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Reviews 51
by akashchaubeyks99745
Tue Aug 08 2023Explore PGDM in Finance Colleges in Mumbai at Kohinoor Management School (KMS). Our curriculum focuses on finance principles, investment strategies, and financial analysis.
by ireview
Sun Feb 27 2011I have no major beef with our education system having just graduated high school last spring, I can say my experience was fine, I don't think the problem is with our education system, it is entirely up to the kid if they want to learn or not, go home and sit around, be lazy or not. There are so many things that appeal to teens more than school nowadays, and I can see why education is on their backburner.
by wiseguy
Sun Nov 07 2010Education is there for the taking. It starts at home. Get off the crack and go buy your kid a book or three...instead of $100.00 kicks...
by ralphthewonder_llama
Sun Nov 07 2010Most old farts gripe about spending their precious property-tax dollars on education, even as they trudge off to the bank to cash their entitlement checks. Gee, I wonder where that money for their Social Security is coming from? For decades we have designed an education system that, for the middle and lower classes, indoctrinate our children into becoming submissive workers in the system. For the elite, there were prep schools such as Groton, Milton, St. Mark's, and St. Paul's. Then off to the Ivy league schools where they would fraternize with other elites and learn how to network with those who would be pulling the economic and political strings later on. That system worked, not always well, but it worked. Until now. The "factory system" of our elementary schools--the bells which signal breaks, the strict discipline, the tedious repetition of memorization of useless facts designed to break the individual's will to comply with the system--is obsolete. Our factories have been NAFTAed... Read more
by haroldheard
Mon Aug 30 2010Education is one of the most important issues facing our country. To be competitive in a global market we need the best-educated students. I believe that local school districts and States know best how to teach our children and I will work to ensure that schools have the flexibility they need to teach the next generation. I will return the focus of our education system to its rightful place: students. Currently, we spend more money on education per child than any other country in the world, yet our students rank 19th out of 20 in international achievement tests. Clearly, a solution to our nation’s education problems must go beyond funding to include reforms that minimize the influence of special interests and policies that encourage parental involvement and innovations in the field of education. I believe a strong economy goes hand-in-hand with strong schools. Our current economic climate has put a strain on our public education system. Establishing pro-growth economic policies i... Read more
by jester002
Sun May 09 2010They only way our society advances as a whole is through the learning process. Our society has gone from pounding rocks into tools in a cave to advance satellite synchronized global positioning systems. These things didn't happen by accident. If our society fails to learn, it will fail to grow and slowly wither away into nothingness.
by rickytickytapp_y
Sat Sep 12 2009Not enough absolutes, too many opinions presented as fact. Twisted history vs absolute science/mathematics. Arts underfunded for sports. Etc. Education is a mess. I believe in home schooling over dumb government driven standardization.
by sesspunk
Wed Feb 11 2009ok. here's the thing i am a teacher. i went through all the avenues and all the courses and will be doing my student teaching soon. i work as an assistant teacher right now and i had a lot of input when i was in high school. with that being said, if you haven't done any of this than please refrain from talking. no one should be telling me how to run my class or teach my subject area. also parents who normally do not care about their children anyway bcause they "can't come to parent-teacher conferences because of other things" shouldn't be telling me what i can't teach. you do not plan my lesson i do and the state apparently has no problem with it. also nclb act was a joke. it didn't help schools. that we all agree on. however the parents in many districts don't say yes to a lot of levies that are very much needed because they feel we have the money in other areas. there is no money, just other organizations for different aspects of the school. like boosters for sports.
by jrichardma
Mon Jan 05 2009The government should have no part in education. We've given them all the power they want over it, and nothing is any better today because of it.
by lmorovan
Wed Oct 22 2008Education must be free and unencumbered. No party, group or government has any business sticking their nose in what is not their business. Education should always be about teaching and nothing else. when politics and political driven agendas are allowed in, it becomes an indoctrination issue which limits and controls the freedoms we cherish so much.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Wed Oct 22 2008A good education is very important, but you spend all that money on a good college education only to find out that eventually that good paying job you have will someday be cut by the government. It happens all the time.
