Ed Schultz Show
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 39
by katiestevens20_03
Wed May 12 2010Sometimes I listen to Schultz to get an idea of what his guests and callers are saying. What rubs me the wrong way is that like most Progressives his bills himself as a voice for "Working America". This is nothing but a euphemism for unions. I've been a consultant within private industry and amongst union members in civil service. I was treated fairly in both environments but the difference was that co-workers within the civil service sphere were always hostile at the most basic level, letting me know that I was taking work away from union members. Never once did they ever respond to the fact, the harsh fact, that I was willing to work as a consultant wherever I could get work so that I could fulfill my responsibilities which include providing for my Mother who has Parkinsonism. To be repeatedly treated like a piece of rubbish by those who enjoy privelege and benefit rich plans courtesy of the tax payer has tarnished my view of unions and those who favor them. Ed Schultz couldn'... Read more
by peetpot
Fri Mar 26 2010Ed does nothing but bash fox and anyone that doesn't conform to his thinking. I've tried watching but got tired of hearing the same crap everyday.
by landlady
Fri Mar 26 2010I watch "The Ed Show",every evening, and Thank God for MSNBC, and people standing up for Progressives. I love Eds Passion for the political views for the people, all the people from the center to left. He's very fair, but never backs down. And stands for his beliefs, certainly not, a Crazy Right Wing Nut, like Glenn Beck, who incites Rhetoric, and violence for "Nut Cases". The Leaders in Congress, need to make a joint statement to take a deep breath & ratchet down the violent hate speech, on both sides!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by rebelminion
Fri Mar 26 2010Calling this guy a great "Old Time Democrat" is an insult to all "Old Time Democrats"! This guy is NOT a democrat but a statist who seems comfortable with the idea of government controlling everything. The wasted few hours I have spent giving this guy a fair chance to win me over are lost to the ages. The only thing I came away with is that this guy blames everyone but himself for his lack of popularity. There is some conspiracy cabal out there keeping him from getting on every station in the nation. The truth is that people just plain are not interested in listening to him. He gets the audience he deserves which is probably fewer people than number of folks that believe Elvis is still alive or that we didn't really land on the moon. It's the fringe, and frankly, that is where he belongs. His number one goal seems to be to get the government to intervene so that he can force more folks to listen to his show. I have news for you Ed.... given a choice, most folks are going to choose list... Read more
by mattnmar
Tue Jan 05 2010.......five strs .........we needed him bad! Straght out talk by a liberal lefter real old time Democrat! Hail! old New Dealer! We need a new new deal with a Judge Pecora and an FDR and a packed Supreme Court the other way from NOW! Ed for Prez! SeN, Gov....... we need to clone him! Congrats ED, WE LOVE YOU!!! From Two old geezers in Maine, who know the score......... and that the people are losing!
by gsgnfl
Tue Nov 24 2009I love to listen to Ed. I just can't help but being amazed at the total bullshit that comes out of his mouth everyday. He just makes shit up and makes an ass out of himself everyday. Oh, and Ed is dumber than a stick. But he doesn't even KNOW it!! Ha. Ha.
by totalgym
Tue Nov 24 2009EDDIE....a red meat eating liberal....uh...a RED MEAT HEAD....is what you get when you tune in to this train wreck in slow motion...i will say this....psycho talk eddie fits right in C Mess NBC'S nightly parade of moonbats on the loose. Ed tells us one of his segments is Psycho Talk...what this character doesnt realize is that his whole schtick is one hopeless 60 minutes of P. Talk. Last time anyone bothered to check his ratings are down there with re-runs of Nancy Grace. oh well.....better luck next time C MESS.
by erinzmum
Tue Nov 24 2009As often as possible, I listen to both his radio and TV show. I'm definitely an Ed Head, and believe he serves an extremely important role. He's an alpha male who's unafraid to express liberal ideas without having ignorant, insecure right wing males question his masculinity. That makes it OK for other men to broaden their perspectives. In my opinion, one of the banes of our shoot-first-think-later culture is the pathetic way so many men mindlessly cling to obsolete ways of thinking about what it means to be a "real man." I, for one, am sick of it, which is why I love Ed!
by shelleybear
Tue Nov 17 2009I have both watched and listened to Ed for years. I was also a frequent caller. No screening (and no, I don't think we always agreed). His delivery is "Rush-like" BUT his arguments are well-thought out.
by austingal
Tue Nov 03 2009I am an Ed Head!
by flyfish2
Sat Aug 22 2009I am a veteran, gun totting meat eating liberal and I love his show. It’s about time.
by thetruthhurts9_9
Mon Aug 10 2009Ed cuts through the bull - and says it like it is. He's opionated by allows both sides to the table. Its great to have a moderate liberal stand up to the current lie factory on the far right.
by hammbone72
Wed Sep 03 2008Ed has given no executive positions Obama has held and his relationship with Bill Aires still remains unanswered.
by bushisguilty
Wed Aug 27 2008I've listened to Ed for over 2 years. I believed him at first, didn't screen calls, call if you have a beef with him or give him a heck ya, admits he's wrong, love your emails...well.. the hypocrite Ed Schultz has shown itself numerous times over the last 6 months. I've heard him embarrass a kid who called to disagree with him. He rails on a subject for days and then at the beginning of a show says he's taking heat so he will not bring it up again and then rants for 15 min. If someone after that calls to refute him he says You brought it up I said I was done. If you criticize him or point our that he lies or is hypocritical, you don't get on or he blocks your email. He sounds and acts more like rush every day. He admits that it is the money. He is a reTHUGlican turned demoRAT. I believe he would flip again if the money was better on the reTHUGlican side.
