Approval Rate: 44%
Reviews 0
by warts5de
Mon Aug 01 2011eHarmony is a dating website designed for trolls, migets and dwarfts. If you're a Siamese twin and looking for a soulmate.........Good luck.
by chigal
Sun Jul 17 2011I agree to all these people saying that eharmony is a SCAM. I contacted them after paying for two months, and having NO luck at all. They sent me this Draft of reply, saying that it takes time to find a Spouse. Wait a minute, who is asking for a Spouse?? I don't even get anyone replying to me. Anyway I think I have to pay for another month (because I am bound to) and call it quit. I have had better luck at (At least 'met' few decent people), but joined EH on a friend's recommendation. For me I think it's my ethnicity/religion.. I am Indian, Muslim because I can sure say I am not a bad looking girl. Anyway it has been a disappointing experience.
by anece2b4
Fri Mar 11 2011It is a site that is false advertising. I was one month of experience, and only two contacts. It is a malicious website misconceived You agree to pay for one month, and after the expiration of the month, they automatically charge your credicard , without authorization. They use in bad faith to make money, the site is just a way to make money, does not fulfill the purpose for which it should be.
by waterfallbooks
Wed Mar 02 2011I joined eHarmony years ago but have only had a paid membership for about the past 6 months. I decided to make the leap and pay for membership after a guy I knew and respected joined the site. I figured if there were guys like him on the site maybe I should check it out further! Even though I haven't had a great experience on the site, I'm less upset about it than most people seem to be, likely because I didn't pay as much for subscribing. I found, which has a huge list of promo codes. I paid $19.95 for my first month, then as a current subscriber I was able to use a code that let me get 3 months for $14.95. Before that one ended I was able to extend my membership for 3 more months for the same $14.95. Seven months for $50 isn't bad! I've had the same problems on the site that many others have had - inactive members or members that close me "out of the blue." While I have never met anyone from the site in person (aside from the two matches that were guys I already k... Read more
by kissmya
Sat Feb 05 2011For ugly or very fat people.
by muumuu
Sat Feb 05 2011First of all I don't think eHarmony itself is a bad service, it's more the response from the so called serious men there looking for something, it sure doesn't feel like love. My biggest peeve is the so called Christian men whose hearts bleed for mankind and suffering and close you out at the first thing you say that they don't like. I just closed my account and yes it is possible , it is there but the wording is ambigous intentionally I'm sure . When I say close I mean stopped the renewal , stopped any further so called matching and emails and removed myself from their matching database. I think this service appeals to certain kinds of people, and they are looking for perfection, that probably explains why they are single to begin with. I call them head people who hav e checklist and scrutinise it indifferently and failing that if you have a sexy pic up and they can get off on it, you may get a few dates. To be honest I have one pic there and the number one request was for more and I ... Read more
by momanb20
Tue Dec 21 2010E Harmony is a scam,they say that you can review your matches for free and when they have their promotional weekends i tried to use it but instead they ask for a credit card number, they are liars and there service is very unsufficient.
by rikya026
Sun Dec 19 2010Wow 2100 pages of Eharmony haters on, I think I finally found some real matches there! lol Eharmony is a scam, they want my 45 bucks and give no bonafide matches...ZERO...NONE! What a scam they have going, Bernie Madeoff must be running this site! 99% and most likely ALL are NON-active Ghost members to entice fools into joining. Eharmony is actually advertising on some dating review site with a video!!! So they probably OWN the site! And I would bet heavy that a generous portion of people who "love Eharmony" are fakes working for the site being how there are very few take it or leave it people out there...its all love or hate and I know the haters are real because I just became another one of the growing population. Paying members cant contact anyone who is not? So what am I paying for again?? Oh yeah so I can see what they look like...wait I can do that for free on any other dating site. Then you can't organize them other than 'archive' some and then maybe 'clo... Read more
by shells5
Thu Dec 16 2010Only found a couple of the hundreds of matches they sent me to be anyone I would consider even contacting...was quite pissed when they auto-renewed me and charged my card...I called customer service and they were very adamant that they would not refund the $19.95, so I told her I was going to dispute the charge through my credit card company...she immediately changed her story and agreed to refund my money. So, I am now done with eHarmony for good!
