Farenheit 9/11 hits movie theaters
Approval Rate: 62%
Reviews 44
by sixty7a
Sun May 14 2006Not an issue, those who like the stupid movie already disliked Bush, no big deal.
by wofford
Mon Nov 01 2004I was an american soldier that served in O. I. F. and O.E.F. I haven't liked George W. Bush since he stood on T.V. and with a half smile say this is war, concerning the war in Iraq. I have also paid close attention to him and John Kerry during this election. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this movie doesn't qualify as being the reason I will not vote for Bush. I will not vote for Bush because he has no reason for any action that he has produce while in office, because he is an arrogant dictator want-to-be, and he's about himself not the american people. So as far as the movie is concerned congrats on an excellent show of truth. I for one could care less what falsehoods an independence institute, probally funded by George W. himself, has found. Thank you
by wpdailey_at_aolc_om
Tue Oct 19 2004If you liked Monty Python you'll love this movie. It is a very moving plot using mostly regular nightly news footage, interviews, old classic movie & TV show also previously unseen war atrocities as too much violence to be shown to the public. I'm a news junkie and can vouch for most of the news clips. I've had many of the same thoughts as Michael tries to portray. I think anyone taking the time to watch this show will have a much better idea of what really goes on in our world! The scene of trying to enlist our Congressmen's children for service in Iraq tells it all!! Wake up America and see why we are becoming hated around the world!
by barb_kane
Sat Sep 18 2004We're from the midwest where the economy has done nothing but go down hill since bush got elected. I think if he wants a war send his kids--it's time the world say his arrogance--hopefully it will be bye-bye to the little rich boy this fall.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Fri Sep 03 2004If this has any effect, shame on all of us.
by onehungrymonst_er
Fri Sep 03 2004This seems like just another thing that only a few were affected by. However, you know how many people saw this? It will be a factor on election day.
by jglscd35
Fri Sep 03 2004i give the american people more credit for their intelligence; it seems nothing this slovenly dolt says has any credibility unless you are a left wing lunatic or you hate america.
by darick
Fri Jul 16 2004It may drag the gullible away from Bush. Who knows, it might even get the fence-sitters sucked in. But Michael Moore definitely should not be taken totally seriously. There is sometimes truth or even half-truth to what he's saying, but anyone who really support's Bush probably won't be led astray.
by bigbaby
Fri Jul 16 2004Perhaps the worst on the list. Is anyone really going to decide in November based on what this movie says? No one really takes the guy seriously and everyone knows he's biased. *UPDATE*-The Independance Institute has found 59 falsehoods in this movie. Visit this website. www.davekopel.com/terror/fiftysix-deceits-in-fahrenheit-911.htm
by aetimfe5
Thu Jul 15 2004This mockumentary presents compelling evidence that George W. Bush shouldn't be reelected, especially if you are Michael Moore. It is good entertainment, and that is where it ends. Entertainment. People should NOT vote solely based on what they see in this movie. Instead, see the film and read a little more about what is being presented and make up your own mind. Don't let Michael Moore make it up for you.
by andrewscott
Thu Jul 15 2004The documentary appears to have had an insignificant effect on Bush's approval rating. Rasmussen, an independent service that tracks presidential approval ratings on a daily basis, tracked essentially no movement in Bush's approval percentage throughout the film's debut week. Ten days after the premeire, his approval rating climbed one percent. If you listen to all the folks giving the film free press, you might mistakenly believe the film has more power than it does. Either Michael Moore has only been preaching to the choir, or undecided voters don't cast their vote based on a single opinion piece.
by joemac79
Tue Jul 13 2004It raises questions about the administration and will ignite the undecided.