by gogotomorrow
Sat Mar 22 2008Used to be better before he sold out to Jones Media
by mraye2a9
Tue Mar 04 2008Ed Schultz show once was informative but now it is so nasty and not objective.
by jatpa2eb
Thu Nov 29 2007Although this talk is supposed to be "progressive" the host sounds more and more like a conservative. He believes that the 2nd ammendement to the Constitution means that every citizen should be able to have a gun. He is only critical of democrats and believe that Ron Paul makes sense. He even sounds like Limbaugh.
by dave123
Wed Nov 28 2007Gun totting meat eating liberal? an oxymoron.. much like all liberal air america radio hosts never hit it big and a true minor leaguer
by jframbes
Mon Oct 22 2007Looks like all 14 of his regular listeners gave him a five star rating
by freemantle6
Sat Jun 23 2007Big Ed is one of the few progressive voices for the working class. I don't always agree with him, but I feel represented finally.
by julie1961
Tue May 01 2007Love Ed, very truthful and love the guests he gets including the Environmental spokespeople with ideas about new energy, the Union members and of course the Senators and Congresspeople!
by labart
Wed Mar 28 2007Striaght talk great interviews!
by mark6127
Wed Mar 21 2007Big Eddie is GREAT. Check him out when he is a guest on Larry King sometime. He is the UP and COMING STAR. I like the fact he doesn't screen his calls.Like the fact that he has congressman and Senators on and gets right down to the meat of an Issue. This is the guy you could have a beer with and talk sports,hunting and Yes he knows his Politics. Check it out
by appmann
Sun Jan 21 2007An algore invention?
by viragocanada
Wed Aug 16 2006Poor old Ed - the talking horse. I thought he was stuffed and placed in a museum somehwere? His logic(?) seems to be right out of the anti-Reagan archives. His national radio show seems to be a forced anti-Bush diatribe. Me thinks he has regular pep talks from his financial backers to sound more and more extreme. His local show in Fargo ND, is generally much more evenhanded, but one can still tell which side of the political fence butters his bread. Listen and go from zero to migraine in under 5 minutes, or double your money back.
by 1skeeter
Tue May 02 2006I lean very much to the left. I have not voted for a republican for years. It amazes me that what very small amount of liberal media there is out there seems to be planted by the republican party to make liberals look bad. It seems to be an attempt to live up to the exact stereotype that republican supporters percieve. This show is no different. This appears to be a show that is to the left what rush limburger is to the right. A show that takes advantage of the intellectually not so blessed by getting them emotionally charged up. Ranting and raving like a trailer park drunk doesn't enhance the image of any political perspective. Shows like this all but guarantee we are going to be living in a republican economy for a LOOOOONG time.
by rocajo
Wed Mar 08 2006If only Druggie Limbaugh could be as eloquent.
by jthall
Wed Mar 08 2006The best progressive talk radio show host. This guy knows what he is talking about. Keep up the good work Ed
by drummond
Wed Mar 08 2006At first I wasn't too impressed, thinking he was selected for a show because his voice sounds just like Rush's. But the guy has some depth, and often bucks the party line for intellectual integrity. I am really impressed with the fact that he doesn't screen his calls. He may be the only nationally syndicated talk show host of any political stripe who does that.
by oldtimer
Wed Feb 08 2006A bit disingenuous...Claims he does not screen calls when in fact, he does...
by bojo345
Mon Feb 06 2006Ed, I like your enthusiasm, spunk and heart, but you are a feather weight in the heavy weight arena of talk radio. Name calling and playing "gottchya" isn't a strategy... ya gotta have a game plan and then... stick and move stick and move concentrate on security...borders, trade and health care. The American worker is looking to us for that leadership...secure Americna borders and immmigration, secure our major businesses and industries from moving offshore, secure affordable health care for all Americans....that's where we need leadership from the DNC..and stop supporting the loonies on the planet's left edge. There are some people we just don't need on our side. We lose crediblity for our ideas every time we allow some crazy with a megaphone on stage with our heavy hitters...i.e. Michael Moore, Harry Belofonte and Cindy Sheehan...luv'em but, leave'em at home.
by edhead
Tue Jan 24 2006shultz is what thinking adults have been waiting for. He admits when he is wrong, he can talk you down with facts, he has the actual sound cuts of idiots saying stupid things and cannot be "taken out of context". Best of all he does NOT screen his calls like all the other shows do. SO go get em ED.
by pfc_m_lewis
Fri Jan 20 2006Ed Schultz ROCKS! We have him now (as of December) on Armed Forces Radio Network and we love him! You rock dude. Eddie is the ultimate best thing to happen to us since care packages arrived from home. HUYA!
by rubbler3
Mon Dec 12 2005One day- sooner than later- Eddie will be a household name. Mark my words.
by ecp1976
Fri Nov 04 2005Once again, Ed wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face, ran him over with a truck or put a size 12 up his arse. He says he is the voice of the heartland...one question Ed, why do the "Heartland" states keep voting republican? Just what I thought, you don't have an answer. Please, how many liberal left wing loonies do you need to hear in a three hour program? I think Ed is a likeable guy but he won't really succeed in this business until he realizes that America is genrally a conservative country.
by b1rdman
Thu Sep 29 2005Great show. Stays on topic. Very invigorating. Moderate Democrat. Not a bit afraid to hear both sides. Not the host to challenge when short on smart like most conservitives are.
by pretty_buffy
Tue Jun 21 2005Utter somnambulism!
by handsome_hal
Sat Jun 18 2005It,s sooooo refreshing to hear truth told for once!!!
by scotty2
Fri Jun 10 2005Great to be able to hear from 1 or more congress folk each day on subjects of relevance.