Ethics / Morals
Approval Rate: 44%
Reviews 48
by jamie_mcbain
Thu Mar 25 2010Not going to touch this one, with a ten foot pole.
by lmorovan
Wed Apr 02 2008No other President in recent history has valued more the ethics and morals of what is right for all. Thank God he has not compromised his Christian beliefs. Too bad the future looks uncertain regarding the ethics and morals of our country. The perversion and prostitution of our ethics and moral values is a growing cancer that, unless stopped in time, will be the ruin of our nation.
by franklyspeakin_g
Wed Nov 14 2007A war monger is amoral.
by decalod85
Thu Oct 11 2007Invading a country on a false pretext and killing a lot of innocent civilians could never be construed as "moral".
by picsentdotcom
Thu Aug 30 2007if bush had no morals why would he refuse to pull out of the least popular war since vietnam. FREEDOM for all. even iraq.
by dirtybastid
Sun Aug 05 2007He is morally bankrupt. He plunged us into a pointless war, merely for his and chaney's profit. Not to mention he rigged the first election and was not really elected.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Tue Jun 12 2007That's easy: 1. Pathological Loyalty; 2. Pursuing destructive courses of action as long as it screws people out of their livelihoods to benefit the insanely and insatiably wealthy; 3. Moments of delusional grandeur; 4. A fine passer of Bush traditions, morals and values.Nuke the Yales.
by doobiesnhof
Fri Oct 06 2006You can't be serious!!
by cdoc77
Wed Sep 06 2006I rated him "terrible" because I truly believe he had something to do with the 9/11 attacks. Did you know his brother Marvin's company was in charge of security at the twin towers up until 9/11/01 when his contract expired? Even if he wasn't involved, he lied about WMDs in Iraq and blamed it on the intelligence. That's about as unethical as it gets.
by canadasucks
Tue Sep 05 2006Giving Israel carte-blanche in leveling Lebanon recently was not ethical. (Will cause more terrorism) Ignoring the civilian casualties in Iraq is the furthest thing form moral that I can think of. Feebly attempting to link 9-11 and terrorism together in an attempt to validate his personal holy war is unethical. Treating those with real questions with dishonest and childish taunts of 'aiding' the enemy isn't in the ballpark of ethical. And running around changing the story and the character of the war when it's become apparent that it's a sham to anyone with an education is also immoral. If dubs calls himself an ethical Christian, give me a Muslim any day of the week- at least the Muslims I met don't pretend to be something they're not. . .
by luridlloyd
Fri Jul 07 2006W loves death in all shapes and sizes. Death penalty-GREAT!, War death and dismemberment-FUN!, Thousands drown in New Orleans-SO WHAT! I think he fell in love with Laura when he heard she had killed a man.
by bearz890
Tue Mar 07 2006Morals what morals? Did 308,000 cancelled Ohio voter registrations put Bush back in the White House? Many of the affected precincts in Cuyahoga County went 90% and more for John Kerry. The county overall went more than 60% for Kerry. The eliminations have been given credence by repeated sworn testimony and affidavits from long-time Cleveland voters that they came to their usual polling stations only to be told that they were not registered. When they could get them, many were forced to cast provisional ballots which were highly likely to be pitched in the trash, or which remain uncounted. Ohio election history would indicate that the elimination of 175,000 voters in heavily Democratic Cleveland must almost certainly spell doom for any state-wide Democratic campaign. These 175,000 pre-2004 election eliminations must now be added to the 105,000 from Cincinnati and the 28,000 from Toledo. Therefore, to put it simply: at least 308,000 voters, most of them likely Democrats, were elimi... Read more
by vudija
Mon Feb 27 2006Louie: We're not debating on the attributes of Bill Clinton; just because Clinton lacked some morals as well, doesn't make Bush any better. I, personally, think that Bush lacks ALL qualities necessary to be a good leader, including morals/ethics.
by louiethe20th
Mon Feb 27 2006I am not even going to try and argue this one. Was Clinton ethical and moral? Was his wife? Was the great JFK moral?
