Ed, Edd n Eddy

Approval Rate: 65%

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    Sun Oct 24 2010

    Ed Edd n Eddy is by far my favorite cartoon... maybe even my favorite show... ever. Setting my personal nostalgia and biases aside, it's a witty, ironically realistic show with a consistent cast of interesting and believable characters, each with his or her own relatable exaggeration that we can't help but laugh at, sometimes realizing afterwards that we've just laughed at ourselves. The creator of the show even claims that each one of the Eds represents a different aspect of his own personality, only making their "unlikely" friendship more - well - likely! Many people complain that the unfortunate circumstances the Eds often end up with give unsatisfying endings, but usually it just makes for more humor and, of course, more relatability for these adorable outcasts. Eddy may be selfish and arrogant, but he's easy to sympathize with during times of vulnerability or a cracked ego. Edd may be polite and high-strung, but that only makes it more enjoyable when he has one of his meltdowns or... Read more

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    Fri Sep 17 2010

    It's hilarious but 75% of the kids that like this show cannot spell worth a damn. That tells you enough about Ed Edd and Eddy

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    Tue Jan 19 2010

    this was my first cartoon ever. i grew with it and ill never forget it! its interesting awsome and anyone who hates it is gay.too bad it ended. i wonder what was under double d's sock. it stil sucks that it eneded. the ending was better than i expected. whell actually i didnt know it was the ending. what is under double d's head? probably his brain sticking out or his head is the shape of his sock

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    Wed Oct 07 2009

    i think there gonna make a season six after the deibeugh of ed edd n eddy's big picture show this november....oh crap i said to much...YOU CAN WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE!...drat now i have to kill you...LOL XD jk

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    Wed Jul 29 2009

    i freakin love this show to all u losers who dont like ed edd n eddy get a life kids shouldnt live a life being always good ed edd n edyy is best show hands down

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    Wed May 13 2009

    ed edd and eddy are great show I like the esipodes and the characters. Sarah always gets mad at ed for doing something wrong. rolf is a dude with a blue hair and has farms animals pig, sheep, chicken,goats,rabbit and a cow the goat named is vicker. Eddy is a wisecracking kid who always wants money and buy jawbreakers.double d is a smart,agile,scienctiftic kid who is always good and gets eddy out of trouble but he gets in trouble too,Ed is like the retarded one who like comics,supenatrual and scary stuff and he like rolfs chickens. kevin is the kid on is popular cool bike and makes fun of the three eds and calls them dorks.johhny and plank are partner and believe in imaginary stuff and is get kind of rowdy and plank is friend.nazz is a nice girl with the yellow hair an babysits. ed and double d and ed tryed to help eddy with the scam but eddy always loses when something goes wrong like kevin busting him. the kanker sister may,marie and may alway spoil eddys plan too they kisses all the ... Read more

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    Thu Mar 26 2009

    Ed Edd and eddy is cool

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    Excelsior30 what are u talking about this was a cartoon about a stingy kid a smart kid and a dumb funny kid and see what happens when u put them toghter for the most halarious things ever first off yea cause kids right now are have trouble getting money second off When ever they tried to get Jaw breakers it would always end up funny also WHO CARES WHAT COLOR there tounges are, and the voices made the entire cartoon so u just dont know cartoon comedy

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    Thu Mar 06 2008

    Ugliest piece of crap ever. I would hinder my children from watching this. Who made this cartoon of the three foolish boys entering puberty and have such a fixation for candy and for money by doing such ridiculous things? Plus- excluding those who eat Now/Laters or any other food that changes your toungue color- who do you see have toungues in colors other than red or pink?   I feel happy now that this had its series finally and will go off the air soon. Seeing the characters with the edges shake gives me nightmares, and the goofy voices- I won't miss them.

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    Fri Oct 26 2007

    Stupid, stupider,stupidest, anything else I could make out of a figure with turtle neck drawn over it's head is really not a strong character for me to watch.

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    Thu Aug 09 2007

    Love the show for its comedy

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    Sat Jul 28 2007

    best cartoon.eene rox my sox.this show is almost better than athf and is not like those rip-off nicktoons like mr meaty or the x's.this cartoon's movie is coming.This is also one of the best cartoons.yes It's video games are decent too.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Are there any episodes where a sleeping pill is put into a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. My son watch this show and he wrote a about the sleeping pill and sandwich and he said he got this from Ed, Edd n' Eddy. His teacher calling me reading to report me for that. I have to watch this show in order to rate it but i have read lots of reviews. Please tell me about the episode above if anyone know. Concerned parent

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    Fri Mar 23 2007

    Bad animation, bad plots, dumbass characters. Dumbass show. :|

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    This show is so good it sould be in some kind of hall of fame or something. I mean anybody who watches this show still has to be a true lover. I have taken a poll and 89% of my classmates watch the show and like it and 7% don't watch and 4% have never heard of it.

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    Sun Feb 19 2006

    This show is REALLY funny. Ed is the funniest of them all. All of their episodes are funny. A great show on cartoon network.

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    ED EDD N EDDY IS that best! Even if u say it has bad graphics or imature i will still be a fan. the jawbreaker thing is the best (even if i hate jawbreakers)

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    This show has no exciting or distinguishing qualaties about it.

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    Mon Sep 19 2005

    Annoying characters, sub-par "squiggle" animation, lowbrow humor...It's painful to recall the days when Cartoon Network would air three episodes in a row of this drivel.

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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    This show sucks-I call it sh*t, sh*t and Sh*tty.