by moosekarloff
Wed Oct 22 2008Here's an issue that's been ignored for three decades, even though Presidential candidates give it cursory lip service every four years and then do nothing. "No Child Left Behind" was an underfunded farce, and other "solutions" to the dilemma, like charter schools, home schooling, magnet schools and vouchers have produced pretty lame results, as well. NCLB was based on the ridiculous premise of teaching to a test objective, with the results of that testing not used to diagnose a student's weaknesses in order to determine proper remediation, but to determine funding levels for schools. In this, schools with underperforming testers were punished and deprived the resources they sorely needed, and schools with high achievers that obviously didn't need additional funding to excel got resources that were unnecessary. This was the most ass-backward approach to the problem imaginable, but, that's not surprising since it was a brain child of the Handjob administration. Furthermore, teachin... Read more
by katrinabena
Mon Sep 22 2008Education is a key issue and even though I am largely a Republican, one area where the Republicans do not have a clue. They keep lowering the standards while making college unaffordable for most.
by roarofthunder
Mon Aug 25 2008The education standards in this country are falling faster than the dollar. I've seen schools in LA and Miami where only a quarter of students graduate, and the teachers don't give half a damn. This country is digging itself a ditch that it may never get out of by cutting funding.
by georgia343
Sat Jul 26 2008They are keeping all the money for them selfs.The school aren't getting their money the others are taking it and putting it in thier pocets
by oceansoul
Fri May 09 2008Education should not be a political issue, it should be a personal issue. I fully support the idea that parents are best qualified to decide what their children should be studying and how much they should study it. The public education system is inefficient, arbitrary, and liberal.
by jglscd35
Sun May 04 2008education is an important issue, but should be decided at the local level and not by the federal government. schools today are filled with unmotivated students that are undisciplined and unwilling to learn. an education nowadays is a joke compared with an education 30 years ago.
by constitutionfo_rall
Wed Mar 12 2008The feds should just get the heck out of educationthe states can run things fine themselves
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 09 2008Growing up in NW Pa and close to NY state, our schools were pretty good but living in TN now I see the problem. A handful of schools around here are great and above average. Oak Ridge school system is in the national top 10. (Of course OR is full of nuclear scientists, you got to keep up) Then you go a little ways out into the boonies and the education system is stressed, understaffed, over crowded, and passing students with below-average grades to "get rid" of them. Hey, they will just get married and have kids anyways, why educate them? (their thinking, not mine). Even in some of the finer areas, the schools are way overcrowded.My other concern with education is that they don't want to step on toes...."so and so's parents might not like us teaching that". Tough sh**! One thing I learned in my 40 plus years is the more education on delicate subjects that we have, the better equipped we are to handle situations. We had a lot of sex ed in the schools for those not fortunate enou... Read more
by chalky
Mon Aug 20 2007Asides from it being extremely unaffordable,.....wait, I guess that's the problem.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Aug 09 2007Pooled one, I must again rebuff your assertion. The US public education system is a shadow of what it could be, overburdened by a lack of proper funding for teachers and aides (most aides are part-time with no benefits, having clocked 39 hours weekly). The teacher certification process in many districts (at least here in Phoenix) is appalling, with many teachers unable to properly pass the courses they are teaching. While I support the need for a proper education provided for by the government, thus far the system has not been up to the task, and needs an overhaul. Several other issues (poverty and illegal immigration chiefly) also impact this, so easy solutions are few and far between.
by mystikmadame
Fri Jul 06 2007I believe that education should be the most important issue of our times. We have people out there that could be teachers but don't because they know they can't afford anything with the meager salary given to teachers (at least in my state). You also have kids that have no respect and cause great teachers to give up and its not the teachers fault, that lies with the parents. We need more funding for after school program and things that will make kids want to learn and enjoy school. I know my friend who is a teacher says they spend more time taching the kids how to pass the semester tests than real studies because thats what the "No child Left Behind" act has made schools do. Children are the future and to not give them the best education possible is the biggest shame. There's also the problem that not everyone learns the same way but if we had more tutoring then maybe that would help. I know that when I was in school I had a hard time with math and because my teacher didn't want... Read more
by thatoneperson
Sun May 06 2007Education is the most important issue, in my opinion at least. The thing about education that makes it important is that it can solve most every problem is society but the lack of it can cause and prolong every problem in the society. Most people seem to think that the best thing when it comes to education is to spend as much as possible on it and expect that to solve the problems with it. This logic is flawed because the public education system is naturally flawed (if this system wasn't flawed then economics and psychology would be wrong). It is naturally flawed since the system as we have it has tons of resources and rights but no incentives. The no child left behind idea was a greater idea than the do-nothing idea, unfortunately the flaws of the system couldn't be fixed by this act (i will admit that it had many problems but the logic behind it was good). The problem is human nature. We all work on the principals of gain over cost. We want to get more than we sacrifice. When you b... Read more
by victor83
Sun Mar 11 2007Until the federal government got their fingers into the education pie, the US led the world in this area across the board. Now, we suck hind tit among industrialized nations. Dreamer alluded to "no child left behind"...this is a crock, has helped nothing, and is further proof of Bush's socialist tendencies. Want to improve public education in the US? Get the federal government out of it! The results speak for themselves.
