Elizabeth Vargas

Approval Rate: 67%

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    Wed Nov 10 2010

    The Vargas Girl! One of my faves! She is so expressive when she presents her stories. I like to single-step my tivo and capture all of her different expressions! I'm easily entertained. Seriously though, she does have great delivery and is very easy on the eyes. I don't know about all these comments about her being a bitch - she always seems like a warm and caring person to me.

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    Tue Jan 24 2006

    I think she has incredibly tough shoes to fill. Millions of americans loved and trusted Peter Jennings and I doubt they would be happy with anyone right now. She's pleasant enough and I think Bob Woodruff is a nice balance. They just don't have the "age brings wisdom" and trust that other anchors have, which is why I think Bob Schieffer has had the ratings skyrocket.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Awful--has a voice like fingernails on a blackboard, and I just get the feeling that she would kill her own child to get ahead if she thought it would help her! Will not watch her, if she ends up on ABC News as an anchor, count me out!

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    For the negative reviewers: Jealous females (I'll avoid any sexual orientation comments, but you know where I'm coming from, for these folks) or old gasbags who think Katie or Barbara Walters is hot - what is your problem, this woman (Liz Vargas) is flat out hot! Should have been given the chance at morning network anchor, long ago. If she's a prima donna, so what? Like that sways your opinion with Uber B Katie (BTW - glad to see Today Show ratings go downward due to her diva behavior). In short, leave Liz alone. Jealousy, pure jealousy.....

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    Thu Oct 20 2005

    Ok folks when will you all wise up and recognize that Anchors are just TelePrompter "News Readers"? They don't create, cover or make the news. They read the words and make facial expressions like eyebrow frowning. So you judge them on these charismatics. The news media organizations use a woman like Vargas to raise ratings based on looks and acting skills. When you cheer for an anchor your cheering for a packaged, hyped marketing campaign. They are there to bring viewers so that they can sell advertising time to sponsors, hence make money. The news anchor reads the information other reporters worked all day to generate. the anchor is a product and poster girl.

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    Wed Sep 28 2005

    Elizabeth is one incredible reporter. She is a complete package. I particularly like the edginess of her reports. She dares to question reality and in doing so, makes us all think. WOW, what a great anchor.

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    Sat Jun 18 2005

    Really terrific. This exciting lady makes me really want to watch the news! Elizabeth has the most sexy mouth, this side of Christine Romans. Wonderful, exciting lady. I just can't wait to turn on 20/20 or the ABC evening news just to see her.

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    Fri May 06 2005

    Not very good; better for less serious news.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    World class legs!

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    Her nickname at ABC is Elizabitch. That says a lot...

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    Tue Jan 11 2005

    Honestly, my only reason for watching 20/20 is only her. I think she's got talents, and she's really pretty too. Great job!

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    She did a hatchet job on Matthew Sheppard. She looked like she was feeding lines to the murderers and low lifes she was interviewing for that story. Wasn't it bad enough that the poor young man was beaten, tied to a fence, and left to freeze and die in the middle of nowhere? Look at the website of the Matthew Sheppard Foundation, and see what questionable reporting this was..and what was edited out. She should be ashamed of herself.

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    Her background in Journalism is scant and is topped by a BA in journalism. Her highest achievemnt has been in rankings for best hair on TV. Her rewriting the history of the Sheppard case and getting into bed with two admited killers should earn her a one way ticket to the unemployment office.

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    Sat Nov 20 2004

    I give her only a two. A good reporter but don't like her anchor. CNN's Colleen McEdwards looks like her more beautiful younger sister.

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    Mon Oct 25 2004

    Her bitchiness is part of her sex appeal, despite often bad taste in clothes, other times she's just wicked hot. Incredible smile, gorgeous eyes. I would send her back in time 100 years for a good corsetting, then she could flog me silly.

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    Sun Oct 24 2004

    I have followed Elizabeths career since her GMA days. I had hoped she would have filled Joans anchor position, but ABC's management decided differently. I felt she is very articulate when she speaks. She does her homework well !! prior to her interviews. She seems like a warm hearted person, with a pleasant voice and is a very attractive lady. She is always welcome in our home. Sometimes the public is very cruel to the celebrity type. They are continuously chastised for the way they look, speak or for a position they may stand for. There are only a small percentage of the public that are malicious and it may seem to drive the celebrities into hiding. They need a break at times, just like the rest of us. I became more aware of this since my daughter has became an anchor for a FOX NEWS Station.

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    Tue Oct 05 2004

    ...the only reason to watch ABC.