by 714goodguy
Sun Feb 26 2006President Bush has the worst ethics/morals of any president I've known.
by andrewscott
Sun Nov 06 2005Nearly all politicians fudge the truth when they need to limit the fallout of big political mistakes. Faced with many political disasters, Bush has naturally been in fudge mode for some time. According to polls, a majority of Americans are now at the point where they question his integrity. This is significant, because exit polls in 2004 showed a prime reason that Bush won his reelection because of his perceived "morality". In one year's time, many of those who had been enthusiastically defending the ethics of the Iraq war have looked at the sum of our casualties and have quieted their support of Iraq justifications. Perhaps the defining moment that has caused many weary loyalists to lose trust in the integrity of their leader was when Bush tried to appoint his longtime personal lawyer to the Supreme Court. No one in good conscience believed Bush's claims that Harriet Miers was the best choice he could possibly find. Conservative pundits went from biting their lips to attacking... Read more
by sunnstars2003
Wed Nov 02 2005What ethics and/or morals??
by arrian_magnus
Wed Nov 02 2005How many more times must we go over this? Bush, and indeed most conservatives, have no morals or ehtics. I doubt that they even know the meanings of the words. Perhaps they should first establish what it means and /then/ try to decide what is right and wrong; good and evil.
by edt4226d
Wed Jun 15 2005Hard to claim you're moral or ethical when your hands are blood-stained.
by andross
Tue May 03 2005I do not share the same ethics/morals as bush. in fact, we would disagree on alot of things. but at least he stands up for what he believes in, that is alot more than probably anyone here can say for themselves! I respect him, his job, as president, is to run the country. and he does run it. but he runs it by what he see's as right, and doesn't listen to the pansy complaints that nearly everyone throws at him. he makes his choices by what his consiance tells him at the time he needs to make a decision. and that is more than what one can say for Kerry, or Gore, or even many of you
by earthbound
Mon Apr 11 2005Ethically inconsistent. Cares a lot about unborn Americans and dying Americans, it would seem. However, his track record on what lies in between is less than stellar.
by emj5687
Sun Apr 10 2005whats more ethical then leading americans into a war under false pretenses, continuing to lie, and discrimination?
by dpostoskie
Wed Apr 06 2005Associating morals and ethics with Bush is an oxymoron. Bush cares about BUSH, nothing else. He will do whatever it takes to ensure he is rich and powerful.
by jirai1d4
Thu Jan 13 2005If killing innocent Iraqi civilians is considering ethical, then he could be the poster child of morals.
by middlefinger
Sat Dec 04 2004I suppose he does have slimeball kinda ethics and morals.
by psalmy
Sat Nov 27 2004Look morals up in the dictionary, I bet his name is there.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sun Jul 11 2004i think he has great morals.
by jellobed
Sun May 02 2004Hard to understand how someone who is supposed to be very religious could start a war that most of the world was against.
by abichara
Fri Mar 12 2004I can't really give a judgement on the President's ethics and morals. This is something that is more internal than anything else. However, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton share more similarities than is apparent to most observers. The big thing is that both are raw political animals and both look at shortcuts to solving complex political problems. Ronald Reagan said 40 years ago that there are no easy answers to complex problems, but there are simple answers. Honesty is something that has been sorely lacking from our leaders for a long time now. Expediency and short-sightedness takes precedence over long-term vision. Some people say 9/11 changed the vision of the country. I disagree, it has only made us more entrenched in old ways of thought. Fear and paternalistic ways dominate more than ever. I can't speak for what's in the President's heart, but I can say that he hasn't led with courage and a fidelity to solid intellectual inquiry.
by ldave_x
Thu Jan 29 2004Is expecting a shipment of ethics / morals to be Fed-Exed over from Pat Robertson.
by kingbaby
Tue Nov 18 2003Sorely lacking...
by rebelyell1861
Mon Oct 06 2003A tremendous step up from that sorry sack of sh*t we had back in the 90s that disgraced my state.
