
Approval Rate: 41%

41%Approval ratio

Reviews 32

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    an good idea badly applied.

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    Tue Nov 06 2007

    A little better than nazism but it's really just extreme dictatorship, possibly gone bad

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    Those on the far-right teach their own children that condoms cause cancer - so teaching each other and spreading a doctrine of anti-liberalism and NOT calling it fascism seems to fit their pattern.Nonetheless: Anti-Liberalism IS an integral part of the definition - it's also one of the most consistantly ACCURATE defining aspects of fascism, across different regimes, thru various times and across multiple national borders.*Can you believe it? I'm actually going to add a link to a CHRISTIAN WEBSITE ?! ~=> Here It Is! *The portion below was also cross-posted to the 'Naziism' review - in part, to dispell the myth of their ideological differentiation.The 2ND ENTRY DOWN on the list of DEFINITIONS FOUND HERE - "The name comes from the Latin fasces a bundle of rods with a projecting axe, which was the symbol of authority in ancient Rome. The term was applied by Mussolini to his movement after his rise to power in 1922. The Fascists were viciously anti-Communist and anti- liberal and, once in p... Read more

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Only good if they put me in charge. :)

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    What is interesting about Fascism is that we had it in the good old USA during the New Deal. FDR greatly admired Mussolini and what he had done for the Italian economy. The alphabet agencies, AAA, NRA, WPA, etc. are direct copies of fascist concepts. Mussolini had been in power for about ten years when FDR and Hitler came to power in the same year, 1933. Both copied Mussolini. With Hitler's rise, he eclipsed Mussolini and Hitler's anti-Jewish activity caused a revulsion against fascism. It gradually fell out of favor in the New Deal. The pandering hagiographers posing as objective historians have covered this up for years and lied to the American People. Fortunately for the truth, they are passing from the scene. The new generation of objective historians are ripping off the armor of lies and letting in the sunlight of truth. (See Thomas Fleming, for instance.)

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Hold on, hold on, hold on, pandering hagiographers aside, although there is still no generally accepted definition of what fascism actually is/was almost every single one of them (including the one at the head of this category) include elements of totalitarianism or dictatorship.  The notion that America was fascist regardless of whether its objectivist,  revisionist, satirical or wistful is a stretch.

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    There are two fascisms; the first being the imaginary and the second, and lesser known one, being true fascism. Hitler and Mussolini may have been the architects credited with creating the ideology but they are not the creators but instead they are part discoverers.One of the best ways that you can rally people together to oppose another group is to find a characteristic they share and emphasize it. Look at propaganda in the past: enemies were always grouped by a similar characteristic such as their appearance. The use of fascism as a descriptor for anyone that disagrees with a select group of people is a good, though sophistic, way of them to avoid any form of discourse where they could loose (Bush is a what?, Kerry is a what?).The other kind of fascism is the true fascism. like American Fascist Party supports or supports to a greater degree than the erroneous, and untrue, first kind. Like i said earlier, many for the so-called fascists created nothing but their deviation from fascis... Read more

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    Just about where Bush and his group falls politically.

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    Mon Jan 16 2006

    A system that I believe would accidentally end up being the most deomcratic since the leader would be forced the keep teh people happy, lest he face a bloody coup.

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    Mon Jan 16 2006

    What is democratic about one guy stamping his boot heel across the throat of a nation, choking the life out of it with oppressive ideology backed up by the armies and police of the state? Good riddance to this flawed setup, wherever it gets tossed out.

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    For all the people who admire fascism, get a grip. If you were living in a fascist society you wouldn't have the internet to express any dissent for ANYTHING. Go live in country under fascist rule, and then tell me how it's been misunderstood. Of all the things to argue the good of, fascism is not one of them. IL DUCE!

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    A notch below communism - it doesn't even pretend to have a human face.

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    Mon Jan 10 2005

    21st Century American Capitalism

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    there's nothing wrong with Fascism per se.. just that it tends to attract crazy meglomaniacs to lead countries..