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    Thu Aug 18 2005

    *sniff!* Sooo funny! Eat cookies Coop

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    Tue Jul 12 2005

    Its okay .. coz its not quite matching with all my modes .. but however they crack a couple of words from time to time .. which keeps it balanced somehow ..

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Same get rich quick schemes all the time, although they have a few good jokes.

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    Wed Jul 06 2005

    I watch this show with my kids and catch myself laughing quite often. If it can do that, I consider it good. Good, goofy fun.

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    Mon May 16 2005

    Sometimes it can be a little funny. But it has too many tongue jokes, and its very very repetitive, also the animation is shaky which drives me nuts.

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    Sun May 01 2005

    i used to kinda like this show when i was like 11, but now i try to watch it and its completely stupid and idiotic.

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    Wed Apr 27 2005

    This show is kind of hit or miss for me. Some episodes are OK, they seem to tell a story, but some are just gross, beyond all reason. I realize it's a kid's show but....c'mon!

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    Thu Apr 21 2005

    the personalitys on the show are hysterical and witty,I love the character jimmy who only hangs out with girls and is verry gentle and soft,you almost think hes a homo,the funny thing is I knew kids like that and its very comical.It almost reminds me of the old comedy teams that were just three guys like the three stooges or the Marx brothers.Ed,Edd,Eddy is a brilliant cartoon

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    Thu Apr 21 2005

    hey these guys are pretty funny one of the very few i like on cartoon network

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    Wed Apr 06 2005

    ed edd 'n' eddy has a funy twist to the show althogh ed's sister is violint it does bring lafs to a child. It does have some confusng plots even to smart peopel like me.

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    Tue Mar 29 2005

    These guys crack me up.

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    Sat Mar 12 2005

    You must love it or hate it. The stories are not that great, consisting of Eddy scaming other kids out of there money (which never works). What kids do that? I can kind of accept that Ed has super strength, but most of the action in the cartoon is very unbelievable. The only reason that I give this cartoon an OK rating is the writing for Ed's character. Waiting to hear what he is going to say next is the only reason I'll watch.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    No wonder kids have the problems they have today. I was forced to watch this for half an hour and figured I could come up with a rating for it. Its drivel, mindless and more violent then any thing I watched as a kid. Who ever comes up with this is on some pretty powerful drugs. The animation is pitifull.

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    Wed Mar 09 2005

    CHICKENS! Ed kicks a**! Matt Hill is a great choice for Ed!

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    Wed Mar 09 2005

    ED, EDD n EDDY is the funniest $h!t ever in the history of cartoons. Watch, I say, Watch.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    Just not my kind of cartoon. The animation is poor, the voice acting annoying, and the style of humor not very enjoyable. Also, the plots are not very imaginative and the characters are generally unappealing.

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    Sat Feb 05 2005

    It is the greatest show!!!

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    Wed Dec 22 2004

    this show has one of the most original animation styles in a long time. nowadays cartoons are done by computer alot. this show is just keepin it real.and whats this bout toilet humor there is none. maybe if u watched the show. geez. other awesome cartoons are aqua teen, south park, family guy, futurama, simpsons, and invader zim

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    Wed Nov 17 2004

    ed edd & eddy r cool! the animation doesnt have to be the best to make u laugh(come on, eds smile inbetween his eyes make him funny)and eds idiotic comments make him just be a... luvable pain. edd is cool, eddys ok,the one thing i hate is jimmy, he creeps me out!

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    Thu Nov 11 2004

    Sorry, first-generation anime has better ink'n'paint work the this show. Doesn't help that the three Eds are all about trickery and toilet humor.

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    Wed Nov 10 2004

    Dude.. I just don't know where some of these negative ideas are coming from. Sure, I'll give it to some of you that, yes. The first season, and a lot of the second season.. weren't exactly go--OKAY. They were bad. But can you honestly watch a fourth-season episode like Hand Me Down Ed or The Good Ol Ed and say that the animation is CRAP!!?? What shows are YOU watchin' that are better? Cuz I just ain't seein' em. Personally, I think the show is stunning. The humor is odd sometimes, but it's humor that really relies on your own knowledge of the show's characters and their personalities. It's not full of ridiculous one-liners and any-man's humor.. OR vulgarity (WATCH THE SHOW, That humor JUST DOESN'T EXIST in EEnE). And admittedly, that makes the show kind of hard to just walk in to. Give it a chance. I watched the premiere and HATED it. A few years later, I just ended up being home a lot when it was on... And it took me only a few 3rd season EPs to just sit back and r... Read more

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    Tue Nov 09 2004

    Ed, edd and eddy is the illness

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    Sat Oct 30 2004

    This show sucks period.

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    Sat Oct 16 2004

    This show is funny and cool.

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    I love this show! It is so funny! Even my mom thinks it's great. My favorite character is Ed.

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    This show has its ups and downs. A few of the episodes I really enjoyed, and others were just...not funny at all. It's a pretty off-the-wall show, which I can like at times, but the show is somewhat boring in areas. The animation is not of high quality, but I will give it credit for being unique and for its obvious overusage of stretch and squash techniques. I guess it's funny in a stupid way, which makes it a show I'll watch when I'm in the mood for something like that.

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    Sun Jul 11 2004

    I gotta agree with Hill on the one and disagree with demonchild. This show is just not funny. I've watched it and was very bored with the plots and humor.

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    this shows awesome cause theres no age limit on it. its just funny ass stuff for every 1!

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    Wed Jun 30 2004

    hill you do not know what you are talking about this is a great show for kids of all ages to watch it gives them a chance to laugh and just have fun watching it. peeps like hill for example should not put it down and maybe give it a second chance!!!