by jojo_dancer
Fri Jul 09 2004Finally a movie to counter the White House propaganda machine and our wimpy media. I give it a five because it's entertaining and provocative and succeeds in making serious points while encouraging the audience to answer it's own questions. Almost everyone who has called Farenheit 911 baloney has failed to provide any evidence to back up their claim. Although Farenheit 9-11 is playful, 'over the top' and irreverent at times, it was well researched by a team of people who anticipated serious criticism. Ironically, many calling it 'propaganda' seem to be repeating what they've heard from those who may be doing their thinking for them. How is it that one film by Michael Moore is billed as propaganda and endless hours of Fox news is fair and balanced? Fox, the hired hacks of the right wing think tanks and all the rest of mainstream media have been shameless stenographers for the Bush Administration and have willfully ignored serious and damning criticism by very credible people. The... Read more
by johnmacanri
Fri Jul 09 2004If it wasn't for Michael Moore, the rest of the world would have lost complete faith in the US, its political system and by default its people. As an Irish man going to Harvard, I can tell you that Michael Moore presents a reality believed strongly and correctly by 3-4 billion people around the world (including 94% of Irish people). The 50% of americans who support him are the ignorant minority. Anyone for President? Let us pray there will be change!
by jonhere
Thu Jul 08 2004Anyone who votes for a president based soley on a movie should have their voter registration card revoked.
by bafromsa
Mon Jul 05 2004I was not going to see the movie, (I never thought much of Moore) however, I DID spend my $8 and to my surprise, I liked it. Figured I couldn't criticize Moore's work till I saw the movie. Problem is, rather than leaving the movie bent on criticizing Moore or Bush, I'm now scratching my head and wondering, questioning, and looking for my own answers to the issues raised by Moore. The movie was provocative. It made me think and want to do my own research into the Bush Family's (and friends') connections (both polical and financial) with the Saudi's, a connection that I am not entirely comfortable with. After I do my own research, I'll express my final opinion this issue this November. And I guess that's my one compliment to Moore's movie. 911 shows stuff mainstream media doesn't/hasn't. It asks questions mainstream media didn't and hasn't.Most importantly, it makes THE AUDIENCE ask their own questions. I now will question that which the spin-doctors continue to lay before my f... Read more
by joe23665
Mon Jul 05 2004Finally, a way to hear about the Dim Son without being censored by John Ashcroft. At least not yet. Though Moore uses exaggeration, his points are undeniable.
by abichara
Wed Jun 30 2004I saw Farenheit 9/11 last night. There was nothing new in it, that's why I think it won't affect Bush's re-election chances. My problem with the movie is that the logic of it doesn't flow. Moore didn't connect the dots, thus leading to Republican accusations that it wasn't totally accurate. I'm going to do a separate review about the film, but let me just say that it isn't going to convince any committed Bush voters to jump towards Kerry's side. There were various scenes where the audience was clapping such as when the military mom read her fallen son's last letter where he hoped that Bush would be defeated because of his actions in Iraq. What this is going to do is motivate Democrats to vote against Bush. Moore said the purpose of the film was to beat Bush, but at the end it really only serves to motivate Democrats rather than educate the public more broadly about the issues at hand. Like everything Hollywood does, it delivered a shallow analysis of the topic at hand. Tugs at emotion... Read more
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Wed Jun 30 2004Ok this movie might be the reason why george bush might not be elected. To mad all thge crap in this False documentary is not true. Mike moore is a fat slob.
by mcclellan
Tue Jun 29 2004This movie hits the nail on the head. When John Kerry called the Republicans a bunch of liars he called it like he saw it. I think Mike Moore should recived medal of Freedom for this work
by notarednck
Mon Jun 28 2004Y'know the funny thing, especially in this review site. Is the people that are slamming this movie have the most foul mouthed violent reviews in here. These are the people that cannot watch this movie with a grain of salt, these are the folks that watch Fox News or more specifically the O'reilly Factor and believe every word he says. The funny thing is that the O'reilly factor is very similar to Farenheit 9/11 SOMEONES OPINION the reason they are expressing their opinion is so that people will think for themselves. I believe MM's idea was to make people question similar to the 60's or when African Americans stood up for their right. Ask questions, force change, do what is right. These are the things MM is saying to us.
