
Approval Rate: 81%

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    When I was a kid, I often slept over on a Saturday night at a friend's house, and every Sunday morning his father, who once knew and worked for NJ mob boss Willie Moretti, would make a big breakfast and invite several of his friends over (I think they would gamble together in the afternoon). To my childish, naive Irish-German eyes, it always seemed like a scene out of "The Godfather" and impressed me as being wonderfully exotic (I suspect that one of those I might have broken bread with was FBI agent and author Joe Pistone aka Donnie Brasco, who knew my friend's father since his childhood and later got him a bit part in the movie made about his undercover career in the underworld). As far as the food went, I particularly remember the fried eggs, which I never liked. The edges of the white part always seemed burnt and rubbery, and the idea of running my toast through the runny yellow middle and then gulping it down like a throatful of mucus nauseated me. My friend's father was always ve... Read more

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    I like eggs. Should there be concern about the high levels of cholesterol in eggs? Yes, but not for the reasons we've been told. The Boomer Generation grew up in a cloud of Old Wive's Tales and dis-information about cholesterol. To put it bluntly, we were brainwashed by a nefarious marketing campaign that was designed to push bad trans fats. Cholesterol is the primary substance responsible for transport and structure, from our muscles to our DNA. We need cholesterol and lack of it causes serious problems. So, where's the concern? It's found in the lack of anti-oxidants, like those found in dark colored fruits and vegetables, or high quality vitamin E (look for the tocopherols in it), powdered, buffered vitamin C supplements, or powerful spices like turmeric. Lack of these anti-oxidants creates a breeding ground for "free radicals". These are molecules that lack an ion and voraciously attack healthy cells to replace it. In the case of (good) HDL cholesterol, free radicals damage it an... Read more

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    Personally, I like them soft poached or coddled. If I'm in a real nostalgic Mick mood, I'll have them soft boiled in an egg cup with strips of toast to dip in them. Like others have mentioned, I'm more careful about my egg intake than I used to be though. They're pretty much a weekend only thing for me, and only some weekends at that.

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    Wed Dec 09 2009

    Its all in application and its never the primary thing I look for on my plate.

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    Wed Dec 09 2009

    Eggs are aewesome cooked anyway!!! If they just didnt make me dump 20 mins later!! The food I love to hate. Guys gotta love that "Morning Duece".

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    Scrambled eggs and omlettes are great, but I really don't like plain fried eggs (I can eat them in a sandwich if there's meat and cheese involved), and I can't stand boiled eggs. I just don't like the rubbery texture of cooked egg white.

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    I like eggs but must be in the mood for them. sometimes we have them for dinner instead of breakfast. like last night we had them with ham and cheese.

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    Fri Apr 20 2007

    Scrambled, omeletes and hard boiled...I eat eggs all day...preferable with some type of meat.

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    Fri Apr 20 2007

    Only if it's made in ham & cheese omelette form; I won't eat eggs any other way.

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    Fri Apr 20 2007

    Scrambled all the way.

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    Wed Apr 26 2006

    Omeletes, scrambled, Easy side up. So may different varieties. My favorite breakfast of all time is an omelette with cheddar cheese, onions, jalapenos, shredded steak and tabasco sauce...oh yeah doesn't get any better than that.

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    Mon Apr 10 2006

    I like them scrambled or hard boiled.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    I love eggs they make me fart and i love to fart.

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    I love eggs, any way than be cooked their delisious...boiled and put in a salad, a fried egg sandwich, scrambled with cheese....eggs are a classic breakfast food and their delicious any way you cook them

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    Sun Oct 02 2005

    I don't like eggs.

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    Wed Jul 13 2005

    Take your teflon pan and put in a dollop of olive oil and turn the burner on full blast. Take your eggs and add some cream or half and half. Add a little grated cheese, and onion and mixed spices. Whip this up and by that time the pan is hot. Pour in but make sure it doesn't burn. Turn several times and it's usually done in less than a minute. Hmmm.

