Empire Strikes Back

Approval Rate: 75%

75%Approval ratio

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    Tue Oct 12 2010

    Matt Groening's finest hour.

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    Thu Dec 31 2009

    depressing. still good but very depressing.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    again Duh!!

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    This is my 2nd favorite Star Wars film.

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    I actually think this movie is pretty good, but I'd love to see what it would look like now that we have better computer animation.

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    Eh not a big starwars fan

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    The best of the early Star Wars films. Most likely better than the first due to more money to spend on it because of the huge success of the first film.

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    Thu Jun 26 2008

    Very much awaited continuation of the Star Wars first release, we were eager to know what would the Empire do after that resounding success of destroying the most powerful weapon the empire came up with. Retaliation was expected, and the magnitude of it was , to some point, to be feared. Beautiful story and coherent continuation, the movie came up with some rather unexpected and surprising events. "I am your father" is one of the most hair raising and chilling line in the movie. Evidently, the genius of Lucas kept us anxious while waiting for the dramatic completion of the story. Hence, no other movie was more painfully awaited than the third, thanks to the masterful tension created in the second. Perhaps the best of the three movies, actually, of the whole six.

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    Wed Mar 05 2008

    The darkest of the OT, this movie is easily the best of the saga in this Jedi's opinion and possibly one of the best movies ever made. Darth Vader: There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you. [pauses] Darth Vader: Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Luke: I'll never join you! Darth Vader: If you only knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father. Luke: He told me enough! He told me *you* killed him! Darth Vader: No. *I* am your father. Luke: No. No. That's not true. That's impossible! Darth Vader: Search your feelings, you *know* it to be true! Luke: [anguished] No! No! (lifted off of imdb.com)

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    Sun Jan 27 2008

    Excellent pace, cinematography, and story. Star Wars is pretty cheesy in general but this one was the least so. Many people list this as their favourite. Boba Fett is introduced but he doesn't do that much. Excellent directing and decent acting makes up for the horribly wooden script and jarring lines, helped out immensely by Ford's natural charm and Fisher's emotional range. How fitting the best films ever made are shunned by Hollywood and seen as trivial or simple by what passes for modern intellectual leaders.

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    Wed Sep 13 2006

    I tried to find a reason not to give this movie 5 stars and I couldn't. It's fun to watch repeatedly, so it earns the perfect score.

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    Mon Mar 20 2006

    Can't beat it. Definately the best of the series.

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    The second movie in the 1st trilogy also called Episode V. It may be the best Star Wars movie of all time IMO. This is the one that Luke is told by Vader that he is his father. A dark and powerful movie.

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    Sat Feb 11 2006

    Very much an awesome movie! It is the darkest of the original trilogy, but is such an immense improvement over the original in terms of storyline, character development, plot complexity, and cool characters. Anyone notice that Yoda the muppet (in this movie) seems to be a lot more life like and expressive than Yoda the CGI'd wonder pixel (in Episodes 1, 2, and 3)?

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    A great movie. The dark second act to the original triolgy, the characters become more real. The good guys are very good, the bad guys are very bad, and the war rages.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    Any movie produced by Lucas can arguably be ranked as one of the worst films ever with regard to acting. The story was great. But George Lucas had to have his hand in everything. Even demonstrably talented actors come off as unbelievable. I give it OK, just for the effects

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    Mon Oct 17 2005

    Alright, maybe this flick has more twists and turns; however, you must state that the first movie was better in that it started the series, and really established a genre.

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    Fri Oct 07 2005

    Still the best, still watchable, still funny, and still has a few of the best sequences in the entire 'Star Wars' series. . .The Asteroid field, Yoda's training, and Luke finding out that he has real family issues. . .it's the darkest and best of the Star Wars films.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    yes it did deserve to play in the summer time lostboy should move in on this website he's a opinionated jerk

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    Thu Jun 16 2005

    this movie is................................................. ................................................... ................................................... ..

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    Fri May 20 2005

    This movie and the other 5 will long endure for generations to come.Of course they have already spanned 4 decades.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    ive reviewed a lot of movies and the empiere is the best! greatest made move of all! i has toched my life so much its by far the most unforgetable thing in my life the is no classic move to get neare it! most incredable move for sound john willoms is the best! you will never see a move so loving and cool as this one! most awsomly i have always love the AT-ATs! and the awsome scene of the first fight betten darth vader and luke skywalker! and you have got to admit it these has never been a sence so awsome as when darth vader tell luke I AM YOUR FATHER! every move to date always looks upon that scence because for one good move theres a hundred made! i watch this move every two days not kidding! some times i will watch it every day! for a long time time! ive never seen a move from 1980-ever that will look so real and unbelieabe as this one! no move can ever reach or begain to reach empirer! if there one move to love love these one god bless gorage lucas and irvin kershner,harrison ford, c... Read more

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    I like SarWars because of the action and the imaginative immagery and the sound effects. But I don't like the fact that there is a theme to it. It pushes the new aged idea of the Force which is a false religion. If it wasn't for that, this would be a 4 Star average.

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    Sun Dec 12 2004

    This has got to be my favourite Star Wars film. It's interesting to note that George Lucas did not write the screenplays or direct the last two films in the original Star Wars trilogy. This one was directed by Irvin Kershner.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    This is still the best Star Wars movie. It has the best special effects and a lot of plot turns. I still am not sure about Yoda, I mean did he have to be a muppet. The enhanced version is great and I can not wait for the DVD. A must see for any Sci-Fi fan.