by jimmilegs
Mon Jun 28 2004Bias sits in all eyes, and immediately people need to assume that journalism is slightly skewed, and someone somewhere around the situation has an agenda of editing out particular things. The news is no different, and neither is MIchael Moore. The movie brings some excellent points about certain government actions that need to be questioned such as the lack of scrutinizing particular bills that have huge impacts on the people of this country and the fact that people can be so eager to send others to war yet do not enter or back it themselves. We pay salaries for government members to READ bills, and make decisions based on the good of people, not the good of their affiliates and their party. We also ought to get a reality check on certain ways of doing things such as the unjust coercion involved on teh Xmas eve raid of a house in which a supposed terrorist was living, wrongful bombing and shooting of innocent people. Understanding is shown, with Bush even agreeing that he would do ... Read more
by john_mccain
Sun Jun 27 2004I liked the movie. People who support Bush aren't going to be convinced. However, it might force the corporate media and Republican Congress to have some real investigations of the Administration. If that happens, one of the conspiracy theories will be right and good old John McCain (the real one) will finish Bush off.
by bgfutre
Sun Jun 27 2004Remember that feeling you got when you found out your boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on you, and you replayed all those things they told about how they loved you, cared for you, and would not do anything to hurt you. And you realize that your relationship was one big lie? Micheal Moore's film left me with that feeling for the Bush Administration! Great work, Yes I will register to vote!
by newbie22
Sun Jun 27 2004I think Moore gets the point across that we need to continually reevaluate our government and take an active role in questioning political practices, making sure the government is acting in the interest of the American people and maintaining humane standards both domestically and internationally. Beyond that, I must admit that he is a fanatic left-winger who cannot be taken completely seriously. He presents new information but his interpretations are often illogical and his conspiracy theories require great leaps of faith. Bottom line, he hits below the belt, and often when not appropriate. Perhaps this movie will help raise standards of the media, if only by presenting new information in an unconventional light, raising general awareness, and provoking intelligent discussion, though I am skeptical.
by solion
Sun Jun 27 2004Although I wanted to give this fil 5 stars I wont for the fact there was some instances that the transition between the connections made were not clear enough to give it a full 5 stars That aside the movie is pretty damn good and shows how far we have gone as a nation, And why exactly everyone else looks at us a Stalin or Hitler. the thing that took me back the most was some of the video we never see from the media , and I suggest that if any right wingers want to wave the flag tha they at LEAST watch the first 30 minutes of the movie. Just give it 30 minutes and see if you are willing to stay for the rest. Truth is you will probly be as glued to the images on the screen as I was. I am a libertarian and I find this movie damning as hell of not only the present administration but the systems that are in place that allow it to hold the power it does.
by biiiarep
Fri Jun 25 2004good story-telling consist of two things. know your subject and believe in what you say. i have know doubt m.m. qualifies in the latter. do you really think he knows the president or is he objecting his views about a republican president.
by mrosen0002
Fri Jun 25 2004I just returned from seeing this movie. I was surprised that I was so deeply moved by it. Moore interjected just the right amount of comedy relief to make me laugh, but I was surprised how many times I cried. He does a great job portraying and humanizing how the Iraqi people are experiencing this war. At the same time he shows all sides of how Americans are dealing with the war. It made me a stronger supporter of John Kerry , but sadly, also made me nostalgic for Al Gore, who I believe would have been a wonderful president.
by gomike
Thu Jun 24 2004This movie was really fantastic. Great job on exposing the dirty secrets of the Bush administration
by jam16669
Thu Jun 24 2004Michael Moore is a terrible film editor, yet he wins an oscar, right. If you care about politics in the least a lot of the things in the movie aren't new. The clips and information aren't made up, do some checking if you don't believe it. Okay now take my little sis for example- 19 years old and knows squat about american politics and issues. I've told her to simply check out the movie, maybe it will encourage to vote one way or another. This film can have an effect on the country.
by classictvfan47
Thu Jun 24 2004Michael Moron's movie of lies will not affect Bush in the slightest.
