Family Matters
Approval Rate: 56%
Reviews 0
by kendrasahr
Sat Apr 23 2011Was better before the "Stefan" stuff went down, but still good.
by disgustingfats_tupidsmellyugl_ypig
Fri Sep 11 2009Urkel must die...
by stupidfatuglyd_isgustingsmell_ingloser
Sat Sep 13 2008A world without Urkel is a much better place. :)
by spike65
Thu Jul 03 2008Crap! And this took the place of shows like "What's Happening". Sad.
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Aug 12 2007Was ok, until the show became almost all Urkel, all the time.
by twansalem
Sun May 06 2007It was a pretty good show, I always thought it was funny, especially the interactions between Carl and Urkel. But it should have ended around the time the Urkel started to transform into "Stefan." It just went downhill after Urkel could invent just about anything, no matter how ridiculous it was.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Wed Sep 20 2006I didn't see much of anything wrong with this show, which was about a typical family coping with their everyday problems. Urkel and Waldo were the funniest characters.
by jeremy00081
Tue Sep 19 2006Ultra corny stuff here, but I'll admit it- I was an Urkel fan as a kid. That doesn't change the fact that this show was cheezy enough to fill a mile-long burrito. 2 and a half stars
by tnt6a7ef
Sun Jun 25 2006Am I the only one that hated Urkel ('scuse me, Yuckel)? He was rude, obnoxious, constantly forcing his presence into a loving family's home, and all the time trying to win the affections of someone who will never feel the same towards him? Grow up already, Yuckel!
by bassface
Thu Jun 22 2006heh funny someone should mention the little sister just magically dissapearing. I always wondering about that too. But yeah i liked this show, i thought it was better then full house and cosby show. Urkel is tight
by moocha2hot4ya
Tue May 02 2006it was a great show that had a lot of great vaules for african american families
by blueorchid
Mon Feb 06 2006Urkel gets on my nerves but he's a funny guy.
by whamsabi
Mon Dec 19 2005Family Matters was o.k at the beginning, but when Steve Urkel came it was one of the funniest, memorable shows ever. I enjoyed the show! It is better than Full House and some of the other shows that were on that night. Jaleel White should have won an Emmy. Some of the Cosby kids were nominated for emmys, but not Urkel. You got to be screwing me!Family Matters will live on like The Simpsons, Married With Children and the best new comedy on TV Everybody Hates Chris. This show startedg off o.k,but became legendary! Why is this show not on DVD? That is ridiculous!
by grvideos
Sat Oct 15 2005i like Erkel
by rowbite
Sat Sep 10 2005This show was funny until Urkel grew up. Then it just got really annoying every time he would waltz in without knocking. If i had a neighbor that annoying, i would shoot him for trespassing. And if Steve came up with all these inventions, a machine that changed his dna, a transporter, and a time machine, why couldn't he come up with the cure for cancer, or something like that? One of the many shows that should have ended before it started.
by jazzackfl
Wed Aug 03 2005For a Black Family living in Shytown they all Look like they should be wearing A button up shirt, dockers, penny loafers, and going to Ivy League Schools. Except for MarieJo Payton, I always thoght she was the coolest character on the show but she was replaced by Judyann Elder. and I feel SOrry For Jaleel White for he will always be haunted by his High Pants, Big Glasses, and his SNort.
by irishgit
Fri Mar 25 2005One of the most unpleasant and annoying half hours ever to inflict itself on the viewing public.
by mamas_family_sucks
Thu Dec 30 2004Uerkel saved what was an otherwise boring show.
by chalky
Sat Oct 09 2004show got really old at the would get 4stars if they knew when to quit but urkel is one of the funniest characters ever on tv
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Tue Jul 13 2004Very boring definitly not my favorite.
by spirit510
Fri May 14 2004This show was okay only because of the brilliance of young Jaleel White (aka Steve Urkel). He was really funny and played the character so well. He in a strange way made geeks kind of attractive because he was so intelligent. I've always found really smart guys appealing. The father's character Carl was also a bit humorous at times because usually it was him that Steve managed to piss off the most. The other characters were a waste to me. Laura was not a good actress and wasn't there a little sister in there somewhere? She disappeared without explanation.
by rufieo30us
Tue Feb 17 2004Did I do that? What a great line from one of the great tv show charecters ever invented. Urkle sure was the man of the show and his snorkles and his laughters and his love for Laura just made the show so great. I will never forget the funny entrance of Urkle and how he always tries to win Laura's heart and when he saids HEY LAURA!, just melts your heart to pieces... What a guy!