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    Tue Sep 28 2004


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    Sat Sep 25 2004

    Might be tolerable on 20/20.

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    was the wrong women to replace joan on gma and no one actually likes you

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    Very professional but still looks gorgeous. ABC should hope Peter Jennings retires so that Elizabeth can replace him.

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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    Do not like her, her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard, can't listen to it and just change the channel when she comes on. Has kind of a haughty, icey air to her that I just find unappealing. She should get up every day and consider herself the luckiest woman alive because she has risen so far above her talent, she is lucky indeed!

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    Wed Sep 08 2004

    20/20 is going to be a lot better with her on there. Relieving us from the insane and sucidal inspiration that was Barbara Walters.

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    Wed Sep 01 2004

    Nice rack, makes ABC tolerable after hearing the likes of Diane Sawyer and Barbara WahWah!

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    Mon Aug 30 2004

    Opportunistic skank!

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    Fri Aug 27 2004

    I like her. I like her a lot.

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    Fri Aug 20 2004

    Every night I watch Elizabeth I tingle. I think I'm falling in love with the news now that she is on in place of Petter. Peter who??

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    Mon Aug 09 2004

    I really didn't care very much for her at first, but she's begining to grow on me now that we see her on a frequent basis substituting for Peter Jennings. My only suggestion to her might be to expand her wardrobe. Every time I see her she looks exactly the same as the last time I saw her. She'll make a good replacement for Barbara Walters in the fall of 2004. Not that I dislike Peter Jennings or would like to see him retire anytime soon, but Elizabeth would make a good replacement when Peter finally calls it quits.

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    Wed Jul 14 2004


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    Tue Jul 13 2004

    She is as competent as anyone else in tv, and she has a sexy rack, a beautiful face. She should take a hint from Katie Couric and show off her sexual elements more. I only like to watch sexy babes who appear to have brains.

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    Sun May 23 2004

    Highly overrated. Now she's going to be on 20/20. Not that good of a reporter and really not that good looking.

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    Tue May 11 2004

    Great to finally see her get a shot at a lead anchor position. I love her voice and her previous work at GMA and Primetime Live has been quality. I wouldn't mind seeing her replace Jennings if/when he decides to hang it up (hopefully no time soon). And let's be straight: she is an incredibly beautiful woman. Her sexiness is more subtle than the overmade FNC women. She is always welcomed in my household.

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    Mon Apr 12 2004

    Elizabeth is often cold and sharp in her retorts to field reports. However her primary asset is her curvy body and pretty face(even at 40). Her real beauty is rarely seen due to poor makeup and hair styling. She could also subtly dress a little sexier without being too distasteful. Her voice is easy to listen to and she is certainly easy on the eyes.

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    Wed Jan 07 2004

    Career by thighs. Typical of the ho's passing for reporters today.

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    Finally it looks like ABC News has given her the WNT Sunday job. Regardless of how you feel about her interviews or her reporting, you have to admit she's awsome behind the newsdesk. ABC needs to position someone to take over when Jennings retires. Of the anchors I've seen, only her or John Siegenthaler (of NBC) could make WNT a winner. Another question about Vargas is that she seems to do well in other capacities--newsmagazines and morning shows. Does ABC want to tie her to the WNT anchor desk?

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    Mon Nov 17 2003

    Elizabeth is both, easy to listen to and easy on the eyes. She's got beautiful eyes. Her hair, attractive but not polished to the perfection of most celebrities, says she will succeed, but will do it her way. Her pouty lips are the finishing touch in making Elizabeth one of television's sexiest newspeople. I could easily watch her at 6:30 five nights a week.

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    Fri Nov 14 2003

    I give Liz a three only because I think she's a total babe with a hot little body (although lately she's been looking a bit elderly on Primetime). However, some of the preceding comments have it right - she comes across as a cranky b_tch. I wouldn't be surprised if she consistently throws breakable objects at Peter Jennings.

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    Sat Nov 08 2003

    This woman has absolutely no life or talent. why is she in TV?

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    Sat Aug 16 2003

    How can you say she is SWEET??? She is at best a shedevil of network news, ready to pounce on Peter Jennings' desk the moment he drops dead.

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    Mon Aug 04 2003


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    Thu Jul 17 2003

    Ms. Vargas' biting retorts to some interviewees suggest she has a pompous aire about her that leaves a bitter taste with these viewers. When she's on, we switch channels.

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    Thu Jul 17 2003

    One of the worst, she comes across as a cranky, mad at the world broad. Grating voice!