by castlebee
Thu Jun 24 2004First of all, ask yourself; who supports this boob now? Hollywood half-wits, the disgruntled extreme far left and teens who aren't finished rebelling against the tyranny of the adult world. You know, people who would vote for a deaf, dumb and blind sociopathic inbred alien before they would vote for George Bush anyway. These will make up the bulk of people occupying the theater seats. It's clear to me that Moore is just another rancid fart in the wind who fancies himself a tornado.
by rebelyell1861
Thu Jun 24 2004This poor excuse for a film won't have any effect on W.'s re-election. Michael Moore is a sh*t-for-brains who can't be taken seriously, and more and more people are realizing that.
by redoedo
Thu Jun 24 2004Not likely to damage Bush unless of course we're talking about the extreme left. Virtually no independent thinker who doesn't blindly follow some silly political ideology takes Moore seriously anymore.
by zeedfc38
Tue Jun 22 2004Once again the truth hurts, most americans are too ignorant on the subject to vote, Liberal extremists thats a good one I could use that for just about everything in life, that and Con Rice's that was not my job speech.
by rjoefish
Tue Jun 22 2004At least it has some people talking about the presidency and causing a stir, which will hopefully get more people out to see this film or get involved in politics a little more. It's films and people like this that drive people to find out what's going on around them. Even if they don't believe a word he says they will, hopefully, go out and look around for information to prove/disprove and and get involved in the system.
by maximumvelocit_y
Tue Jun 22 2004MMs new film is a passionate, personal view of the current delimma with the Bush Junta. Mores discreditors and critics, especially those who feign an interest in good documentary films, generally fail to notice that Farenheit 9/11 is really about how we see the media and what the media can do with images. Hes basically fighting fire with fire here, and the audience is intelligent enough to see that. The situation today is too complicated to be explained in any one wrok, be it film or a book or a weak, psuedo-liberal film review by the usual intellectual prostitutes who dare call themselves journalists. The film is a wake up call to all those who are used to wiggling their way out of taking sides, making decisions, and facing the facts about the Bush teams crimes. Calling this film weak or biased or even badly done fails to do what Americans should: enter the debate, say something substantial, personal, and biased yourself!!! Fox News sure doesnt cringe at the idea...
by thebone
Sun Jun 20 2004Michael Moore makes no denial of being biased towards the war or President Bush.
by cornelia
Sat Jun 19 2004It is amazing to me how so many people can trash this documentary without having seen so much as a frame. I thought you had to see a movie before you could give an opinion. Evidently this is not the case for the biased and bigoted right. Perhaps if these right-wingers would open their minds and let a few facts in, we wouldn't have this great divide in America that we have today. Bush, with his bumbling, secretive, partisan administration, misbegotten war in Iraq and reckless spending, has turned me into an avid Kerry supporter. I welcome Michael Moore's film. He may not be the world's best film editor, but he certainly is the best at tackling subjects that make right-wingers writhe cringe.
by kamylienne
Sat Jun 19 2004If it's anything like Bowling for Columbine, I don't think it'll have much of an effect on the public's opinion on Bush--it may solidify the stance of the people who are already against Bush, anyway, but that really doesn't make a difference. I don't think this movie will affect anyone's voting much, if at all, when it comes down to it. ADDITION: I agree that one can't really criticize a film without first seeing it, but this isn't really a movie review; it's a question about whether a movie which criticizes the president could damage his presidential campaign. Even if the film exposes great atrocities which would damn most reputations, the film can only affect the opinions of those who actually see the film, which limits its influence.
by louiethe20th
Thu Jun 17 2004Moore's take on things are about as accurate as Oliver stone!!! You will have to do better than this Dough-boy!
by magellan
Wed Jun 16 2004Not at all damaging. The only people that take Moore seriously are extremists. The film is apparently full of cheap shots like Bush sleeps on linen sheets and other garbage.
by shillelagh
Wed Jun 16 2004The reviews are fantastic. I can't wait to see it, get the DVD and pass it around to everyone I can.
by jamestkirk
Wed Jun 16 2004Consider the source of this information: Michael Moore has long had it in for the President. I wouldn't call this documentary objective to say the least.