Electrolux / Aerus Lux Legacy

Approval Rate: 69%

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    Thu Dec 01 2011

    I purchased an Aerus Guardian Lux in 2008 and by 2011 I started having multiple problems with it. First, it was the black powder from the motor, then the problem with it overheating, and finally, it lost suction power. I took it multiple times for repairs but each time I was told that it was fixed, a new problem came up with it. I truly feel that I wasted my money on this machine and I do not recommend it to anyone. I should mention that we only used it twice a week for regular household cleaning.

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    Wed Jun 01 2011

    This vacuum is really good. It has a lot of features and does not disappoint me when I need it. But if you are looking for one of the best vacuum cleaners for pet hair, it has to be the Shark one. I reviewed it here: http://bestbaglessvacuumcleaners.co.cc

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    Wed May 04 2011

    Brand new Legacy, purchased in April 2011 keeps cutting off. The canister indicates that the bag is full even though it is a brand new bag. It does restart, but cuts off 10 times over the course of vacuuming 3 rooms. I have always owned Electrolux canisters, however the company seems to think that the problem is my fault. The repairman says that he can not duplicate the problem in the work shop. I asked to return it and get my money back and was told NO. Beware of Electrolux...they are not what they used to be! I owned it for less than a week and they will not allow me to return it as a lemon.

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    Fri Oct 22 2010

    I don't know fellers. You say the Lux is not so sturdy. The sales man come to our house and did a bang up demonstration and we are pretty convinced it's a good machine the Lux. We got a 50 Jubilee and an old blue Electrolux looks like it come out of a rocket ship but this new one looks and runs pretty good. The salesman feller banged on the plastic so hard it scared the cat and he banged on it several times and it scared the cat but he couldn't bust it. The plastic pipes not the cat. So I think the feller who rote that his cracked and broke must have gotted a counter fit one because this new Lux looked pretty dam solid to me and the mrs. I am almost I suppose pretty sure we are going to buy the Lux and the feller showed us the air filter literature and we are probably gone to think about buying one or two also. Yes, of course it's a lot of money to somebody who don't give a dam and spends more time buying scratch tickets & hanging around the 7-11 complaining about the governmen... Read more

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    Thu Sep 02 2010

    As a lifelong and second-generation Electrolux user, I have been spoiled. Lesser vacuums just won't do. I've tried, and been disappointed. So despite the shocking price, when my old Electrolux no longer worked well, I bought the Aerus with its 20-year warranty. At my age, I expect it to outlive me. On the plus side, it does a great job of cleaning and has handy attachments, including the Sidekick that's great on carpeted stairs. On the down side, you need to be a sumo wrestler to get the attachments off to change them. Maybe it's me. The release button is hard to push and I have to step on the attachments and pull with all my might to get them off. I will try waxing the fittings to see if that helps.

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    My old, brown, 1975 Electrolux, now Aerus, vacuum finally "died" after 35 years. The only service we ever had to do was replace the tubing. The thing just kept working until the motor finally burned out. It was cost prohibitive to repair, so we sadly left it at the shop. Felt like we lost a member of the family. That vacuum was terrific. We are now in the market for a new vacuum and I will buy an Aerus, probably a rebuilt since the new ones are over $1000-although it would be worth every penny. Hoping my next one lasts 35 years!

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    Thu May 20 2010

    bought mine 5 years ago. I didn't care for the sales man's pictch. He was a little belittling, the price of 1200 dollars seems like alot but you truly get what you pay for. I have not had any problems. I absolutely love the attachment with the built in motor. Cleans car seats better than a commercial carwash vaccume. Look for one used on ebay they are arond half the price or less.

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    Fri Apr 09 2010

    Believe it or not, my original Electrolux Canister 50th Jubilee Vacuum was purchased in 1972. Yes, I said 1972. It has required repairs over the years, however, I finally decided to retire it this year, as the motor has just about had it. Do the math, this vacuum lasted 38 YEARS. It was expensive when we purchased it, but certainly was worth the money. We bought it from a door-to-door salesman and then had it serviced at the local franchisee. I purchased the Aerus Lux Classic Canister this afternoon and believe it will probably outlive me. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HAPPY WITH THE SERVICE AT MY LOCAL SHOP. Do you know anyone who has owned an Electrolux Vacuum more than 38 years? Mine did need to have the motor replaced once, and I just didn't think it was worth it to do it a second time, if they could find the part. DO NOT HESITATE TO BUY AN ELECTROLUX VACUUM; THEY'RE REAL WORK HORSES.