by liz_spring
Thu Nov 18 2010I've been on EHarmony for the last three month. Some dates and definitely better quality people than I've found on Plenty of Fish. A few concerns to warn anyone thinking of a subscription. Many people do not add pictures (about 70%), many people add in very little info about themselves and so this is very like POF. The other warning and here's the big one, if you don't choose to end your subscription on your site, which is an option that I never knew about or understood where it was, they will automatically renew your subscription without notice and charge your credit card. VERY POOR BUSINESS PRACTICE! And No Refund Allowed!!! Be Aware!
by mylifeaz
Sun Oct 10 2010This is a total joke I tried it for the free week end and was a waste of my time I DEMAND A REFUND, 29 dimensions , more like 29 fat azz women , who claim to be average ,yes average size of their fat azz peers, poor excuse for a sight ,cant see why anyone would remotely consider paying for these fake ads
by leah_britn
Thu Sep 16 2010E Harmony? more like e Hell Waste of time and money, what a joke. Firmly convinced most profiles are fake, I mean really, all stages of questions are a go and then after your first email you get closed, I think not. I am an attractive intelligent woman yet I fell for the commercials because I thought I would find someone compatable, silly me. You can cancel your auto renewal of your CC, but its quite a process. I have 3 weeks of my subscription left and am really curious what will happen. Ha HA I seriously considered setting up a profile as a slutty, drunken, chain smoking whoreish type to see what would happen LOL
by buddcarpenter
Mon Sep 06 2010THIS IS A SCAM. 29 different personality dimensions my ass. So is every school teacher in my area is single? WTF? Seriously how the f--- is it possible to get 7-10 matches EVERY DAY after answering so many questions and the so-called dimensions and formulas are supposed to be state of the art. YA RIGHT. It's a bunch of bull, it's simply a computer program that sends you matches in your area and ignores all the stupid questions and answers you provide to it. I live in a fairly populated metropolitan area, but I don't think half the women in the age group I chose are single and on eHarmony. They send you all these matches so you think it's real, and you believe in the system --- so you will keep paying for your membership. Here is a very STUPID but very simple analogy: The creator of eHarmony..."I want to create an internet dating website that matches people based on a bunch of questions that my psychiatrist came up with. Ok, but I want to make a shitload of money, so it can't be like... Read more
by nomercy
Fri Aug 20 2010eharmony is a total waste of time. I bet ~60% of profiles are fake, abandoned or not paid up. I get 7-9 matches every day-90% of them are school teachers. WTF? Now simple math-I got 61 views in last 2 weeks(anonymous and not). 14 days times 8(average) matches is 112. What's up with other 50 matches? Are they real people? I think that most users of eharmony agree with me, that they review all of the matches-at least click on them. So why am I paying $40/month-to waste my time on dead profiles? Almost 3 months-not a single date. I am very good looking guy, never had issues with meeting women face to face. For shits and giggles I started sending those 5 dumb initial questions to 100% of my matches. Guess what-response rate did not improve, they just hang there in "Communicating" section. Next-sort of people who do communicate. They so lazy and inert and I guess expect computer do all the work for them. My advice-stay away, go to real world, or if you have to use internet dating-use a... Read more
by jwheatley19
Wed Jul 21 2010I wish I could say it was a good company, but they took my money against my will. They have an automatic re-sign-up kind of thing after your subscription runs out. I planned to discontinue using eHarmony after my subscription was depleted, and I didn't know about the automatic re-enrollment. I sent an e-mail to get a refund and discontinue, even if they wanted to prorate me for the days I went over, said there was nothing they could do about it. I am pretty unhappy about being forced to pay for something that I don't want.
