "Come on you can do it", while he is safe on the ground. What a pussy!
by irishgit
Thu Apr 12 2007Televisions equivalent of the old carny "geek" shows where someone would eat a rat or bite the head off a pigeon.
by lbca09ed
Sat Mar 03 2007i like watching the stunts but my stomach can not handle watching them eat all that gross stuff. i could never participate in this show because i would not eat that stuff for any amount of money.
by vudija
Sat Mar 03 2007Would have rated it higher in the beginning, but now I"m just over it. It's practically the same old stuff from halfway through the series on...
by edt4226d
Fri Jul 07 2006How many times can you watch desperate and annoying people eat insects and guts in order to win some money? Tawdry freak-show that only someone with a mental illness could watch for more than an episode or two.
by lastmessenger3
Thu Jul 06 2006People who like to humiliate themselves publicly in desperation of 15-minute-fame. I don't understand why in the world people would agree to eating cow 's guts, or laying down in the bath of warms, ...just don't get it?
by shroomy_soup
Wed May 31 2006An entertaining show with some creative stunts, but apparently you have to be beautiful to get on this show. Mix it up a little please!
by mattshizzle
Sun May 21 2006Stupid and disgusting!
by frogger20190
Thu Apr 20 2006It's the end of TV entertainment as we know it (and I DON'T feel fine)
by catelaina
Fri Jan 06 2006so far, this new season has no eating bad stuff on stunt #2--this was my favorite part of the show--very dissapointed!!!! also what about an all gay show with some gay women for a change!!!
by cheryll
Tue Jan 03 2006Fear Factor is GREAT !!! My family and I love it .. Keep it coming ..Need to put the eating gross stuff back on too.
by pureauteur
Fri Nov 25 2005All reality television shows are boring, hollow, cheaply made, unentertaining, talentless, and insulting wastes of television airspace. I understand that it's part of the wartime propaganda tool of dumbing down the country, but it doesn't have to be watched. You people need to quit watching television and do something productive. Read a book, write a handwritten letter to a friend or relative, go outdoors, exercise, cook a meal, go for a walk, pick some flowers, smile, liberate yourselves from tv.
by donovan
Mon Oct 24 2005I think this show has run its course as with much of reality television. The stunts are now based more on sex and the gross out factor is a little too much. TV today it is moving more and more away from family programming to Anything goes Television.
by kairho
Mon Oct 24 2005Fun show. Amazing what people will do rather than working for a living!
by fred_j_gauthier
Thu Oct 20 2005i have been watching your show almost since it came on the air this latest show the couples was terrible are you trying to be funny pitting the couples against each other well i think you should change the name of the show to jerry springer ll the time slot you have in wis.is 4pm prime time for kids comming home from school i will not watch the rest of the couples show and hope you change your format for the next show also is it a rule that the people who you have on the show have to undress in front of the camera sick you show doesn't need any of that stuff it is a gret show it would be better if you stop that stuff fred j gauthier (retired)
by ladybee9660
Mon Sep 26 2005The whole family watches this show and we love it. Non of us could do half the stunts but that's what makes it so good to watch. Keep up the good work.
by matrix
Tue Aug 02 2005im getting tired of joes loud mouth he needs to do some stunts hes bossy and arogant give us a break
by cathy4thcb
Wed May 18 2005All I can say is: Gross!!
by groggnicole
Fri May 06 2005wouldnt do some of this crap for a billion dollers but it si fun to watch
by shadowlink
Thu May 05 2005.....what the hell is this piece of ****? I mean i've heard gross but this takes it to a whole new level! Like i really want to watch some dumbasses see whos more disgusting!
by gentle_jude
Sat Apr 23 2005This show is one of the most morally disgusting shows out there. I used to like watching fear factor because they really focused more on challenges and they had good safety measures. But now, they are starting to encourage people to go against each other or make people throw up when they are eating something gross. How low can you get. They seem like such dogs, when eg a contestant is being stung by all these bees and the other people are laughing and saying horrible things to them to try to discourage them. It is almost like they are blood thirsty. It is every man for himself on that show, and it is a dark feeling. They should encourage people to support each other and to not gloat when their opponent falls. I also don't enjoy watching people choking and trying to stop themselves from vomiting, especially women. It does women no favours on that show, because I've noticed that it is the woman contestants who are the most amoral. They are the ones who try to discourage their o... Read more
by texasyankee
Sat Apr 23 2005I never made a point to watch this show, but when my kids have it on, I can't help but be intrigued by these *skinny* girls and guys that can woof down cow brains and the like. I don't know how anyone could go through that, especially not knowing if after all that you are going to screw up some place else and then not win the money! The last time I watched and allowed it to be on while I am around is when they had kids on it with the parents. I didn't like that at all. How could you do such awful things to kids that were obviously upset by having cockroaches covering them? Sorry, but that was a little overboard. I can see how if a person is on that show, afterwards may have difficult time eating things, or nightmares or whatever, but they're adults. That's there own decision. Do NOT bring your kids into it!