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    Sat Jan 09 2010

    We have a Lux Legacy by Aerus and use the hell out of it! It works fantastic! We paid 1,200 dollars for it which I thought was ridiculous, but my wife wanted it and I thought well how often do you need to buy a good Vacuum, like 20 years? The only one I've had that came close to suction power was the older aluminum body Kirby with the big fan, and the Lux has way more suction. There is no height adjustment on the power head because it sucks itself to carpet and with the cog type belt it never slips like the old junkers I had before! We also got the little sidekick powerhead with it and that works great too. I don't like the whole salesmen thing but he did start at 1,600 came down, got a case of filters and afterfilters with it also and the phone # for himself and the place for any parts or warranty issues. I called even to make sure someone was there. Never hesitate to by one of these, if you do ever need anything parts are all over online.

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    Tue Dec 01 2009

    DO NOT BELIEVE IT IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU THAT THIS NEW COMPANY IS THE SAME. THE WHOLE OPERATION IT SEEMS IS A SCAM!!! THEY HAVE INDIVIDUALLY OWNED FRANCHISES THAT THE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS WILL NOT OVERSEE! I PURCHASED A *GUARDIAN AIR* UNIT. This unit does not work as indicated!!! ***BEWARE*** I WOULD NOT BUY anything from this company! I purchased the unit at a home improvement show with the guarantee from the salesman that it would do what it stated in the advertisement and more. He even stated that I could return the unit after a 3 day trail if not completely satisfied. This is why I agreed to buy it. What happened then is an OLD TYPE OF SCAM!!! Since he said he would have to ship it to me. I did not receive the unit for @ 2 weeks. Well after a 3 day return policy written on the sales recipe. Which is from the time of purchase. So you can see the SCAM. Sell the unit with the promise that it will work and they will back it up. Then when it fails- go to the fine print!!!! THEN W... Read more

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    The Aerus Company, formerly known as "Electrolux", is still a great company who produces one of the most efficient vacuum cleaners on the market today. The vacuums range in price from the low $700's to the extremely high $2200's. Though they cost as much as a new car, Aerus really puts a lot of work into the design and functionality of their machines. They are made of durable materials of the best quality and are guaranteed to last you for quite a while. If you should ever have a problem with a true Aerus Electrolux, the staff will be glad to help you out. I happened to be in my local Aerus store looking over their latest products when a woman brought in her upright Epic 3500. She was having problems with the control on the switch. Naturally, from years and years of use, the switch was shorted out and was causing the vacuum to start and stop the brush roll at random times. The vacuum, no longer under warranty, was repaired while I was in the store and the lady was not charged a cent. I... Read more

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    Thu Sep 17 2009

    The Aerus is a great vacuum cleaner; however, don't expect the company to stand behind its warranty. My dad has used this type vacuum cleaner for many years without trouble. A little over a year ago he purchase a new one with a two-year warranty. Unfortunately the handle came off. The company made the statement that our handles don't break and you most have abused it therefore we will not replace it without payment. My dad is 99. He doesn't abuse anything. This is a great vacuum cleaner but a lousy company who really doesn't care about their customers. They just lost one. ---J. Boyles

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I don't understand some of these negitive comments on this page ! These machines are by far the best machines on the market and their customer service is unheard of in today's world.The company aerus has been the original manufacturer of all electrolux machines untill 2003 when they changed their name to Aerus. I have been an Electrolux customer for years then I was ripped off when i bought an Electrolux from a local building supply store to find out is was not an original Eletrolux. I have since traded that machine for a Aerus Legacy and it is the best machine I have owned the attacments are great and the suction is much better than the other machine. The only problem I had with this machine was a latch broke on the wand i called the store where I puchased it they picked it up that evening and returned it the next morning with no charge. Try getting that kind of service with ANY OF YOUR OTHER APPLIANCE COMPANY"S i dare you if you find another company with this kind of customer servi... Read more

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    I own a home cleaning company. I have used 15 year old Electrolux upright units and the newer Lux Legacy. I have never used a better vacuum and there are few that I haven't tried. That includes Kirby, Rainbow, etc. The Lux upright is sturdy but easy to push, has never needed a new belt due to the motor shutting off when snagging something, and cleans wonderfully well. I have pets and children and have had visitors ask me if I clean my rugs regularly because they always look so good. This is the best machine for my personal use, and it gets a tremendous amount of commercial use. It continues to perform well.