by conservatism
Sat Mar 10 2007Education should be dealt with by the state, or at least more power needs to be taken away from the federal government and given to the state.
by szinhonshu
Wed Nov 15 2006Our system of public education is miserable. And it couldn't be happening at a worse time. At no time in history has it been more important to have an educated populace in order for a nation to succeed. And it is just at this very time that our national high school graduation rate is about 67%. We are committing suicide (of a sort) by allowing waves of immigrants in who place little or no value upon education. Immigration is great. Immigration w/o a desire to better oneself is a disservice to the the immigrant's newfound home, however.
by djahuti
Sun Aug 27 2006After spending a fortune occupying,bombing and "rebuilding"(sarcasm intended) Iraq,our own schools are deteriorating and substandard.If we neglect our childrens education,we stand no chance of NOT becoming a 3rd world country in the future.
by babaoreeally
Wed Aug 23 2006I believe very strongly in the need to preserve parent choice and a variety of "schooling" options for students. Parents should be, first and foremost, held responsible for the setting of behavioral standards and academic performance. Next, society as a whole needs to pick up the slack by repremanding neglectful parents and helping those most in need of educational resources. The one-size-fits-all, state as educator/parent does not work. Mass education must be a societal effort if it is to work. Giving the system more money will not improve the system.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Tue May 30 2006Very important political issue, that's the problem. Governments, by their design, do not do education well. Is there another thing in the world, into which we would pour absolute barrels and barrels of money, and be so dissatisfied with the result, that we would identify the solution as, "Hmmmm. We need to pour more money into this" ?
by doombug
Thu Mar 16 2006Teacher's unions and unattentive parents are equally to blame for this mess. Please don't expect the childless taxpayer to dump even more of their "share" into this bottomless pit.
by zzzoom
Thu Feb 02 2006Education is the most important aspect of the lives of the average citizen. It is the basis for all success in life. Teachers should make more money than doctors, and in return should be fired if they don't teach!
by mahjong
Mon Jul 18 2005All I can say is I hope they keep teaching evolution.
by inmyopinion
Mon Jul 04 2005I KNOW that children are the future.... We need to prepare them for it, WAY better than we are now.
by billb533
Wed Mar 02 2005Education is a State issue. The Federal Government should be confined to constitutional limits.
by louiethe20th
Wed Jul 07 2004The biggest problem with education is the NEA!No amount of money in the world will solve the problems caused by this very liberal organization.The only way for the NEA to be held at bay is for parents to take a stand and quit letting the schools raise their kids.
by redcastle
Mon Jun 28 2004There are so many problems with the education system that I don't even know where to begin. I do know howevere, where they don't have problems with the education system and that is in private schools. The schools set the expectations and the students must achieve. If they don't they're out. It's that simple. The parents understand the importance of an education and they make sure their kids get one. I do realize that not everyone can afford to send their children to private school but make no mistake, those who can and do are very involved with their child's education. Learning doen't take place in the classroom. It takes place at home! The explinations when doing homework solidify the concepts and dispell the confusion the children experience when they do their homework. This can't happen if the parents are not involved. When an adult brings a child into this world they are expected to provide for that child which includes educating them. This is an awesome responsibility. Yet to... Read more
by solenoid_dh
Wed Apr 14 2004I agree 100% with what was written by tboneya. My father was a professional educator for half a century and I'm married to a teacher. She has had to spend an enormous amount of time filling out forms documenting what color her students are, who gets the free lunch program, etc. We get mailings from the N.E.A., and it's all about left-wing politics. If you give a child the bad grade that he/she earned, the parents will come rushing into the school and accuse you of being a racist. Kids are allowed to sass and mock their teachers, because they know the teacher can't lay a finger on them. I was visiting the school once and actually saw a 3rd grade boy physically strike my wife. And the teachers are under so much pressure to indoctrinate these children politically (always in a left-ward direction) that between that and trying haplessly to maintain order, they hardly get a chance to teach the fundamentals we learned a generation earlier. I'm beginning to believe more and more what I... Read more
by virilevagabond
Wed Mar 31 2004Quality and affordable education is a problem, but the citizens and especially the educators do not like the solutions. First, a lack of funding is not the problem. I cannot speak for other states, but the last time I checked, North Carolina spends more than 50% of its annual budget on education, and that money does not included federal and local funding. That is a heck of a lot of money, so the problem must be how the money is spent. Second, the federal government should have a minimal role in education, limited almost entirely to redistributing educational resources on a national level to help smooth out the 'lumps' in resource availability on a national level. Third, some type of merit system must be imposed on our educators. I do not have standing enough to say which merit system is better, so just pick the one with the least warts (as they will all have some) and do it. Fourth, as painful as this may sound, the U.S. is overeducating our students. Lower level students do no... Read more
by classictvfan47
Mon Mar 15 2004Why do football players get paid millions when the people that educate our children (and adults!) barely scrape by on some of the most pathetic salaries this side of a fast food restaurant? Education is vital for our great citizens and should be taken very seriously. Teachers should get at LEAST a 1000% increase in salary. All schools should require teachers to have a certain level of education and certification. The older, decaying schools should be replaced with new, technologically-advanced wonders with built in computers, automatic doors, new books, teaching aids and more. A wise person once told me that ...if you ever stop learning, you know that there is a problem. This wise person is completely right.