by lost48
Mon Apr 18 2005Hey. Everyone who rites bad comments about this show, back off. So what if its gross, horrifying, and insane. THAT IS WHAT MAKES A SHOW GOOD! IT's ENTERTAINING!
by ladyshark4534
Wed Apr 13 2005This disgusting crew for this equally stupid show placed cockroaches into a blender and turned it on while they were alive! Screw Fear Factor! I hate people who ruthlessly torture animals for pointless reasons!
by beelzebub
Sun Apr 03 2005This show demonstrates just what the lowest common denominator is in America. I tend to think that people who watch this also watch NASCAR and listen to Michael Savage.
by kattwoman
Sat Apr 02 2005one of my familys favorites the middle stunt is stomach turning and theres been couple times i lost just watching so i could not even imagin actually ingesting any of it
by nhhcguy1977
Thu Mar 31 2005This show sucks and anyone who would watch it is completely worthless.
by nighthawk
Wed Mar 30 2005I just started watching this show. How many seasons did it have? Joe Rogan is great (hate his website though).I usually take a bathroom break during the middle stunt. Yeah, I know it is gross..just forget I said that.
by birdegal202
Thu Mar 24 2005Entertaining but many of the stunts are cruel to the animals used in them.
by joshua_01
Mon Mar 21 2005i love this show its just so entertaining but i dont know it just is watch it and u will know what i mean and joe is a great host.
by mr_evangel
Thu Mar 03 2005I like this show. As long as there not making these people eat anything that will hurt them in the process or after, why not if their stupid enough to do it. Joe is a great host!!!! Different host the show is ruined!
by maomania
Tue Mar 01 2005This is not just terrible, it is rediciolous. All this is about people eating bugs or gross things. They are just trying to find more ways to disgust the viewers. Joe Rogan is a terrible host.
by gogetter26me
by jaywilton
Tue Feb 22 2005I am sick!I actually watch this and if you're gonna do it, well, this show does..
by dmsdbo
Sun Feb 20 2005Incredible that this show has lasted so long.
by rexboymarie
Fri Feb 18 2005my daughter & I love your show. gross sometimes? yes, but isn't that what it's all about? not just facing your fear. we were hoping to find a child fear factor, & I did, but you have to be at least 10 yrs. old. ok kiddo, 1 yr. to go & we can apply. wish us luck.
by reece5327743
Thu Feb 03 2005cant live without it i really like the nude ones could you show one tonight?
by mooselover
Thu Feb 03 2005People getting tortured for entertainment. Not for me.
by raventhe
Thu Jan 20 2005Fear Factor is AWSOME!!!!!!!!! great show absolutly love it!!!!!
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Jan 15 2005Three for the stunts and minus one for the bug eating. If I wanted to see that garbage, I'd go to a grade school playground.
by ljkkjyg
Wed Jan 05 2005Cant live without it
by scarletfeather
Sat Jan 01 2005Not for the squeamish.
by dannyfromny
Fri Dec 31 2004its pure animal cruelty!!! It should be cancelled by nbc they should call the show animal cruelty factor no more comments
by dobler
Tue Dec 28 2004http://www.monicaajackson.com/blog/index.cfm?newsID =29 Monica and the women of Fear Factor will be in the February 2005 issue of Playboy. http://www.playboy.com/magazine
by sfalconer
Thu Dec 16 2004Fear Factor is a good show to disgusting at times but still fun to watch and it is not a commitment like Survivor that goes on and on ad nosium.
by tudy7500
Tue Dec 14 2004Quit bashing fear factor people! It's just entertainment. It's fun to watch, change the channel if you dont want to watch it. People need to lighten up a little. And Joe is a cutie!
by pitbull_love