by koreyd
Mon Oct 06 2003GW is a lowlife puppet with no scruples and or morals. ever heard the phrase ''unequally yoked.'' theres an elephant and pygmy donkey tied together here and their just going circles.old Gw is getting his kicks wipping the poor ole' jackass while the elephant is looking for somewere to bathe in mud (or blood). the mass media and there nazi like propaganda machine make the world war, causing hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, sound like a war on terror, or defending our selves against ''evil peole'' . you clones whom are probly watching fox news as we speak.GW hates you and so does corprate america.GW you suck man i pity those who follow you.and for all you republicrats and demublcans. kiss my lily white you haters. this nation no longer has room for ass holes with dreams of earthly wealth.don't pass go ho go strait to jail with no probation or bail .because this land isn't your land its our land our resources our choice to send our sons to war.why only hitler deserves a single st... Read more
by cfjohnsn
Wed Oct 01 2003Where do I even begin. How about here....the posts are about HIS ethics/morals. Not his ethics/morals compared to Clinton's. Now back to the subject at hand. A morally sound person would not go through life taking advantage of others. W has repeatedly. He has done everything he could to get ahead without even a thought of the impact on other people. Let's take for example the Air National Guard. Did he deserve to be admitted? Considering his score was ONE point above failing and others with scores extremely better had been on a waiting list for the one open spot for a very long time....I would say no. But I guess that goes more to the morals/ethics of his father and grandfather who were respectively a Senator and a Congressman at the time. HIS morals come into question when he did not stand up and state that he did not deserve to be handed the spot. He is a recovering alcoholic. That is commendable that he saw that it is a very destructive lifestyle that he was able to make the change.... Read more
by hendo76a
Fri Aug 22 2003A DUI, a drinking problem and a nasty Coke (not the soft drink) habit, not to mention deserting his post from the National Guard. Pretty hard to justify those credentials. But I guess it doesn't matter what horrible things you do: just go to church and talk about God every once in a while and people will call you "moral."
by kurst9a8
Wed Aug 06 2003Ethics and morals? Bush doesn't even know what these are. He LIED as to the reasons to go to war...( there are no ethics in war ) He KILLED innocent people. He's a HIPPOCRATE (production of nukes) He IGNOREs the state of his own country and the people in it. He STEALS oil from others and money from Americans. He ACCUSES other countries of being terrorists...(because we won't back him)...He's all for war, even though he tried to dodge draft.I can go on ....
by iriegirl
Sun Jun 15 2003I don't know about any of you, but I think judging President Bush's morality by his daughters' behavior is silly. My parents were very moral people, but there was a time when they couldn't tell me squat. And remember, they grew up during the ultra-liberal Clinton era. You know, the one during which they took a poll and found that he had convinced middle-schoolers that oral sex wasn't really sex?
by twinmom101
Sun Jun 15 2003Since my comment about the lack of morals in his daughters seems to irritate so many, I'll elaborate. Children learn what they see. That is simple, and this guy admits to being an alcoholic well into his 40's. Add to that a DUI and other past drug dalliances and can you see where the expression "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" comes from. The bottom line is I'm so tired of this guy shoving his morals down my throat. He is not a moral person. He lies and cheats. He cheated his way to office and lied about WMD. And then to hear all these republicans go on and on about how holy he is makes me want to retch. This president sent our country into a pre-emptive war at a country that killed thousands. Clinton was a sleaze too, that's for sure, but when all the republicans get on their damn saopboxes and start in about Bubba's straying eye, I get fed up. This guy is no better. It's no wonder his daughters were spotted at Ashton Kutcher's LA apartment smoking pot in a back-... Read more
by michael_bryan
Thu May 22 2003I think that Bush believes himself to be moral and ethical, but his choices and behavior, judged objectively, belie his presentation of himself. He is dishonest. He lied about WMD and level of threat to Americans from Iraq to get his war. He is venal. He serves the interests of Mammon above the interests of people. His tax cuts overwhelmingly favor the very wealthy at the expense of the weak, vulnerable, and sick and he does nothing about corporate tax dodgers, including his Vice President. For a man who claims that Jesus is his favorite philosopher, his lip service to compassion while giving actual service to the powerful is irreconcilable. He doesn't value justice. He is willing to execute the mentally incompetent and children, but will not support real reform and real justice for corporate malefactors who steal billions and ruin the lives and hopes of millions. He claims to be a moral man but he lacks compassion. But he ignores the plight the Iraqi people face daily from dangerous u... Read more
by redoedo
Sat May 17 2003He definatly beats Clinton in both the ethics and morals departments. However, its not a coincidence that he was drunk until he was 40 and now his daughters are headed in that same direction. As I said in another post, though, this man has a unique family-friendly integrity (i.e. the first President to build a little league field on the WH lawn). That makes up for his somewhat demented daughters. Maybe he's not the most ethical man in the world- but he's not sleeping with any interns. I knew those bad looks of his would come in handy for something.