by president_x_d
Fri Oct 17 2003Miller-Boyett productions strikes again, this time with their most annoying creation, Family Matters. Scratch that, this show is not as bad as Full House. But it's bad. Very bad. Terrible even. Got brains? Then change the channel.
by marjorieb
Fri Oct 17 2003Urkel and over the top acting. Need I say more?
by moosekarloff
Thu Jun 05 2003If I were an African-American, I'd be totally embarassed, for life, by the fact this show was ever on the air. This program clearly indicated that broadcast executives think that black folks are just as mentally retarded and culturally backward as the white audiences that watch similar crap targeted at them. The only thing about this program that was appropos was how Urkel's harebrained schemes usually ended up trashing the house: if you've ever taken a drive through a typical inner city neighborhood and checked out the housing stock, you'll appreciate how this recurring theme was a metaphor for the care minority types often take in regard to maintaining the properties in which they live.
by rebelyell1861
Sun May 11 2003This show was good when it was called "The Cosby Show."
by redoedo
Mon Mar 10 2003Here we go again. As a show that is centered around and marketed towards families, this show is subject to the harshest criticism (much like Full House). The antics of Steve Urkel, which are often at the expense of the Winslow family, are certainly worth laughing at. I really enjoyed this show and continue to enjoy watching the reruns. This truly was a show for the family which deserves to be called a family classic.
by max_steal
Tue Mar 04 2003steve urgil rocks
by sharon3802
Sat Mar 01 2003I know it didn't mean to be the Steve Urkel show, but I have to say one thing: "Did I do that?"
by zuchinibut
Mon Dec 09 2002Steve Urkel was a great character. This was a good show for a number of years but got too out there towards the end. Callmetootie is a bad bad person.
by whitedevil311
Tue Mar 19 2002Good show but even the guy who played Urkel got sick of Urkel.
by ellajedlicka21
Thu Nov 08 2001I don't know where to begin explaining this awesome show. Steve Urkel, like Archie Bunker and Bart Simpson, have really become American icons through television. I admit, the show sort of went downhill after they graduated high school. Who can ever forget the utterly hilarious arguments between Carl and Harriet Winslow? It is so funny to watch the antics of Steven Q. Urkel with his catchphrases: "Got any cheese?!" "Did I do that?" etc. etc. As said by liddlebopeep, his mishaps were usually at the expense of the Winslow property. It's great to see when Carl Winslow gets irritated at him and throws him out or throws a fit. Larry Johnson starring as Grandma-ma is the single most memorable moment I remember ever viewing in television history. It is a wonderful setting to have the urban life of a middle class African American family living in Chicago, playing ball on the streets, and an annoying nextdoor neighbor. They make the part of Eddie Winslow very good with his liking the ... Read more
by the_waffler
Wed Nov 07 2001What a miserable show. Shouldn't have lasted as long as it did, with its stupid plot devices and annoying lead that sounded like a broken dishwasher. This series was "not" about family matters, it was about a stupid kid who spewed dorky one-liners!
by loneusfullhous_efan
Fri Nov 02 2001Yet another show I grew up with in the 1980s. I thought this was another clean family oriented show, but I did not give it 5 stars because after a while it got completely over killed by the television stations. When you can see the same rerun four different times a day on three different channels, it does get on your nerves after awhile. Urkel may have been annoying, but with out him there would be no show.
by dirk_oltmanns
Sat Oct 06 2001This was a good show. It was not only funny it could also give you some good advice for real life.
by callmetootie
Mon Jul 30 2001The ultimate 1990s show.
by olsaintnic
Tue Jun 26 2001I really really really really really really really really hate that friggin' earkle
by liddlebopeep
Wed May 30 2001For the many years it served as the cornerstone of ABC's now defunct TGIF line-up, Family Matters was a sitcom that was consistenly funny. Yes, it a was stupid and silly show but nevertheless Steve Urkel's geeky persona was the show's saving grace. Urkel's brand of slap stick comedy guaranteed to have you laughing out loud. Who could forget all the "accidents" and "mishaps" Steve had, often at the expense of the Winslow's property? At a time when Cheers and Seinfeld ruled the roost, Family Matters broke away from the traditional single person urban based sitcom mold by watering down it's humour to appeal to everyone, even kids. Family Matters rightfully deserves to be called a classic, I enjoyed it then as a kid and enjoy it now in reruns.
by wild8266om
Fri May 11 2001When the show began I swear Urkel was 9 yrs.old, but it seemed when the series ended he was 30 and still a dork!
by bsbgirl
Fri May 04 2001Loved this show when I was a kid. Totally repulsed by it now.