by chrisk1177
Tue Mar 09 2004Teachers unions are destroying american education and they do it in the name of helping the children. Truth is, most teachers that I know could care less as long as they get their enormous pensions, $2 co-pay on Rx drugs, and their summers off.
by beanocook
Tue Mar 02 2004The federal Gov't has a surprisingly small slice of education spending. But in spite of this Bush has made more $$ available to more people for college than at any other time is history. In fact, despite continued tuition increases the cost of attending a university actually became more affordable last year. As far as spending at the state level is concerned. Most states spend nearly 66% of the annual budget on schools. With a growth rate of 6-10% far exceeding inflation. Eventually school spending will exceed the GDP at this pace. An impossibility of course but now you can see the addiction liberals have with spending.
by canadasucks
Mon Dec 29 2003Americans will always be fat/drunk/stupid as long as education is secondary. Our government lies about education- they really DON'T care- why would you educate a population of people you're trying to control? As long as people can't read, write, or perform even the simplest of algebraic or logical funcions, we are sheep.
by darthrater
Sat Dec 27 2003There are too many stupid, lazy teachers in America.
by redoedo
Wed Nov 26 2003It is quite obvious that the education system of the United States is deeply flawed. The biggest problem is the constant intrusion on the part of the federal government. Only around 8% of public school funding comes from the federal government, and yet it is the federal government that has the authority to decide what is best for school districts across the nation. As a high school student, I must say that I am very fortunate, as I feel that I am in a fantastic school. However, I realize that there are many who do not enjoy that opporunity. The first step towards reforming the public school system is to return the power back to the states. The Department of Education's sole responsibility should be to distribute funding. Let the local school districts (who through property and city taxes provide most of the funding for their schools) decide what is best for their schoolchildren. School choice is another important right. Parents SHOULD have the right to take their kids out of a failing ... Read more
by tencat
Tue Jul 29 2003If the government wants better schhools, they need to stop wasting money teaching 12 year olds how to put on condoms and how to perform oral sex!
by gspotc6d
Thu Jun 26 2003Private schools only. Government doesn't exsist to provide an education. It is NOT a right!
by kamylienne
Sat May 10 2003A very important political issue. We live in a country where many high schoolers can't even locate the their own state on a map, there IS a problem! Teachers are forced to pass students who should fail because the administration is afraid of getting sued, THIS IS A PROBLEM. Most of the time, the class doesn't even finish the curriculum laid out in the beginning of the year. Education should be a top priority!
by getback
Thu May 08 2003i wish they fed gov could do something it isn't the money it is how the matter is approached in the classroom
by twinmom101
Fri Apr 18 2003I'm a bit dismayed about all the bringing God back into the schools and that they are federally funded governement mouthpieces. For one thing, in recent years federal funding for schools has been about 7%. The majority comes from state taxes and local property taxes. This is where many of the problems lie. Rich suburban schools have higher property values, thus more money for schools. poverty stricken school districts can be horrendous to say the least. Read Jon Kozol's book, "The Other America" to see how school is being taught in East St. Louis. These children are not being given a fair shake. Sharing textbooks, bathroom facilities that don't work, teachers that quit in a matter of months because they can't take the high risk students and lack of support...I could go on! East St. Louis is not the only place dealing with this tragedy as most residents of inner cities can tell you. Until we revamp school funding we will continue to have poverty-stricken schools worthy of thir... Read more
by snoopy
Fri Mar 28 2003I think education is very important. We all need to learn how to read, write, and do math if we want to do anything worthwhile in this world. I think schools, especially at the primary level, need to go back to basics.