Ehud Barak (Israel)

Approval Rate: 57%

57%Approval ratio

Reviews 32

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    Sun Oct 23 2005

    Offered Arafat about %98 of the territories in dispute;Arafat preferred to get them by murdering the Jewish inhabitants,instead-and turned the offer down.

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    Israel needs to get a new electoral system to get rid of the kooks and extremists. Then something could get done.

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    Mon Oct 25 2004

    Really worked hard for PEACE in the Holy Land.

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    Fri Jun 18 2004

    A good Israeli leader. So many people hit on him for not negotiating with the Palestinians, but its pretty hard to negotiate with terrorists, especially when the PLO refuses a deal where that they would get 95% of what they wanted.

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    Sat May 01 2004

    A decent Israeli politician. Now that is a good joke! They are all murderers.

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    Tue Oct 28 2003

    Barak never really knew what he wanted to get out of the peace process. His problem was that he couldn't decide if whether he was hard right or liberal in negotiating with the Palestinians. This indecisiveness really is what led up to the halt of the peace process.

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    Fri Mar 14 2003

    tried to mix sincereity with world politics!

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    Mon Feb 17 2003

    He was a hypocrit. He is as bad as Sharon. Anyone who disguises himself as a woman to go into a village to murder innocent Palestinian women and children, should be prosecuted in the Hague (just like Sharon) and should never lead a country. In regards to what he offered Arafat, he was offering a "Swiss Cheese Plan" to the Palestinians, where there would have been the first inland archipelago in history. In addition he never accepted the Palestinian proposal and walked off the negotiation table in Taba. He was no man of peace as he let the settlements grow and continued submitting the Palestinians into a system of apartheid...together with Sharon and Netanyahu, the israelies should be ashamed of electing these leader.

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    Thu Feb 13 2003

    Poor Ehud trapped in a closed room with Arafat and Clinton. The moral corruption had to be palatable and Arafat’s legendary lack of cleanliness oppressive. He deserved better partners.

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    Sat Oct 20 2001

    He's not even in power anymore in Israel.

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    Sat Jul 14 2001

    This military man has spearheaded Israel's decline and dissaray. He sanctioned the provoking visit of his rival Sharon to the disputed temple mount, causing the current wave of unrest. In doing so, he didn't realize he had shot his political career. Later he discovered how a miserable fool he had been to give his rival the winning ticket.

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    Tue Jul 10 2001

    not a surprise he has dissapeared

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    Mon Jun 18 2001

    Finally! A Prime Minister who echoed the collective voice of secular Israelis and was simultaneously respectful of the Orthodox viewpoint, even when it wasn't respectful of him (which was very often the case). He was also realistic in his rapport with PA President Yasser Arafat and offered many concessions to the Palestinian people (who have suffered as much as the Israelis have with their Arab neighbors) such as water rights in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and allowing the Palestinian Authority to have de facto control over the Palestinian destiny of eventual statehood (which I believe is inevitable). Unfortunately, the Orthodox want to make Israel a theocracy and have only reinforced their international image as hysterical, uncompromising mental midgets who have been known to physically attack Conservative and Reform Jews worshiping at the Wailing Wall while branding them as "false Jews" who want to deny the Jewish people Eretz Yisra'el. These shrill right-wing Likud wackos call ... Read more

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    Sun Jun 17 2001

    Probably the most naiv prime minister in Israels whole history! Will hopefully never return to politic again.

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    Wed Apr 11 2001

    Barak at least was clever enough to understand that Israel's only way to peace is to recognize Palestinian's right to establish their State, and to hear what they have to say. His successor has certainly less wits and believe that force (the only language accessible to his poor brain) is all. He will never achieve even 10% of what Barak almost got.

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    Tue Mar 27 2001

    He is not what Isreal needs right now.

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    Sun Mar 11 2001

    As a 16 year old American and an atheist, maybe I don't understand fully the importance of Jerusalem, but I've always admired the way he TRIED for peace. Ending the bloodshed is more important than any city! People are dying! I miss him, and I just hope Sharon can control the situation.

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    Tue Mar 06 2001

    I know it must be a hard job to be Prime Minister, but he has no excuss!!!!! Barak was horrible for Israel! What was he thinking when he was offering Jerusalem?!! Jerusalem is ours now and forever!!!!! He was going to make agreements without passing it by the knesset, What was he thinking?! He was out of his mind, and just because he was out of his mind we should not have to suffer. I am glad Sharon will be Prime Minister instead of Barak, now HOPEFULLY Sharon can get us peace without paying a highh price, Hoping for the best

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    Wed Feb 21 2001

    I said he would be trouble. Now that he has joined with Sharon we're in deep crap!

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    Tue Dec 26 2000

    It is interesting how many people think Ehud should march downtown on a white horse butchering Arabs.Being Israel's most decorated soldier I think he has more than proved he is capable of war. The fact that he is willing to go the hard road for peace makes him the man for the job.Considering how long the division in plaestine sum total has existed I think it is high time the armchair theorists and extreme fundamental protagonists SAT DOWN,SHUT UP,AND OPENED THEIR EARS AS TO WHAT IS BEING SAID TODAY! FOR WE ARE ALL AWARE OF WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY. THE FACT IS THAT MESOPOTAMIA MUST BECOME A UNITED DEMOCRATIC TRADING BLOCK WITH A 21ST CENTURY AGENDA.GOOD LUCK EHUD.

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    Wed Dec 20 2000

    Even if Barak was the best man alive, to me he is a killer.

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    Wed Dec 20 2000

    Not a good politician and definately not a good dresser. However, he has implied that he is willing to go a long way for peace, wich is the only thing that kan help the region. If he means it, I hope he stays on.

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    Sat Dec 09 2000

    Anyone who can blame Barak for the situation in Israel needs to get his facts straight. No matter how much Barak submits, the Arabs will never stop until Israelites are wiped off the face of the earth. He is doing as well of a job as he is able under the circumstances, seeing as how he can't win.

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    Sun Nov 19 2000

    stop the fighting,this is not getting anywhere! death is not the solution!

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    Jerusalem is the heart, soul & eternal capitol of the State of Isreal & the Jewish people. Anyone who really thinks Arafat wants peace should look into his rhetoric of hate & violence. Berlin united & Jreusalem devided, who's idea of a joke is that?

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    Mon Oct 30 2000

    Talk about a no win situation. He knows that Israel's long-term security in the region is predicated on establishing a lasting peace with the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world. Yet, to do this, he must negotiate and shake hands with a man who not too long ago was the leader of a terrorist organization whose sole mission was the destruction of Israel and whose people are taught from birth to hate Jews and Israelis. In addition, he must deal with his own people who are understandably skeptical of the peace process, many who do not want to trade land for peace, and all who will never give up any control of Jerusalem. Barak is doing everything he can in this very difficult time.

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    Wed Sep 13 2000

    Barak is an embarrassment to Israel. He seems so indebted to Carville, et al., (who ran his campaign FYI) that he's been willing to negotiate away Israel's security. Now Arafat is demanding control of Jerusalem -- nice negotiating work Barak...

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    Fri Dec 10 1999

    Peace. :)

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    any leader who is leading a country which was forcibly grabbed from its rightful owners, I would rate as terrible

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    Sat Nov 27 1999

    West-bank willing to negotiate but should find faster solution

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    Tue Nov 23 1999

    Thank God the peace process may be revived.

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    Sun Nov 21 1999