by markufc
Tue Jun 29 2010Far too expensive and takes ages to sign up, who can afford £34.95 for one month? I have recently signed up to wicked site
by tallchickinbou_lder
Tue May 11 2010My experience with eHarmony has been frustrating. While I consistently receive matches, and I think some of them look at me, I have had very little luck. My biggest frustrations are: 1) New Feature: You can’t just close someone you’re not interested in. You have to archive them first. Then close them. If you don’t do that, you will get all of their profile updates and they’ll communicate with you because they have no idea you’re not interested in dating someone significantly (i.e. 8 inches) shorter than you. It goes both ways- I’m always communicating with guys who have archived me, and I’d rather know they weren’t interested before I bothered. Like my 5 canned closed questions are going to change their mind. 2) It would save a lot of frustration on both sides if they would let you select a height and body type range because if a guy is 6 inches shorter than a woman, or a woman has an extra 5-10 pounds, they’re closed anyway. Why make us go through the humiliation of being remi... Read more
by kent1eec
Mon Apr 19 2010E-harmony is a bogus dating site, please beware, it is simply a site looking for your personal information. No matter what information you offer to them, you will never receive what you are seeking.
by allen8002
Mon Apr 05 2010More than ninety (90) percent of the matches they sent me remained in the introductory stage meaning they never viewed my profile. eHarmony does not post a last log-in date, what does that tell you? After spending a considerable amount of money for their subscription one can expect a vendor ad on every page. Yes, you pay good money to view ads. eHarmony has a nominal word count and in most cases one is unable to express what you want to relay. As for the amount of matches, I received very few and what did appear, well many had fake first names, half baked profile information or no picture posted. I signed up for a year and asked eHarmony for a prorated refund which was quickly denied. In summation, eHarmony is over priced and over rated. After four (4) months, not one (1) date, nothing at all. I am 5’, 11” tall wear a size 48 jacket and exercise to keep the weight off. In addition, I did have pictures posted. As a minimum stick with a dating site that does not promote fraud... Read more
by moviechick412
Sat Apr 03 2010The thing about eharmony is that they are very deceiving. They tell you that you can call at anytime and they are so helpful, but when you search for the phone number, it is nowhere to be found on their site. I had to google it. Then they go on and on about how you can turn off your auto renewal which is next to impossible unless you call them and like I said, the number isn't even on the site and if it is, it is very hidden. I have gotten a few matches that seem decent and the people on the site seem serious about dating, which is nice since other sites are more like booty calls in my opinion, but the service seems so much more like a money making scheme and for them to be robbing their customers through auto renewal and other things, you'd think they would have a better website. They don't even have a mailbox for you, you have to go to the matches page to see if they've emailed you. It's very confusing and deceiving in my opinion. I'm sure people have met the loves of their li... Read more
by jmsmithson
Thu Mar 04 2010This is a website that has horribly confusing UI. As a result, not only is it hard to use and meet people, but they auto renew your account and make it really hard for you to cancel and not get charged when you're done. All my friends who've used this service have become a victim of their auto renew feature AFTER they have cancelled. Then, when you contact them for a refund, they refuse to give you one, claiming it was somehow clearly part of the agreement when you signed up that you'd get auto renewed. That's absurd. It's just a shameful, unethical money making scheme. Do not use this service. It's a waste of time, money, and they will try to eat your money...
by zilacious
Sun Feb 28 2010I knew my subscription was about to end, and figured I would get an email that it was coming up; instead I get an email that they have renewed my subscription and withdrawn money from my account. They refuse to refund my money, so now I consider them to have very unprofessional business practices. Jerks!