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    Wed Jun 16 2004

    Even though it was a sequel. I own all 3 of them and I must admit I like all 3 of them equally. There all really nicely done, and you can't compare them to anything that was done back in the 1900's era. There fantastic.

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    Thu May 13 2004

    best of the holy trilogy (don't count the others.....garbage,complete garbage)

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    Mon Apr 19 2004

    The greatest Sci Fi movie ever!

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    Fri Apr 16 2004

    one of the best movie I've watched, good endings, good stories, lots of character in depth and background, good special effect for that time, good costume for that era, genius sequeal plan.

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    Wed Mar 17 2004

    Great film.

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    Wed Jan 21 2004

    A great Sci fi Movie. Awesome cast, awesome effects, nice story line and well ahead of it's time.

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    Thu Dec 18 2003

    Compared to the first in the trilogy, just mediocre.

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    Mon Dec 08 2003

    No matter what the critics and die-hard fans say, I still can't see the greatness in this film. For me it's just one lost battle after another. The slow motion take when Luke cuts of the head of Vader in the dream makes me groan. Yoda is a nice addition to the cast of the Star Wars universe, but even his Jedi powers can't save this film from being dissapointing. In Star Wars the good guys are supposed to win, not get frozen in carbonite. Vader being Luke's father was just too wierd for me. Although I do appreciate the forshadowing provided by his dream. All in all I just don't feel that this film fits the feeling that a Star Wars movie should have. Even if the snow speeder sequence is cool as hell.

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    Fri Nov 21 2003

    The Empire Strikes Back (released in 1980) was a great movie and a strong sequel to Star Wars (1977). As other comments have noted, this was a darker and faster paced film than its predecessor; however, this added to the realism (by science fiction standards). One secret to the success was the quick editing and segues from scene to scene and subplot to subplot which added to the frenzied feel of the movie to great effect. As a sequel, there were no major casting decisions (ie Mark Hamill still plays Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford returns as Han Solo, etc); however, I was dissatisfied with Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian. The choice of an black actor was inspired, yet Williams has never impressed me and didn't here. Nevertheless, 120 plus more minutes of screen time allowed the director and screenwriters to develop the characters even further (though Yoda was not believable in my opinion). Of course the overall plot and special effects were spot on (given the available techn... Read more

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    Wed Nov 12 2003

    This is my favorite film fron the Star Wars trilogy! A sequel that is equally genius to the first one-amazing!

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    Sat Oct 11 2003

    Definitely the best of the Star Wars series. It is dark, defining and sets up the most important battle in the Star Wars universe.

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    lmao at star wars. star wars sucks

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    Wed Jun 04 2003

    The Best of the series!! ~Erg!

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    Fri Apr 04 2003

    The best of the series. No long intros, jump right in. It kept the swashbuckler spirit yet elevated the story to timeless myth.

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    Fri Feb 28 2003


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    Sun Feb 09 2003

    Lame and dimwitted story line. B-Movie material with an A-list budget. Proof positive of the disminished capacity and ability of the American Cinema.

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    Wed Jan 08 2003

    The best Star Wars movie ever! Great plotline, action, special effects, and battles!!!

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    Thu Nov 28 2002

    My favorite film in my favorite series of films of all time. So much to see in this movie, and it's all great. It does leave you hanging in a way, but they had to stop somewhere I guess. In any case, this is film-making at it's absolute best. There are so many memorable scenes...The battle on Hoth with the Imperial Walkers, Luke being captured by the Wampa creature and the audience sees him really use the force for the first time to pull the lightsaber into his hand, Luke learning to be a Jedi on Dagobah, we get to meet that lovable Yoda for the first time, the Millenium Falcon flying into the asteroid belt, only to learn that they are in the belly of a huge space slug, Han and Leia escaping to Cloud City, only to learn that they've been betrayed by Lando Calrissian to Vader, Luke flying to Cloud City to face Vader in what is probably the best lightsaber duel of all the movies, Luke getting his hand severed at the wrist and then finding out moments later that Vader is his father. So ma... Read more

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    Thu Nov 21 2002

    i would rate all the films in the original triology great but like most people(star wars fans in paticular) i would have to say this film is my favorite "chapter" of one big movie. this is were everything started getting interesting. han and leia falling in love, darth vaders stunning confession of absent fatherhood, yodas revealtion of another jedi. you get the point. still like star wars this still offered great action and cliffhanger type moments. the best balanced film of the the three. my fav part was when yoda lifted the x-wing out of the swamp accompanied by john williams powerful score for me that scene summed up the what jedi where all about as compared to empire who only used power for personal gain and control.

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    Tue Nov 05 2002

    The most critically acclaimed of all the Star Wars movies, it wasn't my favorite, but I liked it all the same. Deep in it's own way, and a great building up of the climax to Return of the Jedi.

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    Mon Sep 16 2002

    Hey! This isn't at the top of the SW list?! I'll fix that! All the other five-star reviews pretty much sum up what I have to say; definitely still the very best entry in the saga, kicking the drama and action up a big notch or two. Only the yet-to-be-produced Episode 3 has the potential to surpass this one, and a slim chance at that. The 1980 FX still stand up well. One of the greatest scores of all time, along with the other two trilogy entries. Oh, and btw, I still strongly recommend that the best way to see this movie is a widescreen copy of the original version of ESB. The 1997 SpEd rather irritatingly screwed up a few sequences. Whenever Lucas gets around to putting the classic trilogy on DVD, I hope he sticks in an edit-your-own-edition feature...I can dream, can't I? :)