1997 American science fiction action thriller film directed by John Woo, written by Mike Werb and Michael Colleary, and starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage Website
Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by twansalem
Fri Apr 10 2009It's an entertaining enough movie. That is if you can get over the ridiculousness of anybody ever being able to mistake John Travolta's body for that of Nicholas Cage, and visa versa. Of course the whole premise of cutting off one guy's face and slapping on someone else is ridiculous enough as well, so if you can put up with the whole premise, you might as well just watch what otherwise is a fairly decent action movie.
by fb598563151
Tue Nov 06 2007rolig smörja
by echoscot
Tue Oct 18 2005No more drugs for THAT guy, What a line! I had fun with this movie. The improbability factor was pretty high, but that aside, it was a great action flick.
by faa07a17
Wed Oct 05 2005Awful, awful, awful. Nick Cage's worst movie and this is the guy who made Con Air. Magnetic boots that hold prisoners in place? What am I six years old?
by killerbudsfore_very1
Fri Apr 08 2005All my fans know that im from MN I love hockey. This movie $ucks, I woulda rather watched the ncaa finals! Go WILD. If your not a goalie the only thing left to be is a fruit>
by jenken47
Fri Apr 08 20052 great jobs by 2 great actors! a must see for everyone.........
by sharose
Thu Feb 17 2005I did enjoy this movie, but it really was unrealistic and far-fetched. But very entertaining!
by nima11465
Thu Jul 22 2004it was fantastic i enjoyed it a lot
by dheman
Fri Nov 28 2003Wow, what can I say! John Woo is truly made for directing action movies, especially shoot-em-up flicks. With the addition of Nicholas Cage and John Travolta, i'm simply speechless. Story was fresh for a change, acting was way up there, poetic shootouts were jaw-dropping. But I think the best John Woo film has to be Hard Boiled, the best action movie i've witnessed first hand, it makes Face/Off look like a kid's movie. But anything by John Woo will do.
by johnathonb
Thu Aug 28 2003bad. just bad. What is it with John Woo and the freaking slow motion doves? Subtle as a sledge hammer to the temple with the visuals, and goofy (waaaaay goofy) over the top acting by two slumming actors who clearly were there for the paycheck, and to get some overacting out of their system!
by yoya5748
Tue Aug 12 2003i think in acting it is great but there is samll mistakes in directing it is good
by kennit
Sun Jul 20 2003It was cool to see Travolta and Cage paired up, and it had some cool quotes. But in the long run, the movie isn't memorable.
by tommy91a
Wed Jul 09 2003Good film it was one of the best action films of it's time
by forgotten_hero
Wed Jul 02 2003I enjoy action sequences but that doesn't mean I'll sit still for the long drawn out climax to come to a conclusion. Did they even bother to explain how they managed to find out who was who in the end? I mean the doctors and witnesses WERE murdered and all existing proof of the operation was also destroyed. And why did every one of the good guys seem to have a fascination with faces? Was it some kind of face fetish? Excellent performances from both Travolta and Cage give this movie an extra star.
by redoedo
Mon May 19 2003I really thought that "Face/Off" was a great action film and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. I enjoyed all the action scenes- they all kept me on the edge of my seat, espescially the ending scene. I also thought the acting was great, as is to be expected by such fine actors as John Travolta and Nicholas Cage. I really think that Travolta did a fine job transforming into villian in this film. I also enjoyed the movie's attempt at integrating drama as well. In short, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Sure the plot was a bit far-fetched, but it was indeed unique and it had me on the edge of my seat.
by comedyfreek
Thu Oct 10 2002really good plot.. and the movies greatness was enhavced by travolta's attitude on screen.nicholas cage was mognificent.. even though the story was a little far fetched i thought it was really good.. john woo did a really good job in this film and he got an amazing star cast
by sexystreif
Sat Apr 20 2002cheezy, bad plot, good action. what more can I say
by afterglow70
Sat Jun 16 2001It was a movie, people! Yeah, it was far fetched, but so was The Matrix, yet people thought that was a great movie (me included). I thought the relationship between Cage and Travolta was riviting. You could feel the hate between them and that is what acting is all about. I thought is was thought out well and as for being the best movie, I don't think so.
by callmetootie
Sat Apr 14 2001Face-Off is a movie starring John Travolta. It's really just a bunch of action scenes, with lots of stunts being done, and doesn't really have much of a plot. It goes scene by scene very well, but Travolta seems kind of stiff in his role and kind of uncomfortable.
by cage_rules
Fri Feb 23 2001FACE OFF RULES!
by squeak
Tue Jan 30 2001An excellent film capturing the battle between two men. Impressive because the movie surprises the viewer many times and keeps the viewers attention the whole time.
by sunlite
Thu Jan 25 2001I like action film and this had lots of it. I also like Cage and Travolta. It seemed a little unrealistic but then again...who knows what can happen in the next few years.
by evere98a
Wed Jan 24 2001I didn't think I'd like this movie going in, but I actually really liked it. The special effects were great and the actors acted really well.
by ariella
Tue Jan 23 2001Nicholas Cage and John Travolta were awesome in this. I could really feel the pain of Nicholas Cage's character when he was good. It really makes you wonder about what would happen if the situation really was possible.