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    Fri Oct 24 2008

    While there are many vacuums that are available now on the market, the decision is a little different from the one that would have had to be made 50 years ago, where only a few choices remained. You'll pop into Wal Mart or Sears and see these lower priced units for sale that look nearly as cheap as they cost. However - these are great to get you through that tough little moment in which you may have a vacuum emergency. But to get a product that has an excellent warranty and will last nearly as long as you do is few and far between these days. With the proper care, these will really last a long time - 10, 15, 20 years. They ARE the same as your mother's Electrolux - it's the same machine, only slightly updated to be lighter and more durable. I see a lot of the comments here are concerned with warranty surrounding the vacuums. A lot of products are similar in warranty (not just vacuums) in that the warranty covers an actual defective piece of the machine itself (it does happen occa... Read more

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    With all the new vacuums being advertised, it was quite overwhelming trying to pick a vacuum. There are so many people out there that will stand by the vacuum the now have...Miele, Dyson, Electrolux and not everyone will agree with only one vacuum. Especially the salesman trying to sell them. I considered the Lux Legacy mainly for the history that it has in my family but the warranty has the best out of all the vacuums I looked at. (5/10 year warranty) So, I made my decision and bought the Legacy. Yes...I paid more for the vacuum, but I wanted something that was going to last a long time. I'm wondering after all these negative comments on here that we're talking about the same vacuum. The Electrolux name no longer belongs to Aerus/Lux where I bought my Lux Legacy. The name Electrolux belongs to Eureka which has built a very cheap and poorly made vacuum. I was confused at first when doing my research because when I typed in Electrolux my computer pulled up a company and v... Read more

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    The best vacuum I have ever owned in my life. I had a Dyson before and i was unable to get any service. I have had the Lux Legacy for 2 years and whenever I need anything the gentleman who sold it to me comes to my house at no charge. What companies offer that service today? i am very happy and recommend this vacuum to anybody.

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    ALL LOOKS NO SUBSTANCE: You Are Paying 6 times what this 'Lox Negacy' should be worth. I guess the good'ol sales folks are worth every penny they rip off from folks who buy this vacuum cleaners AT TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Any body can offer a 25 Year warranty if it's not meant to be honored. My WAND's top ends broke off after Three years, on examination of the cross section of the pipe material it only measures 1/16" THICK (that is ONE SIXTEENTH of one inch) of very brittle PLASTIC. Of course it wont break right away because it is a pipe, but eventually from the weight of the power nozzle and constant flexing that part will crack AND EVENTUALLY BREAK OFF. The more it's used the sooner it will fail. I tried to get them replaced under warranty but of course, the all-seeing, all-knowing 'agent' ACCUSED ME of having misused the appliance AND broken them off myself and refused to honor the warranty. But why would they want to give away a subpar replacement part when they get to make $... Read more

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    Tue Mar 11 2008

    A vacuum expert told me that after model 1505 (Silverado), the Electrolux models went downhill fast. I am sorry that folks are spending a ton of money for the new models-they won't last nearly as long as my grandmother's 1205. She proudly paid $272.50 in 1972, but that machine is alive and well (with a new hose). My advice to anyone is to buy an older model, with a good hose, and plan on having that for at least 25 years. The model G can't be beat, but even models 1205, Super J, Olympia, and Silverado will not dissappoint. Just keep the hose clear and the power nozzle free of hair and string-like debris.

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    Sun Mar 02 2008

    I purchased a Legacy Lux cannister model vacuum just over two years ago. The reason I purchased it was because I have always used an Electrolux cleaner and have always been satisfied by the performance. I am TOTALLy disgusted by the Legacy Lux. It does a very poor job of cleaning and it is not user friendly. It was also extremely expensive. I don't mind paying good money for a good product, but this was like throwing money away! I will NEVER purchase another item from electrolux again. I feel I was duped by the salesman and by the company. Count me as one extremely dissatisfied EXCUSTOMER.