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    Thu Jul 22 2004

    Another severely underrated ideology! ~ Those comparing the United States to a Fascist state owe apologies to the memories of Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany.

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    Fri Jun 04 2004

    fascism is italian and I respect what Mussolini did. its a great ideology if you study more about it

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    Fri Jun 04 2004

    ANSGARD, you are an idiot

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    Fascism is a more widespread form of Nazism, being economically restrictive, corrupt, dictatorial, racist and often countries that rule under it have a poor human rights record. No country or people under fascism has ever prospered in the long-term because the leader/s pursue their own selfish 'ethnic cleansing' pursuits rather than valuing their own people, which has lead to violent revolutions (e.g, Cuba and WWII Italy)

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    Fri Apr 16 2004

    Let's just put it this way: You like the way the US is now, you like fascism. Control of the masses (does the Patriot Act ring a bell? No need for a warrent nowadays, FBI can just bust into your house and go through your personal files.) and propaganda (think mainstream media and the huge corporations that own them) are prominent in the USA these days. As for isms, how about colonialism and globalism? Those have been tried out for many centuries.

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    All ideologies may be deemed flawed, evil, and unfair when it is broken into its purest form. Facism has been tainted with Nazism, as Liberals have been tainted with Communism. Facism developed Germany exponentially into a superpower, in a very short time.

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    Tue Dec 02 2003

    Many people seem to think that Fascism and Nasism are synonymous - this is completely wrong. True, Nazism is based on Fascism, but Fascism does not advocate genocide as does Nazism, or at least as did many Nazis. In theory Fascism advocates firm and centralized government. The ideology isn't nearly as bad as many would make us think - in fact, on the national level it is extremely good. It was the Fascist tennants of Nazism that made Germany so strong after being so, so very weak. Fascism made Italy strong also. Unfortunately Mussolini allowed himself to become associated with 'the wrong crowd'. As Silvio Berlusconi said Mussolini was not so bad. However, he was still a dictator whatever way you look at him and he got in with a particularly bad crowd (it should be noted though that the Allies joined up with Stalin who is responsible for many times the number of deaths that Hitler was - as such one could say they got in with a worse crowd than did Mussolini). In terms of what is best fo... Read more

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    If I wanted someone else to completely run my life and kill me for making one mistake, Maybe.

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    Sat May 24 2003

    Why do you all always refer to those scums Hitler and Stalin and Mao ???? What if Jesus Christ or God or Allah whoever, would be your dictator. Or Mr. I am the most peaceful create in the universe. Well people liek that do not exist so fascism will never work but the idea is 1 billion times better than capitalism. Too bad we humans are such big garbage.

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    Fri Mar 14 2003

    As much as I don't like fascism, it seems as though I might as well get used to it since its been the dominant doctine of the 20th century. If you don't believe me, I ask you to spend some time to follow the money trail and the people involved in policy making for the last 70 - 100 years. Fascism isn't about traditional leftist or rightist ideologies as its main concern is control of the masses, censorship, the bottom line, obscuritism, and opportunity. Actually many people thought it was such a efficient way of doing things they adopted into the economic policy we have today. It's not the opposite of democracy per se just the other side of the coin in which the fasces symbol was even placed on our dimes for some years. Its funny(sad really) that there is such a state of amnesia that people are now more comfortable with prepackaged ideologies rather than dealing with facts(which are also contigent I admit) American fascism won over many peoples of the world through seduction of the sen... Read more

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    Fri Mar 07 2003

    Fascism is the name given to 'ULTRA-NATIONALISM' by an Italian poet and then Musulini (copied from Napolian Bonipart). It is wrongly defined by most english sorces which use mostly false left-wing colloqualisms. Omit racism, "racism distroys nations" wrote mussulini (Encleplapedia Italiana), but of course english translations edit this out. The Italian fascist party (lead by Finni) is presently the most anti racist party in Italy. I don't agree with the system, but if you talk to people who lived through it you will see we are being lied to. Claimed to have 27 philosophical ideals found in Francos Manifesto of Forty principles (try finding this on the net). From right wing sorces (since the left and center made mostly false accusations) I have pieced together that its philosophy includes: massive millitry buildup, massive increase in police, autarchic (protectionist) ecconomics with merchantilism, pyramid-elitism (eg. youth groups of which the smartest are promoted up leadership ranks ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 09 2002