by ghost_dancer
Sun May 04 2003Morals HA! You guys actually fall for that? All you can do is say he has morals because Clinton committed adultery. Or better yet because he reads the Bible. I have news for you so, did Jim Baker. The man has enough morals to take what's left of our environment and hand it to the corperations to decide what to do with it. To destroy what beauty this country has left. To continuously wage war, so U.S. corperations can go fix it up and get paid big while paying locals practically nothing. Yea we paid for Iraq war, but we allready know the oil is paying us back, with intrest no doubt. If you believe otherwise actually learn politics. To continue, the man is pushing for HUGE tax cuts to go mostly to the rich so "the democrats don't keep creating more costly programs". Has it occured to anyone that those programs are what benifits U.S. citizens? I'd rather have the money go to that, then make him and his rich buddies richer. You know if you Republicans actually stopped playing so hard f... Read more
by chihuahua
Sun Apr 27 2003This poll shows many people need to look ethics and morality up in the dictionary.
by vicr502
Thu Apr 10 2003An example of w's ethics:: george w went AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard in 1972 to avoid taking a drug test. But now, he has no qualms in sending others to kill and die for his country. Who truly "supports our troops?" How is george w thanking the past and present American military personnel for their service? In January 16, 2003, the Bush Administration announced it will suspend enrollment in the VA health system for at least 160,000 qualified veterans due to budget constraints. Furthermore, the Administration has proposed cutting ¤15 billion from the veteran programs over the next 10 years. This while proposing tax cuts which provide millionaires a tax break of at least $90,000 per year.
by bigbaby
Thu Mar 13 2003Definetely beholds good morals. Unlike Clinton, who has the worst President ever, this President sets a very good example to others. He's sending multiple warnings to other countries. While Clinton just sat back and watched terror attack one after another go by, Bush actually knows how to defend America. Very good President.
by gopman79
Wed Mar 12 2003One of his main attributes. He made mistakes early in his life, but he most certainly made up for him, becoming a Christian, and when the drinking incident came up, he didn't take the "Clinton" way out and lie. He told the truth. That is admirable.
by niehausapprais_er
Mon Mar 10 2003Three stars, one reason for all of them: liberation of Iraq. Minus two stars for Christianity and (related) mental retardation.
by ruby9916
Tue Mar 04 2003I am baffled by people who think Bush is anything less than deeply moral and honest. It's OK for you to dislike his policies and still admit he's a man of integrity, honesty, and compassion. It's disappointing to not see a single thoughtful critique by Bush's opponents - just some crazy conspiracy that Bush is a tool to oil companies. If he were, why wouldn't he cozy up to Saddam and just get rid of sanctions so we'd have immediate access to more Iraqi oil?? I'm all for a good conspiracy theory so long as it isn't obviously in conflict with reality. C'mon you lefties, you can surely be a LITTLE more coherent.
by jason1972
Fri Feb 28 2003Let's just say he's got way more morals than the previous president whom isn't worth mentioning by name. He didn't go through his political career screwing everything that weared a skirt.