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    Sun Feb 03 2008

    Do not waste or spend extra money buying the Aerus Lux Legacy Upright Vacumn. I have been using Aerus/Electrolux vacumns for 40 years and the earlier models (1970's and 1980's) are a work horse, however, since the company has changed or restructured during the 1990's their products have lessened and are less dependable. I purchased the Aerus Lux Legacy in Summer of 2006. Because I now use a home cleaning company, I seldom use this product. During the Holdiay season ending in January 2008, I went to pull the vacumn cleaner out of the broom closet and dust it off having only used this machine 3-4 times since obtaining ownership during Summer 2006. I went to vacumn up xmas glitter from taking down the holiday decorations and the beater bar engine suddenly died. I immediately called the manufacturer in the Marietta, GA service center and the owner would not come and retrieve nor repair the appliance. I had to take the unit to another vacumn shop in Atlanta, GA that repairs all mak... Read more

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    Wed Oct 24 2007

    To: PatPlunk I am sorry to hear you are not happy with the product you purchased. From your description I believe you have our Top of the Line Guardian Vacuum cleaner. If that is so, then let me provide you with some information you should have received with the hopes of clearing things up. You state that you did not receive the warranty on the unit. The fact is that when you purchase the unit we register it with the company for you the same day. We do this for ALL our customers because most people forget to send in little warranty cards. In addition we DO NOT require you to hold on to your receipt in order to get the product serviced under warranty. All we need is the serial number that is location on the bottom of your unit. Your unit comes with a 5 Year Manufacturers Warranty against any defects and a 25 Year Warranty on the 2 motors in the unit for any defects (one of the best, if not the best warranty out there!). Most people would have a hard time holding on to a receipt for 2... Read more

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    I give it one star only because there was nothing less than that.  I have used Electrolux vacuum cleaners for over thirty years.  I made a mistake when I let the lying snake of a salesman talk me into buying the "top of the line".  It takes very little to knock off the hepa filter, it's heavy and is very over rated.  I did not get my warranty and instruction book when my machine was delivered.  I only had the word of a lying salesman about the warranty on this machine.  I have had problems with it but there is no need to call customer service since they will almost call you a liar.  The company I am dealing with now is no where near the company I started dealing with in 1973.  I believe they will not be able capture the purchasing from younger generations.  They are in no way customer or consumer friendly.  Between the machines I have purchased and family members have purchased in the past few years, it amounts to about 20 machines.  None of these will be replaced by Aerus Electrolux a... Read more

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    Mon Sep 10 2007

    The vaccum cleaners by Electrolux are one of the oldest & best in the category of home cleaning. The vaccum cleaner I have is so efficient that it takes just minutes to clean a sofa, carpet or even a room. Its handy too. The suction power is high. Also the accessories with the vaccum cleaner like airbrush, long nozzle are wonderful and one can use them to clean just anything, anywhere.

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    Mon Aug 06 2007

    the best vaccum ever...

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    Mon May 07 2007

    hi there this bob i have allways had electrolux all my life 50 years ther are simpally the best for reliabillity. in fact i bought 2 of them for 1500.00 ea on 03/01/07 for my split level house have to down size to appartment willing to part with one of them for 700.00 with all the attachment or i will just put it in a corner cuz there also nice to look at!206-501-9574

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    Tue Dec 20 2005

    My mother’s Model 1205 (Purchased in 1968) was still working when my wife and I traded it in to get a new upright Epic model in ’96 – It was 28 years old. Two years ago I went and got the Lux Legacy Canister model being rated here. It’s a great vacuum cleaner. Although the outright design has been modernized, it’s still the top quality vacuum we always had. These cleaners are the best you can get…Although the modern models are made of high end plastic instead of metal, the cleaners are still the best made on the market. The accessories are the best available, horse-hair brushes, motorized sidekick - A world better then the cheap nylon brushes and air powered "Turbo" tools you get with any other vacuum cleaners. These cleaners do use bags, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s much cleaner. There is no mess to empty. Yes, I have tried three different models, Dirt Devil, Hoover, and the new Dyson Ball. Expect to pay more….But it’s definitely worth it. Who else is willing to give a 5/10 year... Read more

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    Sun Aug 07 2005

    i have never been so ripped off. lied to. they wanted $1600 and my vaccum, they gave it to me for $1200. store in Torrance, CA, on Hawthorne Blvd.but who's the fool ? i just think people need to look at today's Electrolux/Aerus vs what they remember. Esp. the AERUS Electorlux in comparison to price and value. it's not your grandmother's Electrolux, she couldn't have afforded it, and she was too smart a cookie ! this Aerus is something new, and independent stores, sales people come & go and lie. they are LLC's (limited liability companies-so you can't really go after them) so they are fearless. On 8/6/2005 10:12:53