by crazyelephant
Mon Jan 25 2010EH is by far the WORST of the WORST dating sites! Signed up, hoping tg find a decent lady who has the same interests as I do, but NOOOOOOOOOOO...they tell me I am too "timid" and I "do not meet their 29 dimensions of compatibilty". What kind of crock is that? Do I have to be a mass murderer or child molester to meet their standards? Those commercials they show just crack me up. Why haven't they showed any "MARRIED on X date" instead of just "MATCHED on X date"? just isn't real. They can create websites and blogs as any IT developer this so-called "success story" between Josh and what-the-heck's-her-name...ahhhh...Tanyalee...must be the scam of the century to show unsuspecting newcomers that YES! it works. Right! Is there a problem also with me liking larger women? And I don't have a "fat" fetish! One day I will find that woman of my dreams, just fed up with church functions, bars, grocery stores, dances, etc...maybe I should turn into a hermit. At least my cat ... Read more
by echoactive
Tue Jan 19 2010The best thing I could say about Eharmony? After going through their half dozen or more pages of personality questions (which have the feel & look to a survey site - I'd start to expect to be compensated for filling it out, not the other way around!).... Surprise! They tell me that I just 'do not fit' any of their predetermined personality profiles. I try it again.... I'm still just not a fit for them & they are still just sorry they can't help me find my one true love, thanks to my special snowflake weirdo unfit personality! Some time later, I gave it a try a 3rd time & the 3rd time was the charm, somehow I finally fit into one of their categories. I do not know if they have improved over time & become more lenient or now have more predetermined sets to fall into, or if I had changed enough over time that my answers weren't as puzzling & different as they once were. Judging by the others they matched me to on the site & the sheer boredom & disinterest in all of my 'matches', I a... Read more
by grrrrrr
Thu Jan 07 2010ZERO stars. First of all, it struck me as odd that a site that charged so much would be so technically unsophisticated. Why don't they hire some good programmers, site designers, and testers with that money? The thing freezes up the browser a lot, esp in Explorer. However, the "delete photo" feature only works in Explorer but not Firefox, but the site freezes up more in Explorer than Firefox, so I have to switch back and forth if I want to edit my photos. The interface looks like a website from 10 years ago. Contrast to Facebook, which is free but functions 1000% better in similar features regarding messaging and managing pictures. THIS free Rateitall site functions better and has better features than eH! The match list has no sorting or flagging features, so if you have lots of them, you have to keep clicking through them all. Many have the same common first name and, if you live in a big city, have the same city, so are indistinguishable. How tough is it to put a little... Read more
by hellen234
Sun Jan 03 2010I wasted sooo much time, money and energy obsessing over my eh profile. Was a paying member 3 separate times and only went out on 1 date w a guy I really wasn't compatible with. Only got a handful of quality matches, I agree with the guy who renamed eharmony close harmony-- thats exactly how I feel. Most of my matches closed me without exchanging a word. I felt like I paid to be rejected-- sounds pathetic but true! It seems as though both men and women are way too superficial on the site and close out people without giving them a chance. EH has really damaged my self esteem as a woman. I feel like no guy wants to date me from signing up as a member-- and Im poorer for it too!! I was a sucker yet again and created a new profile for the free communication weekend... only to be closed out by several matches AGAIN- Ive learned my lesson the hard way. NO MORE EHARMONY. Congrats to those who had luck with it, but Ive had ony disappointments and wasted time and money with that site
by hotmassagework
Sat Jan 02 2010I might as well be dating on craigslist for free as this place sucks. paid for 3 months and 90% of the time I was rejected and 70% of the people were to far or i wouldn't be caught dead with them. All the decent people are super shallow on there and its not easy to communicate on there either and it sucks that you have to call them to cancel your membership. I think their commercial is fake and BS cuz all the couples look like each other which is weird.....
