Reviews 0
by magneticd
Fri Aug 27 2010Edward Norton's only weakness is that he will always be Edward Norton. His voice and posture are the same in every film, but the man is seriously talented.
by nickthequick
Fri Dec 04 2009Never turned in a bad performance and has had several memorable roles (Primal Fear, Rounders, Fight Club, and American History X) and many other great performances (The People vs. Larry Flynt, The Score, The Painted Veil, The Illusionist). One of the few I truly hope wins a Best Actor Oscar soon.
by jglscd35
Mon Feb 16 2009Will win an Oscar in the next 5 years.
by halloweengal81
Sun Oct 12 2008i love edward norton. where is his oscar? primal fear edward norton vs. cuba gooding jr for jerry maguire and cuba wins> really> did you see these movies oscar voters>
by lion_in_winter
Fri Aug 29 2008Good actor- has displayed a broad range of roles- some memorable like the Skin head in American History X.
by hvmanor
Fri Aug 08 2008Freakin amazing actor and very hot. He is perfecton
by kaitlan
Tue Jul 29 2008OMGOMGOMGOMG <3<3<3<3
by paula5816
Mon Jul 21 2008He's good when given the chance to play leads...
by cyclee
Wed Jul 16 2008One of the true talents in the Hollywood today.
by kerri378
Fri Jul 11 2008Love this guy!
by elaine681
Fri Jul 04 2008ok actor
by lucylking
Mon Jun 30 2008One of my top five actors. Of course, I love hot dorks.
by urethramiacin
Sat Jun 28 2008The best actor of his generation.
by kimf2a9f
Tue Jun 24 2008One of my all time favorite actors. He is Priceless! Primal Fear is his best movie EVER! I suggest you see it if you haven't
by jennifer
Fri Jun 20 2008Haven't really watched a lot of movies with him in it....
by robin391
Sun Jun 01 2008Love Fight Club & American History X
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008has such range
by myspace_17490481
Tue Apr 29 2008The Score. That is all.
by dishwallafied
Sun Apr 13 2008I was blown away by his performance in "Primal Fear" and have been a big fan ever since.
by musicfan19
Wed Apr 09 2008A good actor, i havent seen many of his movies yet though.
by spike65
Tue Apr 08 2008A fine newcomer who has a lot of potential. I am keeping an eye on him. May move to five stars if he keeps up the good work.
by twitchin_monkey
Thu Apr 03 2008amazing work in Primal Fear. he also plays a good bad guy in Italian Job. I can't remember him ever playing a good guy in anything i've seen, but he's great at what he does.
by trebon1038
Thu Apr 03 2008I like Edward Norton...haven't seen too many films with him but he is really good in the ones I have seen. Loved him in Primal Fear and Red Dragon
by sublime9787
Mon Oct 29 2007my favorite actor by far. i love all of his movies and he can play any role as close to perfection as anyone can get.
by rockchick88
Sat Jun 02 2007To me Favorite Actor, Bags of tallent, Love all of his work! Top guy! (Y)
by chnchita
Mon Apr 30 2007Exceptionally talented! Love his work.
by victor83
Tue Feb 13 2007Exceptional actor. Whatever happened to him?
by unmarkedtombst_one
Sun Oct 01 2006My favourite movie of his is American History X
by kissmeback
Sat Jun 24 2006this is one guy who know how to play a bad guy with smarts.
by spungold
Sun Jan 08 2006One of my favorite actors, he can play just about any role. He's not typecast in my opinion.
by inoitall
Mon Dec 26 2005Great.
by el_weinman
Sun Dec 18 2005Fight Club and American History X
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Nov 07 2005A great actor who disappears into every character he plays.
by torontosucks
Wed Oct 26 2005Very good actor. If you'vce never seen "American History X" you don't know what your missing.
by goldilocks
Mon Oct 10 2005I've only seen American History X, but watching his performance I was blown away. I have too see his other films to rate him higher, but I'll give him 4 stars w/ American History X alone.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Oct 10 2005I'm gonna be different (as I am very different) and bring up with Death To Smoochy, the highly entertaining rip on kiddie tv, as his funny side that you almost never get to see. Fight Club was also cool and I love the kicking his own ass thing. American History X will continue to be what people talk about, as it was a fantastic performance in some very controversial subject matter.
by wolfie
Fri Aug 19 2005A rising younger actor- very nice looking and reasonably authentic. Was riveting in 'American History X'.
by dualistic
Fri Aug 19 2005The man is some kind of acting genius. He basically made American History X, and then had a very believable and interesting performance in Fight Club. The 25th Hour was decent, but once again he manages to portray his character in a believable way.
by godblessthisme_ss
Thu May 26 2005i really like this actor. he's very talanted and good looking......
by candy_kane
Thu May 19 2005The best actor under 35 around today.
by hello469
Mon May 16 2005Ed Norton is a good actor
by mad_hatter
Mon May 16 2005I have seen Primal Fear, Death to Smoochey, and Fight Club. He has played some weird and bizarre characters and has played each one extremely well. Definetley a great actor.
by texasyankee
Thu Mar 31 2005Always liked this guy, his roles are so versatile and he always does an excellent job.
by maomania
Tue Mar 01 2005He is good, really good. Have you seen him in Fight Club? He is good in every movie. American History I was so impressed.
by og5bc3c1
Fri Feb 11 2005this guy is without doubt one of the best actors of his only has to witness his perfomances in movies like american history x and primal fear to really understand the depth of this actor.his brilliance as an actor lies in the fact that he can portray such contrasting roles with such feeling and awe-inspiring top it all off, this guy has a great work ethic and this further accentuates his all round brilliance as an actor.being a person of a slender build,his hard lean body in the movie amexican history x showed that this actor is willing to go all out to add credibility to his role. edward norton is the best,and i definitely see an oscar in his future, provided that he can choose the right we all know,choosing the wrong movie to star in can cripple an actor's career, irrelevant of how good one is.
by dpostoskie
Fri Feb 04 2005Primal Fear, American History X, Fight more, he'll be great.
by fragile_ecosys_tem524
Fri Jan 14 2005he's such a slut