Exercise More

A gym membership could help you get started.

Approval Rate: 69%

69%Approval ratio

Reviews 41

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    Tue Sep 04 2012

    I made this resolution in 2011 and I have stuck to it ever since!

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    Tue Jan 03 2012

    I am not one for resolutions, however during the Holiday season I did let myself kinda falter when it came to working out. In the past 2 years I have lost an estimated 75lbs and want to lose about another 15-25 lbs. Want to look great in that Slave Leia costume....

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    Tue Jan 03 2012

    Yep, I have set goals for this year and am working on them. At the ripe age of 29, I'm forced back home (since I lost my job and have decided to finish up yet another degree) for at least a year, and thus will have the time to work on this. In the stereotypical fashion for someone in my position, I'm going to be spending a lot of time in my mother's basement. However, I won't be playing video games and eating cheetohs. No sir. I'm going to turn my life around by finding a way to make good money, a nice girl, and of course getting super fit. I've got a squat rack set up so that I can lift, Torso Bob hitting dummy so I can do 500 kicks and 500 punches every other day, gymnastic rings set up so I can do crosses and other moves, and a trampoline in the backyard so I can continue working on my flips. On top of all that strength and agility training, I'm doing 8 hours of martial arts per week (total workout time probably around 18-22 hours per week). My fitness goals for the end of t... Read more

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    Mon Jan 02 2012

    I'm doing the ToughMudder (http://toughmudder.com/) in February. I'm really trying to Bulk up for that and Increase my jogging from 2 miles to 4. I hate to be one of those Douchey guys always talking about working out, I've always been active but since I stepped up my game I really feel a Hell of a lot better. I'm Six foot nothing and so far I've managed to go from a Lame-ass 137 to 145, my Goal is another 10 lbs, but I don't know if that's realistic in a Month and a half.

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    Sun Jan 01 2012

    In my case, at least as much as I have been doing. Less exercise would be suicidal. Simple as that. A blizzard outside? Too cold? Lazy? Too busy? Just don't feel like it? All excuses would be equal.

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    Mon Jun 13 2011

    If I was fat it might be. You only get one body folks....dont let it go. If you do....refer to listed suggestion for new year's resolution.

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    Exercise, even with a lousy diet, will give you results (note the buff guys coming out of prisons these days), but it really takes both to be truly healthy.

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    The best way to lose weight? Start by eating less. Sure, exercise will help you lose weight, but it's the harder and dumber way to get it done. Many of us can eat to our heart's content, but if you want a healthy body weight, you're going to need to burn that off with heavy cardio. Frankly, its a lot easier to do it by dieting. For example, if you drink a can of Coke, you're going to need to walk at least 30-45 minutes to burn off those calories. The better solution is not to drink the Coke in the first place. It should also be pointed out that the less you eat, the more important the quality of your diet becomes. Substituting sugar free sodas and junk food is no remedy here. Eating a diet rich in grains, fruits and vegetables, along with fish and lean meats, is essential. Taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement also helps. Now don't get me wrong, I am not all against exercise per se. Indeed, you need to exercise for good health--both aerobic cardio (I use the ... Read more

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    Fri Mar 12 2010

    this is what i want to and NEED to do!

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    Mon Feb 01 2010

    Come on...I understand that some people need a New Year's Resolution to get them going but. If you are at the point where you really just need to exercise more, then you should be doing it for yourself not for some Resolution. And if you don't really need to exercise all that much then you should find something better to resolve yourself too.

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    Sat Jan 09 2010

    Physical activities can be considered as one of the top remedies of being healthy, especially in the modern life, when for many daily routine does not involve a lot of movements. Home-car-office-cafe-home-TV/PC. It is easy to commit to that, but it is hard to follow up.

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    Always a great way to improve your health, increase your energy, lose some weight and fulfill your genuine goal of getting laid more often. Also, the gym is not a bad place to meet girls.

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    Well it all starts off innocently enough. Get all fired up about dropping a few pounds and looking good for the ladies. First, you sign up at new gym with a monthly of about $50 or $60 bucks. Second, you figure out the hot looking chick schedules so you won't be board and have something to motivate you. By about week two your begining to wonder why you even bothered. You haven't lost more than five pounds and all the hot chicks are married and have two or three kids. So you end up at the bar after your last workout knocking back 16 ounce curls. Now your watching the not so hot chicks that came in at 10 o'clock looking like 2 slowly turn into a 10 by 2 o'clock before the bar closes.

