Erica Hill
Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by hattiejane
Thu Sep 16 2010Erica might be beautiful, sexy, and other attributes of youth, but, she talks too fast. She is definitely hard to understand. She would make a good auctioneer. Now in her mid 30s (I think), she should slow down so we can understand her. No, I am not hard of hearing.
by jake_armitage
Wed May 05 2010She's got a beautiful smile. Her and Anderson Cooper flirt waaay to much on camera, it's not news at that point its something else.
by frankswildyear_s
Sat Dec 13 2008I think CNN has been secretly working on genetically engineering newsreaders for the last 25 years. They seem to be able to churn out pre-programmed talking heads based on attracting specific audience demographics to particular segments of their broadcast day.
by leo5042
Sat Dec 13 2008Erica Hill is beautiful. I absolutely love her dimples and when she smiles, I feel this warmth coming from her. She is definitely hot!!!!!
by robert13
Tue Oct 07 2008CNN needs to replace Erica Hill on AC 360 Breaking News. She is very annoying!!! She acts as hooker.
by sword33
Wed Sep 03 2008Pretty and very smart-doesn't use fluff!
by pungtang33
Thu Feb 28 2008if she is on the menu,give me double. talk about her, but most men and even women couldnt get anything half as smoking as she is. california!
by jimmyjames
Sat Jan 26 2008Thank God she's leaving! Can't stand her gummy smile and chinky eyes...FUGLY. Also tries to make the news sound interesting which makes it even more annoying.
by dude1984
Tue Dec 11 2007She seems to soccer mom like to be doing the news. Her delivering the news sounds like she is ready a fairy tale to her kids. Superficially she looks ok. Nothing I would write home about or brag about.
by kevininidaho
Fri Dec 07 2007Erica Hill is GORGEOUS. Absolutely, no question. And very professional in how she handles her job. Articulate, spontaneous, hot, not full of herself, smart, caring, hot, unselfconsciously animated, very self-possessed, and...... ummmmmm... ohya. HOT! She reminds me of the "hot librarian" look that some women are attributed as having. And boyohboy, if I were to ever see Erica Hill working in a library anywhere (ya. hypothetically. that's it.) , I SURE wouldn't be reading books. I'd have a ton of questions that only Erica The Librarian could an swer for moi! She's just plain beautiful! And as ugly as the news is these days, and getting uglier, it sure is nice to hear it told to us by Erica Hill, who is plainspoken, a beautiful woman, non-arrogantly assertive, & dynamic. Got a great smile, too! Katie's time is over (pleeeeeeeeeeeez, already!!). It's now Erica's time.
by bill42
Wed Nov 28 2007She should be on NBC's Today Show. She is the only one that I have seen who could fill Katie Couric's spot.
by jglscd35
Thu Sep 27 2007scrumptious, but i say that with the utmost respect.
by ndoki53
Fri Sep 21 2007She is absolutely stunning. Very easy to look at and listen to.
by rellars
Wed Sep 12 2007Looks won't save this one she has no substance very bland
by wtfaadce
Thu Aug 30 2007She is cross-eyed and talks like she's on crack.
by adoringerica
Wed Jul 25 2007She is simply gorgeous. Her facial expressions, like when she rolls her eyes, seem to add passion to every subject she reports on. She tops it off with some tasty humor, making her by far the best anchor I've seen. Kansas
by gjohansson64
Mon Jun 11 2007Erica, I applaud you beyond belief for standing up to and putting into place some of those arrogant lawyers who participate in panel discusssions and all talk at once and can't even begin to hear each other's view. These arrogant SOB's, the worst being Nancy Grace, just want to hear their own voices. I could not believe yesterday when you told Christopher Darden and Lisa Bloom to both basically "shut up" and hear each other out, otherwise nobody can be heard. This behavior by panelists has irritated me so much over the past year that I don't even bother to watch any longer. Thanks again for stepping in and putting them in their places. I'll now watch your program and please pass the word on to all those of arrogance, arrogance, arrogance ........ Glen Johansson Spokane, WA
by vandyfan2005
Sun Jun 03 2007I'll agree with SpideyRocks - Smoking Hot! Great smile, truly professional mannerism, yet also a good sense of humor.