by jamsco
Tue Nov 24 2009I think eharmony should be called "close harmony" instead. I just got my computer shortly before i first tried eharmony about 4 months ago, i have only 2 more to go. First time i've ever tried any type of online dating. I hope when my next 2 months are up they don't do that auto renew thing that i heard so many complain about. I am a very good looking guy in my mid-30's of average height (5'9), and i am in decent shape. I have very nice eyes. I have a nice career as an electrician and welder, i make decent money, i'm intelligent, funny, down to earth. In fact when i would go out or if i worked at a place with lots of women or even at different schools i attended i would get very attractive women who would talk to me all the time. Even women who don't like to approach guys first would come up to me or at least find some way to get my attention. Other guys would call me a "chic magnet". Not something i was happy with because i'm more of an introverted type who just wanted a serious rela... Read more
by estarriol1138
Mon Nov 16 2009eHarmony is a pile of crap. I was on their site for a year and in that time I had a total of 1400 matches...I didn't meet ONE of them in person! Not a single date. I initiated communication with probably 90% of the people I was matched with. Of course, only a very small few ever responded at all to my communication request (probably 30 people out of about 2%) and of those all of them poofed at some point or another. What was also frustrating is that NONE of them ever requested communication from me...NONE!! I mean, I'm no Marilyn Monroe or anything but I think I'm fairly attractive, I'm a successful engineer who owes my own condo, I play video games and love blockbuster movies, I have a good sense of humor and I think I sounded very approachable and interesting in my profile but also very modest...but seriously? No one wants to get to know me?! Anyway, my subscription ended and of course, THE VERY NEXT DAY a match I had gotten a week before mysteriously sends me a com... Read more
by dreamgirl27549
Tue Nov 10 2009I truly believe that eharmony is a sham. After taking so much time to complete the profile, it is obvious that no one reads the results or comments. Most profiles that were sent to me were men that were the exact opposite of who I was asking for. This was a total waste of money. I hope others read this ad prior to spending their hard earned money of this site.
by wmac1234
Thu Oct 22 2009I think e-harmony is a big waste. I feel really bad for the people who are serious about finding thier soulmate and being taken in by such a dating service thet does not care about you, just thier own pockets. I saw somewhere on the web a FREE veiwing of your matches so I filled out the long and boring waste of time profile pages and at the end of it they want you to subscribe, thats all.there were no matches at all and I selected just about every state in the USA. I can't be that bad that no one has the same likes and dislikes in about 40 states. Come on eharmony give us a break and fix your company as it should be. If you are serious in finding someone you would have a better chance at your local bar or I will never subscribe to eharmony.They keep showing the same couple's on the site, what do they do work for the company? And the price is outragous!!! Spend your buck's on gas and go to the beach or somewhere. T... Read more
by scarlet45
Thu Sep 10 2009This site is HORRIBLE, firstly, if you join for free, they send you matches, who mysteriously disappear when you sign up and pay...hmmmm. Secondly their 29 dimension compatibility profile is a waste of time. I sincerely believe that most of the matches are fake. Over the weekend, I tested this free weekend trial, but I had been a paying member last year. Out of the 80 matches which were sent, 70 I deleted as they were hundreds of miles away or did not fit my search one ioata! that left 10, to which I received ONE communication reply, and funny how we were almost at the free communication stage when the free trial period ended... I was fooled ONCE with this trial period into paying only to have the ONE person that I communicated with close off communication right before entering the open communication stage. Its a scam and to all who have lost time and money to this site...PLEASE believe all of these reviews, they are all true. I am an attractive woman, self sufficient, and for so... Read more
by 236nde
Mon Aug 24 2009Do not subscribe to this site.. it is moneysucker site as when you first subcribe, you dont have the choice to select as one time payer by credit card. They made you register your credit card payment with the mandatory auto-renewal option. Thereafter if you not really careful, they auto renew your subscription without giving you any prior notice. When you call and inquire, they will tell you that there is no refund. The terms and conditions stated in the website are very ambiguous. There is a 3 days cancellation policy which stated that upon agreement executed, there is a 3 days grace period refund but they never explicitly tell you that this does not apply to renewal agreement. So i think this is business scam. They know once you try, you may find out that the site sucks, then if you choose to cancel, they can still con you for another month of subscription fee. This is not ethical at all. Majoritry of business terms and conditions have the refund policy for renewal customer. This com... Read more
by claire_montrose
Tue Aug 04 2009Not even one star. Negative stars. Sent me the saddest bunch of losers and THEY DIDN'T LIKE ME! They tell you to try everyone because you never know. So I was trying the saddest creeps, and none of them liked me even a little bit. Folks, honestly, men that I meet in real life love me. Very much. Just... they're always either married or toothless or something like that.