by mudge_peeples
Tue Jan 23 2001One of the best action movies of the 90's, Face/Off actually has a well developed plot and characters. The act is great so that it is somewhat believable when John Travolta and Nicholas Cage are playing each others characters. Good action scenes from John Woo.
by tyler_durden
Fri Jan 19 2001John Woo proved that he can make horrible films with this one. Completely unplausible, the story is garbage. Not to mention the sappy crap thrown in with Nick Cage's love interest. Plus the chase scene was ridiculously stupid. Don't waste your time on this film.
by jas_the_mah
Fri Jan 19 2001This movie is great. The action graphics and the special effects are just great. Nice story plot, too.
by thorne
Sun Jan 14 2001Suspend your disbelief. That is theater jargon and you better forget you have the function to disbelive when you witness this movie. Directed by all action no brain movie director,John Woo.As in "Woo! Where did my money go and what just happened?" Face/off is the exception to the Woo film as long as you hold back the sighs when the impossible and completley unprobable happens. Joan Allen and Nicholase Cage both give very good performances. Travolta seems natural but in some cases over acts. Of course the action is the main character but the story is actually rather cool and interesting. The face trading thing was a little ummmmm goofy but made for an interesting not run of the mill action flick.
by lochevy64
Tue Jan 09 2001As action movies go, Face/off provides excellent entertainment for the destruction entuhist. John Travolta and Nicholas Cage have incredible lines. Quick guns, and are in a plot that is fascinating. This movie is rated highly for anyone who loves to see suspense and humor. Both actors have wonderful performances.
by dmoney
Wed Jan 03 2001Absurd movie in every light. Perfect example as why John Woo has made a poor transition from Hong Kong genre films to American action movies. His exceptions lie in the "over-the-top" exceptions of the Hong Kong genre, yet does not appreciate American taste and the lack of extensive, drawn out conclusion (i.e. 20 minute finale of "Face/Off).
by aquafish
Wed Jan 03 2001John Woo proves once again that he is the worst diector ever. This joke of a movie features a nonsensical story line, highlighted by boring dialogue and awkward action sequences. The only value this movie brought was the knowledge that Nicholas Cage can dodge upwards of 2,000 bullets per second.
by zarbon
Sat Dec 30 2000In my opinion it just barely gets 5 stars. It's a great movie. Very innovative and Travolta and Cage do excellent jobs playing both the good guy and the bad guy. It's an excellent movie that you just have to see.
by timmy3ad
Mon Dec 04 2000Pretty dumb plot, but Travolta makes a good bad guy & looks like he had a lot of fun playing his part after the protagonists swap faces. Drags on at the end, by that point I didn't give a s**t who died just as long as someone did, and quickly! Those slow motion running around shooting scenes where no one hits anyone get a bit tiresome as well.
by gsauce
Fri Nov 24 2000The characters in this movie were classic. But, I feel that the plot isn't that realistic. I don't see how you could take someone's face off and attach it to someone else's. The special effects were cool.
by legacy
Fri Nov 24 2000Nicolas Cage and John Travolta worked perfectly together. John Woo, as always, did a superb job as director. The story, though very unlikely, is interesting, different, original and fun. Action scenes bring a dramatic, art-like experience. The score adds to the overall experience.
by holliex
Tue Nov 21 2000I thought this movie was full of action. And all the special effects and stunts made it all the more interesting to watch.
by agent_05
Tue Nov 21 2000This was a great movie. There were really cool visual effects and an edge of your seat storyline to keep you interested. Both John and Nicholas did an excellent acting job as well as keeping the storyline. See it!
by chelanie
Mon Nov 20 2000Face/Off was a great movie. It was interesting how the face exchange worked. The scene that I liked was the end, the "face off" between the two guys. The storyline was good too. I liked how they lived their rivals lives.
by bigpimpin
Fri Nov 17 2000I think Face/Off was a good movie. My favorite part was when they had the operation and they had to act like each other.
by kdeef216
Fri Nov 17 2000John Travolta played a good part in Face/Off. Hands down this gets a 5.
by evan98cc
Thu Nov 16 2000It was a good movie. It was non-stop action. Something is always happening. Plus, I think the girls are pretty hot. I think John Travolta is a great actor.
by ikeamike
Thu Nov 16 2000I loved this movie! At first it was hard to understand but then I caught on quickly. It was jam packed with action and it had a really good plot to it.
by jinub3d8
Wed Nov 15 2000It has non-stop action. It was very clever of them to find a way to lift the skin off the face. Also, the casting was perfect.
by punxx13
Tue Nov 14 2000Face/Off can be summed up in two words- John Woo. Anything directed by him is gonna' be good. That church scene with the doves is dope.
by jerome
Mon Nov 13 2000I liked the action in this movie. It also had a very good storyline. The scenes were very interesting.
by ethana
Fri Nov 10 2000This was actually a good movie until the end. The fight scene at the end was way too long. I finally was just waiting for it to end. Parts were very unrealistic.
by preciousp
Thu Nov 09 2000This was a really good action movie. I've seen this movie so many times. I have the movie at home.
by matt11cb
Thu Nov 09 2000The movie was intense. It was action packed from beginning to end. John Travolta plays a great villian. The action sequences were tight.
by stevie
Wed Nov 08 2000John Travolta and Nicholas Cage were phenomenal. The plot twists in the movie were excellent. I enjoyed the movie very much.