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    Thu Dec 31 2009

    It never hurts! I do my best, but if I really wanted, i could do even better!

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    Thu Dec 31 2009

    I think I exercise enough already - just over 11 miles a day of cycling, and then some weeks also some Judo sparring (no football at the minute, not sure when I'll start that back)

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    Mon Apr 27 2009

    I know I should exercise more, so yea, if i had a gym membership, it might help.

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    Sun Apr 26 2009

    Probably ranks first on about 95% on people's list. Do we stick to it. About 95% of the time no. Delicious unhealthy food sadly usually gets the better of us, and after about a month we pretty much quit excercising all together. It takes incredibal will power to stick to this day to day as a life style.

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    I hate to exercise - That's why I joined a gym!

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    Tue Jan 06 2009

    only way to be

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    2008, my friend numbah 10,000 pushups. This has inspired me to set a goal.2009, Mad Hatter will attempt 20,000 Crunches!

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    Fri Jan 02 2009


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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    I know I should but i will not meet that goal. unless you count going on walks with family.I have never been very good at excercising. bad me.

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    I'm over halfway there in my quest to do 10,000 pushups this year! UPDATE: gotta do 80 more. wait... 60 now. three sets 20 and I'm there... UPDATE: Time on deck is 11:27 pm in Phoenix and I have done my 10,000th push-up of 2008. Boo-ya...

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    Every year my resolution is about the same - lose the weight I put on in December from drinking and eating too much so I can get back in hoops shape.

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    Very few people would not benefit from more exercise!

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    Thu Dec 28 2006

    Well, this goes hand in hand with losing weight. This is an excellent resolution, and one that most of us fail at in the long run. It's hard to be consistent!

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    Wed Dec 27 2006

    Along with weight loss, this is probably the most often made and most often broken resolution. Nonetheless, the goal is excellent and, unlike some resolutions, if you cans tick to it, exercise will improve many other aspects of life - mood, sex life, sleep patterns, etc. I already kicked off a better exercise routine a few months back but will be resolving to increase my volumes in 2007.

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    Wed Jan 11 2006

    When spring begins, i hope to start walking in the morning again. I purchased a used treadmill and abroller to continue my fitness program at home during the winter months, but did not make an attempt to use them. It is because i like to workout in a quiet environment with nobody home. I should of moved the treadmill down the basement, so i can workout down there without making the upstairs floor creak. If i had more money, i would purchase a membership at Ballys for the winter.

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    Mon May 23 2005

    My personal favorite...I pledge this one annually...sounds excellent in theory but the implementation part is a [email protected] the carrot and stick method...I mean that literally...

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    Tue Jan 04 2005

    Even if you hate the gym, remember that there's always some physical activity out there that will bring a smile to your face. It's more enjoyable to lose weight through your favorite physical activities than by continually saying no to cheesecake.

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    Tue Jan 04 2005

    I love to exersice but somehow I begin to be doing less because of my damn school work so that is on my resolution list.

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    I joined Curves a little over a year ago and was going quite a bit there for awhile. Then my heel spur decided to start giving me grief again and I stopped going...or, was I just using THAT as a reason. Well, anyway as heel spurs sometimes do, the pain recently disappeared as mysteriously as it started. It's a new year and I'm out of excuses so it's back to the 30 minute workout. A short amount of time just 3-4 days per week but really does make a difference.

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    I definitely need to exercise more. I have been a very active person my whole life but I am no longer on an athletic team. Without that motivation, I have exercised a lot less, and have had trouble fitting it into my hectic schedule recently. I will definitely be concentrating on setting aside more time for exercise in the upcoming year.

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    Tue Dec 28 2004

    Naw. I need to stop excersisng and start eating more.

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    I feel that I'm active enough.

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    Sat Jan 03 2004

    The initial effort will go toward all the holiday slacking, and over eating. The goal is to start the day earlier with exersise and end the day earlier with more sleep.

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    Fri Dec 26 2003

    I'm gonna do it this year, I promise.

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    Fri Dec 26 2003

    I keep trying--I'm not trying to lose weight, but I'd like to get more toned.

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    Thu Dec 25 2003

    This was my goal last year, never got around to it...so hopefully I will make it this year...

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    Wed Dec 24 2003

    Yup. I've been slacking for the last few weeks. I really want to work out every day.

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    Wed Dec 24 2003

    I'm pretty active, but I could do more. It never hurts, and I like the joy of physical effort.