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    Sat Jul 02 2005

    Ah, breakfast, my favorite meal of the day. Eggs are the foundation of any really good breakfast. You can make an omelet, hard boiled, scrambled, they're all good. My personal favorite is over medium, just a little runny. Salt and pepper, mash 'em up... Mmmm. Fried chicken embryo.

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    Fri Jul 01 2005

    i prefer scrambled TOFU :)

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    Wed Jun 22 2005

    i hardly eat eggs any more but i like them prepared everyway except poached and soft boiled

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    Wed May 25 2005

    I love eggs cooked numerous ways... mostly sunny side up very wet with a nice roll with butter to dunk in the yolk. But Im also a fan of them scrambled and over easy with a slice of cheese. Mmmm Mmmmm good!

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    Thu Apr 07 2005

    Scramble up a few with some ham and pepper jack cheese!

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    I love eggs. Especially fried or scambled.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    I eat scrambled eggs only. Most of the time I eat white rice and ketchup with it. Tastes good. I don't care much for the other ways to make them (over-easy or sunny-side up).

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Eggs are typically very versatile and filling. They also are quick and easy to make with very little clean up required. IMO, they should just allocate a space on breakfast plates for eggs...

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    One of natures BEST foods-eggs have gotten a bad rap they don't deserve.They contain the most complete protein,and every vitamin except C.As for the cholesterol they contain,they also contain the good cholesterolthat counteracts the bad type.Of course,you wouldn't want to eat too many on a daily basis,but they are much healthier than many other popular protein sources-especially the ones that are cage free and laid by hens not given antibiotics and hormones! They are also tasty,versatile and economical!

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    Would it be breakfast without eggs? Not to me. Any kinda way.

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    they are reaally nice yeah baby yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    Fri Oct 22 2004

    Hard-boiled, over easy, scrambled, I love eggs . . . but not as much as these guys do ( Check this out, it's so cute it hurts.

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    Mon Sep 27 2004

    I love eggs any way. It's the only breakfast food that keeps me satisfied for hours thanks to its high protein content.

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    I would eat scrambled eggs only, and only if I was forced to eat them. To me they taste disgusting. I used to like these a lot when I was younger but now I dislike them. I also think they are very unhealthy.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    Definitely after coffee, eggs rate up there as part of a great breakfast. However, unlike coffee which I consume every day, eggs are kept for special breakfasts for health reasons. I wish i could eat them every day.

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    Thu Jul 15 2004

    Eggs is one of the only kind of breakfast food that can go with almost anything. i love eggs when the yoak is fairly runny.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    I prefer them scrambled with cheese melted on them.

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    Mon Jun 14 2004

    Eggs are not so great in and of themselves, but you need eggs for cakes, cookies, biscuits, and other yummy and fattening things.

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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    I love eggs, there's so much that you can do with them that you could make eggs for breakfast three times a week and you would be able to make something different each time for months. I'm a huge sucker for omlets. To makethings better they have essential omega 3 and 6 fattyacids...

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    Mon Jun 07 2004

    I like the taste, but they're kind of high in cholesterol for such a little thing. Now that I think about it, fat, too. But there's no denying that eggs are one of the most versatile foods out there. I prefer Egg Beaters or other packaged egg whites to ordinary eggs.

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    Mon Mar 08 2004

    Strictly a weekend food for me, but I love 'em, sunny-side-up and gooey with butter and salt and pepper. Scrambled with fresh basil and fennel is good for a change too.

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    Fri Jan 30 2004

    Definately a part of my fry-up regime, but is last to go in the frying pan as it soaks up the flavour of everything that has been in before it.

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    Sat Nov 29 2003

    The best thing for breakfast. The incredible edible egg. Can be prepared in many ways, depending on what you like- fried, scrambled, poached, hardboiled, softboiled, and my personal favorite made into an omlette.

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    Sun Oct 05 2003

    I've never eaten eggs for breakfast in my life.