    You know, it really doesn’t matter what Fascism or Communism or any other “ism” is supposed to be in theory. What counts is how it plays out in real life. The fact is both of the above not only do not work but also have created huge catastrophes when they were actually tried. And, as Ruby pointed out so well, just because a group may be called one thing does not mean the actual ideals have not been twisted or changed beyond recognition due to the perversity of the human factor involved. To idealize something that just has no track record in reality is like reading an interesting and logical sounding work of fiction and expecting to live out the events in your own life. It’s just kind of nutty and unrealistic.

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    Wed Oct 31 2001

    the likes of Hitler and Stalin, the worst of all. All literature, other propoganda in opposition is immediately terminated. To repeat TheFreak, the people that are to the farthest, ultra right-wing are referred to by more moderate people as well as liberals as Fascist. Fascism is the ideology of the far, far right. In response to Ruby, I feel that smoking should be banned in all public areas not to suppress peoples' rights, but it is so blantantly proven a health hazard. How can you be so blind to not know that passive smoking is as bad if not worse than actually smoking? Smoking is the number one killer in the world. That is concrete, undeniable evidence. If you make the choice to smoke, that's fine, but don't damage the respiratory system of other innocent individuals as well by smoking in public.

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    Tue Oct 30 2001

    Hey Ruby, I hate to burst your bubble, but fascism is a right-wing ideology. Fascism sounds like a living hell when people start warring whenever the tiniest little break in rhythm doesn't satisfy them! Centralized government is the first step on the downward spiral staircase into abysmal. And all of you people who gave pacifism one star better have given fascism one star, because if you didn't, there is something seriously wrong here! Does "suppression of all and any opposition" mean "kill anything in sight that looks suspicious, for example, a government official walking next to a common person"? I believe it does. And now for my latest Lyric of the Day: The one thing we're all waiting for is peace on earth, an end to war. It's a miracle we need, the miracle. Peace on earth, an end to war: that time will come, one day you'll see, when we can all be friends...

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    Sat Jun 02 2001

    Silly dictators. Government is for the people.

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    Fri Jun 01 2001

    As bad as communism and stalinism.

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    Fri May 25 2001

    I still get amazed of how different I & Ruy think & argue different subjects. Although we this time have the same conclusion, I can't for anything in the world agree in what she is writing. I think it's so damn unfair to compair Clinton & Blair with the worst man ever lived, Hitler! Actually I like these two guys, especially lair, although I think they should have been more radical, global & federal. Especially it's sad to see how little Blair interest in the European Union, although he's more moderate than the British conservatives. Back to fascism: There's no doubt ruling most of Southern European in parts of last century, is something of the most brainless, evil & unintelligent man has created of political ideas. I can't see anything positive with this dictative way of ruling a nation. This is the oppsite of democracy, as well as federalism, globalism, social democracy, socialism, liberalism & probably also libertarianism (which I don't know too much about - though it's almost unexi... Read more

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    Tue May 22 2001

    Jonah Goldberg recently ran a great piece on National Review Online (perhaps called "Who's the Real Fascist") where he commented how many people on the Left can't come up with a coherent answer to the question, "Besides the genocide, was there anything in Hitler's program that you didn't like?" After all, the "Third Way" economics that Clinton and Blair claim to have invented are largely what Mussolini and Hitler used -- regulate industry without explicitly declaring war on it. Moreover, a lot of the social controls that we see today (banning smoking everywhere, the clamor to register all firearms) were also part of Hitler's program. Obviously, Hitler's sociopathic anti-semitism was the crux of his evil, and I don't accuse American Lefties of being "evil" but it should give them pause to think of how far they are willing to travel down the path of statism that man paved.