by erinlove
Tue Aug 04 2009Eharm-on-me is a scam. If you wish your wallet or your feelings to be harmed online then this is where you go. - Lots of people get no matches. I did though. Retired aged truck drivers on disability and I am 28 years old! -Then there is a system where you can say what people want to hear in multiple choice. And I heard from many people that users are terrified to jump straight to the email stage. -It is crazy expensive. -They play games instead of letting you stop payment after the trial. -People sue them constantly. THE PERSONALITY TEST SAID I WAS GULLIBLE! Then why (oh why) didn't I get a membership to EHarm-on-me? Update: When you do the test and they say you can't be matched, put yourself in a higher income bracket then suddenly you will be worthy of love. I swear these "29 dimensions of compatibility" are more with the site then with the people ..and in reality, it is only one dimension: 1. If you have enough money to pay them.
by nicckb3f
Thu Jul 02 2009Do not join eHarmony! I was a member of eHarmony for one year, and I am extremely disappointed. The personality matching algorithms they use are horrible; I would say that only 2-5% of the matches were even close to compatible with me. Furthermore, they match you with people who have not subscribed. So, you get matches that interest you and you can't communicate with because they are not members. Sure, it makes sense to show new people their potential matches, but I don't understand why they bother to show you matches that you can't communicate with. Also, they hide an auto-renewal feature in the fine print! So when your subscription is finished they auto-renew your account without your consent and steal another $19.95. I called the support and they said "we informed you of the auto-renewal when you singed up." I am sure that I never saw anything regarding auto-renewal. They said the $19.95 was non-refundable; however, they offered a 50% refund and said I would receive it in 2-3 billin... Read more
by escherman
Thu Jun 18 2009Everyone! Contact your state's Attorney General. That's why you pay taxes. They are there for you! Clearly, and with evidence, state your case. I've found that when confronted with state Attorneys General, scams like eHarmony will suddenly back down. You will get results.
by lsadoyon
Thu Jun 18 2009Beware of automatic renewal. I joined eHarmony a year ago for six months. Before my subscription was going to expire, they sent an e-mail saying renew for a special rate. So I renewed for six more months. Apparently when you sign up, in the agreement is that your subscription automatically renews. So I don't know why a year later, that slipped my mind but it did. So this morning I get an e-mail saying I was automatically renewed. I didn't want to renew. I assumed I would get an e-mail like the first time telling me to renew or my subscription was about to expire. But nothing until it was renewed. So I called up to say I don't want to renew and want a refund. They said, once it's renewed, there's no refunds. It was in the agreement when you signed up. End of story. I have never had this type of experience with a legitimate company. To me that is very poor customer relations. So I lost all respect for this company.
by beeberry
Sat Jun 06 2009Absolutely terrible! At first I joined as a "free" member, I was unable to communicate with any of the constant stream of daily matches that they emailed to me.... I finally decided to pay the expensive fee to join. The very next day after eharmony got my money....all the daily matches stopped. I would say that 90 percent of all the matches they send to you are also non-paid members. I found it "very suspect" that the moment I paid, all the matches seemed to fact during my pricey 3 month membership, I have not received a single new match. Eharmony is nothing more then a SCAM. I would rather wash my hands in Drano, and drink vomit- then to continue with the eharmony games.
by jeanie291
Mon Mar 09 2009e-harmony is worse than nothing........i have paid to be on the site 3 times .... and first time they complained that they were swamped with people that they could not fill demands.....then i did not meet any one and there were more sites the second time that it appears to be a peek show for god know what........... but no responsible i cant even get any more responses but 2 and complain all the time to eharmony that it is not reasonable that out of 75 men that only 2 are even looking at my is a rip off jip show...............dont waste time and money............
by 381819
Mon Feb 16 2009Just join spent hours filling out there personality thingy, and they came up with two matches. Could not find out how to communicate for free..I looked and looked. Not a good advertisement to join. It only frustrated the ****out of me.