by rayden89
Mon May 07 20072 words HOT!!!! SEXY!!!!!
by deepn2music
Thu Mar 29 2007I've been a fan of Eric Hill since TechTV... She is the best anchor on TV. I love her sense of humor. Any guy that doesn't see her as attractive is quite simply gay. I wish she was the evening news anchor. Brian is such a pussy.
by rondoo
Wed Feb 21 2007I've been a fan of Eric Hill since her days on TSS (The Screen Savers or Tech Tv) on the G4 network. Erica is bubbly, sexy and smart and can beat them all with her wit and wisdom. Keep it going Erica Primetime with Erica Hill is # 1
by epiniphrin
Tue Dec 19 2006erica Hill looks like a big slick pair of talking lips
by 34billnicholas
Tue Nov 28 20065=great She is the reason I switched from fox news, I am looking forward to her return from maternity leave. P. S. please tell Lou Dobbs to stop talking about illegal aliens all the time. GIVE ERICA A HIGHER LEVEL..
by extvanchor
Tue Nov 07 2006Simply yummy. She's hot, has a great smile and she's a great anchor. I could watch her every night.
by buffaloviewer
Tue Oct 17 2006If katie couric got tired of doing the news as a solo act, erica and katie would make an interesting sucessor to huntley and brinkley... but, then again, i'm biased.
by helenkirby
Mon Oct 09 2006Erica I think you are great. Bright, intelligent, articulate. You are one of CNN's big successes. So glad they hired you.
by dcdirector
Mon Oct 09 2006She's the best anchor I've ever seen in quite a while. Refreshingly honest and a real looker.
by wnhay8d4
Fri Oct 06 2006Gorgeous women and a very good anchor especially at her young age. One of the most beautiful women ever in my opinion.
by yipps27
Tue Sep 26 2006Erica is the hottest woman in news! I am in love! She is the only reason to watch CNN.
by richardwebb
Tue Sep 19 2006Ms. Hill is obviously very bright and delivers with the prettiest and effortless face on TV.
by jee1223
Thu Aug 31 2006Talks too fast. Hard to understand what she is saying.
by mikey69
Thu Aug 24 2006Erica Hill is gorgeous, smart and cool. I wish I could some day meet her, so I can see her beauty in person.
by brandon1620
Wed Jul 19 2006Erica is the sexiest woman on t.v.
by loogan
Sun Jul 02 2006Erica is a great anchor and one of the reasons I tune in to CNN. Also has awesome chemistry with AC!!
by seansinger
Tue Jun 06 2006I gots me a goat nd a 62 Chevy. I gibe its all up to kiss her....
by jazzfan39
Thu Jun 01 2006Erica Hill is the only reason I watch CNN. Erica has it all, looks, charm, Intelligence, Style.
by polishrooster
Tue May 23 2006Erica is the best chick on the telie.i would like to see more of her.Too b ad we will nevr meet.
by pmbsr442
Sat May 20 2006Definitely a good anchor and very easy on my eyes. Love that smile.
by yourmotha
Fri May 19 2006who is this broad?
by y_washinton
Sat Apr 22 2006I wished she would wear a short dress everday .she got some great leg.
by garfieldrocks
Fri Mar 31 2006Her eyes are kind of far apart but she still looks good, also what helps is that she is funny. She also has great chemistry with Mike Galanos.
by bmet01
Thu Mar 16 2006I watch Nancy Grace most nights and sometimes i tune before her show and Erica comes on and there is this beautiful,smart and very easy to like paired with Mr Slick Mike Galanos.First of all dump Mr Slick and get Erica her own show or get her a more high profile job before some other network grabs her she is a real talent and very easy on the eyes.
by ramki1
Tue Mar 14 2006Shes smoking HOT! Why do you think I came across this site? Googled Erica and landed here. And the flirting going on with Anderson.. Isnt that what we all want to see on TV?? haha