by myhomezoo
Sat Feb 14 2009eHarmony truly doesn't deserve one star, but there is no option for no stars. My experience has been that they throw tons of "matches" at me and when I read the limited profiles that are provided, they are quite obviously people who I would not be compatible with. Here is a recent example: Me: 5'9 Highly intelligent, professional woman earning 6 figures. Recent match: 5'5 welder who says he doesn't like to read. When I complained to eHarmony and asked for my money back, they sent me two canned emails in a row that accused me of being superficial (apparently they are looking for "deeper connections"). I'm not sure what the "29 dimensions of compatibility" are that they advertise, but they sure don't include some of the most important things, such as intellectual compatibility and equality in a relationship. I am giving up on sifting through the hundreds of bad matches they send to me and writing off the money I wasted on this service. I intend to spend a lot of time in the next fe... Read more
by dazdiamond
Thu Feb 05 2009I have been on several dating sites. This is BY FAR the worst site I've ever encountered for a variety of reasons. This site is unsearchable (you get whatever your settings are), inability to view pictures without going into each match, unable to 'deselect' your match without posting a 'not interested' and honestly, the last 'current' matches I found were four to five months old. The site offers no flexibility in relation to satisfaction of product. Buyer BEWARE. After one month on this site (I had to sign up for one year), I knew it was not for me. I asked the membership be canceled, and refunded from the point of request to the final date of membership. Again - the company said sorry. I met my late husband on, had a bit of luck on yet HIGHLY recommend you skip this one! If I could rate this no stars, I would. D
by akhiker
Sun Jan 25 2009EH STINKS!!! They use mostly bait and switch to keep members "active" or paying. Once you pay; you get matched predominantly with "non-paying members" so people will get messages and be lured into paying. Once your subscirption expires; the same thing happens to you. How else do you think they can do free communication promos and things like that??? Where else do you pay to ge tmatched with people who can't even respond to you???
by anon999
Sat Dec 27 2008>I think eharmony is a horrible site. They send you matches that are not even members so you can't communicate with them. That was precisely how it appeared to me - except I'm more of the belief that the responses are written generically by a computer programmer. Oh well, they say crime pays. It seems like there is a legitimate shell there that is exactly what they advertise - careful matching for all the right reasons - and once in a while, two of them actually work out. But that probability is so low that it can be propped up by phony matches - which can be easily insulated so that you can never prove it, because you never get a response (MOST of the time). Otherwise, why would anyone subscribe for more than a month? They can be strung out for years - oblivious to true real probability of success. Read the other reviews, here and elsewhere, and decide for yourself!
by sphynxx
Fri Dec 26 2008Retardedly expensive for what you get.. I get better matches on 2 other free dating sites because they ask SOO many more profile questions. The matching questions on eHarmony are incredibly generic and aren't really going to result in much selectivity. They make it very hard to contact them for any customer support, and tend to make unauthorized automatic withdrawals after a subscription is up.
by grapeknutz
Tue Dec 23 2008I have been on this site for over 2 years and had onlt 2 dates.... and they were a disaster!!! never again will I go when my membership runs out! Beware this organization is a total rip off!
by furface
Sun Nov 23 2008I agree that eHarmony is a scam, and has become even more so over time! Now they are about to start matching same sex members, even though the founder, Neil Clark Warren, claims that this is a Christian service. It is far from that. Stay away from this money grubbing organization unless you are a homosexual. The gays wanted access to this "service" and sued to get it. Let them have all of it and waste their money on this charade.
by pacadeepac
Sun Nov 23 2008I think eharmony is a horrible site. They send you matches that are not even members so you can't communicate with them. They send you about five matches a day and three of those don't have photos. They constantly send out free weekend tries to people which have people make profiles and not sign up so they have matches to send to members but the problems is that person does not have an account so you can not converse. It's a rip off has been much better.
by dmana3172
Sat Nov 22 2008eHarmony is a scam. You will never find love or meet anyone online on any dating sites. The best way to meet and find someone is to go offline at a local church, a bar or a club. that's the only way it will work.